
MS position (prairie restoration and environmental education) to start September 2018

Funded Masters Student position in prairie restoration and environmental education
Eastern Washington University, Biology Department
            We are recruiting a M.S. student to work on a funded project on prairie restoration at Eastern Washington University beginning in September 2018 (this fall). The position is to work on EWU’s Palouse Prairie Region Restoration, in which 150 acres of University land will be converted from wheat production to native Palouse prairie vegetation. The position is funded for one year through an environmental education grant. Duties of this position include assisting and coordinating environmental education and community outreach activities, including field trips to Palouse remnants and the restoration site, collecting background data on the restoration site, cultivating native plants for the restoration, and drafting interpretative signs about the project. Community participants will range in age from pre-school to seniors. Planting of the restoration will begin in fall 2019.
            Current funding for the position includes a stipend for one year, including summer, and tuition waiver for Washington State residents (out-of-state tuition would be about $5000 per quarter after the waiver). Health insurance and benefits are included. Students would be encouraged to apply for Graduate Service Appointments for a second year of funding.
            Eastern Washington University is located ~15 minutes from Spokane, WA in the beautiful Inland Northwest, with a diversity of nearby natural habitats and outdoor recreational opportunities, including the Selkirk Range of the Rocky Mountains. EWU’s Biology M.S. students have a broad range of interests, but many focus on ecology or natural resource management.  Many of our graduates work in natural resource management or continue to Ph.D. programs.
            Those interested in the position should send a letter of interest and CV or resume to Justin Bastow (jbastow@ewu.edu) or Robin O’Quinn (roquinn@ewu.edu) ASAP (no later than August 17, 2018).
            More information about the Biology M.S. program, including faculty, current students, curriculum, and application procedures can be found at:
More information about EWU Biology faculty, including research interests, can be found at:http://www.ewu.edu/cstem/programs/biology/biology-faculty-and-staff


PhD position: Biodiversity and community ecology of coastal marine ecosystems (Univ. of Virginia)

PhD opportunity: Biodiversity and community ecology of coastal marine ecosystems (University of Virginia)
The Castorani Lab at the University of Virginia is recruiting 
 student to study 
the biodiversity and community ecology of shallow marine ecosystems in coastal Virginia. The s
tudent will be advised by 
, and
 join UVA’s highly interdisciplinary Department of Environmental Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/)
and collaborative 
Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research program (https://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/)
The student will undertake observational and experimental field studies of benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages in temperate coastal ecosystems
, as well as analyze existing long-term community data
. Focal study habitats include 
seagrass meadows, oyster reefs,
salt marshes
 within the 
oastal lagoon
–barrier island system of Virginia’s Eastern Shore. The student will have opportunities to contribute to highly collaborative long-term studies in the Virginia Coast Reserve and Santa Barbara Coastal (http://sbc.lternet.edu/) LTER programs
Although research in the Castorani Lab is primarily motivated by fundamental ecological questions, there are opportunities for applied research related to coastal habitat restoration (seagrass
, kelp, oysters
) and commercial aquaculture (oysters
At the time of enrollment, highly-qualified applicants will have an undergraduate or master’s degree in biology, ecology, fisheries, or a related field.
 will have
xperience in
 field ecology, ideally 
having carried out experiments with
 marine or aquatic 
; knowledge of the biology of marine organisms; strong quantitative 
; and data
 analysis experience
UVA has a highly interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/academics/graduate/), offering training and conducting research in ecology, geosciences, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences. Graduate students accepted into the program are typically supported through a mixture of teaching assistantships and research assistantships that 
a competitive
 health insurance

Those interested should send
 the following items, as a single PDF, to 
Max Castorani (castorani@virginia.edu): 
) a brief description of their background, career goals, motivations for pursuing a graduate degree, research ideas, and why they are specifically interested in joining the Castorani Lab; (
) a CV with academic and professional experience (including GPA
) contact information for 2–3 references; and (4) a writing sample.

application deadline is January 15, 201
 for enrollment in Fall 201
, however 
applicants should express their interest as soon as possible.

Fall internship with the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders of Wildlife

Subject: Fall internship with the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife welcomes applicants to intern with the Center for Conservation Innovation this fall! Applicants are encouraged to apply by August 15 (extended deadline) for best consideration. The internship is unpaid, but we encourage students to seek funding or course credit opportunities through their schools or outside sources.


