
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer position-Minnesota

Ruth Shaw=E2=80=99s Research Group in the Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior at

the University of Minnesota is seeking applicants for an NSF Research

Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position in summer 2017 to study the

process of ongoing adaptation in experimental populations of partridge pea

(Chamaecrista fasciculata) in prairie habitat. The student will work closely

with Dr. Ruth Shaw and Dr. Mason Kulbaba to develop an independent project

in the area of plant evolutionary genetics, with possibilities ranging from

studies of heritability and phenotypic selection on plant traits to studies

of pollination ecology and phenology. The student will gain invaluable

experience in performing field work and in conducting an independent

research project, from hypothesis formulation through oral and written

dissemination of results, as grounding for future work in inquiry-based

scientific research. The student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent

resident and enrolled as an undergraduate for Fall 2017. The ideal candidate

should enjoy working outdoors and have an interest in learning about the

evolution and ecology of plants in the Midwest prairies, and candidates

planning to pursue a graduate career in evolution, ecology, or conservation

biology are particularly well-suited for this position. The REU intern will

receive a stipend of $5,000 and room and board in the Twin Cities (with

occasional overnight travel to field sites). Costs of travel to and from the

Twin Cities will also be provided.  The deadline to apply for this position

is March 10, 2017, and the 10-week internship is expected to begin on

Monday, June 5 and end on Friday, August 11. Please contact Mason Kulbaba

(mkulbaba@umn.edu) for more information. The University of Minnesota

provides equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and

employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin,

gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran

status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Individuals of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

Please forward this advertisement to any interested and qualified


To apply, please e-mail the following application materials to Mason Kulbaba

(mkulbaba@umn.edu) with the subject line =E2=80=9CREU=E2=80=9D no later than March 10, 2017:

1.  a statement explaining the following:

=E2=80=A2why you are interested in this position

=E2=80=A2what are your future plans

=E2=80=A2dates you are available to start and end this position

=E2=80=A2confirm eligibility for the REU program

=E2=80=A2the name and contact information of the person who will serve as your reference

=E2=80=A2your e-mail address and phone number

2.  resume

3.  transcript (unofficial is acceptable)

4.  1 letter of recommendation (sent by your reference)

Graduate position: UKentucky.EvolutionInsecticideResistance

The Graduate Fellowship in Urban Entomology at the University of
Kentucky is funded from the Kentucky Pest Management Association
Scholarship Fund. The Kentucky Pest Management Association has a long
history of supporting the educational programs in the Department of
Entomology at the University of Kentucky. This fellowship will support
graduate research in applied or fundamental aspects of urban/structural
pest management. The recipient of this Fellowship will be expected to be
open to participation in the extension Urban Entomology programs in the
Department of Entomology.

Research supported by this fellowship may be in the following areas:
• Population Genetics and Evolution of Insecticide Resistance in Bed Bugs
• Ecology and Management of Bed Bugs in Urban Environments
• Urban Arthropod Biology, Ecology, and Behavior
• IPM in the Urban Environment

*Stipend*: The Fellowship includes a stipend of $20,000, full tuition,
and health benefits. In 2017, one Graduate Fellowship in Urban
Entomology is available for a Ph.D. student entering the Graduate
Program in Entomology starting in August 2017 will be awarded. The
Fellowship is renewable for up to four years, depending on satisfactory

*Qualifications*: B.S. or M.S. in entomology or the biological sciences
with an academic record demonstrating outstanding accomplishments and
interest in urban entomology.

*Application Deadline*: The deadline for applications for this Graduate
Fellowship is March 15, 2017. Applicants must have applied to the
graduate program in Entomology at the University of Kentucky by this date.

