Ph.D. bumble bee host-microbe evolutionary ecology
PhD bumble bee host-microbe evolutionary ecology
The Sadd lab in the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University is seeking an exceptional and motivated graduate student (PhD preferred, but MS applications considered) to study evolutionary and ecological interactions between bumble bees and their beneficial gut microbes. Successful candidates will develop research projects that complement the aims of a NIH funded project building on ongoing studies investigating bee-microbe interactions, how host immunity influences these, and fitness relevant outcomes including pathogen infection.
The lab integrates laboratory experiments and field collections with whole-organism, immunological, microbiological, and functional genomic approaches. More information on the Sadd Infectious Disease Ecology lab can be found here:
Competitive applicants will have prior research experience, quantitative skills, the ability to work independently and as part of a team, and strong oral and written communication abilities.
Applicants with previous experience with the evolutionary ecology of host-microbe interactions, statistics and data visualization (e.g. R, Python), and analysis of RNAseq or metagenomic datasets will be preferred.
The position will be funded through a combination of research assistantships on Sadd lab grants and teaching assistantships provided through the graduate program of the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University. Additionally, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for their own fellowships, with the NSF pre-doctoral fellowship
(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.nsfgrfp.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C203060fdce904b5589b708d613f4fd12%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636718340269332932&sdata=lAW%2BT7QvS0kVOY62mSHCBSERixbSlB2nS%2B3KzYWI1rE%3D&reserved=0) being one of the
most appropriate.
A start date of January 2019 is preferred, although candidates for Fall
2019 may be considered.
For initial unofficial consideration, please email pdfs of i) a cover letter stating your research interest and qualifications, including GRE scores, and ii) your CV including names and contact details of two references to Dr. Ben Sadd (bmsadd@ilstu.edu) by September 16th. This will allow time to discuss your research interests and fit with the group before the target date of October 1st for applications to be in to the University. Please seehttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbiology.illinoisstate.edu%2Fgraduate%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C203060fdce904b5589b708d613f4fd12%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636718340269332932&sdata=AxnUGAAI9kvFwimTH3rJmLjpds0OYybIZU0OR%2FZ0qcY%3D&reserved=0 and tabs therein for general information on our graduate program in the School of Biological Sciences. Information about the requirements for official applications to the graduate program can be found here:
Please contact me with any enquires for additional information.
Big Sky Watershed Corps-AmeriCorps-APPLICATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 9TH
Big Sky Watershed Corps-AmeriCorps Member
The Big Sky Watershed Corps has a professional job placement rate of 96%
- Within 6 months of successfully completing a term of service
- And a 91% professional job placement rate within 2 months of successfully completing a term of service
Primary duties of the Big Sky Watershed Corps Member (CM) include working with the Host Site staff to complete tasks related to project design and implementation, community outreach and education, volunteer generation and management and reporting functions. The CM works under the direct supervision of the Host Site Supervisor and the Big Sky Watershed Corps Program Staff to ensure successful completion of program objectives. The CM is an AmeriCorps Member and is entitled to the benefit package offered to all AmeriCorps Members
BSWC members develop projects to protect local water resources and improve landscapes, such as watershed inventories, stream and riparian restoration, re-vegetation projects, drought planning, water quality/quantity monitoring, riparian fencing, river clean-ups, abandoned mine reclamation, habitat and wildlife enhancement, irrigation improvements and much more. BSWC members also promote watershed health and natural resource conservation through outreach and education. They engage with local communities through lessons in schools, community field days, workshops, and trainings. They develop curriculum, focus on issues with local solutions, implement outreach initiatives, and organize public meetings and events for community stakeholders. BSWC members consistently engage volunteers for training and events that relate to watershed health and protection. Members also develop a skilled and influential recurring volunteer-base to support local efforts.
Term of Service: 1/7/19-11/15/19
Living Stipend: $597 biweekly
Education Award: $5,920 upon successful completion of the program
Required Qualifications:
- College degree (B.A./B.S.), preferably in watershed, agriculture, environment, communication or education related field.
- Effective written and oral communication skills.
- Valid driver’s license, access to a vehicle, ability to pass a motor vehicle records check, US Citizenship or ability to work in the US.