The internship is an opportunity for an advanced college, graduate, or post-graduate student to work with CCI and other Defenders staff at the interface of science and national conservation policy. In this position, the intern may help collect and analyze large spatial and non-spatial datasets, create published reports, scientific articles, web applications, and maps related to the conservation of species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Skill development will vary with the specific project, but the intern will generally have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of how the ESA is implemented in practice and experience in programming, conservation data and policy science, statistical analyses, GIS, remote sensing, scientific writing and creating interactive data visualizations.

Two internship tracks are available:

Policy and species conservation status – This track will involve projects that focus on ESA regulations and their effectiveness in recovering threatened and endangered species. The intern will learn to assess and analyze ESA documents (e.g., species listings, species status assessments, species 5-year reviews, biological opinions), evaluate species biological needs and conservation status, conduct statistical analyses and create online tools for visualizing data. Projects will aim to measure policy effectiveness and develop recommendations to improve species conservation.

Geospatial analysis and conservation tool development – This track will involve projects that focus on technical advances to creating, analyzing, and presenting spatial conservation data. The intern will learn and refine their geospatial and programming skills by assisting with the development of new approaches, algorithms and tools to quantify and map the status and distribution of species and their habitats.
Projects aim to measure and evaluate policy effectiveness and compliance in conserving species and their habitat on-the-ground.

For more details:

Graduate student opening (Ph.D./M.S.) – Population and Community Ecology

Subject: Graduate student opening (Ph.D./M.S.) – Population and Community Ecology

Graduate student opening (Ph.D./M.S.) – Population and Community Ecology

The Kramer laboratory in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida is seeking motivated graduate students (Ph.D. or
M.S.) to study the dynamics of extinction, species invasions, and/or species coexistence. The lab uses a combination of laboratory and field experiments, quantitative models, and computational analysis of big datasets to address basic and applied questions about population dynamics and persistence.
Potential study systems range from zooplankton to microbes to emerging wildlife diseases. Successful candidates can build on past studies and develop independent projects. Examples of potential project areas include experimental tests of Allee effects (positive density dependence), eco-evolutionary dynamics of mate finding or competition, macroscale spread on networks, species coexistence in freshwater zooplankton communities, or forecasting aquatic invasive species.

Competitive applicants will have research experience, quantitative skills and strong oral and written communication abilities. Applicants with previous experience in statistics, computer code, data visualization, and/or freshwater ecology will be preferred.

Positions will be competitively funded through a combination of teaching and research assistantship support. Tuition (not including fees), medical insurance, and travel to professional meetings are covered. Students are also encouraged to apply for external fellowships such as the National Science Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsfgrfp.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C5c3759c07b9c4f6d366c08d5fa49704a%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636690115683289952&sdata=2yP3VLK1UzDo4fqRsLUtMm5T6zr3P8OO4o4qWWjH51s%3D&reserved=0).

*To Apply*
For consideration please email a cover letter stating your research interests and qualifications, your CV with names and contact information for
3 references, unofficial transcripts, and GRE scores to Dr. Drew Kramer by October 31st. This will allow time to discuss your research interests before the preferred deadline for application to the department of November 30th.
Please contact me with any inquiries for additional information or to arrange a phone call.

To learn more about the Department of Integrative Biology please visit https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbiology.usf.edu%2Fib%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C5c3759c07b9c4f6d366c08d5fa49704a%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636690115683289952&sdata=URcldKobe0DbkyV3GRSld4TWQIfdHAeYVd9WuBFQ6V4%3D&reserved=0. The University of South Florida is a diverse research university located in Tampa, FL https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usf.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C5c3759c07b9c4f6d366c08d5fa49704a%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636690115683289952&sdata=00oVHF%2Fp9TGBApTLUK9pyI1aUSlOUfSWbcg6CVpwJtw%3D&reserved=0. USF is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, marital status, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Graduate assistantships in quantitative eco-evolutionary dynamics at the University of Wyoming

Subject: Graduate assistantships in quantitative eco-evolutionary dynamics at the University of Wyoming

The Weiss-Lehman lab is looking for 1-2 graduate students to start in the Program in Ecology at the University of Wyoming for the fall of 2019. Lab research focuses on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of populations responding to global change, including the spatial dynamics of invasive species spread and populations moving in response to climate change. Our research links quantitative models to empirical data through the use of targeted experiments and laboratory microcosms. The lab currently uses microcosms of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, as they can be manipulated in a number of important ways, operate on tractable timelines for graduate projects (~10 generations in a year), and have a high-quality reference genome available. However, I am happy for students to work in other systems as well, so long as the overall questions fit within the scope of the lab’s research. I am looking for students with a strong quantitative background and a demonstrated ability to work independently and in group settings as they develop their own dissertation projects.

