
M.S. Assistantship – Invasive Earthworms, Mycorrhizal Fungi & Plants in Tallgrass Prairies

An M.S. assistantship is available in Oklahoma State University’s Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, to be co-advised by Drs. Gail Wilson and Scott Loss. The research project will include both field and greenhouse components, and will include both observational and experimental investigation of associations between non-native earthworm invasions, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and plant communities in Oklahoma tallgrass prairies.

Earthworms and AMF play critical roles in mediating plant health, productivity, and biodiversity in prairie ecosystems. Invasive Eurasian earthworms have become ubiquitous across North America, causing substantial harmful impacts to plants that are mediated by interactions with AMF. Despite the importance of invasive earthworm-AMF interactions, few studies have investigated how they affect plant growth and community composition, and none have done so in prairies. This project will include field sampling of earthworms, soil, AMF, and plants in Oklahoma tallgrass prairies, as well as a greenhouse study where earthworm and AMF communities will be manipulated to evaluate plant responses. There is also the potential of integrating a side field project looking at whether invasive earthworm-caused changes in vegetation affect wildlife (e.g., birds, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and/or other).

The position will begin in January of 2019, and full student support is available for 24 months, including a stipend of $1,292/month ($15,504/yr), plus health insurance, tuition waiver, and reimbursement for fieldwork-related travel. Of the 4 funded semesters, 2 semesters will be supported by a research assistantship and 2 will be supported by a department teaching assistantship that will require ~10 hours of work per week. The specific course TA assignments will be determined based on student interests and departmental needs, but will likely include at least one semester in the department’s Applied Ecology and Conservation field lab course.

Required qualifications: Applicants must possess a B.S. degree in Ecology, Natural Resources, Biology, Plant and Soil Sciences, or a related field; a strong work ethic and sense of self-motivation; the ability to work independently and with a small team in a management capacity; a strong interest in the ecology of invasive species, natural resource ecology and management, soil ecology, plant ecology, and/or conservation ecology; a strong desire to lead efforts to publicly present and publish the research; and a valid US driver’s license.

Preferred qualifications: Applicants will be especially competitive if they have one or several of the following skills and experiences: conducting, presenting, and/or publishing mentored research; coordinating and supervising field projects and crews; conducting soil, invertebrate, and/or vegetation sampling, greenhouse experiments and laboratory processing of soil and/or plant samples; and working with statistical analyses.

TO APPLY: send (by August 24th, 2018) applications consisting of a zip file or merged pdf file that includes: (1) a cover letter outlining how they meet the above required and preferred qualifications, (2) CV, (3) unofficial academic transcripts, (4) GRE Scores, and (5) contact information for three references to BOTH Dr. Gail Wilson (
gail.wilson@okstate.edu) and Dr. Scott Loss (scott.loss@okstate.edu).

For more information, see the following sites:
Gail Wilson’s microbial ecology lab – http://nrem.okstate.edu/faculty/gwilson
Scott Loss’s global change ecology lab – 
OSU Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management – 


Job announcement: Aquatic Ecology Technician, USGS, Kearneysville, WV

Aquatic Ecology Technician, USGS, Kearneysville, WV
The Aquatic Biology Branch within the USGS Leetown Science Center, Kearneysville, WV USA (https://www.lsc.usgs.gov/?q=aquatic-ecology-branch), seeks a full-time contract General Biologist to support projects centered on spatial modelling of fish habitat and stream health throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.   The Leetown Science Center is within the scenic and historic Potomac and Shenandoah River valleys, and located near Shepherdstown, WV, about 70 miles west of Washington DC.
Required skills include experience working with large geospatial data sets, and scripting in Python and R.  Knowledge of the NHDplus database is a plus but not required.  A BS in biology, ecology, geography or related field is required and a MS degree is preferred.  The position is a full-time contract and includes a benefits package.  Interested applicants should send their resume and a letter of interest to Dr. Kelly O. Maloney, kmaloney@usgs.gov by 01 July 2018.

