
Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity – West Texas – Feb 26

Subject: REU: Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity – West Texas – Feb 26

REU Opportunity Summer 2018: “Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity” DEADLINE – FEB. 26

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Department of Biological Sciences invites applicants for the NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity.  This is a
10 week summer program.  The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students in projects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing Chihuahuan Desert biodiversity.

The program provides:
* High quality research experience in ecology and evolutionary biology in the field and/or lab * Research opportunities at the Indio Mountains Research Station (IMRS), a 40,000 acre facility controlled by UTEP as well as other CD field locations * One-on-one and group mentoring from active research faculty in multidisciplinary fields * Training in bioethics and other relevant professional skills

The program includes:
* $5500 stipend for 10 weeks
* Housing in shared apartments and field station * Travel reimbursement of up to $600

For more information on the program, research projects or to apply please visit: http://science.utep.edu/cdb-reu/

Enquiries: CDB-REU@utep.edu

Research technician in aquatic disease ecology

Subject: Research technician in aquatic disease ecology

A full-time lab technician position is available in the Searle lab at Purdue University (https://www.bio.purdue.edu/lab/searle/). The focus of the lab is the ecology of infectious diseases in freshwater systems. The job will involve assisting with and leading laboratory experiments, maintaining lab cultures, field sampling, ordering supplies, and supervising undergraduate research students.

The minimum requirements are a 4 year college degree and prior research experience in ecology, biology, or equivalent field. The successful candidate will be familiar with word processing and data management, independently motivated, and have strong organizational skills. Preferred qualifications include experience working with freshwater systems or infectious diseases, and knowledge of sterile techniques and qPCR methods.

Questions can be addressed to searlec@purdue.edu. Applications must be submitted via the Purdue University employment page (http://bit.ly/2GvyROW, job number 1800224). Review of candidates will begin Feb 28 and continue until the position is filled.

Volunteer Research Assistant in Avian Seed Dispersal

SUMMARY: 1 volunteer research assistant is needed for approximately 3 months beginning April 11th 2018 to assist a PhD student investigating avian seed dispersal in the Dominican Republic.

ORGANIZATION: Avian Ecology Lab, Old Dominion University (Virginia, United States)

RESEARCH LOCATION: Jarabacoa, La Vega, Dominican Republic

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The volunteer field assistant will be trained in numerous sampling techniques for data collection in the field, including avian surveys (point counts & line transects), quantifying reproductive characteristics of native forest plants, focal foraging observations on marked populations of plants, collecting samples from seed traps in abandoned pastures, collecting/identifying fruits and botanical samples, and data entry. Other activities will involve manual labor on such projects as plot fence repair and maintain rustic trails along transects. The field crew will work 5-6 days per week with the sixth day typically devoted to service and conservation projects overseen by local partners. This work may involve work at newly-established breeding bird sanctuary on private lands near Armando Bermúdez National Park with projects involving nest box construction and installation for cavity- nesting species (i.e. parrots, trogons, swallows).

For more information about the project, visit:

LOGISTICS & COMPENSATION: Accommodations will be provided at a local ecolodge in the town of Jarabacoa. Meals, consisting of typical Dominican food, will be provided to the volunteer at no cost during their stay. Reimbursement will be provided for food expenses for daily field trips to distant sites. All costs for in-country transportation and lodging will be provided by the project (with the exception of recreational trips on off days). Transportation to field sites (rural
farms) will be either by vehicle or as a passenger on a motor-bike. No funds are available for air travel to/from the Dominican Republic, and volunteers are expected to cover these costs. The target start date for this position is April 11th, 2017 (flexible) and the assistant must commit to a minimum of 12 weeks on the project.

FIELD STATION & AMENITIES: Assistants should expect to share a dormitory-style room with a male roommate. Potable water, (cold) showers, and wireless internet are available at the ecolodge.

QUALIFICATIONS & EXPECTATIONS: Competitive candidates for this position will have demonstrated experience with botanical or wildlife research in the field. The applicant must be in good physical condition with a willingness to tolerate difficult working conditions. We regularly hike
10 km each day, often carrying 20-30 lbs of equipment. Strong organizational skills are expected for this position to adequately manage data collection and entry as well as the ability to work independently at times. Functional verbal communication skills in Spanish is highly preferred, and applicants will be tested on this ability during the interview. These communication skills are essential, since the volunteer will spend most of the time working in a team setting with a Dominican technician as well as communicating with private land owners and our conservation partners. Additionally, applicants will be tested on recognition of bird calls provided in advance of the interview.