If you are interested in joining the lab, please send me an email with a brief statement detailing your interest in the lab and a current CV including your previous research experience, relevant coursework, and GPA. I will also be at the ESA meeting in New Orleans and the ESEB meeting in Montpellier this year to meet in person and discuss research interests and possible projects.

University and Local Environment: The University of Wyoming has a total enrollment of
12,000 full-time students. Students will be housed in the Botany department, with PhD students partaking in the cross-departmental program in ecology. The university is located in Laramie, a small mountain town close to several different mountain ranges providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. It is also within a day’s drive of three national parks (Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, and Rocky Mountain National Park). Laramie has a relatively low cost of living and is within easy driving distance of Colorado’s Front Range corridor (Fort Collins, Boulder, and Denver).

Job Posting – FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissiion

Subject: Job Posting – FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissiion

Agency:  Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Location:  Fellsmere, FL
Job Category: Full time Positions
Salary:  $37,867.70/year + benefits
Start Date: 09/15/2018
Last Date to Apply: 08/16/2018
Website: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmyfwc.com%2Fviewing%2Frecreation%2Fwmas%2Flead%2Ftm-goodwin%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C53424d7a164b42d43ab208d5fa495762%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636690115269122913&sdata=g0hxHzkHWvORag7qWs63iNoC8iY4IZ8wAiGsEOvGUug%3D&reserved=0

The person in this position is responsible for all aspects of management of the T. M. Goodwin Waterfowl Management Area.  Land management responsibilities include conducting moist-soil and impoundment management through water level manipulation, prescribed fire, roller chopping, cultivation of waterfowl forage crops, chemical and mechanical control of native and/or noxious vegetation, etc.

The person also administers waterfowl hunts on the WMA and may assist with white-tailed deer hunts on nearby WMAs; assists with waterfowl surveys and white-tailed deer spotlight surveys when needed; supports public use by other users, such as hikers, bikers, equestrians, etc.
through reviewing and recommending changes to area regulations; administers the annual budget; supervises staff and volunteers; provides assistance in long range planning for the Area; works with contractors to complete road improvements, ditch cleaning, aerial herbicide treatments and other projects; and submits reports and other paperwork.

Applicants must have a Bachelor of Science degree in a life or physical science; must be able to work a flexible schedule, though most work will be completed between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; Monday – Friday; and must be willing to live within 25 miles of the entrance to the T. M. Goodwin Waterfowl Management Area entrance.

Preference will be given to applicants with experience in moist-soil management, waterfowl identification, and supervisory experience.

In order to be considered for this position, applications must be submitted through the Florida hiring online system

The State of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer, and does not tolerate discrimination or violence in the workplace.

