
Grad student opportunities in coastal ecology at University of Virginia

The Castorani Lab at the University of Virginia is recruiting 1=E2=80=932 g=
students (MS or PhD) to study the population and community ecology of
coastal marine ecosystems. Students will be advised by Max Castorani (
http://maxcastorani.weebly.com/) and join UVA’s highly interdisciplinary
Department of Environmental Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/).
Potential systems for field studies include coastal lagoons, salt marshes,
and seagrass meadows in Virginia, kelp forests in southern California, and
estuaries in northern California. Students will have the opportunity to
contribute to highly collaborative long-term ecological research in the
Virginia Coast Reserve LTER (https://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/) and Santa
Barbara Coastal LTER (http://sbc.lternet.edu/).

Applicants should have strong interests in population dynamics, spatial
ecology (dispersal, landscape ecology, metapopulations), or community
ecology (biodiversity, species interactions, foundation species, invasive
species), especially in the context of ecological disturbances. Ideal
applicants will also have some or all of the following qualifications (or a
strong desire to learn these skills): (1) Experience in experimental field
ecology, ideally in coastal ecosystems; (2) Experience with data management
or analysis, ideally in the R programming language; (3) Interest in the
ecology of marine plants, algae, invertebrates, or fishes; (4) Experience
with the collection or analysis of remotely-sensed imagery using unmanned
aerial vehicles (drones) or satellites. Although research in the Castorani
Lab is primarily motivated by fundamental ecological questions, there are
opportunities for applied research related to coastal habitat restoration
(eelgrass) and aquaculture (oysters and clams).

Field resources include access to boating, laboratory, and mesocosm
facilities at the Anheuser-Busch Coastal Research Center (
https://www.abcrc.virginia.edu/) located at the Virginia Coast Reserve, a
highly dynamic coastal barrier landscape comprising tidal marshes, coastal
bays, and barrier islands. There are also opportunities for scuba-based
research in kelp forests located near Santa Barbara, California, as well as
field work at Point Reyes National Seashore near San Francisco.

UVA has a strong interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environmental
Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/academics/graduate/), offering
training and conducting research in ecology, geosciences, hydrology, and
atmospheric sciences. Graduate students accepted into the program are
typically supported through a mixture of teaching assistantships and
research assistantships that support full stipend, tuition, and health

Those interested should send (1) a CV with academic and professional
experience (including GPA); (2) a brief description of their background,
career goals, motivations for pursuing a graduate degree, research ideas,
and why they are specifically interested in joining the Castorani Lab; and
(3) contact information for 2=E2=80=933 references to Max Castorani (
max.castorani@ucsb.edu). The application deadline is January 15, 2018 for
enrollment in Fall 2018, however applicants should send an email expressing
their interest as soon as possible.

PhD and MS Assistantships: Insect Evolution, Auburn U.

The Hardy Lab at Auburn University (http://hardylab.skullisland.info/) is=
recruiting one PhD student and one MS student to start in the spring seme=
of 2018. Each position will be supported fully through research=20
assistantships, including a competitive stipend and tuition waiver.

The PhD student will work on an NSF-funded project to study the species=20=

diversification of aphids in North America. This will entail phylogeny=20=

estimation from genomic data, niche modeling from geospatial data, and=20=

comparative statistical analyses. Background in any of these areas would =
great, but the only thing that is required is an interest in the evolutio=
and biodiversity of insects.

The MS student will study the evolutionary genetics of host-use adaptatio=
n in=20
scale insects. This will entail a greenhouse-based selection experiment=20=

coupled with transcriptome sequencing and comparison. No prior knowledge =
these methods is required =96 just an interest in how plant-eating insect=
evolve (or in how gene expression changes with niche breadth). The=20
experiments have been designed. What=92s needed is an enterprising studen=
t to=20
do them.

If you are interested (or are interested enough to want more information)=
please send an email to Nate Hardy (n8@auburn.edu) with your CV and few w=
about yourslef. Applicants must meet requirements of admission to the Aub=
Graduate School (http://www.grad.auburn.edu/). There is a rolling admissi=
system. These vacancies will stay open until filled.

Forestry Field Technician positions available immediately- N. MI

The Walters Lab in the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University is looking to two additional field technicians for the current field season.  We are an applied forest ecology (silviculture) lab with a current focus on exploring alternative management regimes in northern hardwood forests. Field technicians will include characterizing vegetation structure in forests with harvest treatments scheduled for Winter 2017/18. Field sites are throughout the Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula in Michigan.

