
Two forest field tech positions with the Missouri Botanical Garden (last call

We are seeking to hire two field technicians for the summer of 2020. The technicians will be involved with a project that examines how microclimate and macroclimate affect the distributions of woody and herbaceous species of temperate mixed-species forests. Specifically, the field technicians will work with project staff at the Missouri Botanical Garden and Washington University in St. Louis to survey forest plots and monitor microclimate stations at Tyson Research Center. Tyson is a large, mostly forested, field station located ~10 miles west of Saint Louis, Missouri. Saint Louis has a highly active and friendly ecology and evolution community, and this position will provide opportunities to interact with multiple researchers at Tyson Research Center, Washington University, and the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Requirements include:

•    Interest in botany and a demonstrated ability to identify eastern US tree species

•    Prior field work experience is required for this position

•    Ability to traverse rugged terrain, carry a 20-lb backpack

•    Ability to work outside in inclement weather conditions

•    Ability to work independently of supervision

•    Careful attention to detail

Desirable qualifications include:

•    Ability to identify forest herbs

•    Prior experience using a hand-held GPS unit to locate forest plots or other sampling sites in field conditions

•    Prior experience establishing and monitoring forest plots

•    Prior independent research experience is a plus

Technicians would be responsible for their own transportation to and from Tyson, as well as for room and board, although there is a possibility to rent an apartment at the Missouri Botanical Garden for most of the summer (conditional on availability of Garden housing).  Work will be as an independent contractor for $15/hour for 40 hours a week. We envision a starting date for both positions in late May, and expect the positions to last for ~2 months.

To apply, please send: 1) a cover letter; 2) a resume; and 3) contact information for three references to CV to Dr. Stephen Murphy (smurphy@mobot.org).  For questions, please contact Dr. Murphy or Dr. Adam Smith (adam.smith@mobot.org). Applications will be reviewed starting Wednesday, February 19th, 2020.

Missouri Botanical Garden’s Global Change Lab: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.earthskysea.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419371614&sdata=r7HpceJbANTZIWfZGKaDijv0ThTsWpZwK8QNbn5trUI%3D&reserved=0

URGENT! 1 Field Assistant position in Pacuare Reserve to start ASAP

*URGENT! 1 Field Assistant position in Pacuare Reserve to start ASAP*

*Monitoring of Sea Turtles, Bats, Monkeys, Jaguars and Agami Herons*



*About Ecology Project International (EPI):*

EPI is an international non-profit organization dedicated to addressing

critical conservation issues through field-based partnerships between

local experts and high school students. We engage adolescent youth from

local communities and visiting youth from other regions in applied

hands-on science and conservation as they learn about and help protect

threatened species and habitats. Through EPI’s programs in five

countries throughout the U.S. and Latin America, teens are inspired and

empowered to engage in conservation efforts at home and worldwide to

become the next generation of conservation leaders. More information can

be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.ecologyproject.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419371614&sdata=py0DLRhspuzbGPpfNbtIMHUraq8Asy6ksf%2FB4XvxA%2B8%3D&reserved=0

*About Pacuare Reserve:*

Established in 1989 and administered by Ecology Project International

(EPI) since 2016, it has 800 hectares of tropical rainforest on the

Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and have a high density of wildlife and

its 6km (3.7 miles) of beach, is the most important nesting beach in the

country for the leatherback sea turtles and is habitat to the only

accessible breeding colony of Agami herons in the Caribbean and northern

South America. Our goals are conservation, research and environmental

education. More information can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.pacuarereserve.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419381611&sdata=3rLFRiqWEX4SZ88ts8AQf2fg1lk3z1DGanGLs5SUxjI%3D&reserved=0

*Job Summary:*

The field assistant (FA) is a long-term volunteer job whom supports the

work and data collection of the different investigations of Pacuare

Reserve: sea turtles, Agami heron, jaguars and monkeys, among others.

Field Assistants (FA) will be trained in sea turtle monitoring

techniques and the primary responsibilities will include leading night

beach censuses, conducting morning beach surveys, tagging sea turtles

and collecting data, relocating and excavating nests, train new

volunteers, manage the database, building and being in charge of the sea

turtle hatcheries.