OTHER COMMENTS: This position is ideal for undergraduates or recent graduates looking for experience in field ecology, wildlife/plant sciences, and conservation biology for their careers. Undergraduates considering applying should communicate with their academic advisor to inquire about the possibility of using the experience to count for course credits.

Please send.
(1) A one-page cover letter detailing your interest in the position and summarizing your relevant background and professional goals. I especially want to know how you see this experience benefiting you and moving your career goals forward.
(2) A resume or CV detailing your experiences relevant to the qualifications discussed above (2 page max).
(3) Information for 2-3 references who, preferably, know your work habits in a field or laboratory/office setting. Provide name, title, and email for each of these persons.

Materials must be received by March 5th 2018 to guarantee consideration, though interviews may begin sooner, so there is an advantage to applying early. Decisions will be made when a qualified candidates is found, following phone/Skype interviews and consulting references.

Email all materials as a single PDF file attachment using the subject header “Volunteer Research Asssistant Application” to:

Spencer Schubert
Department of Biological Sciences
Old Dominion University
Email: sschu001@odu.edu

MS Assistantship in Ecophysiology at Mississippi State University

An MS research assistantship is available in the Ecophysiology lab of Dr.
Heidi Renninger in the Department of Forestry
(http://www.cfr.msstate.edu/forestry/) at Mississippi State University starting in the Fall, 2018.  Broadly, our lab seeks to understand how the physical environment affects plant physiological functioning in terms of productivity and water use and how environmental change will alter plant and ecosystem function in the future.  We are currently working with short rotation woody biofuel crops to determine environmental vs. genetic controls on productivity, water use and nutrient uptake.  The assistantship includes a stipend, full tuition waiver and health insurance.  More information about the graduate school at Mississippi State University can be found here:  http://www.grad.msstate.edu/.  To learn more about the position, please contact Heidi Renninger (Heidi.Renninger@msstate.edu).  Interested students should submit 1) a letter stating their goals for graduate school 2) academic transcripts and
3) a resume/CV to Dr. Renninger prior to submitting an online application to the graduate school. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable applicant is found.

Field Research Technician for vector ecology project

Subject: Field Research Technician for vector ecology project

Job Description:
The Swei lab at San Francisco State University seeks a research technician with field experience to work with graduate and undergraduate students in a vector and pathogen ecology study in San Francisco, California. This research is part of an NSF-funded study to investigate the host and pathogen genetic diversity of tick-borne pathogens such as Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia miyamotoi. The successful applicant will conduct animal population surveys and pathogen infection monitoring in small mammal, reptile, and ticks in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specific tasks include small mammal live trapping and handling, tissue collection, lizard noosing, tick drag sampling, and wildlife camera monitoring. Additional tasks include sample processing, data entry and analysis. The position is temporary and is from April 1 through May 31 with the possibility of extension through July 2018.

One paid position at $18/hour (40 hours per week) is offered for two months with the
possibility of extension to four months. This position is based in San Francisco, CA but
will involve extensive field work and occasional camping to more remote locations.
Housing is not provided outside of field work involving camping.

Required Qualifications:
Coursework in biology (esp. ecology, entomology, or wildlife biology) and field work
experience are required. A valid driver’s license is required.

Preferred Qualifications:
Experience conducting/assisting field research projects and experience handling and
identifying vertebrates, especially small mammals or ticks is preferred. Experience
working both individually and as a part of a multidisciplinary team, and a demonstrated
ability to problem-solve independently are ideal. Experience working in adverse, outdoor
conditions is also desirable.

Application Instructions:
All interested, qualified persons must contact Andrea Swei at aswei@sfsu.edu with a
letter of interest, resume, and contact information for three references. The deadline for
submitting an application is March 15th, 2018; If you have questions regarding this
position, please email Andrea Swei.

OTHER: UTexas_El Paso: REU_Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity

The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Department of Biological Sciences invites applicants for the NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Chihuahuan Desert Biodiversity.  This is a 10 week summer program.  The goal of this program is to provide undergraduate students with experience in hypothesis-driven collaborative research utilizing field based and/or laboratory methods and fully engage students in projects associated with the ecology and evolution influencing Chihuahuan Desert biodiversity.

