
Job Opportunity: Summer Field Botany Crew

Job Opportunity: Summer Field Botany Crew

We are looking for a skilled vegetation field worker for our National Park Service for our the Indiana Dunes National Park’s  Fire Effects Monitoring Crew.

Our primary field season runs from late May (early June*) to September. (*The schedule negotiated for for qualified student applicants.)

Our office is based in Porter, Indiana 46304. Travel is required to other parks in the midwest Great Lakes Fire Management and Border County Fire Management Zones

The ideal candidate would possess the following skills:

    ·         Detailed knowledge of the flora of the Midwestern United States and excellent botanical skills.

    ·         Ability to identify non flowering herbaceous specimens and identify woody seedlings.

    ·         Experience with collecting vegetation and ecological data in the field.

    ·         Attention to detail, organization and record keeping skills.

    ·         Experience with Microsoft Office software including Access or specialized databases.

    ÃƒÂ‚·         Familiarity with GPS units and digital cameras.

    ·         Ability to work effectively with people from a variety of culturally diverse backgrounds

The job announcement has just posted on USAjobs.gov.  Job Announcement Number:. It closes on1/23/2020 or until 100 applicaitons recevied  Further information and application process can be found on USAjob.gov search the announcement number or follow this link https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usajobs.gov%2FGetJob%2FViewDetails%2F553424100&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cccc538ff46a64ca516f208d79b363d59%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637148529582780958&sdata=v1jcjbmo7XcVTd4XUbOTBrzgTHp6jB6dMsKfNTVQupk%3D&reserved=0

You can also search Porter, IN. and Biological Science Technician (Fire Effects)

Mary Fisher-Dunham

Fire Effects Program

Fire Management

MWR Great Lakes Fire Management Zone

of Region 3 ( formerly Midwest Region)



Indiana Dunes National Park

1100 North Mineral Springs Road

Porter, Indiana 46304




Research technician, switchgrass ecology and genomics

We seek an energetic, motivated research technician to participate in

experiments on the ecology, physiology, and genomics of switchgrass. This

is an opportunity to participate in integrative research studying the

genetic basis of ecological processes in an important native grass species.

The position will be administered through the University of Texas at

Austin and stationed with Philip Fay’s group at the USDA Grassland, Soil,

and Water Lab in Temple, TX (


This position is expected to continue until 14 August 2020 with possible

extensions based on job performance, progress towards research goals, and

new funding acquisition.

To apply, please submit a cover letter, CV, and contact information for

three references to


Direct any questions about the position to Robert Heckman (

robert.heckman@utexas.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately

and the position will remain open until filled. Start date is negotiable,

but preference will be given to applicants who are available earlier.

*Additional Information*

Purpose of position

The research assistant will work on experiments studying switchgrass

ecology, physiology, and genomics. The position will involve a combination

of plant propagation and greenhouse work, the completion of field

experiments, and lab processing of field samples.

Essential functions

Assist in the establishment, maintenance, and completion of switchgrass

field experiments. Assist in the collection, processing, and analysis of

plant samples harvested from field experiments. Utilize a variety of

scientific instruments to collect data from field experiments. Lab

processing of fields samples and greenhouse work. Collect, maintain and

analyze research data. Maintain physical structures associated with

switchgrass experiments. Assist in the curation, distribution and analysis

of data arising from research.


Class “C” Operator’s Driver’s License. Applicant selected must provide a

current three year Driving Record from the current state of residence. If

not currently a Texas resident, must obtain a Texas Driver’s License within

30 days after entering Texas as a new resident.

Marginal/Incidental functions

Other related functions as assigned, including assisting in other

experiments conducted by collaborating researchers. General lab tasks and

routine equipment maintenance.

Required qualifications

BA or BS degree in ecology, biology, agronomy, or related field. Must have

passed laboratory or research skills courses related to degree. Must

possess an independent, organized, and motivated attitude.

Preferred qualifications

Experience in plant propagation, field plot establishment and maintenance,

plant physiological measurements, such as leaf gas exchange, light

interception, and tissue nutrient content.

Working conditions

May work in all weather conditions. May work in extreme temperatures. May

work around standard office conditions. May work around chemicals.

Repetitive use of a keyboard at a workstation. Use of manual dexterity.

Climbing of stairs. Climbing of ladders. Lifting and moving. Field work may

require lifting and moving supplies/equipment weighing 50 pounds.

