
Research Assistant at Conservation X Labs, 1-year, Washington D.C., start January 2018

Conservation X Labs is hiring a RESEARCH ASSISTANT, FULL TIME 1-YEAR TERM POSITION Approximate start date: January 2, 2018 Application deadline: We will start reviewing applications on December 20th and close the position on December 31, 2017.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Annual salary: $36,000
Duration: 1-year term, renewal depending on funding.

Note: this email does not include the full job announcement. Please see the link below for the full announcement and the application process:


Conservation X Labs is hiring! We are looking for an exceptional, conservation-minded team-player to join our dynamic company and organization. The “X” in our name means “Exponential” — our mission is to harness exponential technologies, open innovation, and entrepreneurship to dramatically improve the efficacy, cost, speed, scale, and sustainability of conservation efforts to end human induced extinction.
We are an optimistic, passionate, forward-looking, and mission-oriented organization set to transform the approaches to solving conservation problems.

We seek a detail-oriented Research Assistant who will help with academic research, analysis, writing, and publication of both peer-reviewed publications and white-papers based on thorough reviews and syntheses of scientific and technical publications. A percentage of the Research Assistant’s time will be devoted to activities as needed to organize events. The ideal candidate will have an academic background in emerging technologies, international development, conservation biology, limnology, marine biology, oceanography, ecology, or a similar scientific field with a demonstrated understanding of water and conservation issues.

Roles and Responsibilities:
The Research Assistant will work closely with the staff and partners of Conservation X Labs to research, synthesize, write, and edit research papers, mapping the potential innovation space, as well as perform necessary duties to plan and organize events, meetings, and workshops. The Research Assistant will be responsible for researching and writing materials that Conservation X Labs will use to launch challenge and prize competitions, status reports, digital content, and published articles. The final products authored or co-authored by the Research Assistant will be publicly available as peer-reviewed papers, white papers, reports, or web content like social media or blog pieces.

Duties include:
Research the landscape of problems and solutions within the broad category of water and conservation, advanced cooling technologies for the developing world, accelerating adaptation for coral reefs, and emerging areas of science & technology. The candidate will organize, write, and edit a landscape analysis report on the topics.
Identify and interview experts and leading innovators in the relevant fields to incorporate their expertise into the written documents.
Communicate with partners and venues to organize logistics for events, meetings, and workshops hosted by Conservation X Labs.
Promote Conservation X Labs and member projects for social media, and for other relevant media.
Support the Conservation X Labs team to facilitate other organizational programming and projects.

Ecology REU opportunity at Miami University

Dear colleagues,

Miami University (in Oxford, OH) is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications to our Research Experience for Undergraduates. The program is focused on Ecology in Human Dominated Landscapes. We would appreciate it if you could distribute this e-mail to anyone that might be interested and encourage your undergraduate students to visit our website and apply. Below there is a short synopsis of the program activities and contact information for students that may be interested in the program.

Thank you for your time,

Patrick Garrett
Graduate Program Assistant
EcoREU Program, Miami University
E-mail: garretp2@miamioh.edu
Undergraduate students accepted into the program will:
  • Conduct an independent research project with a faculty mentor at Miami University. Research opportunities are available in the lab or field in aquatic or terrestrial environments.
  • Discuss current literature related to their projects with faculty mentors and student peers in clusters related to their project.
  • Attend team-building field trips around the regional Midwest.
  • Take short courses on ethics and professions in ecology and environmental science, and interact with seminars by guest speakers.
  • Participate in field trips illustrating the natural history of Southwestern Ohio.
For more information about our program please visit our website at:https://sites.google.com/a/miamioh.edu/ecoreu/home. Click on the Application tab at the top of the page and follow the instructions to apply. Please contact Patrick Garrett at garretp2@miamioh.edu with any problems, questions, or concerns you may have about our program or the application process.