Monitoring activities are carried out along 6 km (3.7 miles) of nesting

beach. FA ́s will be in charge of leading visitors and/or groups of

students while on the beach, explaining the beach protocol and

supervising them on the process of data collection. FA ́s are expected

to participate in other activities carried out by the Reserve like

personal research projects, environmental education activities, talks

and workshops with students and visitors, beach cleaning, recycling

projects, or other needs of the station. FA ́s are expected to work 8-10

hours throughout the day and/or night, often with little sleep. Beach

censuses require walking on soft sand and under the rain, therefore, a

good physical condition is a requirement for the FA position.

The position has a duration of three months with the possibility of

extending the period based on the execution of activities and performance.

The volunteer must choose one of three teams of assistants to

participate during the season.



– Minimum age: 22 years.

– Graduates of or close to graduating in Natural Resources Management,

Biology, Environmental Science or a related field.

– Availability to work full dates, according to the chosen period

– Be bilingual in Spanish and English

– Being in good physical condition

– To be able to work actively in an atmosphere of variable sleep hours,

with day and night schedules

– Be proactive

– Experience of living with many people over long periods of time

– Experience teaching or sharing knowledge with other people

– Desires to live in a remote place and get the most out of the experience


· Previous experiences working with sea turtles

· Previous experience volunteering and living in Costa Rica, especially

in the Caribbean coast

· Previous Experience in environmental education

· Previous Experience with customer service

*Schedule and Location:*

The position needs to be filled in ASAP, so applicants who can start the

earliest will be preferred. Pacuare Reserve, central Caribbean coast,

Costa Rica.

The field assistant work is voluntary; approximately 4-6 hours are

worked on the beach and 2-3 hours during the day. The assistant has one

night a week to rest and a free day that can be accumulated to leave the

Reserve once a month. Rooms are shared, limited privacy and limited

internet connection.


FA Positions are voluntary and selected candidates are expected to plan

and finance their own travel to and from the Reserve, as well as travel

insurance. FAs will receive 3 meals a day and basic shared

accommodations for the duration of their time working for Pacuare Reserve.

*Please note*: A deposit of US$200 will be needed and will be reimbursed

at the end of the volunteer work.

*For questions, please contact both persons below:*

Claudio Quesada-Rodríguez, claudio.quesada@ecologyproject.org

Karolina Czechowska, kmczechow@gmail.com

*For more information:*







– Please read more information about the position in the following link


*To apply:*

– Applications must be submitted electronically (applications will be

reviewed when received).

– Please, complete the form and submit the requested information using

the link


Hiring Full-time Scallop Researcher at VIMS

Full job posting at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.wm.edu%2Fpostings%2F38174&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419381611&sdata=V%2B%2BPAHAGIZwQwBK%2BeCQKwDI3vjD%2B%2FVe%2BpWB%2FXLs5jQU%3D&reserved=0

Please direct questions to saroman@vims.edu

*Position Summary*

Marine Advisory Services at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science

invites qualified applicants to apply for the Scallop Researcher.

The Scallop Researcher, reporting to the Assistant Research

Professor/Director, Marine Advisory Program will support at-sea survey

cruises, and play a leading role in the inventory and procurement of all

necessary supplies and equipment for the research cruises. The position is

also charged with ensuring that these items are successfully transferred to

the commercial fishing vessels (docked at New Bedford, MA, Cape May, NJ or

Seaford, VA) and properly stowed/configured as appropriate.

Other responsibilities include but not limited to:

   – Oversees accurate and efficient data collection and execution of field

   work. This also includes working with vessel captains to set cruise tracks,

   assesses proper working course of action, setting scientific crew

   assignments and leading/participating in sampling processing efforts.

   – Ensures that equipment and supplies are cleaned, properly maintained

   and stored in an appropriate manner after field work is complete. Ensures

   biological samples collected during field work operations are transported,

   stored and delivered to appropriate organizations or agencies.

   – Collects age data from scallop shells collected during field work.

   – Assists PI and project scientist with data analysis for various

   projects. Provides input and aides in the preparation of final, progress

   and industry reports as well as presentations for funding agents in

   accordance with deadlines. Participates with technical papers and

   manuscripts prepared for peer review in scientific journals.