The program provides:

* High quality research experience in ecology and evolutionary biology in the field and/or lab * Research opportunities at the Indio Mountains Research Station (IMRS), a 40,000 acre facility controlled by UTEP * One-on-one and group mentoring from active research faculty in multidisciplinary fields * Training in bioethics and other relevant professional skills

The program includes:

* $5500 stipend for 10 weeks

* Housing in shared apartments and field station

* Travel reimbursement of up to $600

For more information on the program, research projects or to apply please visit: http://science.utep.edu/cdb-reu/

Enquiries: CDB-REU@utep.edu<mailto:CDB-REU@utep.edu>

Other: UGeorgia.REU.PlantAdaptation

Jill Anderson at the University of Georgia is searching for an
enthusiastic undergraduate with a strong interest in evolutionary
ecology for field research in an NSF REU position (National Science
Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates) from June-August
2018. We study the ecological and evolutionary consequences of climate
change for natural plant populations. We focus on research on
Drummond’s rockcress (Boechera stricta in the plant family
Brassicaceae), a mustard plant native to the Rocky Mountains. Our
studies take place around the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab
(http://secure-web.cisco.com/1PdqhNWmtnYboSyGERS6vHzzD5I2Z9pAM2I_r6fMe7Krww4PCaZeFYL0C0vbCot8XRE1tPOR6pl517_SP0wpTbqdO9yhPx0kFEun-PBSoDstO28oMZdS7dHiJbtrCTZl7UTzQMyW-meUBqzVzKzqNHMMf3Ph2Ry0lEFB91xBHHcFZ_1WUiLi-KTpV24qOzGYVgvkyZjHxbux8EJaw71DoxcmtQge1401maOTWIcfEhHWUbAGf_4sCgnvq0R0pNXTIj0BFAgzDrS5FClZwy5jCSQTQm_i6y_6FCgW4xv6DlP0gFO1hlKgWOTdgIJTF0pzvLQ3FpGr5tO36Nor7XRQ54HLV1_k70-58gXFxeKfdFcgKu88RPWSvApxmjHmIGfVWQ88tObhHnMug2_0BzhGhmy0NIBYsK9KB8N4e5hIPwTyTzgNAyIcU79ET2vW2D-c4fElVwNDuI3IBoAhfx4EVZw/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rmbl.org%2F%29, which is located in Gothic, Colorado near the
wildflower capital of Colorado (Crested Butte).  We quantify plant
fitness and traits to ask whether climate change could disrupt
long-standing patterns of local adaptation, and to test whether
phenotypic plasticity will enable populations to persist in the
short-term. We perform large-scale reciprocal transplant experiments to
examine patterns of adaptive evolution and natural selection in
contemporary landscapes. Since fall 2013, we have planted >150,000
seeds and seedlings into five experimental gardens ranging in elevation
from 2500 m to 3340 m (8202 feet to 11000 feet). Our summer research
involves intensive monitoring of these experimental plants to record
data on germination success, survival, growth, reproductive success, as
well as life history and morphological traits. We conduct most of our
work in the field, with a small proportion of indoor lab work.

The successful candidate will assist with ongoing fieldwork. In
addition, there are many opportunities for students to develop
independent projects associated with our overall objectives, including
studies on: 1) population divergence in ecologically-relevant traits,
especially drought, UV tolerance, and herbivore resistance; 2)
phenotypic plasticity at multiple spatial scales; 3) population density
and species composition of the herbivore community that attacks
Drummond’s rockcress; 4) flower color polymorphism; and 5) the
importance of maternal effects in biological responses to climate

We are offering a stipend of $500/week for a full time REU student (40
hours/week) for 10 weeks.  The exact start and end dates are flexible.
We will cover room and board at the Rocky Mountain Biological
Laboratory and reimburse travel expenses up to $500. Fieldwork will
involve hiking to experimental gardens through rough terrain (1-3 miles
one-way daily).

The University of Georgia is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful envi
ronment for living, work, and study.  To that end, all qualified applicants from
individuals with a strong interest in evolutionary biology will receive conside
ration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national ori
gin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability status, or age.  The applic
ation consists of a cover letter listing your qualifications, a CV/ resume and
contact information for two references, all of which can be emailed to Dr. Jill
Anderson at: jta24@uga.edu

Applications are due by March 16^th, 2018.

Feel free to contact Dr. Anderson if you have any questions about the
position.  Additional information about our work can be found at:

Jill T Anderson <jta24@uga.edu>

bird point count technician openings – Oregon

Avian point count technicians (2) needed for a forest management research study. This study aims to understand how bird communities change as forests develop following harvest, in the Oregon Coast Range. The study is a component of a long-term research effort at Oregon State University (OSU) to understand the tradeoffs between forest management and biodiversity conservation. Technicians will receive $2100 – $2400 per month (commensurate with experience). Housing is not provided.
Specific Duties:
1.       Conduct avian point count surveys in remote forest stands
2.       Collect vegetation/habitat data in remote forest stands
3.       Practice fastidious and detail-oriented data collection and data entry
Working Conditions/Work Schedule:
This position will require working outdoors in inclement weather (rain, cold, heat), hiking through recently harvested forest stands, and carrying gear up to 25 lbs. The point count locations are accessed by driving on dirt roads by 4WD vehicle. The technician will be working closely with the supervisor, Scott Harris, to access field site locations, but actual point count surveys will mostly be conducted alone. The technician will need to practice appropriate risk management for independent remote field work. Because we are counting birds, field days start very early and may involve work on weekends. Data entry will take place in the office following field work. Technicians will be based in Corvallis, Oregon or nearby community.
Minimum Qualifications:
1.       Physically fit, motivated, and comfortable working in a remote outdoor setting
2.       Previous work experience identifying birds by sight and sound
3.       Data entry experience (MS Excel), and an understanding and commitment to precise data collection and entry.
4.       Adaptable to changing work schedules
5.       A satisfactory driving record to be approved to drive OSU vehicles.
Preferred Qualifications:
1.       Previous work experience identifying birds by sight and sound in the Pacific Northwest
2.       Familiarity with birds of the Pacific Northwest
3.       A Bachelor’s degree in a biological or environmental science field.
Application process
Please send cover letter, resume, and 3 references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Scott Harris,scott.harris@oregonstate.edu. Questions are also welcome. Applicant review will begin on February 28, 2018 and continue until the positions are filled.
May 15, 2017 through July 20, 2017

2 GRAs available at NAU

Graduate Research Assistantships in Forest Genomics @ NAU

The School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University (NAU) is seeking 2 highly motivated Master of Science students to join the newly formed lab of Genetics, Genomics and Evolution of Forest Tree Species. Both positions include a stipend, tuition waiver, and health benefits for 2 years.

Position 1: The student will use genomic tools to identify genes underlying resistance to the devastating disease white-pine blister rust in Sugar Pine. This position involves only data analyses.

Position 2: The student will use genomic tools to identify patterns of hybridization, introgression and local adaptation between two varieties of Douglas fir. This position involves data analyses, molecular lab work, and greenhouse work.

Minimum qualifications:
–       Bachelor degree in Genetics, Forest Sciences, Biology, Ecology, Plant Sciences,
Evolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics or related fields of study.
–       Have taken at least one course in Genetics.
–       Ability to program in R, Perl or Phyton (familiarity with Linux is a plus)
–       Willingness to work with big data sets in a computer cluster.
–       Availability to start by July 1st, 2018 .
–       No greenhouse or molecular lab experience is required.

How to apply:
Please send a 1-page statement of interest, CV, unofficial copy of transcripts, GRE scores, and TOEFL scores (international students), and the names and contact information of 3 references by March 5th, 2018. If found to be a good match for the position, you will be encouraged to apply to the graduate program at NAU. Please note that NAU has the following admission
requirements: GPA equal or higher than 3.0 and TOEFL = 213 (computer-based) or 80 (internet- based).

Contact Information:
Dr. De La Torre, Amanda.de-la-torre@nau.edu https://nau.edu/CEFNS/Forestry/Faculty-and-Staff/Directory/De-La-Torre/

Northern Arizona University is a 29,000 student-institution with its main campus in Flagstaff, a four-season community of about 70,000 at the base of the majestic San Francisco Peaks.
Flagstaff has all-year easy access to the Arizona snowbowl ski resort and is located at 1-hour drive from the Gran Canyon.

Fellowship available for Ph.D. student at LSU

The School of Renewable Natural Resources at Louisiana State University seeks an outstanding student for a Board of Regents PhD fellowship to begin in Fall 2018. The fellowship pays 30K/year for four years and includes a tuition waiver. Active research programs in the School include a diverse array of topics, such as avian ecology, conservation genetics, wetlands ecology, fisheries, and forestry. Interested students should visit the School’s website (http://www.rnr.lsu.edu/) to identify and contact a professor with similar research interests. If the professor agrees to act as their PhD advisor, prospective students may submit their application to the selection committee chair, Dr. Sabrina Taylor (staylor at lsu.edu). Application materials must identify the prospective PhD advisor and include a CV, transcripts, three letters of reference, GRE scores, and a written statement describing the student’s motivation for graduate study. Applicants must be US citizens/residents. All qualified U.S. citizens and residents who apply before Mar 31, 2018 will be considered for the 2018/2019 academic year. Prospective students who apply after Mar 31 will be considered only if a sufficient number of qualified students have not yet applied. Fellowship offers will be made by April 15, 2018 and students who accept will then be asked to apply to the LSU Graduate School. LSU is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.