Position Announcement – Summer Field Forestry/Biology/Ecology Positions

8 Total Positions Available: 2 Crew Leads, 6 Technicians for Summer 2020

Monday, May 18th* – Friday, August 14th**

*Crew Leaders must be available beginning May 13th

**with possible extension through Friday, August 21st

Location: 4 positions near State College, PA and 4 positions in Coudersport, PA

Pay: Full time, 40hr/week appointment. Crew leaders – $12.50/hr; technicians – $11.50/hr. Housing is also provided for field crews.

Description: These positions are part of a long-term vegetation research and monitoring project assessing the effects of white-tailed deer browsing and other factors on understory plant community composition and tree regeneration in central and northern Pennsylvania.


Technicians: Must be able to find, monument, and inventory permanent forest vegetation plots using GPS and other tools in central or northern Pennsylvania. Daily duties include navigation to remote parts of Pennsylvania state forest lands, hiking up to 2 miles with equipment, and collection of quality vegetation monitoring data—the identification, size class, and abundance of more than 100 species of overstory and understory plants—with a field PC.

Crew Leaders: In addition to performing the duties described above, crew leaders must be able to successfully manage and lead a vegetation monitoring crew while they perform daily duties. This includes daily planning of plot visits, assessing access routes and equipment needs, and management/archiving of collected data.

Key qualifications:

Technicians: At least two years toward a natural resources baccalaureate degree; demonstrated plant identification skills (as evidenced by a course in plant ID, such as dendrology, and/or field experience collecting vegetation data); ability to work independently and reliably without direct supervision in challenging field conditions; and possession of a valid driver’s license.

Crew Leaders: Possession of a baccalaureate degree in natural resources or a related field; demonstrated plant identification skills (as evidenced by at least one season of experience as a field technician monitoring vegetation data); ability to supervise and manage field crews under difficult field conditions; possession of a valid driver’s license.

Questions: Contact Michael Perkins at mdp297@psu.edu.

Application deadline: Applications will reviewed as they are received.

To apply: Send a letter, résumé, transcripts, and contact information for three references (via email preferred) to Bobbi Joy Scovern. At least one reference should be able to comment on your plant identification skills. In your letter, please indicate if you would like to be considered for a crew leader position.

Email applications to:

Bobbi Joy Scovern, Administrative Support Assistant

Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

419 Forest Resources Building

University Park, PA 16802

Email: bys5@psu.edu

Phone: 814-865-4511

Summer Forestry Technician Positions at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

We are seeking applicants for three summer Forestry Technician positions at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. These positions run May 27, 2020 to August 26, 2020 (dates are firm) with a compensation of $11.00-$11.50/hour, depending on experience.

The incumbents will be employed by Northland College, but will work directly with, and report to, the Great Lakes Network of the National Park Service Inventory & Monitoring (I&M) program. The goals of the I&M program include monitoring key environmental variables so that ecological change can be detected and addressed in a timely manner. The incumbents will assist with sampling vegetation.

These are largely field based positions. The incumbents will assist with the sampling of permanent forest monitoring plots at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin. Incumbents will collect extensive monitoring data on trees and coarse woody materials, take tree cores, and assess tree health. Field work will be performed in teams of 2-3 people. The incumbents may also spend approximately 5-10% of time performing computer work.

These positions operate on an 8-day on/6-day off schedule. During the 8-day sampling periods, incumbents will be expected to carry field equipment weighing up to 50 lbs. They will be exposed to high temperatures, stinging and biting insects, including thick mosquitoes, and poisonous plants. Hikes to and from plots will be as long as five miles, each direction. The position involves extensive camping, sometimes up to seven consecutive nights.

The incumbents are responsible for securing and paying for their own housing in the Ashland, Wisconsin area. Beginning June 24th, incumbents will be working (and camping) primarily on the islands during their 8-day sampling periods. Logistics will be explained in full during interviews. Due to the remote nature of the work, difficult logistics with boat transport, and the short sampling window, we are unable to accommodate individuals who wish to take leave during the scheduled 8-day sampling events. However, the 8-day on/6-day off schedule provides five 6-day-long opportunities for leave over the summer.

To Apply: Please send a cover letter, detailed resume (no page limit), professional references, and unofficial transcripts to Suzanne Sanders (suzanne_sanders@nps.gov) by January 31, 2020. Include a phone number and email address that you check regularly. If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted in early February. No phone calls or emails, other than applications, please.

Aquatic Biology Seasonal Technician II

The Jones Center At Ichauway invites applications for a full time,

temporary, *Seasonal Technician II*, in the Aquatic Biology Lab. This is a

temporary position that will be available March 9th- June 1st, 2020 with

the possibility of extension.