*Application Procedure*: To be considered for this Fellowship, please
Email (rpalli@uky.edu) a letter that addresses your background and
interests in one of the areas listed, transcripts, GRE scores and
arrange to send two letters of recommendation to the same Email address.
A selection committee that includes a member of the Kentucky Pest
Management Educational Fund Committee will review applications and
selects the winner. The selected candidate will be admitted into
Entomology graduate program after going through the formal application
process. The details on Entomology graduate program are available at

*Additional Information*: Subba Reddy Palli, Chair, Department of
Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546 USA E-mail:
rpalli@uky.edu PH: 859-257-7450

Fieldwork experience for undergrads and new graduates

Ca=C3=B1o Palma Biological Station is located on the northeast coast of Costa

Rica, and is offering quality field experience for undergrads and new


Interns can choose between a mixed taxa or marine turtle internship. Mixed

taxa internships, include experience in research projects with:

* Large mammals

* Tent-making bats

* Great green macaws

* Shorebirds

* Caimans

* Snakes

* Marine debris accumulation

* Neo-tropical river otters

They may also contribute to community based sustainability projects.

We focus heavily on developing young biologists’ professional skills and

expectations. Interns participate in weekly goal setting and supervision

meetings, as well as weekly journal club. Interns are provided with

training for all projects in which they participate. Regular CV writing

workshops are also held throughout the year.

Internships are physically demanding, and a good level of physical fitness

is required.

Interns are responsible for their travel to the biological station, and

contribute $225 per week to cover accommodation and meals. Interns are

selected by interview, and need to commit to a minimum of 6 weeks.

Applicants can submit their CV and cover letter to: station@coterc.org

Graduate Student Assistantships in Plant & Insect Ecology

We are seeking highly motivated individuals who are interested in conducting collaborative Masters research in plant community ecology and insect ecology. The successful candidate will assist in research across the state of Kansas comparing grazed and ungrazed grasslands in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). In Kansas, the CRP program currently has over 2 million acres=97much of which is re-established, native grassland; however, there is currently no dominant grazer on most of these sites despite the critical role that bison historically played in these systems. Our study will test how two CRP plantings (CP2 and CP25), which differ in the number of forbs planted, influence the restoration of 108 grassland sites across the precipitation gradient in Kansas and whether periodic grazing can enhance habitat diversity for plants, insects, and birds.

The ideal student for this position is self-motivated, works well with a team of field researchers, has a basic understanding of statistics, has knowledge of grassland ecosystems, and has a strong interest in ecology and entomology. However, strong students with the aptitude to learn quickly will also be considered.  The successful applicant will have a strong commitment to plant community ecology and entomology and desire to learn a range of tools/techniques/methods. Proficiency in oral and written English required. Applicants should have a B.S. in ecology, biology, or entomology and must meet the requirements for admission at Wichita State University (http://webs.wichita.edu/?

u=3Dbioscience&p=3D/academics/mdindex/). Successful applicants will receive a 2-year assistantship with stipend, full tuition waiver, and health benefits. Deadline for applications is 1 March 2017, but early applications are encouraged. Anticipated start date for the plant ecology position is Fall of 2017 or January of 2018, while the entomology position start date is summer 2017 or August 2017. Interested applicants for plant ecology should email CV, transcript, and a letter describing your research interests and future goals to Dr. Greg Houseman (Greg.Houseman@wichita.edu); interested applicants for entomology should email CV, transcript, and a letter describing your research interests and future goals to Dr. Mary Liz Jameson (MaryLiz.Jameson@gmail.com).

Wichita State University is a metropolitan research-intensive university set in a suburban area (~640,000 people) with a diverse student body, yet close to numerous high quality grasslands including the iconic Flint Hills. Wichita offers many opportunities for cultural/artistic activities and low cost-of-living. The Department of Biological Sciences at WSU includes core facilities in environmental biology, imaging and bioinformatics, an animal care facility, greenhouse, and a Biological Field Station. Previous graduate students have gone on to Ph.D. programs or are employed with state or federal management agencies. More information about the Department, including a complete list of departmental facilities, and current Graduate Faculty and their teaching and research interests is available on our web site at: http://www.wichita.edu/biology/. Information about graduate school at WSU is available at http://webs.wichita.edu/?u=3Dgradschool.