Preferred Qualifications/Experience
- Previous watershed/agricultural-related experience, fieldwork, data collection & analysis or plan development.
- Previous teaching or volunteer management experience.
- Proven ability to work with a diverse group of stakeholders.
- Work with Host Site staff to develop and implement watershed-related field projects.
- Assist Host Site staff in the completion of watershed-related plans.
- Recruit and manage volunteers on field and service projects; ensure participant safety on all projects.
- Develop materials (brochures, posters, PowerPoint presentations) to use in community presentations.
- Conduct community outreach to educate community stakeholders about watershed-related issues.
- Work with schools and/or youth groups to develop field projects or educational presentations.
- Maintain accurate personnel, safety and project records.
- Complete and submit required program reports in a timely manner.
- Help complete and submit relevant grants.
- Help develop and write watershed-related plans, proposals and reports.
The Big Sky Watershed Corps (BSWC) is an AmeriCorps program created through collaboration between the Montana Conservation Corps, the Montana Watershed Coordination Council and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Montana. The BSWC utilizes community based initiatives to protect, preserve and restore local watersheds throughout Montana.
Qualified individuals with disabilities and those from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. We provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals and are an equal opportunity employer
Apply here: http://mtcorps.org/join/big-sky-watershed-corps-conservation-internships/big-sky-watershed-corps/
PhD position: Insect Agroecology (U of Wyoming)
Subject: PhD position: Insect Agroecology (U of Wyoming)
The Insect Agroecology Lab (supervised by Dr. Randa Jabbour) at the University of Wyoming seeks a PhD student to conduct research on tritrophic interations focused on alfalfa weevil-parasitoid interactions in alfalfa cropping systems. As a PhD student here, you will examine the role of physical disturbances on alfalfa weevil-parasitoid interactions, and your research will take place on both production farms and at our university research farm and greenhouse. You will work alongside a multi-state team of entomologists, agronomists, and ag economists to better understand non-chemical approaches to pest management, improving the sustainability of Western United States croplands. You will have the opportunity, depending on your interests, to train and gain expertise in teaching, outreach and science communication, and be introduced to a diversity of career paths. In addition to the department’s PhD degree in Plant Sciences, you can also consider pursuing your degree in the University of Wyoming’s interdisciplinary PhD program in Ecology (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.uwyo.edu%2Fpie%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cda1d186f0a16442156a508d613f4eea9%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636718340030010282&sdata=0XY4%2F0t8X4cKUijm4hCa3C3NrH4YK%2FUZiBqhpBK3Wx0%3D&reserved=0). This position is funded through the US Department of Agriculture, and has up to 3 years of funding available. You will be strongly encouraged to apply for additional competitive funds while here to further your support.
Preferred qualifications are a MS in entomology, ecology, agronomy, biology, or a related field, experience collaborating with a team and working independently, demonstrated excellence in oral and written communication, and a valid driver’s license, given necessary and considerable research travel throughout the state. Competitive applicants will have research experience focused on insect ecology or integrated pest management and experience publishing scientific research. Applicants with a BS and highly relevant work experience will also be considered. Women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Please contact Dr. Randa Jabbour (rjabbour@uwyo.edu) with questions and interest. Prospective students should initially send their CV and a short letter (describing interest & past research experience) to Dr. Randa Jabbour (rjabbour@uwyo.edu). Preferred start date for this position is January or May 2019.
The University of Wyoming is located in Laramie, a town of 30,000 in the Rocky Mountains. Located on a high plain between the Laramie and Snowy Range mountain ranges, Laramie has more than 300 days of sunshine a year and near year-round activities including skiing, hiking, camping, bicycling, fishing and climbing. Laramie also features various art, music, and cultural offerings. Laramie is 1-3 hours away from Colorado’s major cities and university communities along the Front Range.
Education Associate Job
Education Associate
The Clifton Institute seeks an Education Associate to provide environmental education programs to children and adults, to communicate with the public about our education programs, and to assist with our ecological restoration and research programs.