Contact Person: Steve Glass
Contact eMail: steve.glass@myfwc.com

seasonal biological science aid, SW Biological Science Center, Moab

Subject: Job: seasonal biological science aid, SW Biological Science Center, Moab
Announcement number SBSC-2018-014
The Southwest Biological Science Center’s Canyonlands Research Station in Moab, UT, is recruiting for a seasonal biological science aid (GG-0404-03). This is a seasonal, 6 to 9 month, full-time position. 
Number of positions: 3
Work schedule: Full-Time
Salary: $12.74/hr
This announcement closes at 5 p.m. (MT) on Tuesday, Aug. 7.
Description of Duties
Incumbent will perform laboratory and field work. This position is in the Canyonlands Research Station, Moab, Utah. Work is performed over a wide geographic area requiring overnight trips (15-20 nights during the busiest seasons usually in April/May and Sep/Oct) and possibility of work in remote areas. Incumbent participates in a research program focusing on the ecology and physiology of plants and biological soil crusts, soil ecology, biogeochemistry, physical soil science, plant-soil interactions, and invasive plants. Course work in botany, plant physiology, chemistry, and soil science is optimal. Incumbent will perform routine laboratory and field work. Duties include long days of collecting field data under extreme conditions, processing vegetation and soil samples for chemical analysis or archiving, use of complicated scientific instrumentation, and use of excel and/or access for data entry and summary.
May operate government motor vehicle as an incidental driver.
Knowledge Required by the Position
  • Knowledge of processes, methods & procedures of biological science; knowledge of routine field data collection procedures; skill in operation, maintenance, and servicing of biological recording and measuring instruments; knowledge of procedures utilized in a biological lab.
  • Experience with field sampling preferably with knowledge of biological soil crusts, vegetation, and soils of the Colorado Plateau
  • Experience preparing samples and performing laboratory analysis of crust, plant, and soil samples to determine specific chemical, physical, and/or biological characteristics.
  • Experience working as part of a team and following instruction of a project lead.
  • Experience entering data on a Windows-based computer using spreadsheets.
Physical Demands
Work is physically demanding and may involve moderate or sometimes extreme exposure to discomforts of rain, cold/hot weather, etc. A pre-employment physical is required.
To qualify at the GG-03 level you must have at least 3 months of field party experience OR 1 year of subprofessional experience OR 6 months of college study.
Definitions of Experience
Field Survey Party —Experience with a field survey party includes activity associated with making and recording geologic, hydrologic, biologic, or topographic field observations; collecting geologic, biological, or water samples for laboratory analysis; applying accepted data collection techniques and methods in the performance of field work in support of scientific investigations; and using a variety of surveying instruments and electronic or mechanical instrumentation in the making and recording of field measurements and observations designed to collect data for physical/ biological science investigations. Only time actually spent in the field can be credited when qualifying individuals under the field party experience option.
Sub-professional Experience —Sub-professional experience is defined as technical work performed in support of field or laboratory investigations relating to the biological sciences, physical sciences, or closely related disciplines which provided basic knowledge or skills in gathering, recording, and assembling scientific or engineering data; using scientific instruments to measure angles, degrees, weights, strengths, intensities, etc.; setting up and operating test apparatus, and manipulating quantitative data. Experience may include assisting professional employees with such duties as calibrating and operating measuring instruments mixing solutions, making chemical analyses, setting up and operating test apparatus, and compiling and processing scientific data. Experience as a laboratory mechanic or in a trade or craft may be credited as experience when the work was performed in close association with physical or biological scientists or other technical personnel and provided a good working knowledge of appropriate scientific principles, methods, and techniques.
Professional Experience —Professional work experience in the physical and biological sciences may be credited in lieu of or in conjunction with sub-professional experience as defined above.
About this Position
  • THIS IS A TEMPORARY EXCEPTED SERVICE POSITION for which all qualified applicants, with or without Federal status may apply and be considered. Appointment to this position will not convey permanent status in the Federal service. Appointment will only be for the duration of the position, in this case, up to 180 days or 1,039 hours whichever comes first.
  • Positions may offer rehire eligibility for subsequent appointments, provided the employee has not exceeded 180 days of or 1,039 hours work in a 12-month period and has achieved acceptable level of performance.
  • Temporary employees are covered by the Social Security Retirement system; annual and sick leave will be accrued.
If you are qualifying based in whole or part on education, you must provide all unofficial transcripts (undergraduate, graduate, etc) or list of course work, including semester hours and grades earned, by the closing date of this announcement or you will be disqualified from further consideration. This proof may be faxed, emailed or hand delivered to the point of contact listed in the “How to Apply” section.
Please ensure that all documentation is legible. If you are currently employed by the Federal government in the same occupational series, you are not required to submit transcripts at this time.
Education completed in colleges or universities outside the US may be used to meet the above requirements. You must provide acceptable documentation that the foreign education is comparable to that received in an accredited educational institution in the US. For more information on how foreign education is evaluated, see: http://wwwusgs.gov/ohr/oars/quals/foreign.html
Basis of Evaluation
