
Fisheries Ecology Lab Internships Dauphin Island Sea Lab

Subject: Fisheries Ecology Lab Internships Dauphin Island Sea Lab
2018 Internship Opportunity
Shelby Center for Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
Dauphin Island Sea Lab
Dauphin Island, AL
The Fisheries Ecology lab is seeking interns to work under the faculty direction of Dr. Sean Powers at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab on a wide variety of fisheries projects in waters adjacent to Dauphin Island, a gulf barrier island in the northern Gulf of Mexico fringing the Mobile Bay estuary. Paid internships are available for a six-month period.
Qualified applicants will have the opportunity to assist with groundbreaking studies in Fisheries Ecology in the northern Gulf of Mexico that involve a variety of fishes (bony fishes, sharks and rays) from both offshore and inshore locales. Interns will gain experience with various sampling techniques used in fisheries research, as well as the associated laboratory sample processing.

BES Summer 2018 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunities

From: Alan Berkowitz [mailto:berkowitza@CARYINSTITUTE.ORG]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 7:29 AM
Subject: BES Summer 2018 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunities
The Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) is now accepting applications for two Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) positions for the summer of 2018! 
Students will perform cutting-edge research of immediate relevance to people in urban areas as part of the BES Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Baltimore, MD (see: https://beslter.org/). In addition to their individual research projects, students will participate in BES seminars, and in selected activities in the Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN) Undergraduate Research Program (see: https://erams.com/UWIN/urp/) and the Cary Institute REU program (see:http://www.caryinstitute.org/students/reu-program). Students with interests in urban social ecological systems, aquatic or terrestrial ecology or related fields are encouraged to apply.
To apply:  Go to:
Application deadline: Rolling. Applications will be reviewed starting February 12, 2018.
Dates: Up to 10 weeks between June 4 and August 10, 2018. Specific dates to be determined by student and mentor.
Eligibility:  Undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, juniors or first semester seniors. Must be citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. or its possessions.
Support: $525/week stipend, assistance with room and board on-campus or in nearby housing, travel assistance.
Projects for 2018:
A) Baltimore Old Forests Project.
Mentors: Dr. John Lagrosa (Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education (CUERE), University of Maryland Baltimore County) and Nancy Sonti (US Forest Service Baltimore Field Station).
B) The Effect of Urbanization on Riparian Spiders.
Mentors: Dr. Christine Hawn (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Dr. Emma Rosi (Cary Institute) and Dr. Chris Swan (University of Maryland Baltimore County).
See detailed project descriptions below.
For more information: Contact Dr. Alan R. Berkowitz, BES Education Team Leader, Phone: (845)-677-7600 ext. 311, Email:berkowitza@caryinstitute.org.
Please forward this email to students interested in doing independent research in our unique setting.
Detailed Project Descriptions:
A) Baltimore Old Forests Project.
Mentors: Dr. John Lagrosa (Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education (CUERE), University of Maryland Baltimore County) and Nancy Sonti (US Forest Service Baltimore Field Station).
We are working to understand the relationships among people, communities, and forests in Baltimore over the past 100 years. The distribution of landscapes that seem like “nature” or “wilderness” are actually the result of complex social histories. These insights will help contribute to local agency and non-profit goals for a more equitable future urban forest landscape for Baltimore City. The REU student will use several sources of historical aerial imagery to characterize change in Baltimore City’s forest cover over time (1926-27, 1937-38, 1952-53, 1964, and 1972). The student will gain skills in archival research, georectification, and land use classification using ArcGIS software. In addition, the student will have the opportunity to analyze the resulting historical forest patch data alongside other long-term social, economic, and ecological data sets for insights into which forest patches have been relatively stable or dynamic, and why. Finally, the student may work with scientists from the US Forest Service and the University of Maryland Baltimore County to expand the project onto a crowdsourced citizen science platform. Students with an interest in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), forest ecology, history, and/or citizen science are encouraged to apply.
B) The Effect of Urbanization on Riparian Spiders.
Mentors: Dr. Christine Hawn (University of Maryland Baltimore County), Dr. Emma Rosi (Cary Institute) and Dr. Chris Swan (University of Maryland Baltimore County).
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected in a variety of natural environments across the world. Although reported concentrations are generally low, PPCPs can persist in the environment for months to years. PPCPS are biologically active compounds that are designed to influence specific functions and behaviors in target humans and animals. The potential effects of active PPCPs in the environment on human and environmental health are a major concern for groups like the World Health Organization. BES researchers have detected PPCPs in Baltimore streams, however, the extent of exposure throughout the urban environment is unknown. The REU student will design a study to explore the effects of urban stream subsidies on riparian spiders and examine the concentrations of PPCPs in spiders, as indicators of the movement of these contaminants from urban streams to terrestrial consumers.  The student will sample tetragnathid spiders from streams along an urban rural gradient to measure the effects of urbanization in general on spider population density, body condition, and food availability. In addition, analysis of PPCPs levels in spider tissues can help determine whether there are relationships between these variables and PPCP concentrations.