The Clifton Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located two miles north of Warrenton, in the northern Piedmont of Virginia. Our 900-acre field station, which includes forests, grasslands, shrub fields, and wetlands, is permanently protected under a conservation easement. Our education programs include field trips for local school groups, summer day camps, and monthly natural history programs for children, as well as regular workshops for adults that cover topics like dragonfly biology, breeding bird songs, and nature photography. Please visit www.cliftoninstitute.org/events to learn about our past and upcoming events. The Clifton Institute is a small but dynamic organization and the successful applicant will play an important role in the growth of the organization.
Duties for this position include:
· Contributing to our curriculum of half-day programs to be provided to groups visiting from local schools and other organizations. These programs focus on ecology, natural history, and conservation biology, but draw on topics in geology, hydrology, math, history, and English.
· Providing half-day programs to groups visiting from local schools and other organizations. This includes coordinating with teachers to arrange the date and time of the visit and to decide what program from our curriculum they would like to do.
· Teaching children natural history, ecology, and conservation biology during our monthly YHikes! (Youth Hikes) Saturday morning program.
· Managing two weeks of day camp where we explore natural history with children ages 8-13. This includes planning activities and hiring camp counselors.
· Assisting our team in providing workshops for adults on natural history, taxonomy, and nature appreciation. This includes communicating with event leaders and participants and keeping the website calendar up-to-date.
· Supervising high school and college interns and volunteers.
· Collaborating with other staff to manage our citizen science projects, including the Christmas Bird Count, North American Butterfly Association count, and Deer Management Assistance Program.
· Assisting with fundraising, including the preparation of grant applications, event planning, and meeting with donors.
· Assisting in the preparation of communications materials such as our quarterly print newsletter, bimonthly email updates, and annual reports.
· Managing our social media pages, including designing engaging Facebook posts.
· The successful candidate will have the opportunity to plan and implement projects in the areas of environmental education, ecological restoration, and biological research that interest you.
· Other duties as assigned.
The successful candidate will have the following qualifications:
· A personal passion for natural history, conservation, and education.
· A working knowledge of the natural history of forests and grasslands of eastern North America.
· Substantial teaching experience and / or other relevant experience working with children.
· A Bachelor’s degree in biology, ecology, education, or related field. A graduate degree in environmental sciences or education a plus.
· Excellent writing skills essential.
· Ecological research or grassland restoration experience a plus.
· Social media skills required.
· Digital design skills a plus.
· Must be willing to work periodically on Saturdays. Our program team often works Tuesday through Saturday.
· Must be authorized to work in the US and able to work at our office in Warrenton, VA.
Salary and Benefits
· Salary will be commensurate with experience. Salary will be in the range of $30,000-$34,000 per year.
· Full time employees receive 15 paid days off during their first year of employment. In addition, we observe ten public holidays.
· The employee will enjoy a flexible work schedule.
· We have competitive health, dental, and retirement benefits as well as life insurance.
· In addition, employees of the Clifton Institute spend a significant amount of time outside on our beautiful 900-acre property.
How to Apply:
Please send applications to bharris@cliftoninstitute.org. Please include a resume and a cover letter describing your interest in working at the Clifton Institute.Please also provide the names and email addresses of at least three references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
In the administration of its employment policies and practices, The Clifton Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age, personal appearance, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, veteran status, matriculation, political affiliation or genetic information.
Seeking graduate student in evolutionary ecology of host-microbe interactions
PhD bumble bee host-microbe evolutionary ecology
The Sadd lab in the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University is seeking an
exceptional and motivated graduate student (PhD preferred, but MS applications considered)
to study evolutionary and ecological interactions between bumble bees and their beneficial gut
microbes. Successful candidates will develop research projects that complement the aims of a
NIH funded project buidling on ongoing studies investigating bee-microbe interactions, how
host immunity influences these, and fitness relevant outcomes including pathogen infection.
The lab integrates laboratory experiments and field collections with whole-organism,
immunological, microbiological, and functional genomic approaches. More information on the
Sadd Infectious Disease Ecology lab can be found here:
Competitive applicants will have prior research experience, quantitative skills, the ability to
work independently and as part of a team, and strong oral and written communication abilities.
