
PhD position – Collective migration in ungulates – University of Wyoming

Subject: PhD position – Collective migration in ungulates – University of Wyoming

The Merkle Research Group at University of Wyoming is seeking a highly motivated, creative, and quantitative Ph.D. student to lead a project investigating group dynamics and collective decision-making in migratory ungulates (including mule deer, pronghorn, bison and/or elk).

The successful applicant can shape the project goals; however, it is expected that the student will advance our theoretical understanding of collective migration and then link theory to empirical data using creative analyses. This project will be carried out in collaboration with the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, the Wyoming Migration Initiative, and other state and federal partners. The student will have access to existing and ongoing datasets of animal movement in Wyoming. The student will also be expected to employ an array of trail cameras on migration corridors to quantify group dynamics of marked and unmarked populations.

Candidates must have a B.S. and preferably a M.S. degree in Ecology, Biology, Wildlife, Biological Statistics/Mathematics or related fields.
Applicants must also have an excellent undergraduate GPA and competitive GRE scores. Applicants with prior experience managing and analyzing large datasets in program R (or Matlab/Python), and conducting and publishing research will be favored. Successful applicants will be expected to participate in a team environment, present results at professional conferences, publish results in a timely manner in peer-reviewed scientific outlets, and assist with preparation of grant proposals.

A competitive graduate assistantship will be provided, which includes annual stipend, tuition, and benefits. The successful applicant will be admitted through the Program in Ecology at the University of Wyoming. To apply, please email a SINGLE PDF file that includes 1) a cover letter outlining experience and specific interests related to migration ecology and group dynamics, 2) a CV, 3) unofficial GRE score sheet, 4) contact information for three references, and 5) transcripts to Dr. Jerod Merkle (jmerkle@uwyo.edu). Review of applicants will begin 12 November 2018. Start date is negotiable, but January 2019 is preferred.

Ph.D. & M.S. Graduate Student Positions: fire & ecosystem ecology

Ph.D. & M.S. Graduate Student Positions

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences | University of Nevada, Reno

?Effects of shifting fire regimes on biogeochemical processes in dryland environments?

The Fire & Dryland Ecosystems Lab led by Dr. Erin Hanan in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Nevada, Reno invites applications for a Doctoral or Master?s student position starting in the Fall of 2019.
Research in the lab explores how wildfire influences plant, soil, and hydrologic processes, and the interactions among them. Two key questions are: (1) how have climate change and human activities altered these interactions, and (2) what can we expect in the future??

Prospective graduate students will have the opportunity to develop their own research topics, which may be centered in one or more of the following areas:

?       Effects of climate change on future wildfire regimes
?       Carbon, nitrogen, and water dynamics in fire-prone ecosystems and watersheds
?       Fire as a driver of biogeochemical processes in dryland systems
?       Ecological resilience and recovery in the context of climate change
?       Influence of fuel management on watershed function

Research in the lab is conducted at study sites in the Sierra Nevada, the Great Basin, southern California, and the Pacific and Inland Northwest. We work with a range of tools, including process-based models, remote sensing, and field/laboratory analysis.

Competitive candidates will have a B.S. and/or M.S. degree in ecology, environmental science, computer science, or a closely related discipline. They will also have strong written and oral communication skills and evidence of scholastic success. Candidates with quantitative and/or programming skills are especially encouraged to apply. Funding will be available from a variety of sources, including fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships.

To apply, please send a summary of your research interests/background and a CV to Erin Hanan (ehanan@unr.edu).

More information about the lab can be found here:
https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnaes.unr.edu%2Fhanan&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cfd5452ae24294825b1bf08d62636ab98%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636738413580656304&sdata=e32zjlL%2BRhFAfuAmtQMmgs57IjuPjZ4J3f6nYRscBhI%3D&reserved=0. To learn about the Ph.D. program, go to UNR’s Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology graduate program webpage:
https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unr.edu%2Feecb&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cfd5452ae24294825b1bf08d62636ab98%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636738413580666312&sdata=unTrt5RItKuKe5ohqKjgJ6KyFKQw7oLI15yNdUE%2BglA%3D&reserved=0, and for the Master?s program, go to the Natural Resources and Environmental Science program page (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.unr.edu%2Fnres&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cfd5452ae24294825b1bf08d62636ab98%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636738413580666312&sdata=oKM3GQlgKTYBYegwJ%2FS7c3GCQmYpfZHOLyvCdFkNsUI%3D&reserved=0).