Waterbird Technician Needed

A field technician is needed to assist in the evaluation of nest success of

colonial nesting waterbirds in southwestern Louisiana. The study area

supports several rare species of colonial nesting waterbirds, including a

few thousand nesting brown pelicans. Due to its low elevation and eroding

shoreline, the island is slated for restoration. This study will provide

pre-restoration baseline data for the project and will provide important

habitat information of several nesting species that will assist in future

restoration activities.

The project will start in mid- to late March. The technician will work with

an M.S. student. Conditions will be hot and humid and mosquitoes could be

challenging at times. A strong work ethic is essential and relevant field

experience is highly desirable. Pay is $9/hour and housing is provided.

Please email a CV with names and contact information of 3 references and a

cover letter to Dr. Sammy King at sking16@lsu.edu. Application review will

begin by 15 February and will continue until a successful applicant is


Call for Applications: University of Wisconsin REU in Mathematical Ecology

The University of Wisconsin – La Crosse Department of Mathematics and

Statistics is proud to offer a 10-week Summer REU in mathematical

ecology, held in the beautiful city of La Crosse, Wisconsin. This summer

program will provide eight summer scholars with the opportunity to

perform cutting-edge research under the mentorship of university faculty

and government scientists working at the interface between mathematics

and ecology.

Our two projects this year are “Using Decision Models to Investigate

Interventions Against Fungal Blight in American Chestnut Trees”,

mentored by Martin Allen (Computer Science) and Anita Davelos Baines

(Biology), and “Investigating Population Level Animal Movement Through

Fractal Geometry”, mentored by Kevin Aagard (United State Geological

Survey) and Robert F. Allen (Mathematics). You can find information on

the projects and how to apply at uwlax.edu/mathematics/activities/reu/


Program Dates:  June 5, 2017 – August 11, 2017

Stipend:  $5000 and a $75 weekly food allowance.

Priority Deadline: February 15 th

Application Deadline: March 1 st

REU opportunities studying the effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Louisiana salt marshes and coastal environments

Two Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) positions are available at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) for the summer of 2017. The REU students will design and conduct studies that contribute to the larger Coastal Waters Consortium (http://cwc.lumcon.edu) collaborative effort studying the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Louisiana salt marshes and coastal environments.  Over the past 5+ years CWC researchers have been studying the impacts of the spill at paired oiled-

unoiled marshes across the southeastern Louisiana coast. The REU students will be expected to work with a team of researchers (under the supervision of Dr. Brian Roberts (http://robertsresearchlab.weebly.com/) and/or Dr. Nancy Rabalais) to develop studies which address aspects of the larger effort. We are particularly interested in students interested in conducting projects on wetland biogeochemistry and ecology, plant ecology, microbial ecology, sediment microalgae and/or subtidal benthos.  The REU students will be involved in both the field and laboratory components of their project as well as a variety of related projects and experiments being conducted by other LUMCON and CWC researchers.

Candidates must be available for a ten week period beginning in early June 2017.  We will provide a $500/week stipend, room and board at the Marine Center in Cocodrie, LA (http://www.lumcon.edu), and support for their research.

The ideal candidate should be interested in pursuing a career in ecology or biogeochemistry, creative, hard-working, detail orientated, dedicated, and comfortable working as part of research team. Experience with field or laboratory research in these areas in a plus but not necessary.  Background or at least one course in ecology, chemistry, biogeochemistry, or environmental science is required. To be eligible you must be returning to an undergraduate degree program in the fall (e.g., if you will graduate in May or June, you are NOT eligible).Application deadline: March 15th 2017.

Applications should include: copy of unofficial transcripts, contact information for two academic references, CV/resume, and a one page statement that describes your interest in the REU position, academic goals, and any previous research experience.Applications should be sent to Dr. Brian Roberts at broberts@lumcon.edu with =932017 REU application=94 in the subject line.   Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Job: DukeU.Summer.Undergrad

The Patek Lab in the Biology Department at Duke University is
recruiting one high school and one undergraduate student researcher
through the US Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) during the
summer of 2017. The students will participate in projects examining
fast, impulsive movements of animals in the natural environment. The
focal systems for the project are catapult jumping in froghopper
insects and underwater foraging attacks in dragonfly larvae.
Responsibilities of the student researchers may include collecting
study organisms from local habitats, obtaining high-speed videos of
animals, analyzing high-speed videos using computer software,
performing statistical analyses and scientific writing. The details of
responsibilities and tasks will be determined based on mutual interests
of the students and the mentors. There are also possibilities for the
students to develop individual projects under our mentorship.