Field / Laboratory Technician Job

The Invasive Species lab at the University of Texas at Austin’s Brackenridge Field Laboratory is seeking a technician for a mixed field and laboratory position working on invasive ants.  Please see details of job below.  Apply at:


Salary: Proposed Salary Minimum: $22,884 – Proposed non-published maximum
limit: $26,000

General Position Notes: Job is a mixture of field and laboratory based investigation. Job requires frequent overnight travel to field sites in remote regions of Texas. Camping out will be required at some sites. Work will be outside during Texas summer. Experimental protocols will require a non-standard work schedule. Work will often involve long days and short weeks, working evenings, mornings and/or weekends.

Purpose: Technician will follow the direction of the lead investigator to carry out studies examining the biology and ecology of tawny crazy and natural enemies of this ant, including microsporidian pathogens and phorid fly parasitoids.

Driving a UT vehicle is an essential function of the position.

Essential Functions
*       Function 1: Perform field assays of tawny crazy ant, and native ant
abundances and experiments on species interactions and ecology.
*       Function 1 Percent Time: 30.00 %

*       Function 2: Conduct laboratory experiments investigating the biology of a
microsporidian pathogen and a phorid fly parasitoid of this ant.
*       Function 2 Percent Time: 25.00 %

*       Function 3:  Conducting experiments into the behavioral and chemical
ecology of ant species interactions.
*       Function 3 Percent Time: 15.00 %

*       Function 4: Staining and counting microsporidian spore loads in infected
ants using compound microscope.  Sort, identify and record ants and other arthropods from pitfall traps. Identify ants and phorid flies to species level and other arthropods to order level. Function 4 Percent Time: 20.00 %

*       Function 5: Record all data in field datasheets, and enter data into
spreadsheets. Use GPS to set out transects and record features. Store and label specimens in alcohol vials or in pinned collections. Curate materials and maintain records. Clean and organize laboratory space.
*       Function 5 Percent Time: 10.00 %
Essential Functions Percent Time Total: 100.00 %

Marginal/Incidental Functions
Maintain vehicles in clean, roadworthy condition. Maintain the workspace in a orderly state. Organize work flow, and maintain activity schedule on multiple projects simultaneously. Collect fire ant colonies. Other related
functions as assigned.

Preferred Qualifications
Bachelors or masters degree in biological science. Strong background and interest in entomology and ecology. Experience in field ecological studies and experiments. Experience with insect identification. Experience with micro-dissection and microscopy. Laboratory experience in chemistry.
Experience with molecular lab procedures. Computer skills including familiarity with spreadsheet manipulation, analysis and graphing in Microsoft Excel. Experience using GPS. Excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills needed. Ability to perform as a
member of a dynamic research team.

Start Date
On or around January 2, 2018

Duration of Appointment
Appointment will last for 1 year.  Provided additional funding can be secured and applicant performs well, appointment may be renewed.

Ph.D. Assistantship in Land Change Science and Geospatial Analytics at NC State

Dr. Adam Terando with the Southeast Climate Science Center and Dr. Ross K.
Meentemeyer at North Carolina State University are seeking a creative, motivated Ph.D.
student with quantitative modeling interests to join an interdisciplinary team investigating the dynamics of urbanization and landscape change in the Southeast US.
The position will begin Fall 2018 and is funded for four years at $25,000/year, plus benefits and tuition support, through the cutting-edge Geospatial Analytics Ph.D.
program at NC State (geospatial.ncsu.edu).

In cooperation with the USGS, the selected applicant will collaborate with a diverse research group focused on the human dimensions of global change, conservation ecology, and decision science with geospatial analytics. The student will contribute to development and application of FUTURES, an open source land-change modeling framework for scenario-based simulations of landscape change. The student will be encouraged to develop research questions and a project tailored to their unique interests and career goals. Competitive candidates will be proficient in python, C++ or equivalent programming language. Applicants should hold a degree in Geography, Ecology, Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, or a related discipline.

The Center for Geospatial Analytics is an internationally recognized collaborative hub for interdisciplinary data scientists advancing novel understanding of spatial phenomena and applying new knowledge to grand challenges. Students in the Ph.D.
program receive multidisciplinary advising and the opportunity to work with over twenty faculty fellows with diverse expertise from nearly a dozen departments across NC State. Students also engage in experiential learning through an off-campus professional internship.