Desired skills: Experience or aptitude for plant identification and GPS navigation; interest in forest ecology/silviculture; experience and/or desire to work outdoors in rugged conditions. Recent graduates are encouraged to apply.

Time Frame: As soon as possible – the end of summer or November 15.

Pay rate: $11/hr minimum, commensurate with experience. Typically 40 hours/week. We provide housing during work trips.

To apply: Submit a CV or resume, list of three references with contact information (including email and phone number), and a brief cover letter outlining your interest in the position and relevant experience, as well as your dates of availability, to Evan Farinosi (farinosi@msu.edu) with “Walters Lab Summer Field Technician” in the subject line.

Ph.D. student assistantship coastal and forest ecology

The OHalloran lab in the Department of Forestry and Environmental

Conservation at Clemson University currently has an opening for a Ph.D.

student starting in fall or winter of 2017.  We seek an enthusiastic and

inquisitive student who is interested in understanding mechanisms of

land-atmosphere interactions with particular focus on forests.  The student

will have the opportunity to create their own research project out of

several ongoing funded activities, including at AmeriFlux sites in Virginia

(loblolly pine and switchgrass) and a new eddy covariance tower in a salt marsh in coastal South Carolina. Potential broad research topics include: environmental controls on managed forest productivity, coastal carbon

cycling and greenhouse gas emissions, aerosol new particle formation, and coastal forest disturbance ecology. A student with sufficient incoming

transfer credits will spend one year completing coursework on main campus and then relocate to the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest

Science to join the lab group at the coast and complete their fieldwork and

writing.  A full research assistantship (including stipend and tuition

waver) is available for three years, but students will also be encouraged to

seek their own funding through national fellowships (e.g. USDA, NASA, NSF).

Required Qualifications: Bachelor=92s degree in forestry, ecology, atmospheric

science or other closely related environmental science. Strong quantitative

abilities, self-motivation and desire to do field work in coastal South

Carolina, where the work is physically demanding in a hot, humid environment.

Preferred Qualifications: M.S. degree (highly preferred) in forestry,

ecology, atmospheric science or other closely related environmental science.

Programming experience in MATLAB or R.  Fieldwork experience in ecology or


To apply, send a CV, unofficial GRE and TOEFL scores (if available) and a cover letter stating your previous experience, interest in this specific

position, and future goals to Dr. O=92Halloran.  Review of applicants begins

immediately.  Contact info and more details about the lab are available here:


Waterbird Internship at San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory

The San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (SFBBO) is seeking an intern to assist with waterbird field studies.  The internship will begin September 1, 2017 with a commitment through March 30, 2018 (7 months).  The time commitment will be 25-40 hours per week.  The internship will be based in Milpitas, CA.  The intern will receive training and mentorship from SFBBO staff and will develop their skills in waterbird survey techniques and data management. The intern will be assisting with surveys at managed ponds in support of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (www.southbayrestoration.org). He/she will also assist with SFBBO=92s California Gull Research and Monitoring and Avian Disease Prevention programs. (www.sfbbo.org/science/index.php).

Key Responsibilities:

=95=09Conduct waterbird surveys and water quality sampling at South Bay salt evaporation ponds =95=09Conduct censuses of large gull colonies and behavioral surveys at landfills

=95=09Assist with surveys to collect dead, diseased, and injured birds in South Bay sloughs as part of an effort to prevent avian botulism outbreaks

=95=09Work with SFBBO staff, partner agencies, and volunteers to coordinate field work

=95=09Enter, proof, and manage data collected

=95=09Assist with equipment maintenance and other SFBBO projects as assigned

Required Qualifications:

=95=09Coursework toward a degree in biology, ecology, or related field

=95=09Familiarity with waterbird species of the San Francisco Bay (including shorebirds, waterfowl and gulls)

=95=09Good physical condition and enthusiasm for long days in the field

=95=09Willingness to tolerate harsh field conditions (mud, sun, dust, salt spray)

=95=09Willingness to work irregular hours including early mornings, evenings and some weekends

=95=09Strong work ethic, organizational skills, and attention to detail

=95=09Valid driver=92s license, clean driving record, and reliable personal vehicle

=95=09Ability to navigate and orient using maps =95=09Ability to work independently and as part of a team