The 28,000-acre Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of

Albany, Georgia. The Center’s research, education, and conservation

programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site

includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of

wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems. For more information

visit our website at *https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.jonesctr.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cccc538ff46a64ca516f208d79b363d59%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637148529582770959&sdata=OUrAcKpWLtRaKWshv%2Fg%2BHZjnfJeIucOB1sb7COdNWyw%3D&reserved=0 * .

Job Requirements: The successful candidate will work with water quality

studies of streams, lakes, and rivers. The candidate will assist with water

quality collection, conducting population surveys of native mussels, fish,

and exotic plants and animals. Other responsibilities will include sorting

and identifying aquatic macro-invertebrates, acid washing and data entry.

Experience in field biology/ecology required and must be able to swim and

snorkel. Must have the ability to conduct moderate to strenuous physical

activity in the field, under demanding field conditions (i.e. heat, high

humidity, and insects) and independently follow instructions.  Must be

comfortable working out of small research boats and canoes.

Minimum qualifications: B.S. with experience in biology, ecology or related

field.  Experience with MS- Windows based computers required.  Must be able

to swim and snorkel.

Salary: $11.00 per hour with housing

$12.00 per hour without housing

Limited on-site housing is available.

A cover letter, resume and references including available start date should

be sent by email to: jobs@jonesctr.org AND to:  Chelsea.smith@jonesctr.org.

Subject line: *Aquatic Biology Seasonal Technician II*. For additional

information regarding this position contact Chelsea Smith by email at


Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the

position is filled.

The Jones Center is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/E-Verify

Employer.  Applicants must be authorized to work in the United States.


The Kalahari Mole-Rat Project run by the University of Cambridge (UK) is
> looking for several volunteer research assistants to carry out exciting
> experiments with captive Damaraland mole-rats, cooperatively breeding
> subterranean rodents, at the Kuruman River Reserve in the South African
> Kalahari Desert.
> Our research broadly investigates the influence of genes, hormones,
> breeding and social factors on individual developmental, growth,
> behaviours and ageing.
> This position is particularly suited, but not exclusively, for people
> aiming to carry on their academic education or hold a management position
> in a research project. Successful applicants can expect to gain invaluable
> experience in animal handling procedures and in conducting and managing
> experiments.
> They will also gain database skills (MySQL) and will be provided with
> the opportunity to work on a personal analysis project. Costs of food
> and accommodation while at the project will be covered. A contribution
> towards travel costs will be made (300 Euros/Year) Applicants should
> be available for a period of 6 to 12 months, starting February-May
> 2020. They should be hardworking, enthusiastic, physically fit, and
> prepared for long hours in the laboratory. Successful applicants will be
> responsible to run experiments and will be involved in data collection
> (behavioural observations, collection of biological samples), data
> editing and animal handling.
> If you are interested in this position send your CV and cover letter
> stating your availability to molerat.volunteer@gmail.com. Shortlisted
> applicants will be invited for a Skype interview.
> Deadline: 28th February 2020 (spontaneous applications beyond this date
> are welcome)
> Philippe Vullioud <philippe.vullioud@gmail.com>

Graduate position: UMaine.AnimalBehaviorConservation

 PhD Position in Animal Behavior and Conservation, University of Maine
> An NSF funded PhD position is available to work in Alessio Mortelliti�s
> lab (alessiomortelliti.weebly.com) focusing on how individual variation
> in behavior (personality) impacts population, community, and ecosystem
> dynamics. The PhD student will design and implement a series of field
> experiments focusing on the ecological consequences of personality,
> using small mammals and seed dispersal as a model systems. The study will
> be conducted in the context of an ongoing large scale field experiment
> focused on land-use change and will include a citizen science component.
> The ideal candidate would have a strong passion for field work as
> well as strong quantitative and writing skills. Previous experience
> working with small mammals is not mandatory. The position is at the
> University of Maine flagship institution in Orono, with an active and
> diverse wildlife graduate department. The position includes a stipend
> (through RA and TA, for up to 5 years), full tuition waiver and 50%
> of the health insurance.Expected start of the position: June 2020.
> More information available here:
> Informal inquiries are welcome. Applicants with an MS degree are strongly
> preferred. To apply please send (as one unique PDF file): 1) A cover
> letter addressing why you want this position and what skills you would
> bring to the project, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) unofficial transcripts
> (undergraduate and MS), 4) GRE scores (if available) to: Dr. Alessio
> Mortelliti (alessio.mortelliti@maine.edu) Application review will begin
> on January 27, 2020and continue until the position is filled.
> Dr. Alessio Mortelliti
> Assistant Professor of Wildlife Habitat Conservation
> Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology
> University of Maine
> 5755 Nutting Hall, Room 228
> Orono, ME 04469
> Office: 207-581-2915
> Alessio Mortelliti <alessio.mortelliti@maine.edu>