Master’s Research Degree opportunity in the CB Fenster lab, South Dakota State University: Pollination Biology in Agricultural Ecosystems

Master’s Research Degree opportunity in the CB Fenster lab, South Dakota State University: Pollination Biology in Agricultural Ecosystems

Starting Date: Preferably mid of July 2018

Pollinators play a key role in ecosystem functioning because they mediate interactions between species and facilitate ecological and economic impacts.
However, pollinator health is globally declining in agricultural landscapes largely due to the use of insecticides, reduced habitat and lack of nutritional resources. The student opportunity is to participate with a team
1) to understand how pollination services contribute to ecosystem functioning, enhancing ecosystem services including maximizing crop yield and 2) transfer this role of pollinator services to policy development aimed at enhancing pollinator health. This team, in addition to myself, includes insect ecologists (Jon Lundgren), plant landscape ecologists (Henning
Nottebrock) and economists (James Stone, Heidi Sieverding).We are using Brassica carinata and other flowering crops, to study plant-pollinator interactions in an agricultural ecosystem. Specifically, we will quantify the parameters that maximize ecosystem functioning, thus increasing ecosystem services. e.g., maximized carinata productivity and pollinator-associated ecosystem services resulting in maximized honey production.

Location: Department of Biology and Microbiology, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. Brookings is a small, but vibrant community with easy access to culture and the outdoors. More information about the Department of Biology and Microbiology at SDSU can be found at:


Requirements: The ideal student should embrace field-based research as well as have some background or interest in large data and or landscape approaches. Most importantly, you should be passionate about biology and the questions being pursed at the CBFenster lab. Specifically for this project, one should have an interest in sustainable agriculture and the consequences of various land-use polices for ecosystem services. Generally, students who work with me either have or develop a broad understanding of statistics.
Foreign students need to meet English language requirements.

I encourage you to contact me or Henning, if interested at:
charles.fenster@sdstate.edu or henning.nottebrock@sdstate.edu

More information can be found at the CBFenster lab website and project

Charlie: https://charlesbfenster.wordpress.com/
Henning: https://henningnottebrock.wordpress.com/
Jon: http://bluedasher.farm/

Please include in your email:
*       brief description of your research interests
*       concrete evidence of interest in this project
*       experience related to this project
*       CV

Funding options are available for both US and International students.

M.S. Student Graduate Assistantship In Freshwater Ecology and Ecotoxicology

The Marine and Freshwater Ecology lab at Louisiana Tech University, under Dr. Jennifer Hill, is seeking a M.S. candidate to examine the impacts of sub-lethal pesticide concentrations on crayfish and snail behavior and trophic cascades. The candidate will join the lab and work on both laboratory ,as well as field mesocosm experiments and be based on campus at Louisiana Tech (Ruston, LA)

The objectives of the project include:
–       To examine the impacts of sub-lethal pesticide concentrations on the
behavior and foraging activity of crayfish and snails in lab experiments
–       Examine if pesticides impact cascading interactions in freshwater
macrophyte communities using cattle tank mesocosms .
Responsibilities include:
–       Under the direction of the PI, lead and/or participate in the experiments
accomplishing above objectives
–       Develop oral and visual products for presentation to scientific audiences
at local and national meetings
–       Attend scientific meetings to engage and network with scientists and
–       Author and develop a Master’s thesis and scientific manuscripts
–       Advise and direct undergraduate students on lab and field techniques
Qualifications include:
–       B.S. in Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science or related field
–       the ability to work collaboratively with fellow graduate  and
undergraduate students
–       Good communication skills
–       previous experience with aquatic animal care preferred, but not required
The start date of the position is September 2018 (the beginning of Fall
quarter) with experiments beginning in January.  The assistantship is supported by a combination of grant funding and teaching assistantships at a rate of ~$19,000 per year. Tuition and fees are not waived by Louisiana Tech.

Interested applicants should submit a single pdf (with the applicants first and last name in document title) composed of a cover letter, CV (including GPA and relevant coursework), and the names and contact information of 3 references to jmhill@latech.edu .Please put “ecology MS student position” in the email subject header. Please submit applicant information by June 25th but other later applications may be reviewed.