Grad Student Opportunities in Global Change Ecology and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry

The Yang Lab in Global Change Ecology and Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry (https://sib.illinois.edu/yang) in the Departments of Plant Biology and Geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks creative and motivated graduate students to join the lab in Fall 2019. We explore how human activities change the functioning of natural and managed ecosystems and how ecosystem responses to global change can feed back to fuel or slow future global change.
We currently have graduate research assistantship funding to investigate (1) how microbial diversity controls nitrous oxide reduction in soils, and (2) plant-soil-microbe interactions that regulate soil nitrogen cycling in bioenergy cropping systems. The latter project is part of a large interdisciplinary effort by the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) to develop the predictive capability to determine which feedstock combinations, regions and land types, market conditions, and bioproducts have the potential to support the ecologically and economically sustainable displacement of fossil fuels (https://cabbi.bio/research/sustainability-theme/). Other themes in our research program include controls on redox-sensitive processes in upland soils, such as denitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, and iron reduction; and plant community composition effects on biogeochemical processes, including woody polycultures as a sustainable agricultural system, mycorrhizal mediation of soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, and invasive species effects on ecosystem nitrogen dynamics. Students will be encouraged to develop their own research related to these themes.
There are multiple opportunities to join the lab to pursue a Master’s or Ph.D. degree:
(1) Department of Plant Biology (https://sib.illinois.edu/plantbio/graduate_admissions) – Deadline January 1
(2) Department of Geology (http://www.geology.illinois.edu/) – Deadline January 15
(3) Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology (http://peec.illinois.edu/) – Deadline December 15
If you are interested in joining the lab, please email Dr. Wendy Yang (yangw@illinois.edu) with a brief statement of your research interests and your CV.

Staff position: Academic Coordinator- Benioff Ocean Initiative at UC Santa Barbara

The Benioff Ocean Initiative (www.boi.ucsb.edu) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, seeks an academic coordinator to assist in the initiative’s goal of generating actionable environmental change in the oceans.
The Benioff Ocean Initiative is a new endeavor led by UCSB that aims to use marine research and marine scientists to help solve pervasive ocean problems— it’s an experimental model in innovating ways to translate university-powered research into tangible solutions to problems that affect ocean ecosystems and human communities.
The academic coordinator’s main duties will be to provide organizational support, project management, and administrative support. Incumbent will also provide considerable input in carrying out responsibilities that will include organizing scientific working groups to study ocean issues, coordinating ocean-related public outreach activities and working with contractors/service providers to carry forward projects generated by research groups.
Responsibilities include:
• Manage scheduling for BOI activities. Analyze incoming scheduling requests and general public communication to determine scheduling priorities; incumbent must be able to communicate effectively and accurately across diverse organizations.
• Coordinate travel logistics for BOI activities.
• Coordinate regular meetings and data sharing between group and collaborators. Use scientific understanding of group focus areas to research potential collaborators and local stakeholders at project sites (e.g. academic groups, NGOs, government agencies, etc.). Perform research and analysis, draft correspondence, and provide short- and long-term planning support.
• Develop, create, and present budget data and reports to the Director.
• Provide relevant policy information to staff and handle multiple complex and confidential projects that
require strong administrative and organizational skills.
• Oversee supply acquisition for multiple projects, lab equipment maintenance and setup, and work with contractors and service providers as required by specific projects.
• Oversee recruitment and training of volunteers and student assistants (medium-sized lab) for multiple projects, as well as training them on methods and skills required for each project. Additionally, provide leadership and guidance to volunteers throughout project duration.
• Plan and execute events and workshops associated with BOI programming. Synthesize and present meeting and workshop results.
• Assist with BOI social media communications.
Minimum qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in marine science, biology, ecology, environmental studies, or related field.
Preferred qualifications:
• Experience developing and managing project or programmatic budgets
• At least 1 year of administrative assistant, project coordination or related experience
• Experience in science outreach and communication
• Experience working in a science setting outside of academia (e.g. NGO, government)
The position is open to be filled immediately. The duration of the appointment is for 12 months at 100% time, reappointment is possible depending on performance and funding. Salary and benefits are competitive, commensurate with the applicant’s qualifications and experience.
Electronic applications (including a cover letter, CV, and contact information for 3 references) should be sent to:https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF01315
For primary consideration apply by October 19, 2018
Position open until filled.
The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service as appropriate to this position.
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Benioff Ocean Initiative
Marine Science Institute
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150