*Required Qualifications *


   – Bachelor’s degree or equivalent combination of education, training and

   or experience directly related to the position.

   – Valid Driver’s license must be maintained at all times.


   – Strong working knowledge of sampling and collections, with the ability

   to obtain biological samples for further analysis at-sea.

   – Knowledge and skills of scientific procedures and processes, with the

   ability to learn and understand scientific principles and the scientific

   process, especially as they relate to fishery-independent monitoring

   surveys. Ability to learn the various protocols and learn catch processing,

   gear monitoring and hydrographic and atmospheric data collection, among


   – Working knowledge of safety laboratory procedures and processes, with

   the ability to implement laboratory procedures for a variety of

   experimental objectives. The ability to record length and weight data from

   shellfish and fish species and be able to identify whether a specimen is

   male or female, and correctly classify its maturity stage.

   – Strong proficiency in a variety of software applications, to include

   Microsoft Office, as well as databases. Strong analytical skills, with the

   demonstrated ability to analyze data and produce reports.

   – Excellent interpersonal, and oral and written communications skills,

   with the demonstrated ability to work as a collaborative team player, and

   contribute to scientific writings.

   – Ability to work on a commercial fishing boat for multiple weeks, and

   successfully at sea, in all weather conditions, while resisting motion


   – Ability to lift up to 50lbs and pick and shove catch repeatedly over

   16-18 hour work day, while at sea.


   – Experience with sampling and collections to include conducting

   experiments and processing of samples.

   – Experience with analyzing data.

*Preferred Qualifications *


   –   Master’s degree in Marine Science, or closely related field is



   – Working knowledge of the fauna of the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Georges

   Bank, particularly with respect to their identification and biology.

   – Demonstrated skills in statistical analysis.


   – Demonstrated experience working with fishery-independent monitoring


   – Experience with data management and statistical analysis, utilizing

   statistical software (SAS or R) is desirable.

   – Experience as a state or federal fishery observer is a plus.

Field technician position for Red-winged blackbird research project

The lab of Dr. Tim Greives is looking for two field technicians to assist in the upcoming field season for a research project conducted near Fargo, ND (Alice USFWS WPA). The research aims to assess potential biomarkers of trade-offs in migration and reproduction in red-winged blackbirds.

Dates: The field season with the Greives Lab will last from April 20 – July 17, 2020 (full-time position 1), and May 16 – June 30, 2020 (full-time position 2). Dates may be flexible with prior agreement with PI.

The position may be extended to August 30, 2020 to assist Dr. Page Klug with projects evaluating the feeding preferences of birds offered oilseed hemp relative to other crops known to suffer from blackbird depredation and damage and a project evaluating the behavioral response of birds to noise disturbance and unmanned aircraft systems.

Duties include: capturing and banding free-ranging birds, morphological measurements, blood sampling, and nest searching and monitoring; care and maintenance of captive birds, aviary feeding experiments, semi-natural experiments evaluating anti-predator responses, and field-based bird community monitoring in oilseed hemp plots.

Preferred qualifications:

• Willingness to work early in the mornings in sometimes inclement weather.

• Accurate data entry.

• Previous experience: 1) capturing and handling birds, 2) taking blood samples from songbirds, and 3) nest searching and monitoring are preferred but we accept applicants willing to learn these skills as well.

Salary: $10-12/hour contingent on experience

Last day to apply: February 23, 2020

How to apply: Enthusiastic applicants interested in potential trade-off between migration and reproduction research as well as interactions between birds and agriculture are encouraged to apply by sending a letter of interest, CV or resume, and contact information of three references in a single Word or pdf document to Esther Morales, with subject “Red-winged Blackbird Field Tech Position” to esther.moralesvega@ndsu.edu.

Data Technician Position: National Native Bee Monitoring Network

Data Technician Position: National Native Bee Monitoring Network

The Woodard Lab in the Department of Entomology at the University of California, Riverside is

recruiting a Data Technician to focus on data science support for the National Native Bee

Monitoring Research Coordination Network (RCN). The RCN is being formed to coordinate and

support existing and future native bee monitoring efforts across the US, with the goal of

advancing national bee biodiversity conservation and food security. Specifically, the RCN will

lead the native bee research and monitoring community in working together to develop the U.S.