Applicants will not be rated or ranked. All applicants that meet the basic eligibility and qualification requirements of the position will be referred to the selecting official in preference eligible order. Applicants must meet all qualifications and eligibility requirements by the closing date of this announcement.
A background investigation will be required for this position. Continued employment is subject to the applicant’s successful completion of a background security investigation and favorable adjudication. Failure to meet these requirements will be grounds for termination.
The selectee will be required to submit proof of valid driver’s license and driving record covering at least three years before receiving a final offer.
Temporary appointees expected to work at least 130 hours per month for at least 90 days will be eligible to enroll in a Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) plan. Individuals eligible under this rule receive full government contribution to their premiums regardless of work schedule and will also be eligible to participate in the Flexible Spending Accounts and Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program. Temporary appointees are not covered by the Federal Employee Retirement System and are ineligible for Federal life, dental, or vision insurance. Visit http://www.usgs.gov/humancapital/pb/index.htrnl for more information.
How to Apply
Carefully read all instructions. Applicants are responsible to ensure the application is complete. The personnel office will not solicit additional information from applicants or official records, but will consider individuals based on applications as submitted. Applications must be received by closing date of the announcement. If you are e-mailing applications, supporting materials such as transcripts not available electronically, can be faxed separately or mailed under separate cover but must arrive by 5 p.m. of the first work day following announcement closing date, and must include announcement number of the job for which you are applying.
Apply by sending your application materials via email to CRS_Jobs@usgs.gov or mailing them to Canyonlands Research Station, ATTN: Erika Geiger, 2290 Resource Blvd, Moab, UT 84532.
This agency provides reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined as information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc. Please ensure that you have removed all Personally Identifiable Information from all documents prior to submitting your application material.
Required Documents
If you are claiming veterans’ preference you must submit a copy of your DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, by closing date of this announcement. If you are currently on active military duty, you must provide documentation (e.g., campaign document, award citation, etc.), that verifies entitlement to veterans preference and that your character of military service is honorable. If you are claiming 10-point veterans’ preference, in addition to the DD-214, you must submit documentation that supports your claim (e.g., official statement from the Department of Veterans Affairs or a branch of the Armed Forces certifying existence of a service-connected disability; or receipt of Purple Heart). If you fail to submit the required documentation, you will not be granted veterans preference. See additional information on veterans’ preference in the Vet Guide: http://www.fedshirevets.gov/hire/hrp/vetguide/indes.aspx
The following must be included in your application:
Job Information:
Announcement number, title, grade(s) of the job for which you are applying.
Personal Information:
  • Full name, mailing address (with zip code), email, day and evening phone numbers (with area code)
  • Country of Citizenship
  • Veterans preference (with supporting documentation, DD-214)
  • Highest Federal civilian grade held (also give job series and dates)
  • High school (name, address, zip code if known)
  • Colleges and universities (address including zip code if known)
  • Majors
  • Type and year of any degrees received (if no degree, show total credits earned and indicate whether semester or quarter hours)
  • Send copy of your college transcripts or list of college courses completed. Specify title of course, semester or quarter hours earned for each course, date completed, grade earned.
Work Experience:
Give the following information on your paid and non-paid work experience related to the job for which you are applying (do not send job descriptions)
  • Job Title (include series and grade if Federal)
  • Duties and Accomplishments
Employers name and address:
  • Supervisors name and phone number
  • Starting and ending dates with Month and Year (Example: Feb 2001 thru Jan 2002)
  • Hours worked per week (e.g., 40 hr/wk, 20 hr/wk, etc.)
  • Salary
  • Indicate if we may contact your current supervisor
Other Qualifications:
  • Job-related training courses (title, length, date taken)
  • Job-related skills (IE., other languages, computer software/hardware, tools, machinery, typing speed, first aid, etc)
  • Job related certificates and licenses (current only)
  • Job-related honors, awards, and special accomplishments (IE, publications, memberships in professional or honor societies, leadership activities, public speaking, and performance awards). Give details but do not send documents unless requested.
Other Information
Relocation expenses will not be paid.
Applicants who include vulgar, offensive, or inappropriate language or information in their application package will be ineligible for further consideration for this position.
Under Executive Order 11935, only United States citizens and nationals (residents of American Samoa and Swains Island) may compete for civil service jobs. Agencies are permitted to hire non-citizens only in very limited circumstances where there are no qualified citizens available for the position.
USGS employees are subject to Title 43, USC Section 31 (a) have any personal, private, direct or indirect interest in lands or mineral wealth or lands under survey; (b) have any substantial personal, private, direct or indirect interests in any private mining or mineral enterprise doing business with the United States; or (c) execute surveys or examinations for private parties or corporations.
The application contains information subject to the Privacy Act (P.L. 93-579, 5 USC 552a). The information is used to determine qualifications for employment, and is authorized under Title 5, USC, Section 3302 and 3361.

