
Summer Research Fellowships (Undergrad, Grad, Postdoc) at UVA Field Station

University of Virginia’s Blandy Experimental Farm has some wonderful fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs during summer 2018.  The opportunities are open to applicants from any college or university.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU):

The program emphasizes experimental ecology and evolutionary biology including a wide variety of topics such as plant-animal interactions, pollinator behavior and ecology, insect population ecology, and ecosystem ecology. Successful applicants will receive a $5775 stipend, additional money for food, and free housing.  Each student picks a research mentor from our pool of faculty members and graduate students and then conducts an independent research project.  The students will gain experience in experimental design, data collection, analytical techniques, and written and oral presentation of findings.  REU students also benefit from several professional development workshops.

This is a wonderful opportunity for an undergraduate student contemplating a future in science.  The application deadline is March 1, 2018.

To apply: https://sites.google.com/site/blandyreu/

Graduate and Postdoc Research Fellowships:

Are you a graduate student or postdoc in need of a field station? Summer stipends ($6000 per summer), free on-site housing, and funds for research
($800 per summer) are available for individuals proposing original research that uses our resources and facilities and contributes to the ongoing science program at the station.

Interested students/postdocs should contact a Blandy faculty member to discuss conducting your research at Blandy.  You can direct your inquiries based on the faculty member (see below) with the closest match to your research interests; however, we are open to people working in all fields of environmental, ecological, and evolutionary research.

Keep in mind this is not a complete fellowship package, rather it provides summer financial support and access to our facilities to supplement existing support from your home institution.

Dr. Kyle Haynes (population and landscape ecology, forest insect dynamics) Dr. David Carr (plant reproductive ecology, inbreeding and genetic
Dr. T’ai Roulston (pollination, plant-animal interactions, bee biology)

For more information about the station:

Smithsonian CTFS-ForestGEO Forest Census Internship & Field Crew Lead Positions

The Smithsonian Institution (CTFS-ForestGEO in partnership with Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, SCBI) seeks four interns-at least one of which will be international- and a field crew lead to participate in recensus of the SCBI forest dynamics plot in Front Royal, Virginia, USA. The 26-hectare study site is part of a global network of forest research sites led by the Smithsonian Institution’s ForestGEO Network (www.forestgeo.si.edu). The plot of mature deciduous trees is located on the SCBI’s main campus, where participants will be within a research community focused on conservation ecology and biology. In 2018, we will resurvey all marked stems and any recruitment during the years since last surveyed (2013). Participants will build experience in forest census, tree identification, and field research while learning about temperate deciduous forest diversity, dynamics, and drivers of change.

Successful applicants must have a recent university degree and some experience in forest Successful intern applicants must have a recent university degree (within 3 years) and some experience in forest field research. Ideally, the crew leader will have a master’s degree in forest ecology, botany, or a related discipline and/or direct experience leading a forest survey crew. A strong work ethic, attention to detail, enthusiasm to work outdoors under a range of weather conditions, and ability to work effectively with a team are essential for all applicants. Applicants should have knowledge of tree species identification and experience in forest ecology. The field crew lead should have mastery of eastern US tree species identification.

Internships will be March through September 2018 (6 months), and the field crew lead will work February through October 2018 (8 months). Interns will be compensated with a stipend sufficient to cover living expenses, and the field crew lead will be paid commensurate with experience. Housing on the SCBI campus will be available to all participants.

The application package should consist of 1) a cover letter outlining past field or research experience, 2) a detailed resume or CV, and 3) contact information for 2-3 references.
US applicants should send materials to scbiecology@si.edu  by January 1, 2018. International Applicants should end materials to ForestGEO@si.edu by December 1, 2017, as described in this ad:

The Smithsonian Institution values and seeks a diverse workforce; female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

MS Graduate Study in Biology: Multiple Positions

Multiple opportunities for MS graduate study in biology (including evolutionary biology and ecology) are available for Fall 2018 in the Department of Biology at Virginia Commonwealth University (visit http://biology.vcu.edu for more information on specific research areas and faculty). Teaching assistantships (including stipend and tuition waiver) are available for study towards an MS in Biology. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the relevant faculty member with a brief description of research interests, career goals, and a CV. 
VCU is located in Richmond, VA on the James River within easy reach of the Virginia coastal plain, Blue Ridge Mountains, and Chesapeake Bay. Applicants should apply to the VCU MS Program in Biology (http://biology.vcu.edu/graduate-program/ms-program-in-biology/). Applications are due January 15, 2018. Contact MS Biology Graduate Director, Dr. Turbeville (jmturbeville@vcu.edu), for more information. 