Applicants with previous experience with the evolutionary ecology of host-microbe
interactions, statistics and data visualization (e.g. R, Python), and analysis of RNAseq or
metagenomic datasets will be preferred.
The position will be funded through a combination of research assistantships on Sadd lab grants
and teaching assistantships provided through the graduate program of the School of Biological
Sciences at Illinois State University. Additionally, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for
their own fellowships, with the NSF pre-doctoral fellowship (www.nsfgrfp.org) being one of the
most appropriate.
A start date of January 2019 is preferred, although candidates for Fall 2019 may be considered.
For initial unofficial consideration, please email pdfs of i) a cover letter stating your research
interest and qualifications, including GRE scores, and ii) your CV including names and contact
details of two references to Dr. Ben Sadd (bmsadd@ilstu.edu) by September 16th. This will
allow time to discuss your research interests and fit with the group before the target date of
October 1st for applications to be in to the University. Please see
https://biology.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/ and tabs therein for general information on our
graduate program in the School of Biological Sciences. Information about the requirements for
official applications to the graduate program can be found here:
Please contact me with any enquires for additional information.
Dr Ben Sadd
Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease Ecology
School of Biological Sciences
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-4120
PhD Graduate Assistantship in Large River Unionid Ecology @ Central Michigan University
Graduate position: UKentucky.QuantitativeEvolutionEcol
The Van Cleve Research Group (http://secure-web.cisco.com/1g2dXqGY54T0dYUVICtHbaiJop1ksuBRH5clPDRniLAwo1lETLBFDvEbpxpdQ7kCmgW8xZasQQ0Qx1V6sovI8cTq9NwkHaB3iCmAQP_jVvCuUyjVKbAkIlT-qWHJz0pK9YpyC9wlkCkjsGT9nxA2QXknSzjuvsKGf6lvwP0eyi16P1B-3A9UHRyyI9p0qyB-G6oHjPlKQWiKj_aDqi2876yClSCAr23_BtDA3JuETay-YNaMDDvM7tNcV3Qc-Zm0I4w9QkrPGXFAc2BzwESH3NqPoCXRkIovQLXbegTuiQo4X-vrxX9FeoEWK-6xioqFyne_O9rCioHjesjDyvTZJs_HryX_4giGQtqF5_mHQ21PDHDvjPZAIRmdrG80qAARZolDdgDWnrBzfnkRlW_Pta9RauY9EUMoKj9t1qaQz4X8wDDhDojQlSq5gnoujLmRkud8IeNjkxXeFGxDCu48FMQ/http%3A%2F%2Fvancleve.theoretical.bio) in
the Department of Biology at the University of Kentucky is currently
recruiting Ph.D. students to join the lab in Fall 2019. The lab in
generally interested in quantitative and mathematical approaches to
evolutionary biology and ecology. Past and current research areas
include social evolution and other topics in evolutionary ecology,
the evolution of phenotypic plasticity and bet-hedging, and epigenetic
processes including genomic imprinting (see here for publications:
Additionally, the lab aims to be broadly interdisciplinary across complex
biological systems from the molecular to metapopulation scales and welcomes
applicants interested in quantitative approaches and with diverse
backgrounds including (but not limited to) mathematics, physics, computer
science, and economics.
The exact research project topics for potential students are flexible,
though interested individuals should contact Jeremy Van Cleve (
jvancleve@uky.edu) with a CV and short statement of interests before
Applicants should apply to the Department of Biology Graduate program (
http://bio.as.uky.edu/grad-program), and admission guidelines can be found
at: http://bio.as.uky.edu/admissions-0. *Stipend, tuition, and medical
insurance, are covered as part of a teaching assistantship* and research
assistantships and fellowships are competitively available.
Questions about the Biology Graduate program can be sent to Van Cleve (<
jvancleve@uky.edu>) or the Director of Graduate studies, David F. Westneat
Please note that applications should be received by ***January 1st 2019***
for full consideration.
PhD position: Biodiversity and community ecology of coastal marine ecosystems (Univ. of Virginia)
Those interested should send
PhD position: Spatial ecology of coastal habitats using drone and satellite remote sensing (Univ. of Virginia)
Those interested should send