We are looking for motivated, reliable students who are excited about
having first-hand research experience at the intersection of biology
and physics. Skills to perform the above-mentioned tasks are not
required. We especially value students who are curious, hard-working
and have an open mind about the possibilities of basic, scientific
research. For more information about The Patek Lab, please visit our
website: www.thepateklab.org

DEADLINE: February 28, 2017, 11:59 pm. All applicants must submit two
letters of recommendation, transcripts and must have maintained a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 in their coursework. Applicants must
also include a brief essay that explains their interest in this
research and how it relates to their future goals.

Go to the below links and:

Click “Apply” at the bottom of the page

* Fill out the forms

* When you get to “Please select your 1st preference of URAP
location.”, Select “BDUN53 Duke University”

For high school students, please apply through the HSAP program:


For undergraduate students, please apply through the URAP program:


Montana State University Ph.D. assistantships: hydro-ecology or hydro-biogeochemistry

   The department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at

        Montana State University, Bozeman, has 5 Ph.D. assistantships

        ($30K per year for tuition, fees, and stipend) available on a

        competitive basis for students starting in Fall 2017.  <br>


        I am currently recruiting Ph.D. students to apply for these

        assistantships and work in the Montana State Fluvial Landscape

        Lab on one of three diverse research topics:<br>


        1) Hydro-biogeochemisty of Montane Alluvial Aquifers<br>

        2) Regional-scale Modeling of Hyporheic Exchange<br>

        3) Effects of net-spinning caddisflies on streambed hydraulic

        conductivity, whole-stream hydrology, and ecosystem processes. <br>


        More information can be found at:<br>


        <a class=”moz-txt-link-freetext”



        (click ‘opportunities’ link)<br>




        <a class=”moz-txt-link-freetext”



        Interested students are encouraged to contact me, following the

        instructions at the above link, before making formal application

        to the LRES department.  Applications are also encouraged to

        email materials to me before Feb 28 to ensure meeting the

        departmental deadline of March 20.<br>


        Any efforts to pass this announcement on to talented students

        would be appreciated.<br>







        Geoffrey C. Poole, Ph.D.<br>

        Associate Professor of Fluvial Landscape Ecology<br>

        Department of Land Resources and<br>

          Environmental Sciences<br>

        Montana State University, Bozeman, MT<br>

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        monospace”> </font></font>



MS Graduate Fellowship Opportunity in Wetland Ecology at Loyola University, Chicago

Dr. Nancy Tuchman is recruiting a student to start July 1st, 2017 on an MS

project in Biology at Loyola University Chicago. The two-year funded

position will involve self-directed research on the effects of the invasive

hybrid cattail, *Typha **=C3=97 glauca,* on wetland structure and function in

the Upper Great Lakes. The incumbent student is expected to conduct summer

research at both the University of Michigan Biological Station in Pellston,

MI, and the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge near Hennepin, IL.

The successful candidate for this fellowship will develop a research

question and design experiments related to *Typha **=C3=97 glauca* management,

effects of *Typha **=C3=97 glauca* on biodiversity (plant, bird, fish,

amphibian, macroinvertebrate, etc.) wetland nutrient cycling, remote

sensing of wetland vegetation, uptake of heavy metals and organic

environmental pollutants, and/or use of harvested invasive biomass as an

energy source or agricultural amendment.

Ideal applicants will have a BS in Biology, Ecology, Botany, Environmental

Science, Agronomy, or related field. Previous field research experience is

required, and experience in experimental design, statistical analysis, GIS,

remote sensing, and/ or environmental toxicology is encouraged.

To apply, please email a cover letter, resume, (unofficial ok) GRE scores,

and contact information of 3 references to Andrew Monks:


We will accept applications until February 10th, 2017.