Field Technician Position – Alaska wildlife and climate change

Have you ever wondered what’s it like to conduct research in the Arctic?
You don’t have to wonder for long. I am offering a full-time temporary position located at Denali National Park, AK, in June, July, and August 2018. During this time, you would be backpacking and living in campgrounds at Denali. A stipend of $2,000 will be provided, but you must cover your own transportation to the field site. As a technician, your duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Conducting population surveys of arctic ground squirrels, including locating and indexing burrow networks and confirming the presence or absence, * Conducting vegetation assessments, and * Maintaining good working relationships with other scientists, park liaison and visitors at Denali to support the goals of the research.

The preferred candidate is dependable, curious, enthusiastic, doesn’t mind working in physically taxing situations for long hours, and loves to be outdoors in rugged conditions. The ideal candidate will also have experience backpacking.

This fieldwork is part of the dissertation research of Nigel Golden (https://goo.gl/LhMedz), University of Massachusetts graduate student studying the impact of climate change on arctic ground squirrel activity. This research is part of a broad research program, led by Dr.
Toni Lyn Morelli of the US Geological Survey’s Northeast Climate Science Center, to understand the impacts of climate change on wildlife.

If you are interested in the position or have questions, email Nigel Golden at ngolden@umass.edu by February 28th, 2018 with a resume/CV with the subject line AGS in Denali 2018. Women and URM are encouraged to apply.

MS position – Summer/Fall 2018 start – Genetic structure of white spruce populations

MS position – Summer/Fall 2018 start – Genetic structure of white spruce populations
The lab of Dr. Jalene LaMontagne, Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University is looking for a MS student to work on a 2-year NSF-funded project studying genetic structure in white spruce populations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the northwoods of Wisconsin, and NE Minnesota.
The MS student will receive a stipend of $16,000 per year through a combination of a Teaching Assistantship during the academic year and a summer stipend, plus a tuition waiver for the two MS year program.
Requirements: B.S. degree in a related field. Previous research experience with laboratory methods for genetic analysis and experience or willingness to conduct field research. Drivers’ license and a clean driving record. Good team player, with a demonstrated ability to show initiative and to work both independently and collaboratively. Quantitative skills in R are desirable but can be learned during the program. Preferred start is early June 2018. This research will be done in collaboration with Dr. Windsor Aguirre at DePaul.
The Department of Biological Sciences at DePaul University is located in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago, 4 miles north of downtown. Interested applicants should contact Dr. LaMontagne (jlamont1@depaul.edu) expressing their interest and including a copy of their CV and transcripts as soon as possible, and would then also apply to the graduate program;https://csh.depaul.edu/academics/biological-sciences/graduate/biological-sciences-ms/Pages/default.aspx Completed applications will be reviewed by the graduate beginning after 12 February 2018.
For more information about the project, please contact Dr. LaMontagne jlamont1@depaul.edu and/or visit the lab website:http://lamontagnelab.weebly.com/
Dr. Jalene LaMontagne
Assistant Professor, Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences, DePaul University
Adjunct Scientist, Lincoln Park Zoo/Urban Wildlife Institute
Twitter: @LaMontagneLab

Graduate position: CWilliamMary.EvolutionaryGenomics

Graduate position: Plant Evolutionary Genomics

The Puzey lab (http://puzeylab.weebly.com) at the College of William
and Mary (Williamsburg, VA) is recruiting a graduate student (M.S
Biology) interested in using genomics to understand the development of
complex spatial patterns in plants. Positions for MS program start Fall
2018. Please contact Josh Puzey (jrpuzey@wm.edu) for more information.

The successful applicant will be passionate about evolution, interested
in plants, and keen to use genomic techniques to address their research
questions. Students working the Puzey lab get exposure to a wide range of
analyses and techniques including next-generation sequencing, population
genomic analyses, and molecular ecology.