The Department of Interior Southeast Climate Science Center (SE CSC;
https://globalchange.ncsu.edu/secsc/) is a joint federal-university research center managed by the US Geological Survey and anchored at NC State University.  Bringing together a diverse set of federal and academic researchers, the SE CSC is a leader in fostering collaborative global change research for the benefit of natural and cultural resource managers. Students affiliated with the SE CSC also have the opportunity to participate in the university-sponsored Global Change Fellowship program.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. To apply, complete the application at grad.ncsu.edu/apply by February 1, 2018.

To express interest in the position or to learn more, contact Dr. Terando
(ajterand@ncsu.edu) or Dr. Meentemeyer (rkmeente@ncsu.edu). Additional details about the Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics and complete application instructions are available at go.ncsu.edu/geospatial-phd. Interested students are also encouraged to contact Rachel Kasten, Graduate Services Coordinator (rachelkasten@ncsu.edu or 919-515-2800), with questions about the program or to explore additional opportunities.

PhD student position

I am seeking an innovative colleague to join the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at the University of Montana working with Dr. Lisa Eby. PhD Applicants are sought to participate in the recently NSF-funded National Research Traineeship (NRT) program: UM BRIDGES: Bridging Divides across the Food, Energy, and Water Nexus (http://www.umt.edu/bridges/). The successful fellow will be engaged with an intellectual community and cohort of other graduate students with research interests at the FEW nexus. Fellows will receive a generous living stipend ($34K/year), and tuition and research support, while gaining valuable teaching and mentoring experience. The student’s research will be driven by student interests and available funding.  University of Montana is located in Missoula, a small city in western Montana surrounded by extensive wilderness with unlimited recreational opportunities.

Interested applicants please send a brief description of research experience and interests, as well as a CV and unofficial transcripts to lisa.eby@umontana.edu

Students from a diversity of backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Graduate position (Master’s, funded) on adaptation of singing insects to temperature change

The Fowler-Finn Lab (Saint Louis U) is recruiting a highly motivated Master’s student to start in Fall 2018 on a project investigating the impact of temperature variation on reproduction in vibrationally singing insects. This is part of an NSF-funded project combining field work and classic quantitative genetics within a population-comparative framework across a latitudinal gradient. The Fowler-Finn lab is a vibrant group of highly motivated and diverse scientists excited about vibrational communication, insects and arachnids, outreach education, and supporting diversity in STEM. For more information, visit the lab webpage (https://www.fowlerfinnlab.com/blog/2017/10/27/masters-opportunity-to-study-temperature-effects-on-insect-communication) or contact Dr. Fowler-Finn (kasey.fowlerfinn@slu.edu). For best consideration, please apply by Jan 15!

MS Assistantship in forest growth and cover change @ Kennesaw State

The lab of Dr. Matthew Weand at Kennesaw State University is looking for a graduate student (MS) for a project evaluating changes in forest cover, long-term forest growth trends, and fire history within the Piedmont region of northern Georgia.

The project is being conducted in conjunction with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Up to two full academic years of support may be available, with additional support provided through Teaching Assistantships.

Applicants should have a BS in biology, ecology, environmental science or related field. Ideal applicants will be highly motivated, have field experience including identification of eastern deciduous forest species, dendrochronology and GIS methods, and be comfortable in harsh conditions (heat, biting insects) with a field crew (1-2 people). The applicant must be able to carry up to 25lbs of equipment for extended periods of time.

The student will enroll in the graduate program in Integrative Biology (http://csm.kennesaw.edu/msib/). The Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Department at KSU is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of faculty providing integrative courses, well-equipped research facilities, external and internal research funding opportunities. KSU is located in Kennesaw, Ga, a suburban area within convenient driving distance to Atlanta and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities in the north Georgia mountains.

