John Cooley
Speciation and mating system evolution; song evolution and genetic boundaries in North American periodical cicadas and New Zealand cicadas
Web sitePhone: 860.486.6650

Miranda Davis
Wildlife population dynamics and the ecological interactions among large mammal populations; how large mammal populations (specifically carnivores, ungulates) coexist and how these communities can be managed and conserved in the face of rapid environmental change in a human-dominated world
Web sitePhone: 860.486.1768

Michael Finiguerra
Evolutionary ecology of zooplankton, specifically how stressors can affect ecological interactions and evolutionary trajectories; pedagogical approaches to teaching science to undergraduates
Web sitePhone: 860.405.9051

Adam Fry
Avian population genetics and phylogeography; genetics of host-endosymbiont coevolution, particularly the Wolbachia–Drosophila association; identifying best practices in university-level pedagogy
Web sitePhone: 860.486.4689

Nicole Fusco
Urban ecology and evolution, with a specific focus on how urban development affects genetic connectivity & evolution of native species in cities. Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, Zoology, Anatomy & Physiology

Susan Herrick
Behavioral ecology and herpetology, particularly interested in social behavior and interspecific interactions; spatial and acoustic interactions between breeding ranid frogs
Phone: 860.486.5662
Claudia Kraemer
General biology, zoology, animal behavior, cell and molecular biology, embryology, genetics, anatomy and physiology
Web sitePhone: 203.251.8585

Edward McAssey
Local adaptation and population genomics in plants; Hybridization and speciation; Photosynthetic evolution; Biology education
Web site
Susan Preston-Berlin
Phone: 203 236-9800

Rod Wilson
Pedagogy, Development and Molecular Evolution
Phone: 203.251.8527