Graduate position: ColoradoStateU.Evolution

Colorado State University is seeking outstanding graduate students in the
field of evolutionary biology. CSU is home to a strong and diverse group
of evolution-focused labs, many of which are accepting grad students this
year. Interested students are highly encouraged to explore the research
pages of CSU faculty and contact professors before applying to a CSU
graduate program. The university is home to a number of departmental
and interdisciplinary graduate programs, and prospective faculty mentors
can assist in selecting the program that would be the best match for a
student?s interests. CSU faculty with research programs in evolutionary
biology include:

Lisa Angeloni
Department of Biology

Mike Antolin
Department of Biology

Chris Funk
Department of Biology

Cameron Ghalambor
Department of Biology

Kim Hoke
Department of Biology

Ruth Hufbauer
Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

John McKay
Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

Rachel Mueller
Department of Biology

Dhruba Naug
Department of Biology

Paul Ode
Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

Kristen Ruegg
Department of Biology

Mark Simmons
Department of Biology

Dan Sloan
Department of Biology

Colleen Webb
Department of Biology

CSU is a world-class research university located in Fort Collins, CO,
about an hour north of Denver and right at the foothills of the Rocky
Mountains. Fort Collins is widely regarded as having a great quality
of life at a reasonable cost of living. It has excellent opportunities
for outdoor recreation, an active music scene, a strong biking culture,
and numerous great restaurants and breweries.


M.S. Position in Forest Ecology and GIS at Oklahoma State University

M.S. Opportunity: Forest Ecology and GIS
Department of Natural Resource Ecology & Management
Oklahoma State University
The Murray Lab is seeking a M.S. student interested in the spatial ecology and resilience of forests. Research in the lab is focused around how spatial patterns and processes influence forest and wildlife habitat resilience. A candidate with research interests in forest ecology, disturbance ecology, wildlife habitat ecology, or ecological applications of geospatial technologies would be a great fit.
DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS: B.S. in biology, ecology, geography, forestry, wildlife biology, or a related field. Experience or coursework in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and experience conducting field research. Applicants should have a GPA of 3.0 (A = 4.00) and have taken the GRE.
TO APPLY: Prospective applicants should send via email a brief letter of interest, CV (including GPA, GRE scores, and contact information for three references), and unofficial transcripts to Dr. Bryan Murray (bryan.murray@okstate.edu). Review of application materials will begin October 5 and continue until the position is filled.
LOCATION AND FACILITIES: The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management is part of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State University. The University is a land grant institution with an enrollment of about 25,000 students located midway between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. The Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management conducts interdisciplinary research, instruction, and extension education to address the sustainable management and conservation of the fishery, forest, rangeland, and wildlife resources of Oklahoma and beyond. The Department is a source of cutting-edge research, quality instruction, and effective outreach to students, landowners, managers, and public agencies.

Non profit in the Bolivian Amazon looking for a biodiversity student

I am contacting you on behalf of Sustainable Bolivia, a US registered non profit created in 2007 and with activities since then in Bolivia. Since last year, Sustainable Bolivia has relocated to the city of Riberalta, also known as the “Capital of the Bolivian Amazon” in order to develop its own environmental and community development projects. As such, we have been working with public authorities and rural communities for the creation of a 20,000 hectares natural reserve, the Aquicuana Reserve.
As part of these projects, we would like to improve the knowledge we have about the Reserve itself and we’ve been working this year with biodiversity students to research, register and list different species of the reserve. As such, we now have registered 302 different species of birds, including one unique in the world, the Masked Antpitta, but also more than 40 different kinds of amphibians. In this context, we are looking for new biology students to help us next year to continue this work. Please find enclosed the detailed description of the volunteer position and tasks.
I would like to know if it would be possible to forward this opportunity to your students?
Thank you in advance,
Ludivine Félix
National Director
information@sustainablebolivia.org | ludivine@sustainablebolivia.org 
Cel : +591 65319279

Graduate position: UWisconsin_Milwaukee.PopulationGenomics

The Alberto lab is searching for graduate students to join the lab in
Fall 2019

The Alberto lab at UW-Milwaukee is seeking for a graduate student for
Fall 2019 with particular interest topics ranging from a more
conceptual molecular ecology (kelp forests, seagrass species) to more
applied research topics such as genomic selection in macroalgae. The
lab research interest is broad in all areas of population genetics and
genomics, from fine-scale spatial genetic structure and demographic
inference, local adaptation, oceanscape genetics and range-wide
biogeographical analysis of model organisms. Our focus is both on
empirical research through the acquisition of population genetics data,
using molecular marker techniques, simulation-based hypothesis testing,
and species distribution modeling.