Details about the M.S. program in Biology at W&M can be found here
(http://www.wm.edu/as/biology/graduate/). Full-time students are supported
by teaching assistantships and full tuition waivers. Most students
complete their master’s degree in two years and go on to pursue either
a Ph.D. or M.D. degree. Our program also provides the training required
to enter technical positions in industry and government. Recent grads
are pursuing Ph.D.s at Duke, UC Davis, Johns Hopkins, and University of
Toronto; others are following career paths in biotech, pharmaceuticals,
resource management, and environmental consulting.


Grad student position: Amphibian ecology

Institution: Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada (www.trentu.ca)
Supervisor: Dennis Murray (Lab website: http://www.dennismurray.ca)

The Integrative Wildlife Conservation (Murray) lab has a project available for a graduate student (PhD or MSc) to assess responses of amphibians to environmental stressors (e.g., pathogens, contaminants, food limitation, predation risk), exploring the heritability and plasticity of traits within and across generations and life stages. Our recent investigations in this area highlight the opportunity to test fundamental questions in stress ecology, evolutionary biology, and conservation biology via experimental, field and molecular techniques. The student will have the opportunity to develop specific research questions within the scope of the larger project.

The funding package includes a competitive stipend, foreign tuition waiver (if the student is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident) as well coverage of all research expenses. Successful PhD candidates will have an MSc in Biology, Ecology, Conservation Biology, or related field, and demonstrated evidence of peer-reviewed publications. All applicants must have strong quantitative, laboratory and/or field skills, and an interest in working collaboratively as part of a larger group. The student will join the Integrative Wildlife Conservation laboratory at Trent University
(www.dennismurray.ca) and be part of an interdisciplinary team addressing innovative solutions to environmental change (www.create-enviro.ca).

To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references, to: Dennis Murray
(dennislmurray@gmail.com) Application deadline is Feb 16th, but review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.

Exciting internships in plant science and remote sensing

Dear Colleagues,
The Terrestrial Ecosystem Science and Technology group at Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York) is advertising two exciting summer internships.
1: Investigating plant growth using physiology and remote sensing.
2: Investigating tropical leaf phenology: from individual crowns to landscapes.
These projects provide the opportunity to participate in world-class research using remote sensing techniques to increase understanding of plants and ecosystems.
The successful interns will join our friendly and supportive team in summer 2018. The deadline for applications is 12 January 2018.
For more information and to apply, visit our group at https://www.bnl.gov/envsci/testgroup/ and a full description of the internships at https://www.bnl.gov/envsci/testgroup/jobs.php
Drs. Angie Burnett and Jin Wu

Wood and Spotted Turtle Ecology Internship

The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute provides the opportunity for an intern to gain experience with the study of the ecology and conservation of threatened Virginia turtle species. The intern will assist with three projects. The first is an ongoing population monitoring project examining the distribution and status of wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) populations across northern Virginia. The second is a master’s research project examining wood turtle movement at the landscape level. The third project is a new study that is part of a multi-state grant to determine the status and distribution of spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata) across their range. The intern will assist with aquatic visual encounter surveys and trapping for both turtles. They will also assist with radio telemetry for one or both species and outreach activities to promote conservation in the Commonwealth.
Duties and responsibilities:

This is a paid internship opportunity wherein the intern will support the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. Through this internship, interns

Radio-locate turtles and manage GPS data
Provide technical assistance to stakeholders and help manage a collaborative wood turtle database
Complete a required brief report at the conclusion of their tenure


Candidates should have graduated from a college or university within the last 12 months and have undergraduate coursework in ecology, conservation biology or a closely related field.  Knowledge and field experience with ecology and conservation issues is required, as well as the ability to devote long hours in cold and wet conditions in remote field settings.
Candidates should take directions easily and work well with others, yet have the ability to work independently. Individuals with previous mark-recapture and aquatic survey experience, and spatial data management and analysis skills (e.g. GIS) are especially encouraged to apply.  Applicants should have plans for continued education or a career in ecology or conservation.

The stipend is $700-900 per month (dependent on education level, coursework and skills).

Housing is provided at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia.

Parking is available at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia.

Term of appointment:
This is a six-month internship, starting March 5, and is a full-time appointment (40 hours per week). There is an opportunity for extension up to one year.

Application deadline(s):
Monday, January 22, 2018


Front Royal

Internship Category:
Animal Programs

How to Apply:

To apply, go to: https://solaa.si.edu/solaa/SOLAAHome.html. Select “New to SOLAA? Create Account Here” and complete the information to create an account.