Contact Dr. Matthew Weand mweand@kennesaw.edu for more information. Please include your resume/CV, Cover letter addressing your interest in the project, background, and extent of qualifications, and the names of 3 references along with “MSIB position” in the email subject line. The preferred deadline to apply is January 15 2018. Preferred start date is May/June 2018 (for field work) or earlier, with enrollment in the graduate program by Fall 2018 (August).


Masters assistantship in plant/soil interactions

Soil Ecology in the Pacific Northwest

I am seeking a Master of Science student for the Department of Environmental Sciences at Western Washington University. Research will focus on the plant response to soil biota in natural, disturbed and restored systems. Funding is available via TA-ship and tuition waiver.

Information about our lab can be found here:

There are several possible avenues for research projects. The two areas I am focusing in right now are (1) the function of mycorrhizal fungi and common mycorrhizal networks in ecological restoration and (2) the effects of mycorrhizae on host plants across stress gradients (e.g. pH, temperature, drought, invasion, etc.).

The duties of this position may include field sampling of plant roots and soil, growing plants in a greenhouse, processing plant and soil samples, microscope work, and analyzing different types of data. Requirements for admission and other information about the program can be found at:


Competitive candidates for this position will have a degree in environmental science or a related discipline, excellent written and oral communication, strong GRE scores, and evidence of previous research success.

Interested students should email a brief statement of their research interests, a resume, GRE scores, and (unofficial) transcripts to:

Rebecca Bunn
Associate Professor
Dept. of Environmental Sciences
Huxley College
Western Washington University
email: rebecca.bunn ‘at’ wwu.edu

Deadline to apply to graduate school is February 1, 2018. I am in the field for the rest of the fall and will reply to queries after the first of the year.

Graduate position: USheffield.2PhD.EvolutionaryGenomics

We are seeking two highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD students to study
sex chromosomes in birds and reptiles.

Deadline for applying: 9th January 2018

*Evolution and implications of sex determination diversity*

Lead supervisor: Dr Alison Wright, University of Sheffield

Co-supervisors: Prof Jon Slate (University of Sheffield), Prof Steve
Paterson (University of Liverpool)

Sex chromosomes have evolved independently, multiple times across animals
and closely related species often exhibit different sexual systems and
modes of sex determination. Understanding the causes and consequences of
this diversity is a major challenge in evolutionary biology, with important
implications for sexual selection, sexual dimorphism and adaptation.  The
project will tackle these questions using cutting-edge bioinformatic
techniques and next-generation sequence data across reptile species.
Reptiles are an ideal group to study sex chromosome evolution as they
exhibit an exceptional diversity in sex determination systems, where
different types of sex chromosomes have evolved independently multiple
times, making it possible to identify convergent evolutionary patterns.

The approach taken can be tailored to the particular interests of the
student, and could include studies of sex chromosome degeneration and
sexualisation, gene expression evolution and sexual conflict. Applicants
should have strong analytical skills and an enthusiasm for evolutionary

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Alison Wright before
applying (a.e.wright@sheffield.ac.uk <alison.e.wright@ucl.ac.uk>) for more
details on the project, funding and facilities. For details on current
research in the Wright lab, see http://secure-web.cisco.com/1us94BJ2psUwxbCoAu3Z1oVxUlKHBpR7MdCiSayKNG6nmX5NlrTEcsUxfp5yvKqK9zL7HCQYWINoI3lHp9yJf1-Ue-yLrgn-M_oAQ-6owURiIwOhd1R-jO6jIUna_7wKC6lAWaZZaI_928SUJhja2KP_w8GDS2o5yMXcu3PDOeuvS59jv_Zoyj7zbq_GVV6WgC7iqTMBwSEj1zvDwZ7Q-ku3I68vMILcnj04EFiqEbPXgoI8ptgtmVQWgn0slJw6zh3cwit3O9UmKMfDxCo6cqJc9BXowVG9heW38AKL8N5wxYYyOXKi_ScnE0R0hswS19LKYhMiPZeHL1xk6Q1hCC_VW_lcoB1xCnMwR_s1pq_Bgmim8eusUhUnk-LMQbCLQfZgj4K8e5KdF_RTnTQIgsj-OiDfGjQLU_qDRq5oj-nUW3JBpKcnUZ_FLGLgQk_8y/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alisonewright.co.uk