Graduate Position: ClarkU.AnnelidNeuralEvodevo

We are accepting applicants after the Clark University
> Deadline.
> A PhD position is available in the laboratory of N¨¦va Meyer at Clark
> University in Worcester, MA USA beginning in late August 2020 as follows:
> The successful applicant will develop a project focused on molecular
> control of neural specification in the annelid Capitella teleta, but
> this can be expanded to include other spiralians/lophotrochozoans and
> different avenues of research depending on the applicant¡¯s interests and
> goals. Possible avenues of research include analysis of fate specification
> via blastomere isolation, genetic manipulation, and transcriptomic
> profiling. There will be multiple opportunities for career development,
> including mentoring, participating as a guest lecturer in courses taught
> by the PI, and attending workshops such as the Embryology course at the
> Marine Biological Laboratories.
> Spiralians are a great group of animals to study evolution of body plans
> in part because many spiralian taxa develop via a stereotypic and likely
> ancestral cleavage program. Ultimately, this cleavage program results in
> formation of highly diverse body plans. Research in Dr. Meyer¡¯s lab
> is currently focused on understanding how centralized nervous systems
> evolved. The research community that studies evolution and development
> of spiralians is rapidly growing and is very welcoming and collaborative.
> The successful applicant will enter Clark University’s Biology PhD program
> with an anticipated start date in late August. Previous experience in
> molecular biology and working with marine larvae and/or bioinformatics is
> desirable. Additionally, the Meyer lab is interested in creative, engaged
> applicants who can contribute to diversity of the academic community,
> for example via outreach to students from historically underrepresented
> communities. The successful applicant will be guaranteed funding for
> five years through a combination of research assistantships and teaching
> assistantships.
> Please email a cover letter explaining your interest in the position
> and qualifications and a CV to nmeyer@clarku.edu.


 The BridgeUP: STEM program at the AMNH is excited to announce that the
> application for the Helen Fellowship is open.  This fellowship is a
> one-year residency for post-baccalaureate, self-identifying females,
> to devote time immersed in computational scientific research and
> educational outreach at the AMNH.  This fellowship is an initiative at
> the AMNH dedicated to increasing the diversity of the talent pipeline
> by providing underrepresented students access to the skills and tools
> required for the 21st Century.
> To learn more about the fellowship and the application process, visit
> A colorful PDF flyer can be downloaded at this website.
> Who is eligible to apply?
> The fellowship is intended for recent college graduates with a conferred
> bachelor�s or master�s degree in computer science, natural sciences,
> applied mathematics, computational science, or other relevant majors
> prior to the fellowship start date in September.
> What are the benefits?
> Fellows will receive an annual salary of $70,000 plus generous benefits.
> Funding is also available for research, travel and equipment expenses.
> How do I apply?
> The online application is now open and is due by midnight of February
> 2nd, 2020.  To learn more about application requirements, visit

Graduate Position: MississippiStateU.EvolutionaryGenomicsReproduction

The Dapper Lab (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.amy-dapper.com&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1d851d7589434c294d5708d799b38ccc%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637146868748712557&amp;sdata=0%2Fy4Ia56QGr2oMgfHuIEtQ7xdrGD%2BEx6f%2FfyA%2FVeRNk%3D&amp;reserved=0) at Mississippi State University
> is recruiting graduate students (M.S. or PhD) for positions starting
> Fall 2020.
> The Dapper Lab is broadly interested in using evolutionary genetic
> approaches to understand the origin and maintenance of genetic diversity
> �V primarily through studying the evolution of reproduction.   Students
> will have the opportunity to develop independent research projects
> that combine population genetic, quantitative genetic, bioinformatic,
> mathematical models, and/or molecular genetic approaches.  Current topics
> of interest in the lab include the evolution of meiotic genes in mammals,
> experimental evolution of recombination in nematodes, and the rapid
> evolution of reproductive genes.
> Interested students should contact Dr. Amy Dapper
> (dapper@biology.msstate.edu), providing a description of your research
> interests and experiences and a CV or resume.
> For full consideration for the fall semester, applications
> should be submitted to the department by February 28th, 2018.
> Information on Graduate Studies in the Department of Biological
> Sciences (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.biology.msstate.edu&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1d851d7589434c294d5708d799b38ccc%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637146868748712557&amp;sdata=gZzvR7Hake3O4bEESRog8CR%2BSXA3Z%2FXZGRN9mBkbQvA%3D&amp;reserved=0) is available at
> Amy L. Dapper
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Mississippi State University
> “Dapper, Amy” <dapper@biology.msstate.edu>