National Native Bee Monitoring Plan. This plan will include standardized protocols ranging from

field sampling to data management, and will be guided by the diverse aims and needs of the

various agencies and other groups who are currently monitoring native bees, or plan to do so.

The Data Technician will work with the RCN co-organizers (see below) primarily to facilitate data entry and management by RCN members, assist with website development and meeting

organization, and to help to co-author sections of the U.S. National Bee Monitoring Plan.

Depending on background and expertise, the technician may also assist with two additional

aims of the RCN: (1) review and synthesize standardized collection protocols for bee

monitoring, and/or (2) identify “hotspots” in the US where monitoring efforts should be


Necessary qualifications:

● Experience in data entry and management

● Effective written and oral communication skills

● Excellent interpersonal skills and an ability to work in a team

Desired qualifications:

● Proficiency in R for data management, cleaning, and manipulation

● Proficiency in GIS/mapping approaches

● Experience supervising and mentoring undergraduate researchers

Start date is May 1, 2020 (with some flexibility). The position is primarily located in Riverside,CA, but the technician will also travel to other labs of RCN-organizers (see below) part-time and will travel to national meetings (e.g., Entomological Society of America, Ecological Society of America). The appointment is initially for one year and is renewable up to a total of two years based on performance. Salaries are commensurate with experience and based on minimums set by the University of California postdoctoral union. Information on benefits is available at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fclients.garnett-powers.com%2Fpd%2Fuc%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419391604&sdata=LncTBeBfeZpWIntaZ8nvDmDo2LiimFm68auhxopTSDM%3D&reserved=0 .

To apply, please send a cover letter, current CV, and names and contact information for three

references to Hollis Woodard at hollis.woodard@ucr.edu. Additional questions can also be

directed to this email address. The application deadline is March 5, 2020.

RCN co-organizers:

(1) Dr. Hollis Woodard, UC Riverside

(2) Dr. Dan Cariveau, University of Minnesota

(3) Dr. Bryan Danforth, Cornell University

(4) Sam Droege, US Geological Survey

(5) Dr. David Inouye, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

(6) Sarina Jepsen, The Xerces Society

(7) Dr. Shalene Jha, University of Texas at Austin

(8) Dr. Rebecca Irwin, North Carolina State University

(9) Dr. Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University

(10) Tamara Smith, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

(11) Dr. James Strange, The Ohio State University

(12) Dr. Neal Williams, UC Davis

UCR is a world-class research university with an exceptionally diverse undergraduate student

body. Its mission is explicitly linked to providing routes to educational success for

underrepresented and first-generation college students. A commitment to this mission is a

preferred qualification. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Forest ecology and botany seasonal field crew positions in the Sierra Nevada (UC Davis)


Seasonal forest ecology and botany field crew leaders and members with the lab of Dr. Hugh Safford


University of California, Davis


Multiple duty stations in the Sierra Nevada, California


Application deadline: February 26, 2020

Start date: Mid-May to early June, 2020

End date: mid-October to early November, 2020


$17 (crew member) to $20 (crew lead) per hour, plus options for health insurance


Up to five field crews (one crew leader and one to two crew members per crew) are needed to collect ecological data related to forests, vegetation, and wildfire in support of research and monitoring on public lands. The crews will conduct field sampling primarily related to vegetation (e.g. forest stand structure, tree mortality, plant species composition, vegetation regeneration), but also related to forest fuels, soils, hydrology, forest insects and disease, and other ecological parameters. One person per crew will be hired primarily as a botanist, but the botanist will be trained in and participate in all sampling methods in addition to plant identification. The crew leaders will each supervise a field crew and will be responsible for equipment and data management throughout the season. US Forest Service ecologists and UC Davis researchers from the lab of Dr. Hugh Safford will supervise the field crews but will only occasionally accompany the crews during field sampling. The data will be collected to support long-term monitoring, original scientific research, and evaluation of forest management activities and needs. Work will be located in the Sierra Nevada of California, primarily on national forest lands but with some possible work in national parks or other ownerships.

More Information:

Detailed position information and complete application instructions are posted at the link below. Please review the instructions carefully before emailing with questions (rbwayman@ucdavis.edu).