Graduate Positions in Arctic Restoration Ecology

Three fully funded graduate positions in Arctic Restoration Ecology (1 PhD. and 2 MSc.) are available in the Departments of Soil Science and Plant Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan. This is a unique opportunity to join an interdisciplinary project spanning the fields of restoration ecology, soil science, and plant ecology. We will be examining the potential for using biological soil crusts and tundra surface organic layers to foster the recovery of arctic plant community assemblages and essential ecosystem functions following mining disturbance. Fieldwork will be conducted at a working mine site in Nunavut, Canada with opportunities to work closely with mine company staff. We will also be heavily involved in the development and delivery of an on-site education program for Nunavut youth integrating soil science, plant ecology, environmental monitoring, restoration and traditional ecological knowledge. MSc. Project 1. This student will examine the establishment and recovery of actively restored biological soil crust communities on drilling waste. You will initiate a trial to test active soil crust restoration techniques, identify bryophyte and lichen species in the crusts to characterize crust community composition in relation to site micro environmental conditions, and measure ecosystem services such as photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation rates. MSc. Project 2. This student will examine the active restoration of tundra vascular plant communities from locally collected propagules. You will initiate a trial to test the use of locally collected material on drilling waste sites, and will track the survival and establishment of vascular plants in relation to site micro environmental conditions. PhD. Project 1. This student will examine how active restoration techniques influence the recovery of soil community structure. You will examine the belowground plant, bacterial, fungal, and archaeal communities in restoration treatments in relation to site micro-environmental conditions. You will use next generation sequencing techniques to characterize belowground communities, develop niche models for important species, and will link soil community structure to key soil ecosystem services. You will have opportunities to expand your work to additional questions, and to lead collaborations with other project members. These projects have an anticipated start date of either September 2018 or January 2019. Project 1 will be supervised by Dr. Katherine Stewart and Projects 2 and 3 will be co-supervised by Drs. Lamb and Siciliano. For more information: Eric Lamb: http://homepage.usask.ca/~egl388/index.html Katherine Stewart:https://agbio.usask.ca/faculty-and-staff/people-pages/katherine-stewart.php Steven Siciliano:https://www.usask.ca/toxicology/people/faculty/steven-siciliano.php Requirements: PhD. Project. A thesis based (research) MSc. degree with evidence of scientific productivity through the publication of one or more peer reviewed manuscripts. Graduate level experience and training in one or more of the following fields: plant ecology, soil science, soil microbial ecology, bioinformatics, restoration ecology. MSc. Projects. A BSc. or BSAg degree with a concentration in one or more of the following fields: bryology, plant ecology, soil science, or restoration ecology. Application Procedure Apply via e-mail to Eric Lamb (eric.lamb@usask.ca) with a package including: • Cover letter describing your background and research experience and indicating which project you are most interested in. • an up-to-date CV • unofficial transcript(s). A scan or .pdf copy is sufficient. • an example of your writing (e.g. a paper, extract from a thesis, or class project).

Restoration Technician (Entomology) Position

Subject: Restoration Technician (Entomology) Position

The Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG) is a research group within the biology department of San Diego State University (SDSU) and administered by the San Diego State University Research Foundation. The research emphasis of SERG is on ecosystem dynamics of southern California.

We seek five (5) Restoration Field Technicians to assist with field research directed at the conservation of native species and the management of invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, population on San Clemente Island, a Naval installation on the southern-most of California’s Channel Islands. This position requires a 6 month commitment, July to November.

Primary duties:
(i) utilizing a variety of sampling methods to collect and identify arthropods and (ii) measuring the efficacy and conservation gains of an invasive species management strategy (iii) implementing eradication protocols in wildland areas. This position requires extensive physical labor to conduct management activities, including working with pesticide around heavy equipment, ATVs and helicopters; hand deployment of pesticide over rugged terrain; bending and crouching to perform monitoring and control efforts; and hauling heavy, awkward materials and equipment. Technicians may also contribute to additional projects and duties as assigned.

Technicians need to enjoy working in remote field environments and be able to perform repetitive, labor intensive tasks with sustained accuracy. All work will be conducted on San Clemente Island, which is owned and operated by the
U.S.    Navy as a test and evaluation site, shore bombardment range, and warfare training
grounds. The island is home to a large number of endemic and rare plant, animal and bird species, with an extensive community of biologists, archaeologists and researchers.
Applicants should enjoy living as part of a small community and be able to maintain a professional, positive attitude at all times.