Field Research Technician-Feral Hogs in Missouri

Subject: Field Research Technician-Feral Hogs in Missouri
One position is available for a camera trap field research technician to assist in a project evaluating the distribution of feral hogs in Missouri using camera traps. The position starts immediately and will run through January 2019. Pay is $11/hour (40 hrs/week) and the position is non-benefits eligible. Work vehicle and housing (private room) in Waynesville, MO are provided.
Work is based in Phelps, Pulaski, and Texas Counties in south-central Missouri. The selected applicant will be responsible for maintaining and moving trail cameras, managing trail camera data, and collecting habitat information at camera locations. Field conditions can be hot and humid, with exposure to insects and wildlife. Cameras are located in rural areas with limited cell phone service, and access requires driving on back roads and hiking in dense vegetation over uneven terrain using a GPS for navigation. The ability to work long hours alone and with minimal supervision is essential. Housing is shared with another technician on the project and some tasks will require working together but most work is conducted alone.
Candidates must have field research experience and have (or be close to finishing) a B.S. in wildlife science, biology, or a closely related discipline, and must have a valid driver license. Strong work ethic, ability to work alone or in groups, and an interest in wildlife management are essential. The technician will work closely with, and under the supervision of, a MS student from the University of Missouri School of Natural Resources.
Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled. Submit via email a cover letter that includes a description of work experience and career goals, resume, and the names and contact information (phone and e-mail address) of 3 references to: Mary Clay, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, 302 Natural Resources Building, Columbia, MO 65211; E-mail: macnq8@mail.missouri.edu

graduate positions in population/community ecology with Jeremy Fox at University of Calgary

Subject: graduate positions in population/community ecology with Jeremy Fox at University of Calgary

I’m seeking two graduate students (PhD or MSc) to join my lab at the University of Calgary in fall 2019 (earlier start possible).

I do fundamental work in population ecology, community ecology, and evolution, often combining mathematical modeling with experiments in protist microcosms and other tractable model systems. Right now I’m working on spatial synchrony of population cycles, species coexistence, and other projects. If the idea of collecting hundreds of generations of experimental data in a single summer sounds attractive to you, you should definitely get in touch with me. 🙂 Lately, I’m also getting into projects based on synthesizing data collected by others, as in my work applying the Price equation to quantify species selection in macroevolution. Here’s my lab website with more on what I’m working on these days:

The University of Calgary is one of Canada’s leading research universities.
The Biological Sciences Dept. has over 50 faculty and 180 graduate students, so it’s an active intellectual and social environment (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbio.ucalgary.ca%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C1c14e66cd6c04fdd3ebf08d5f939cb84%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636688948986895980&sdata=KK3BaL0Dyx8J2V3wPWKF%2BaeafD5ezJERttQYXoeqvMk%3D&reserved=0). Calgary is a nice city of 1.2 million people, close to the Canadian Rockies with all the opportunities for recreation that implies. And it’s in Canada, which is a great country.

All graduate students get guaranteed funding for 2 years (MSc) or 4 years
(PhD) (note: that’s long enough to complete your degree; Canadian graduate programs are a bit shorter than in the US).

If you’re interested, drop me a line (jefox@ucalgary.ca). Please include a transcript (unofficial is fine) and cv.

Funded M.Sc. or PhD position on the use of satellite and UAV imagery to map eelgrass beds

Subject: Funded M.Sc. or PhD position on the use of satellite and UAV imagery to map eelgrass beds
M.Sc. / Ph.D. Thesis Opportunity: 
Use of satellite and UAV imagery to map eelgrass beds in shallow coastal waters across Atlantic Canada
A two year M. Sc. thesis scholarship or a three year Ph.D. scholarship is available at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) to take part in a research program on eelgrass (Zostera marina) across Atlantic CanadaThe main activities will involve the development of image processing methods as well as participation over the field season in ground-truth data collection with community groups. The student will be co-supervised by Dr. Brigitte Leblon (UNB), Dr. Armand LaRocque (UNB), and Angela Douglass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Coalition on Sustainability). The student will work with regional community watershed organizations, as well as universities and government agencies (Fisheries and Oceans and Environment Canada) throughout Atlantic Canada.
The ideal candidate will have completed an undergraduate (graduate for the Ph.D.) degree in biology, geography, or environmental science, be self-motivated, have strong communication skills, and have the ability to manage multiple tasks. Knowledge of optical image processing, UAV image processing, geographic information systems (GIS) and/or eelgrass ecosystems is an asset. SCUBA diving certification will also be considered an asset, but funding will be available for diving certification for the chosen candidate.
The work will expose the student to state-of-the-art remote sensing technology and practice. Students involved in the research will work with community groups involved in environmental monitoring, as well as with Fisheries and Oceans and Environment Canada scientists. The student will have the opportunity to develop working relationships with these potential future employers. He/she will also be able to get his/her SCUBA diving certification, if not already possessed.
The position should be filled as soon as possible. Please send your CV, transcripts, list of publications, and reference names as a single pdf file to Dr. Brigitte Leblon (bleblon@unb.ca).