Thanks for your interest!

Stream Ecology Technicians Needed (Oregon State University)

See website for more information and instructions for applying: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.oregonstate.edu%2Fpostings%2F88185&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419401596&sdata=1Bcw8%2BT6L1HdFADD2vXpj%2FIO28kJPkZq%2BnxtnS%2FrLBk%3D&reserved=0

Applications must include a resume with relevant coursework, a cover letter, and contact information for 3 references. For full consideration, please submit applications by March 15, 2020.

Position Summary

Field technicians are needed to collect data for a riparian buffer manipulation study implemented on private forest lands in Oregon. In conjunction with a timber-funded non-profit NCASI (National Council for Air and Stream Improvement), the Warren Lab at Oregon State University is testing how different prescriptions for riparian buffers adjacent to clearcut harvests can influence in-stream ecosystem processes and biotic interactions via increases in light.

This year we’ll be collecting another year of pre-treatment data before harvesting on some sites begins in the fall of 2020.

This recruitment will be used to fill four part-time (a maximum of 40 hours per week) student technical assistant positions for the Department of Forest Ecosystems & Society at Oregon State University (OSU).

Position Duties

Technicians will be expected to assist with field data collection and routinely enter/process data throughout the summer. On a typical day, technicians will be responsible for packing gear using checklists, accompanying a crew driving out to private timber land, carrying backpacks of equipment out to study streams, following protocols to measure several ecological variables including aquatic vertebrates, macroinvertebrates, water chemistry, stream discharge, periphyton, and physical habitat, installing/maintaining sensors, keeping good notes and recording data, then hiking back to the truck and organizing samples.

Field efforts will involve some camping overnight at nearby campsites to minimize drive time. Technicians will later be responsible for entering data and processing periphyton samples in the lab. Fish and salamander sampling will be conducted using a backpack electroshocker, and fish will be anaesthetized and injected with PIT (passive integrated transponder) tags to monitor growth over the summer.

Minimum Qualifications

Employment Eligibility Requirements (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffa.oregonstate.edu%2Fstu-manual%2F500-employment-eligibility-requirements&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C9250aabacf6d48f1255908d7afa4bdd2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170994419401596&sdata=ho9jV%2BsMCcQoqYRAmEHDYQpFFJqDCAHMiaUJBcSDvnM%3D&reserved=0)

Additional Required Qualifications

Applicants should have experience working or otherwise spending time in the outdoors and be able to walk through small streams with overlying vegetation and uneven surfaces.

Field sites are in forested, mountainous terrain with steep slopes, dense understory vegetation and biting insects, and applicants should be prepared to work in a range of weather conditions from cold rain to extreme summer heat. Exposure to poison oak is a possibility.

Applicants must be able to lift 50 lbs, wear waders 8+ hours/day, handle live animals such as fish, salamanders, and invertebrates, and be comfortable working without cell service.

Additional qualifications include:

Working as a team member.

Following protocols

Thinking critically

Following safety guidelines

Being consistent

Maintaining a positive attitude

Expressing interest in aquatic ecology

Being enthusiastic about learning new skills

This position is designated as a critical or security-sensitive position; therefore, the incumbent must successfully complete a criminal history check and be determined to be position qualified as per OSU Standard 576-055-0000 et seq. Incumbents are required to self-report convictions and those in youth programs may have additional criminal history checks every 24 months.

This position requires driving a University vehicle or a personal vehicle on behalf of the University; therefore, the incumbent must successfully complete a Motor Vehicle History Check, possess and maintain a current, valid driver’s license in their state of residence, be determined to be position qualified and self-report convictions (as per Voluntary and Compulsory Driver Standards OSU Standard 125-155-0200) as per OSU Standard 576-056-0000 et seq.

Preferred (Special) Qualifications

First aid training, using Microsoft Excel, driving on gravel roads in a 4WD vehicle, navigating in remote backcountry settings with heavy backpacks, and handling live animals.