Position requirements:
*       Ability to repeatedly lift loads of up to 50 lbs throughout the workday
*       Experience performing strenuous labor with a high level of physical endurance under
a variety of weather and work conditions
*       Bachelor’s degree in biology or related field and/or significant relevant experience
*       Valid driver’s license and ability to drive 4-wheel-drive-vehicles
*       Experience safely operating and maintaining mechanical equipment, hand tools,
herbicide/pesticide application equipment, and GPS units
*       Ability to work independently or as part of a team
*       Ability to safely navigate and work off-trail in steep, rocky, cactus-covered terrain

Salary will be $14.00/hour plus benefits. Room and board will be provided while on San Clemente Island. Work schedule will be 10 days on-island and 4 days off-island.
Transportation to and from the island is provided by means of a twin engine 20-seater plane which departs from Naval Base Coronado.

To apply, compile your cover letter, resume and contact information for three (3) professional references in
one(1) pdf or Word document and email it to:

Steven Thielking Argentine Ant Project Manager sthielking@sdsu.edu

MS Opportunity – Plant-Pollinator Networks/Native Bees/Conservation

An MS assistantship is available starting Fall 2018 in the Biological Sciences Department at Southeastern Louisiana University.  The student will conduct studies to characterize plant-pollinator networks in a longleaf pine forest, a conservation priority habitat that requires fire management to survive.  The ideal candidate will be independent, highly motivated, and have interests in community ecology and conservation biology.  Graduate Assistants in the Biological Sciences Department are guaranteed two years of assistantship support and full tuition waivers.
Why pursue an MS degree? An MS degree is the best choice for many career paths and is also the perfect option for students unsure of their specific research area of interest or whether they want to pursue a PhD.
Southeastern Louisiana University is located in Hammond, LA, which is an easy drive to both New Orleans and Baton Rouge.  The region is known for its diverse, unique terrestrial and wetland habitats, and its abundance of eclectic cultural experiences and activities.  Interested students should submit a letter of interest that includes their GRE scores, a current CV with contact information for three references, and unofficial transcripts directly to Dr. Janice Bossart (jbossart@selu.edu) via email attachment.  Review of applications will begin immediately.

Info on the Bossart lab can be found here:

Specifics of the graduate program in Biological Sciences at Southeastern are at:

Info on current graduate students and the Biology Graduate Student Organization (BGSO) is at:

Seabird research volunteer opportunity, Northeast US

Update: If you want to be part of this 50 year seabird study this summer, there are still slots open banding chicks and documenting nest success, call Research Team Leader Helen Hays at 860-460-0749 to learn more and hear about the dates and logistics. I’ve been out to Great Gull Island to help with this study, it’s a singular experience! Erik
ATT anyone who likes birds/conservation/research and is in the eastern US, you’d be interested in this coastal ecology/seabird biology opportunity:
Want to spend time studying rare and endangered seabirds on an island biological research station that has made major discoveries in the last 50 years as part of one of the longest running ornithological studies in the world?
Pls forward to colleagues/students, this station is a fantastic place for budding bio/enviro/ornithology undergrads to see a conservation science project up close and contribute to it. I had a great time out there counting nests & eggs with a bunch of great volunteers and tens of thousands of seabirds on just a few acres in the Atlantic.  

The research team leader needs more volunteers in late June and all of July for banding chicks.  
Lots of students, bird watchers, citizen scientists, etc go there to help out. Free room and board, free boat ride from Niantic, CT, incredible views and sea air, etc. Cell reception, rustic conditions.
Here’s an article I wrote about it for Sierra magazine plus 18 images from a recent trip:
For details and to volunteer, contact Ann Pacheco <annmpacheco@gmail.com>

Graduate Preview Weekend – Princeton Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (expenses-paid)

Subject: Graduate Preview Weekend – Princeton Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (expenses-paid)

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University is offering a special preview weekend – *the EEB Scholars Program* – this upcoming October 4th-7th for students considering graduate school. The goal of this weekend is to invite competitive prospective graduate applicants to campus in order to showcase the department, demystify the graduate application process, and highlight participants’ research experience. We especially encourage students from underrepresented minority groups and those inhabiting other axes of underrepresentation in STEM to apply.

Please see <https://eeb.princeton.edu/graduate/eeb-scholars-program> for more information. The application deadline is July 15, 2018. The *EEB Scholars Program* is open to all prospective graduate students, including rising juniors and seniors, as well as international applicants. We particularly encourage students from developing nations to apply. Travel, food, and lodging expenses will be covered by Princeton EEB.

Please direct any questions to EEBScholars@princeton.edu.