WSU – Graduate school research opportunities in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Graduate school research opportunities in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
The School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University invites motivated applicants for graduate training and research in ecology & evolutionary biology. 
Research opportunities in both plant and animal systems are diverse.   Research focus areas include disease and community ecology, ecosystem ecology, evolutionary genetics, ecological and evolutionary physiology, genomics, evolutionary theory, and phylogenetics and systematics.  The following is a brief sketch of our faculty active in these areas:
Jesse Brunner: Disease ecology
Jeremiah Busch:  Population genetics, plant evolution
Patrick Carter:  Quantitative genetics, animal physiology
Omar Cornejo:  Genomics, host-pathogen evolution
Erica Crespi:  Animal developmental physiology
Wes Dowd:  Animal evolutionary physiology
Mark Dybdahl:  Evolutionary ecology, adaptation, phenotypic plasticity
Dave Evans:  Ecosystem ecology and nutrient cycling
Richard Gomulkiewicz:  Evolutionary genetics and theory
Joanna Kelley:  Genomics, adaptation to extreme environments
Eric Roalson:  Plant phylogenetics and systematics
Elissa Schwartz:  Disease dynamics and virus-host interactions
Andrew Storfer:  Landscape genomics, disease evolution
Heather Watts:  Animal behavior and physiology
For more information on specific research areas in evolution and ecology, please visit their websites, available via sbs.wsu.edu
Our graduate training program offers many opportunities for excellence.  Every SBS student is fully funded with generous stipends through teaching or research assistantships, accompanying tuition waivers, and health benefits. Plus, SBS endowments provide over $100,000 per year in student awards to facilitate research, training, and professional travel. PhDs receive up to $10,000 in guaranteed support for research-related travel and MS students receive up to $5,000 in guaranteed support. The campus houses outstanding facilities, including plant and animal growth chambers, managed field sites, a modern genomics core, stable isotope facility, and a campus-wide computer cluster.
Washington State University is located in Pullman, WA, a friendly mid-sized town on the rolling hills of the unique Palouse region in eastern Washington.  The campus is only eight miles from the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID.   The two towns and campuses provide an academically and culturally rich community. The area offers great parks, bike paths, restaurants, farmer’s markets and unbeatable opportunities for recreation in the adjacent mountains and rivers.
For more information regarding the Graduate School applications at WSU, see: gradschool.wsu.edu
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please
The deadline for application of prospective students is January 10,
2018, but students are encouraged to apply anytime.

PhD Research Assistantship Opportunity in Ecological Restoration, Remote Sensing, and Data Analytics at Northern Arizona University?in Flagstaff, AZ

Announcement: https://tinyurl.com/y9cathdd
PDF: https://tinyurl.com/yadkwhgr

Graduate Research Assistantship (PhD) Opportunity at Northern Arizona University?in Flagstaff, AZ

Data Fusion for Forest Planning and Implementation:?Ecological Restoration, Remote Sensing, and Data Analytics

Are you interested in a PhD program that will provide you an opportunity to work in the frequent fire forests of the American Southwest and influence ecological restoration practices? These forests are in dire need of restoration, mainly due to a century of fire exclusion and subsequent, undesirable changes in forest structure and function. For example, the largest collaborative forest restoration project in the US, the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI), has a goal of implementing restoration treatments on approximately 1M ha of U.S. Forest Service lands in northern Arizona. Fundamental to these efforts are precise data on the amount and distribution of available resources, knowledge of how resources may change over time, and hazard assessments (e.g., wildfire potential); all of which require costly and resource intensive, spatially explicit data. As a result, managers are using more remote sensing data products (e.g., LiDAR), coupled with advanced forest inventory and data analysis techniques, to quantify existing conditions and support broad-scale analysis of forest ecosystems.

A PhD graduate research assistantship is available in the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, focused on the development and assessment of data fusion techniques that will allow managers to better capitalize on major advancements in remote sensing to utilize more accurate data and enhance precision of landscape-scale analysis (e.g., >100,000
acres) project areas. Working alongside the Ecological Restoration Institute, the USDA Forest Service, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, and Campbell Global; the successful applicant will focus on developing and statistically validating an open source big data, remote sensing, and inventory data fusion platform. This platform will provide enhanced forest structural and compositional information in support of forest resource decision-making.