Working Conditions / Work Schedule

Anticipated hours per week: 40 hours (summer)

Aspen Ecology Crew Lead & Technician – Nevada

Quaking Aspen Ecology Crew Lead & Technician – Summer 2020 (Tahoe Basin)

The Bisbing Forest Ecology & Silviculture Lab at UNR is hiring one crew lead and one field technician to sample quaking aspen forests in the East Lake Tahoe Basin, Nevada in summer 2019. Technicians will collect data to support forest ecology, health, and plant defensive compound research. Duties will include, but are not limited to, collecting basic forest ecology, forest health, and local environmental condition data, surveying understory plant communities, and collecting tissue samples for plant defensive compound extraction. Additional responsibilities may include data entry, data quality control, and laboratory plant sample preparation.

Preferred candidates will have previous experience working in the field, knowledge of tree measurements and forest ecosystem sampling, and the ability to live and work well with others for long hours under strenuous field conditions. Technicians should be capable of hiking long distances with a heavy pack, have the ability to work under inclement weather conditions, and be able to work collegially as part of a research team. Crew leads should have at least one summer of field technician experience. All crew members must have a valid driver’s license and be comfortable driving a 4wd truck. Field work will involve driving on backcountry dirt roads and hiking and navigating off-trail.

The field season will run from late May or early June (dependent upon snowpack) through the end of August. Pay is $18/hour for the crew lead and $15/hr for the technician position. Camping on-site is provided as is a field vehicle for on-site work.

To apply, send one pdf document with a cover letter, resume, and list of three references to: Dr. Kellen Nelson at kellennelson@unr.edu. Review of applications will begin February 21 and continue until the positions are filled.

Summer 2020 REU opportunities at LUMCON

LUMCON’s 2020 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program: Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal Environments

The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.lumcon.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cf160de54a5bf4edee40e08d7aedba2c2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170130662743742&sdata=p3S3zO2kBBbKFZbXm72dNFRMUbqcOaktNo6TbivBV9w%3D&reserved=0) invites highly motivated undergraduates to apply for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions in our NSF-sponsored summer 2020 REU program in Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Changing Coastal Environments. REU participants will spend ten weeks (June 1st – August 7th) at LUMCON conducting independent research projects with guidance from scientific mentors / mentor teams and participate in a series of career and skill-building workshops and activities while interacting with peers participating in other aspects of LUMCON’s summer programs. Each student is paired with a scientific mentor(s) based on mutual research interests. The REU program is designed to give students a meaningful, hands-on research experience that takes advantage of state-of-the-art methods and technologies available at LUMCON. This summer, mentors are interested in supporting interns to conduct research in a number of topic areas, including: biogeochemistry, habitat forming species, dissolved organic matter cycling, aquaculture and fish physiology, microbial ecology, behavioral ecology, invertebrate diversity and ecology, disturbance ecology, ecosystem ecology, wetland science, and oil spill impacts. More information on the program and details on potential mentors and projects can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flumcon.edu%2FREU&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cf160de54a5bf4edee40e08d7aedba2c2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170130662743742&sdata=TbyPyS19As0sXzaAmLUJtb7rH4BqUUgh6yIke9PAKUY%3D&reserved=0.

Candidates must be available for the entire ten week period.  Successful applicants will receive a $500/week stipend; room and board at the Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA; funds to support transportation to and from LUMCON; and funds to support their research.

The ideal candidate should be interested in pursuing a career in coastal and/or marine science, creative, hard-working, detail orientated, dedicated, and comfortable working as part of research team. Experience with field or laboratory research is a plus but not necessary. To be eligible you must be returning to an undergraduate degree program in the fall (e.g., if you will graduate in May or June, you are NOT eligible). Students from underrepresented groups in sciences, from small colleges, and first generation college students are encouraged to apply.

Application deadline: March 1st 2020.

Instructions for completing application packages which include (an online application form, copies of unofficial transcripts, contact information for two academic references, CV/resume, and a one page statement that describes your interest in the REU position, academic goals, and any previous research experience) can be found at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flumcon.edu%2FREU&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cf160de54a5bf4edee40e08d7aedba2c2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170130662743742&sdata=TbyPyS19As0sXzaAmLUJtb7rH4BqUUgh6yIke9PAKUY%3D&reserved=0.

Questions about the program and/or application process should be addressed to LUMCON’s REU Site Program Director, Dr. Brian Roberts, at reu@lumcon.edu.

