Karl Fetter
(Wegrzyn lab)

Amy Lafountain
(Yuan lab)
Mechanisms of pigmentation and patterning in Mimulus flowers
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4154

Ashley Love
(Knutie lab)
Effects of diet and gut microflora on host immunity and host-parasite interactions
Web site
Sam Merker
(Elphick lab)

Arshad Padhiar
(Bolnick lab)
Understanding the differences in immune response among freshwater stickleback population against cestode infection by creating transgenics through CRISPR/CAS9, and/or by culturing primary fibroblast and macrophages
Web site
Steven Presley
(Willig lab)
Use of a metacommunity approach to understand patterns of species distributions along latent environmental gradients; use of data on Caribbean vertebrates to explore biogeographic factors associated with species richness
Phone: 860.486.1772
Andrea Roth Monzón
(Bolnick lab)
Understanding the interaction between parasite host and its effects, specifically the fibrosis in three-spine sticklebacks both phenotypically and genetically caused by a tapeworm.

Kristel Schoonderwoerd
(Diggle lab)
Diversity of resting bud structure and leaf preformation within temperate trees

Ben Wasserman
(Bagchi lab,Urban lab)
Patterns of STEM teacher retention and attrition. Evolutionary ecology in aquatic ecosystems. The role of intraspecific variation in organismal performance.
Web site
David Wickell
(Heyduk lab)
Convergent evolution of CAM photosynthesis, polyploid speciation, and the genomic consequences of ancient whole genome duplication