=95=09Effective oral and written communication skills

Preferred Qualifications:

=95=09Recently completed BA/BS in biology, ecology, or related field

=95=09Excellent waterbird identification skills

=95=09Off-road driving experience (SFBBO truck provided for off-road driving)

=95=09Solid computer skills, including working knowledge of MS Access and Excel

=95=09Experience conducting field work in the San Francisco Bay

Compensation:   Applicants should be students or recent graduates (within the last year) with a degree in wildlife biology, environmental science or a related field.  A stipend of $125/week will be provided.  Shared housing is not available.  An SFBBO vehicle or reimbursement for use of a personal vehicle will be available for pre-approved, work-related travel.  SFBBO will also provide most field gear, including a spotting scope.

To Apply: Please e-mail the following materials to Dr. Max Tarjan, mtarjan@sfbbo.org:  1) cover letter, 2) resume, and 3) list of three references (names, email addresses, and phone numbers).  Include all materials in one Word or PDF file, and include your last name in the file name. Include =93Waterbird Internship=94 in the e-mail subject.  The deadline for applications is August 11, 2017.  SFBBO is an EOE.=20=20

field technician position available immediately

A field technician position is available immediately in the lab of Dr. Brian Allan (http://www.life.illinois.edu/allan/) at the University of Illinois. The position will be based in Gainesville, Florida, as part of a Department of Defense-funded project to explore the potential effects of climate change on plant invasions, fire dynamics, and tick-borne disease risk on military installations in the southeastern United States. The project specifically seeks to address the feedbacks between plant invasions and fire ecology, how climate change may alter these dynamics, and the consequences for human risk of exposure to tick-borne diseases. The field technician will join an existing research team and travel to military installations in the southeast to conduct field work in August and September. The position is available immediately but starting no later than August 1 and may extend through the fall depending on the interests and skills of the hired technician. Candidates are expected to have completed a Bachelor’s degree by the time of employment, though candidates who have completed an M.S. are encouraged to apply. If interested, please contact Brian Allan (ballan@illinois.edu) to discuss availability and skills and expertise relevant to the project.

Research Technician – FSU Biological Sciences

Responsibilities: The research technician will be based in the

Department of Biological Sciences at FSU in Tallahassee, Florida,

supervised by Dr. Andrew Rassweiler, but will also work closely with Dr.

Sarah Lester in FSU’s Department of Geography.  The technician will help

support an exciting portfolio of projects focused on the topics of

marine biodiversity, coral reef resilience, ecological state change,

marine spatial planning, and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Research in the lab is inherently interdisciplinary, focusing on

addressing fundamental questions in marine ecology, but also on applying

those insights to conservation and management. The position includes a

broad diversity of responsibilities and the ideal candidate is excited

to participate in a range of research activities.

The initial focus of the position will be on measuring marine

biodiversity as part of a multi-institution Marine Biodiversity

Observing Network project (http://sbc.marinebon.org/about/).  For this

project, the technician will help to develop a tradeoff framework to

estimate costs and benefits of alternative sampling methods and guide

decisions about the design of future monitoring.  The technician will

work with ecological data from diverse sources, and will participate in

the development of cutting-edge techniques for biodiversity monitoring.

In addition to this focal project, there will be opportunities to engage

in other research projects in the lab, including field work.

The research technician will be expected to:

– Assist with data acquisition, management, processing, and analysis of

large disparate datasets.

– Help with parameterizing and running simulation models.

– Conduct literature reviews and assist with preparing scientific

manuscripts and presentations, with the potential to be involved as a

co-author on papers.

– Assist with managing the lab, including purchasing supplies and

equipment, organizing the lab, coordinating lab logistics, and

recruiting and coordinating undergraduate research assistants.

– Participate in local marine fieldwork in coastal, intertidal and

possibly subtidal habitats.



– Bachelors or Masters degree in Marine Science, Ecology, Environmental

Science, or related field.

– Strong quantitative and statistical skills and/or interest in

developing those skills

– Experience with programming or scripted analysis in programs such as

R, SAS, Matlab or similar.

– Strong skills in data acquisition and management.

– Demonstrated ability to work effectively as part of a team and


– Strong initiative and problem-solving skills

Preferred (but not required): AAUS certification, experience operating

small boats, proficiency with GIS.