The selected student will:

Assess and statistically validate algorithms for identifying individual trees and species from remote sensing data of Southwestern forests using new and/or existing stemmapped, area and tree based sample data.
Using these algorithms and data, design and implement a platform that integrates multiple data sources (data fusion) that are typically too large to analyze using traditional methods (big data) to provide detailed forest resource information at the tree-,stand-, and landscape levels.
Assess the accuracy, precision, and statistical properties of forest resource estimates such as bias, consistency, error, spatial uncertainty, and use these to provide improved information for land management decision making.
Apply the platform to Southwestern landscape-scale case studies to; quantify existing conditions, assess low-value biomass product availability, facilitate watershed treatment implementation, and monitor forest restoration treatments.
The position includes a full stipend, tuition waiver, health benefits and field support for 4 years.

Applications from quantitatively minded individuals with a practical approach to solving complex problems are welcome. Experience processing large remote sensing and inventory datasets using C++, R, and/or Python is preferred.


Master?s degree in forestry, geography, ecology, computer science, or related fields.
Demonstrable research experience, collaboration abilities, and English (written and oral) communication skills.
Competitive GRE scores (top 40th percentile).
?Information about NAU?s graduate program, including eligibility requirements, is available athttp://nau.edu/CEFNS/Forestry/Degrees/.

NAU’s formal application deadline is for Fall 2018 is Feb 15 2018 and preferred start date is Summer 2018. However, interested candidates are encouraged to contact with Dr. Sanchez Meador as soon as possible using the information provided below or submit your CV, written statement of interest, and copies of unofficial degree transcripts to initiate a dialog via e- mail.??Andrew.SanchezMeador@nau.edu.

Contact Information:

Dr. Andrew S?nchez Meador?
School of Forestry?
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018, USA?

Graduate position: University of New Orleans. Computer simulations

Graduate positions (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are available in the Atallah Lab (https://sites.google.com/view/atallahlab) in the Biological Sciences Department at the University of New Orleans (UNO). We are currently looking for students interested in working on one of the following two projects:
1) Simulating the role of transposable elements in evolution and human disease:
In recent years, evidence has accumulated that transposable elements (TEs) play important roles in both evolutionary processes (such as changes in gene regulation) and the progression of diseases such as cancer. We are developing computer simulations of the activity of TEs in both the soma and the germline. Students interested in this project should be familiar with Shell scripting and computer programming.
2) The evolution of the early embryonic transcriptome in Drosophila species:
Embryonic transcriptomes from diverse species can be readily compared due to similarities in embryonic stages. We are analyzing transcriptomes from different stages of early embryogenesis in Drosophila species. Students interested in this project should be prepared for molecular lab work, bioinformatic analysis and possible field collection of samples.
Interested students should send an email to jatallah@uno.edu<mailto:jatallah@uno.edu>. Please include a brief description of your background (or a CV or resume), and mention which project you’re interested in and why you’re excited about this project.
The University of New Orleans is a public research university and part of the University of Louisiana system. New Orleans is a diverse and historic city with a vibrant culture.

Joel Atallah, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
202 Biology Building
Department of Biological Sciences
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70148
(504) 280-7057

Field technicians needed for work on wild horse and burro ecology

From: Sarah King [mailto:sarah.king@COLORADO.EDU]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 6:41 PM
Subject: Field technicians needed for work on wild horse and burro ecology

Field technicians needed for work on wild horse and burro ecology, March-September, 2018

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Colorado State University (CSU) are conducting scientific research to assist the BLM in management of free-roaming wild horses and burros on public lands. The research projects are led by Dr. Kate Schoenecker (USGS/CSU) and Dr. Sarah King (CSU). We are seeking field technicians to work on projects involving radio telemetry and behavioral observations of wild horses and burros in remote sites in Utah and Arizona. These positions provide a great opportunity to learn and polish wildlife monitoring techniques and assist with research on wild horses and burros. More information about our research projects can be found athttps://www.fort.usgs.gov/wildhorsepopulations

Field work in 2018 is part of a five-year study examining the demography and behavioral ecology of wild horses and burros in three different Herd Management Areas (HMAs) in Utah and one in Arizona. The successful applicants will use radio telemetry to locate wild horses or burros to determine demographic parameters, and/or to conduct behavioral observations. Positions available will focus on behavior and demography of either wild horses or wild burros.