Information that will be requested (in SOLAA) includes:

Basic personal information
Professional resume or CV
A one-page statement of your interest in pursuing this position. The statement should mention relevant experience, career goals, your reasons for wanting this internship and what you hope to gain from the experience. Your statement is very important during application evaluations.
Transcripts from your current and/or previous institutions. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
Two letters of reference (One must be from a current or former supervisor)
Schedule of availability

Once you create your account and provide the information above, you will see a screen where you select the type of appointment you are interested in. You will select:

Type of appointment: “Internship”
Unit of interest: “National Zoological Park”
Program: “National Zoological Park Internship Program”
Project: “SCBI – Wood Turtle Ecology”

IMPORTANT: Your application is considered complete when you hit “Submit.”
Your SOLAA submitted application with references must be received by the deadlines as noted above.
For Additional Information

Questions about this internship should be sent to Alison Ochs at ochsa@si.edu.

Lab technician, OSU

Dr. Alison Bennett in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (EEOB) at the Ohio State University is recruiting a lab technician to start immediately for a term of one year with a possible extension depending on funding.  I am looking for an enthusiastic team member preferably with experience working with:  soil fungi, plants, and/or insects in lab, greenhouse, and field environments.  Applicants must be willing to get dirty, work with undergraduates, and handle lab maintenance and management with minimal supervision.  Applications are due 19 January 2018 (see Position 434680 at https://www.jobsatosu.com/).  Please get in touch with any questions (bennett.1242@osu.edu).


We are looking for undergraduates or recent graduates to join our team of interdisciplinary researchers in northeast Iceland this coming summer. We study the ecology of Lake Mývatn, and interns will assist in our ongoing LTREB (Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology) project. 
Internships will include both NSF-REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) and non-REU positions. Only current undergraduates (not graduating before fall of 2018) with US citizenship are eligible for the REU positions. The non-REU positions are more flexible and are open to non-US citizens. However, we will not consider applications from people with graduate-level education. The REU and non-REU positions are functionally identical; the only difference is funding source.
Interns must be available to work from 1 June to late August. The timing of the fieldwork is dictated by our research needs and therefore is inflexible. 
The research focuses on the population dynamics of midges in Mývatn and the consequences they have for the aquatic and surrounding terrestrial food webs. The work includes conducting lab and field experiments, and collecting arthropod, zooplankton, sediment and plant samples. All interns will contribute to both aquatic and terrestrial aspects of the project. 
Our interns take primary responsibility for the routine sampling that forms the backbone of the long-term research, in addition to conducting independent projects. Technical lab and (especially) field skills are essential. However, we place primary importance on the ability of prospective interns to work both independently and as part of a research term. We will also consider the ability of applicants to function in the somewhat remote conditions of rural Iceland. 
If you are interested in joining our team, please apply with the following:
1. Cover letter
Your cover letter should outline your background and the reasons why you would be a good candidate for this position. Include a discussion of why you want this position and how it relates to your intellectual interests and career goals. In particular, emphasize how your experiences and skills make you a good match for the position. Highlight specific details from your resume or other pertinent information that does not appear on your resume. Include your citizenship, whether you have a valid driver’s license, and your current and future educational plans. 
2. Resume
Include a current resume that details your education and work experiences. Provide names and contact information for at least two references whom we can contact to ask specific questions about your background and qualifications for the position.
Submit your application as a single PDF (only 1 file), including both the cover letter and resume. Email your PDF to Amanda McCormick, amccormick4@wisc.edu. Include your surname in the file (e.g., Smith_Iceland_Application.pdf). Put “2018 Summer Research in Iceland” in the subject line of the email. After initial screening of materials, finalists will be contacted for interviews.
For full consideration for summer 2018 internships, please submit your application by 20 January 2018.
All positions include coverage of travel expenses to and from Iceland, food and lodging, and a small stipend. Interns must be available to work from 1 June to late August. The timing of the fieldwork is dictated by our research needs and therefore is inflexible. A critical part of the program is conducting your own research project under our guidance. Past summer research interns have completed their projects as senior research theses or have presented their work at national conferences.
More information about our work and field experiences can be found at our blog, http://uwmyvatn.blogspot.com/ 
Amanda McCormick (graduate student) – amccormick4@wisc.edu       
Joe Phillips (graduate student) – jsphillips2@wisc.edu  
Matt McCary (post-doctoral fellow) – matt.mccary@gmail.com
Tony Ives (professor) – arives@wisc.edu   
Claudio Gratton (professor) – cgratton@wisc.edu