Terms: Ideally the position would start in September 2017, but start

date is flexible. Initial appointment would be for one year, with strong

potential for renewal contingent on performance. Salary commensurate

with experience.

How to apply: Apply by submitting a cover letter, CV, and names and

contact information for three professional references as a single PDF to

rasster.lab@gmail.com.  Contact Dr. Andrew Rassweiler at

rassweiler@bio.fsu.edu with any questions. This position will remain

open until filled.  Application review will begin on July 15, 2017,

although all applications received before August 1 will be considered.

MS Marine Science and Oceanography

Florida Atlantic University is now accepting applications for a new program

that provides an unprecedented opportunity for graduate students to earn a

master=92s degree while working alongside leading scientists and engineers at

FAU=92s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute and the Charles E. Schmidt

College of Science. The newly launched Master of Science in Marine Science

and Oceanography graduate degree program is the opportunity of a lifetime

for students interested in coastal and oceanographic science.=20 This hands-on experience will provide students with a broad understanding of

coastal, nearshore and oceanographic science while learning how to conduct

independent research. Students will be prepared for careers in research,

education, government, private-sector consulting and non-profit organizations.

Applications are being accepted now through August 4th for admission in the

Fall 2017 semester.

For more information and to apply online, visit


Field Tech- UC Berkeley Eel River Critical Zone Observatory

Lab Assistant 2
Eel River Critical Zone Observatory

The Eel River Critical Zone Observatory (ER CZO) at UC Berkeley is seeking a motivated, independent Lab Assistant 2 (working title: field technician) to join our research group. The position is to assist with data collection and data entry for the ER CZO, and includes regular travel to field sites at the Angelo Coast Range Reserve and Sagehorn Ranch in Mendocino county. The Lab Assistant will provide critical support to ongoing research projects and will assist graduate students and faculty researchers collect and maintain data at the ER CZO. The primary responsibility of the Lab Assistant is to lead field campaigns focused on geochemical sampling of groundwater and water extracted from a vadose zone monitoring system (VMS). The purpose of the VMS is to evaluate the flow paths, residence time, and geochemical evolution of water through the critical zone and its importance to driving ecologic processes and critical zone evolution. The Lab Assistant will conduct water sampling, geochemical measurements, and geophysical surveying at multiple field sites at regular 2-week intervals. The appointment is through Dec. 31st 2018, with the possibility of renewal.
Salary and benefits: This is a full-time, hourly position with benefits. Salary is $20.25/hr.
Required Qualifications:
Driver=92s license. Demonstrated field experience and basic computer skills. Must effectively work in groups and independently, sometimes in difficult field conditions.
Preferred Qualifications:
Willingness and ability to adapt to changing project needs. Professional demeanor and good interpersonal and leadership skills.

Interested applicants should send a CV/resume to Sarah Roy (ER CZO Project Coordinator) at smroy@berkeley.edu. Please indicate when you are available to start. You may also contact this email address with any questions regarding the position.

PhD and MS Assistantships: Aquatic Ecology (Purdue University)

PhD and MS Assistantships: Aquatic Ecology
Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
West Lafayette, IN, USA

Graduate student (PhD or MS) assistantships available to participate in research projects exploring dynamics of fish and invertebrates.  These projects involve an integration of field studies, laboratory analyses, controlled experiments and quantitative modeling analyses.

Specific research topics include:

1)      Linking land-use and river characteristics to distributions of freshwater mussels (in collaboration with Indiana DNR).
2)      Factors influencing intra-specific variation of life history and trophic traits of fishes.

Selected individuals will enroll in Purdue University’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources (www.ag.purdue.edu/fnr) in West Lafayette, IN.

Minimum qualifications include a BS (for MS position) or MS (for PhD position) in Biology, Ecology, Fisheries Science, or related field; GPA of 3.2 or greater; and above average GRE scores (at least 50th percentile for quantitative and verbal; at least 4.0 for analytical writing).

Assistantships include 12-month stipend, full tuition coverage, and insurance.

Start date:
January 2018.

How to Apply:
The positions will remain open until filled. For full consideration, please respond by 1-September-2017 and submit cover letter, CV, GRE scores (unofficial), transcript (unofficial), and names and contact numbers of three references to Tomas H=F6=F6k (thook@purdue.edu<mailto:thook@purdue.edu>; 765-496-6799;http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~thook).

For more information please contact:
Tomas H=F6=F6k


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