Due to the remote desert and mountain locations of the HMAs, the field work is rigorous – it requires extended hiking across rugged terrain, frequently off-trail on high slopes. Large amounts of time are also spent in work vehicles locating the animals. Work is conducted under variable weather conditions at elevations above 6,000 feet, with the potential for both extreme heat and temperatures below freezing (even within the same week). Heat tolerance and an understanding of desert weather is required for summer field work in Arizona. Independence and a tenacious work ethic are essential at all sites.
Behavioral observations require a great deal of patience and ability to spend many hours watching animals simply graze or rest. The positions are located in remote field sites, necessitating excellent teamwork and flexibility, good communication skills, and a positive attitude. Basic housing is provided at the field sites. This consists of small shared trailers, some of which do not have constant electricity.
There may be extended tent camping, which would require periods without access to electricity or running water. No internet service is available in the housing, and cell service is patchy in most locations.

We have openings for up to 6 field technicians that can commit for the entire field season: mid-March through September 2018. Please state your availability in your application, as well as your desire to work with wild horses versus wild burros if you have a preference. We are unlikely to accept applicants who would start after April.

Field technicians will be employed by Colorado State University. Fieldwork is conducted in 10 day field sessions (salary is $14/hr, equating to $1,120 per field session). Each field session is followed by a 4 day break which allows time to explore the spectacular scenery near the field sites. Due to the nature of field work there may be long work days. These positions are not eligible for paid sick leave, paid vacation, or paid holidays. Field technicians are eligible for health insurance through CSU under the Affordable Care Act, with some options at no cost to the employee. We can only hire candidates with legal permission to work in the United States, unless currently registered as a student at a foreign university.

Duties and responsibilities (depending on position):
Locating radio-collared or radio-tagged individual animals using radio telemetry.
Collecting demographic data, recording data, and entering it in to a database.
Collection of behavioral data, recording data, and entering it in to a database.
Maintaining databases and proofing data that has been entered.
Participation in related field research projects as needed (this may entail travelling to a different herd area).

Skills needed:
*       Familiarity with use of GPS and/or map and compass.
*       Maintaining and safeguarding personally assigned and project equipment.
*       Assistance in routine maintenance of housing.
*       Ability to drive 4WD vehicles across varied and rugged terrain.
*       Completion of necessary USGS safety courses and certifications.
*       Excellent communication skills required to remain in contact with remote supervisor during
protracted fieldwork.

Minimum qualifications:
*       One year of laboratory or field research, or any equivalent combination of experience, training
and/or education.
*       A state driver’s license valid during period of employment (any US state).
*       Ability to hike in backcountry covering 4-5 miles each day while carrying a 35lb pack.

Preferred qualifications (in addition to above):
*       Bachelors degree in wildlife science, biology or related discipline.
*       Experience with radio telemetry in field conditions.
*       Experience with behavioral observations of mammals under natural conditions.
*       Understanding of animal behavior and ecology.
*       Experience driving 4WD vehicles in the back country.
*       Ability to manage and maintain a computer database.

To apply send both a letter of interest and resume with contact information for two references to Sarah King at sarah.king@colostate.edu. Clearly state how your experience qualifies you for this position, and your availability.

Deadline for receipt of applications is January 5, 2018.

Research Technician, Univ. Notre Dame

From: Jennifer Belovsky [mailto:belovsky.2@ND.EDU] 
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 12:10 PM
Subject: Job: Research Technician, Univ. Notre Dame
full-time research technician position is available to work with Dr. Gary E. Belovsky onecological research both on University of Notre Dame campus, Notre Dame, Indiana and at the University of Notre Dame’s Environmental Research Center-East in northern Wisconsin. 
Duties/responsibilities:  Run field and lab experiments, both aquatic and terrestrial, although the main focus is aquatic.  Enter, manage and statistically analyze data.  Maintain variety of field and lab equipment at UNDERC-East, Land O’ Lakes, WI.  Maintain weather stations and oversee downloading of data.  Supervise undergraduates as technicians and in their own research in a laboratory and field setting. Assist in overseeing undergraduate and graduate students, and other researchers as residents at the University of Notre Dame’s Environmental Research Center-East in northern Wisconsin.
Location of position includes spending 7-8 months in the lab at the University of Notre Dame, South Bend campus, and 4-5 months at the University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center (UNDERC-East), Land O’ Lakes, WI.  Housing is provided on the UNDERC property in WI.
Qualifications include a BS or BA degree in ecology, environmental sciences or equivalent degree with previous relevant field and lab experience.  Master’s degree is preferred but not required.  Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential.  Experience working in a research setting is preferred with knowledge/understanding of experimental ecology in lab and field.  Field experience in collecting data for aquatic and terrestrial systems is preferred.  Computer skills with the following are preferred:  Word, Excel, Access, Systat, GIS, web page maintenance, upload/download of data from various pieces of equipment.  Valid US Driver’s License.
Deadline for application:  December 6, 2017
Start Date:  January 8, 2018
Salary:  $27,190-$35,000, with benefits
Applications:  Please apply online at web site: http://jobs.nd.edu/postings/10886Please include cover letter, resume and contact information for 3 references.  For questions, please contact Jennifer Slade Belovsky at belovsky.2@nd.edu
For more information, see Belovsky website: http://biology.nd.edu/people/faculty/belovsky/ , lab website: http://belovskylab.nd.edu/ and UNDERC website: http://underc.nd.edu/underc-east/ The University of Notre Dame is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 