Our closer collaborators have included the Santa Barbara Coastal LTER
(http://sbc.lternet.edu/) based at UCSB, California, The Moss Landing
Marine Laboratory in Central California, the Center for Marine Sciences
at University of the Algarve, Portugal
(http://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/maree/) and recently the University of
Southern California and its Wrigley Marine Science Center. Students
interested in developing projects in topics related to seagrass
population genetics or the balance between clonal and sexual
strategies, focusing marine or freshwater plant model species, are also
welcomed to contact me. Please see my website for more information on
our team (http://alberto-lab.blogspot.com/).

Much of our work involves some form of programming in R, students are
expected to be motivated to learn how to code. However, while coding
skills are a benefit, they are not required to successful applicants.

UWM has an active group of researchers
studying evolutionary genetics and behavior:
https://uwm.edu/biology/research/ecology-evolution-and-behavior/. Students
would enroll in the graduate program in the department of biological
sciences at UWM (https://uwm.edu/biology/graduate/prospective-students/),
the deadline for applications is December 1. The minimum requirements
for admission to the Biology Department include an undergraduate GPA
of at least 3.0 and GRE scores (both verbal and quantitative) in the
50 percentile or better. You can find more information on the Graduate
School website http://uwm.edu/graduateschool/.

All graduate students at UWM can be supported financially by teaching
assistantships (TA) and receive a stipend, full tuition waiver, and
health insurance. TA appointments are usually made at the 50% level,
which involves a teaching commitment of 20 hours per week. MS students
can expect TA support for up to 3 years and Ph.D. students up to 5
years. You must apply by December 1 to be considered for a TA position.

There are also other opportunities for funding, such as University-wide
fellowships that are generally based on GRE and GPA, which are given to
students after they have been enrolled at UWM for one year. More
information at https://uwm.edu/biology/graduate/funding/
To apply please send me an email (albertof@uwm.edu) including 1) a
statement of research interests, 2) a summary of your previous academic
and research experiences, and 3) a summary on how your research
interests might fit our lab. Finally, please include a CV (with GPA and
GRE scores).

M.S. graduate position in Fish Ecology/Invasion Ecology

Jim Garvey’s Fish Ecology Lab at the Southern Illinois University, Center for Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences (CFAAS) in Carbondale, IL is seeking a M.S. student to conduct research comparing the behavior and ecology of invasive bigheaded carp (Bighead Carp and Silver Carp) relative to surrogate species to determine ways to control the ongoing carp invasion (e.g., harvest and barriers). This project is a collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District and Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Qualifications: An interest in laboratory- and field-oriented research and a desire to work in research or academia. B.A. or B.S. in biology, fisheries, aquatic ecology or related fields. Coursework in fisheries and/or ecology required. Prior experience with acoustic telemetry, analysis of ecological studies, R, Arc GIS, and Microsoft office (including Access) is preferred but not required.

Duties: Develop, complete, present, and publish field, lab, statistical, and/or simulation studies related to fisheries or invasion ecology.  The selected student will have access to CFAAS’s resources including a pond facility with 100 experimental ponds, 2 wet labs, and multiple large river boats including one modified for acoustic telemetry river work.
Prospective students will be expected to complete field work associated with their projects, with assistance and training from other lab personnel including 2 postdocs and 2 research technicians.  The successful candidate must make multiple overnight trips for field work, work long hours under adverse weather conditions, maintain a valid driver’s license, and be able to routinely lift 50 pounds. The selected student will also be part of a large, multi-agency and university research group.

Application Deadline: October 15th or until filled.  Preferred start
date: Jan 2019 (later start possible)

Salary: Research assistantship includes stipend plus tuition waiver and insurance

Application Procedure: Interested applicants must submit via email (1) a letter of interest, (2) resume or CV, (3) unofficial transcripts (official required prior to hire), (4) GRE scores, and (5) the names and contact information of three references (at least to references must be research/academia related) to:

Dr. Alison Coulter
Email: acoulter@siu.edu

SIU Carbondale is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer of individuals with disability and protected verterans that strives to enhance its ability to develop a diverse faculty and staff and to increase its potential to serve a diverse student population. All applications are welcomed and encouraged and will receive consideration.