*Evolutionary genomics of zebra finch **supergenes*

Lead supervisor: Prof Jon Slate, University of Sheffield

Co-supervisors: Dr Alison Wright (University of Sheffield), Prof Steve
Paterson (University of Liverpool)

Inversion polymorphisms (?supergenes?) are increasingly recognised as an
important source of genetic variation, responsible for some dramatic
phenotypes (e.g. social system in fire ants, male morphs in ruffs, mimicry
in butterflies etc.). We have recently shown that a supergene on the Z
chromosome (a sex chromosome) explains nearly all of the heritable
variation in sperm morphology in zebra finches (Kim et al. 2017; see also
However, the origin and evolution of the supergene are unknown.

This project will harness next-generation sequencing technology to
understand the Z chromosome supergene, and the evolutionary importance of
inversion polymorphisms more generally.  The student will use long reads
generated by 10X Genomics technology to:

1) Determine the origin of the Z chromosome inversion polymorphism;
2) Understand the molecular evolution of the genes within it;
3) Compare the Z inversion and at least three autosomal inversion
polymorphisms to understand how, and wherein the genome, inversion
polymorphisms arise.

The project will suit a candidate that is excited by analysing genomic
datasets to address evolutionary questions.


These PhD projects will provide an excellent opportunity to learn
genomic skills to study sex chromosomes and test clear theoretical
predictions. The successful candidate will be trained in cutting-edge
bioinformatics and genomic techniques. The applicant will benefit from the
diverse range of expertise offered by the co-supervisors and researchers
within the Animal and Plant Sciences Department at the University of

*Funding Notes*

For details on how to apply, including eligibility, see:


Dr Alison Wright

NERC Independent Research Fellow
Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield
Sheffield, S10 2TN

Graduate position at UC Merced in Insect-Microbe Symbioses and Evolutio

Insect-Microbe Symbioses and Evolution 
Graduate Student Opportunity at University of California at Merced

The Bennett Laboratory in the Life and Environmental Sciences Unit at the University of California, Merced is seeking an exceptional Ph.D. student. The student will participate in on-going and emerging areas of research related to insect-microbial symbioses and evolution. The student can develop an original research project or push forward projects that are already established in the group. Preference will be given to an applicant with B.Sc. or M.Sc. in microbiology, entomology, evolution, or genetics.
Areas of active research in the Bennett lab include, but are not limited to:
1)    Comparative genomics and molecular evolution of bacterial symbioses in sap-feeding insects.

2)    Insect-microbe cellular and metabolic maintenance and integration.

3)    The role of insect microbiomes in shaping endemic Hawaiian insect evolution. 

Student support will include full tuition waiver, stipend, and Teaching Assistantship. To indicate your interest, please send 1) a cover letter with a brief description of past experience and reasons for interest in the position, 2) a curriculum vitae, and 3) contact information of three references to Gordon Bennett at
gbennett2@ucm.edu. More information about this position and research in the Bennett lab is currently available at Bennett Lab Website (https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/BennettG/)

Official applications (
http://graduatedivision.ucmerced.edu/prospective-students/how-apply) for graduate education in the Quantitative and Environmental Systems Groups at UC Merced (http://les.ucmerced.edu/) should be submitted to the Graduate Division before the deadline of January 15, 2018. Applicants are also encouraged to apply for university-wide fellowship programs (http://graduatedivision.ucmerced.edu/financial-support) for which they are eligible, most of which are due on or before January 15, 2018.

The University of California, Merced is centrally located with easy access to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Yosemite National Park, the San Francisco Bay Area, and the California coastline. The Bennett lab also maintains active research projects in the Hawaiian Archipelago, offering exceptional opportunities for natural ecosystems.

U.C. Merced is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff and students.


1.LES = 
2.Official applications = 
3.University-wide fellowship programs = 
4. Current Bennett Lab Website = 