Graduate position: TulaneU.EvolutionaryBiology

Plus One’ MS opportunities in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at
Tulane University.

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the School of
Science and Engineering at Tulane University encourages applications to
our ‘Plus One’ MS program, a one-year, non-thesis MS program.

The Plus One degree program is designed for students who are interested
in seeking employment with environmental agencies of federal, state,
and municipal government; non-governmental organizations; and in
private industry, including environmental consulting firms. The program
also will be useful for students planning to enter more advanced
professional degree programs (e.g., law, public health, medicine,
veterinary medicine, natural resources management) and for students
intent on pursuing additional academic training (e.g., Ph.D. degree
programs). Finally, the program is useful for students seeking to
strengthen teaching skills and pedagogy for a future career in

Students elect to pursue one of three tracks in the program:

(1)        Research, in which students work closely with a tenured or
tenure-track faculty mentor, with the goal of strengthening research
capacity and potentially producing a peer-reviewed publication; these
students typically use this track as a stepping stone to a Ph.D.
program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology or a related field.

(2)        Pedagogy, in which students work closely with one or more
teaching faculty mentors, with the goal of strengthening teaching
experience and skills, including the option to serve as an Teaching
Fellow in EBIO 1010, Diversity of Life; these students typically go on
to teach at the high school or elementary school level or otherwise
engage in educational activities.

(3)        Knowledge base, in which students work with the Graduate
Studies coordinator or other faculty member to identify courses
required to bolster transcripts and knowledge base; these students
typically go on to apply to professional degree programs such as law,
medical, or veterinary schools or join the workforce.

We have established a strong track record of assisting Plus One
students to meet their professional and educational goals. Recent
graduates from the program are currently in highly regarded PhD
programs, law schools, medical schools and vet schools; teaching in
high schools; and working in industry and governmental and
non-governmental agencies.

Our department houses a strong team of outstanding researchers and
educators, with established strengths in coastal and tropical systems.
We are committed to promoting diversity in STEM, and particularly
welcome applications from members of groups that are traditionally
under-represented in the field of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.

Visit our departmental webpage at: http://www2.tulane.edu/sse/eebio/

To view specific faculty and research interests, see:

To find out more about the Plus One program, see:

For any inquiries or more information, please contact Graduate Studies
Coordinator Dr. Jordan Karubian at jk@tulane.edu

“Duncan, Charles-Ryan D” <cduncan8@tulane.edu>

Graduate position: VirginiaCommonwealthU.NicheEvolution

The Eckert lab located at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is looking
to recruit a new doctoral student to study niche evolution in conifers.
Students interested in conifers, phylogenetic comparative methods, niche
evolution, and the genetic architecture of adaptation are particularly
encouraged to apply. The student would be enrolled in the Integrative Life
Sciences (ILS) doctoral program. This program has competitive teaching and
research assistantships, including tuition waivers, available to qualified
applicants. More information about the ILS program is located at:

The Eckert lab is located in the Department of Biology at VCU. Currently,
lab members include one postdoctoral scientist, three doctoral students,
one M.S. student, and several undergraduate researchers. Members of the lab
are encouraged to develop their own projects, attend conferences, and match
research and teaching experiences to their career goals. For more
information about my mentoring style, please see:

VCU is located in Richmond, Virginia, and is a large, urban campus with an
undergraduate enrollment of approximately 32,000 students. Richmond has
great art, music, and food scenes, as well as wonderful park systems. It is
located along the James River and was recently voted the best river town in
the United States.

If you are interested, please contact me via e-mail (aeckert2@vcu.edu). In
your e-mail, please provide brief descriptions of your research and career
goals, as well as attach your CV. The deadline for applications to the ILS
program is January 10, 2018.

Andrew J Eckert <aeckert2@vcu.edu>