Full-time Research Technician Opening – University of Illinois


The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at the

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign seeks a *full time technician

in the DeLucia lab* (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.life.illinois.edu%2Fdelucia%2Findex.htm&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cf160de54a5bf4edee40e08d7aedba2c2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170130662733749&sdata=MrrgNCUkIe7rELRsuzlU5mLQLonoxo%2FOXCEwwb2GUwU%3D&reserved=0).

This is a 12-month non-tenure-track Academic Professional position, and

can be renewed annually for an additional year, contingent on progress,

and the availability of funds. The overall goal of the project is to

investigate whether adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) grazing can increase

the delivery of regulating services from grazed pastures used for

livestock production compared to the “business as usual” continuous

grazing (CG). Our objectives are to: (1) Characterize the impact of AMP

on the regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4 and N2O) versus CG

management; (2) Quantify the efficiency at which pastures under AMP and

CG use water; and, (3) Understand the mechanisms by which grazing

management strategies affect CO2, CH4 and N2O and H2O fluxes from

pastures. This project is part of a multi-partner effort that helps

understand how grazing strategies affect farm resiliency, carbon

sequestration, soil diversity, animal wellbeing and productivity.

Partners include Arizona State University, Michigan State University,

Texas A&M University, Rice University, Colorado State University,

University of Exeter, and Carbon Nation.  The successful candidate will

conduct field work, laboratory experiments, and data processing and

analysis to characterize the impact of adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) on

the regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4 and N2O) versus

continuous grazing (CG) management; to quantify the efficiency at which

pastures under AMP and CG use water; and; to understand the mechanisms

by which grazing management strategies affect CO2, CH4 and N2O and H2O

fluxes from pastures


Establish and maintain eddy covariance towers and sampling of field

experiments on working farms in Alabama and Tennessee, U.S.A.  Extensive

travel to field sites will be required. Process data including data

generated from the eddy covariance towers; analyze soil, gas, and plant

samples. Prepare field supplies; maintain field instrumentation related

to this project (including canopy and soil chambers). Independently lead

scientific field research including survey design and implementation;

supervision, tasking and scheduling of staff; and maintaining

appropriate staffing levels to ensure project success. Purchase and

receive scientific supplies, maintaining an adequate level to support

project deliverables.  Assist with data compilation and analysis.


Education: Bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science, or

related field. Alternate degree fields will be considered/accepted

depending on depth and breadth of experience and skills as related to

this position.

Experience:  Required:   At least six months’ supervisory experience.

Research experience in the laboratory and/or field. Preferred: ÂÂ

Research experience in the field and in the laboratory related to

biogeochemistry (e.g., trace gas flux measurements, soil sampling, gas

chromatography, eddy covariance); experience working on farms and with

farmers. Experience using various statistical programs.

/Training, Licenses or Certifications: /

Required:   A valid driver’s license is required due to traveling to

research sites throughout the U.S.

/Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: /

Ability to work effectively as both a team member/leader and

independently with minimal supervision. Basic computer skills (MS Word,

Excel). Ability to plan and coordinate research activities. Effective

communication, organizational, personal relations, and leadership

skills. Ability to travel to research sites throughout the U.S. for

short sampling campaigns. Prefer the ability to carry out statistical


/Environmental Demands: /

Ability to work long days in the field under hot and humid conditions.

/Salary:/ Commensurate with experience and qualifications

*Applications must be received by February 21, 2020*. To apply, all

candidates must submit an online profile through

https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjobs.illinois.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cf160de54a5bf4edee40e08d7aedba2c2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637170130662733749&sdata=SBCp4UZuo7UMHLnQjKQ6D%2FYXcVRQteM%2BcI8USiFZVv0%3D&reserved=0 by the close of the posting period. The

starting date is flexible as soon as April 1st. Qualified candidates

must upload a letter that details qualifications noted above, resume,

and the names and contact information of three professional references.ÂÂ

All requested information must be submitted for your application to be

considered. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

For information about the position, please contact: Dr. Nuria

Gomez-Casanovas, ngomezca@igb.illinois

The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr. Nuria Gomez-Casanovas

and by Dr. Evan H. DeLucia.