
International Research Experience for Students

Subject: International Research Experience for Students

Position: Student Researcher

Project: Resilient Urban Latin America (RULA) International Research Experience for Students (IRES)

Location: Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON)

Employer: Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN): Flexible Research Dates

Pay: Travel, lodging, meals and incidentals are paid. Each student will receive a stipend of $500 per week, plus an additional $1,000 toward research expenses.

Call for Applications: UREx SRN is seeking highly motivated students interested in research on climate change and urbanization. The RULA IRES project supports the development of globally-engaged U.S. science and engineering students capable of performing in an international research environment at the forefront of science and engineering. The project offers one undergraduate and three graduate students the opportunity to conduct eight to ten weeks of onsite research in Hermosillo, Mexico which has an urban community facing climate extremes. This research will afford students collaboration and mentorship experiences for conducting research, gaining skills in research design, data analysis and management, and presentation across diverse social and political cultures; project outcomes can be integrated within existing dissertation research.

Review the full description, research date options, and instructions to apply at:https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsustainability.asu.edu%2Furbanresilience%2Fopportunities%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C01b87de696424b9ae2e708d654708f43%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789239750423595&sdata=TaCP0Y139cjfr9cyczsNEQdhf9Nt3bFHpM8t2xvCgSQ%3D&reserved=0

Noteworthy Hiring Details: Some knowledge of Spanish language will receive preference but is not required.

Deadline: For full consideration please send application materials to emily.key@asu.edu by Friday, December 7, 2018.

Job Announcement: State Herpetologist, Massachusetts

The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife has posted an opening for the State Herpetologist.  Details below.

Requisition Link: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmassanf.taleo.net%2Fcareersection%2Fex%2Fjobdetail.ftl%3Fjob%3D180007TC&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cbc9da5df334e436058be08d65470856e%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789239592053952&sdata=%2BqIMihlKKwgiuTd%2F2EJsEcK0ZOOpLfCD0qz8F8GnM20%3D&reserved=0
Functional Title: State Herpetologist
Official Title: Conservation Biologist IV
Location: Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westboro, MA Job Description State Herpetologist – (180007TC) Description

The Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game works to preserve the state’s natural resources and people’s right to conservation of those resources, as protected by Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution. To carry out this mission, the Department exercises responsibility over the Commonwealth’s marine and freshwater fisheries, wildlife species, plants, and natural communities, as well as the habitats that support them.

The Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) is responsible for the conservation – including restoration, protection and management – of fish and wildlife resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the public.

The Department of Fish and Game seeks applicants for the position of the State Herpetologist (Conservation Biologist IV).

The State Herpetologist (Conservation Biologist IV) implements inventory, research and management programs to conserve the Commonwealth’s endangered, threatened and special concern reptiles and amphibians, compiles and analyzes data on the distribution of the state’s herpetofauna, especially its rare and endangered species, and provides technical guidance to DFW regulatory review staff implementing the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act.

Duties include:

1.        Compile and analyze data on rare reptile and amphibian populations and habitats, and apply these data to maintaining and updating the state’s official rare species list; review and evaluate individual species for appropriateness of inclusion on or deletion from the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) list; research taxonomy as necessary; develop listing criteria; screen rare reptile and amphibian species observation records for accuracy and completeness before acceptance into NHESP databases.  Prepare species habitat maps for reptile and amphibian species.

2.        Plan, supervise, and/or conduct field surveys and scientific investigations of populations of endangered, threatened and special concern reptile and amphibian species; oversee and administer short-term reptile and amphibian research and inventory projects to be contracted-out; hire and supervise seasonal staff to assist in biological surveys and research, as needed; analyze conservation research and inventory results and prepare studies, technical reports and scientific papers for publication.

3.        Develop, implement, and coordinate long range habitat and population management programs for endangered reptiles and amphibians, and work with partners to research, manage, and protect important habitat areas.

4.       Apply knowledge of the abundance, distribution, ecology, and management needs of rare reptiles and amphibians through participation in regulatory reviews, and protection and ecological restoration planning, and in other DFW/NHESP projects.

5.        Develop and maintain professional relationships with habitat land managers, the environmental and scientific communities; develop and implement conservation partnerships to advance reptile and amphibian conservation; interact professionally with biologists at the state, regional, and national level; coordinate efforts with the DFW Fisheries & Wildlife Sections.

6.        Prepare and deliver presentations, develop informational material, and conduct other targeted education and outreach to increase awareness of the status and conservation needs of the biodiversity of the Commonwealth; work with DFW/NHESP administrators to seek and obtain funding and/or other material support for reptile and amphibian conservation.

7.        Perform other duties as assigned.

Qualifications Required at Hire:

1.Extensive knowledge of the principles and practices of herpetology and biological conservation.
2.Thorough knowledge of the identification, ecology, and habitat requirements of a component of the herpetofauna of the northeastern U.S. (especially rare species) and some knowledge of the geography and ecoregions of Massachusetts.
3.Demonstrated experience with GIS technology and ability to read topographic maps.
4.Experience with or knowledge of NatureServe/Natural Heritage methodology.
5.Ability to speak and write clearly and effectively.
6.Ability to deal effectively with a wide variety of people.
7.Willingness to travel extensively throughout the state and to work in the field under adverse weather conditions.
Preferred qualification:  M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Biology, Ecology, or related discipline.
A cover letter and resume must be submitted as part of the application process and attached “as relevant” to the requisition.


First consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days.

Minimum Entrance Requirements:

Applicants must have at least (A) five years of full-time, or equivalent part-time, professional, paraprofessional or technical experience in work involving the protection, resource protection, regulatory procedures preservation and/or management of endangered and protected species, of which (B) at least three years must have been in a professional capacity and of which (C) at least two years must have been in a supervisory capacity, or (D) any equivalent combination of the required experience and the substitutions below.


I. A Bachelors degree with a major in zoology, botany, ornithology or herpetology, may be substituted for a maximum of two years of the required (A) experience on the basis of two years of education for one year of experience.*

II. A Graduate degree with a major in zoology, botany, ornithology, or herpetology, may be substituted for one year of the required (A) experience on the basis of two years of education for one year of experience.*

*Education toward such a degree will be prorated on the basis of the proportion of the requirements actually completed.

Special Requirements:

Based on assignment, possession of a current and valid Massachusetts Class D Motor Vehicle Operator’s license, or equivalent license from the state in which you reside, may be required.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  Females, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Official Title: Conservation Biologist IV Primary Location: United States-Massachusetts-Westborough-Rabbit Hill Road
Job: Science
Agency: Department of Fish And Game
Schedule: Full-time
Shift: Day
Job Posting: Nov 21, 2018, 4:56:27 PM
Number of Openings: 1
Salary: 63,535.42 – 92,375.40 Yearly
If you have Diversity, Affirmative Action or Equal Employment Opportunity questions or need a Reasonable Accommodation, please contact Diversity Officer / ADA Coordinator: Johanna Zabriskie – 617-626-1599 Bargaining Unit: 09-MOSES – Engineers/Scientists
Confidential: No

Please note that requisitions (former Posting IDs) will remain open for 90 days; however, first consideration will be given to those applicants that apply within the first 14 days of the posting.
The MassCareers job posting is available by clicking on the Requisition Link.
Division and Work Unit managers please ensure that these announcements are posted in a location for staff to view.
The Department of Fish and Game is an Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer

PhD position at UF-Population Ecology

We are looking for a highly motivated Ph.D. student with broad interests in Population Ecology in the Lab of Miguel Acevedo at the University of Florida.

The student will conduct research as part of an NSF-funded project aimed to understand the demographic and life-history consequences of fauna re-colonization of secondary habitats.  Our study organism is the lizard Anolis gundlachi that lives in the rainforest in Puerto Rico. The overall study includes fieldwork, demographic modeling, and genomic analyses.  The student is expected to contribute to the project while also develop his or her own questions and ideas within the broad scope of the topic.

Start dates: January or August 2019

Qualifications: The Ph.D. candidate will devote their time to academic excellence and will be required to spend time away from home in the field (working in Puerto Rico). Candidates with an MSc are preferred, however, applicants with a BSc that have extensive independent research and/or peer-reviewed publications in high-quality journals may also be considered competitive. Because of the nature of this research, candidates are expected to be independent with significant experience working in the field. Skills in ecological modeling and/or genomic analyses are desirable.
For more information, please visit our website (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ecosigmasquared.com%2Fphd_position.html&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C974ec6a05bc6478108d308d654706912%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789239112661517&sdata=0Kn8TNOgDMJumeBwb2Aakpv5vDIpwWDri%2FYMEU%2B%2BK1o%3D&reserved=0) or contact, Miguel Acevedo, at maacevedo[at]ufl.edu

To receive full consideration, candidates must send a CV, research statement and the names and contact information of three references to the above email address.

M.S. Graduate Positions – Fish Microbiome at Texas State University

M.S. Graduate positions in fish microbiome are be available in Dr. Camila Carlos-Shanley’s lab in the Department of Biology, Texas State University, beginning Fall 2019. Projects will focus on the effects of water pollutants on the fish microbiota. Students will be funded through a combination of research and instructional assistantships. Seehttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcarloslab.wp.txstate.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Ca1722853c1784d0cdfb308d654705de2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238917791996&sdata=hdemuIH9IylY9Hd5On2RupqD7WyRRuQdhi69kS0TdPk%3D&reserved=0 for details about our lab, papers and our research interests. Preference will be given to students with prior research experience and solid molecular lab and quantitative skills.

The Department of Biology offers a strong environment for training students in aquatic biology. The Master’s program in Aquatic Resources would be the best fit for such an applicant. For program information seehttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bio.txstate.edu%2FGraduate-Programs%2FM-S&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Ca1722853c1784d0cdfb308d654705de2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238917791996&sdata=SS6nFXk7F%2F1J1v2Wtb2mcRJYMTRFBMWPhDFAFIijGl4%3D&reserved=0–Aquatic-Resources.html.

Interested students should send an email with a statement of interest that includes topics you might be interested in working on in our lab and your long-term goals/interests. Please include a copy of your CV, unofficial undergraduate transcripts, GRE (if available), and any other relevant experience to Dr. Camila Carlos-Shanley by email (carlos-shanley at txstate.edu). Reference letters for top candidates might be solicited at a later date. Applications will be reviewed as they come in. A formal application package must also be submitted to the Graduate College at Texas State University by January 15, 2019 for full consideration in the Fall 2019 semester.

Masters of Science in Environmental Science – Villanova University

The Villanova University Master of Science in Environmental Science (MSES;https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.villanova.edu%2Fvillanova%2Fartsci%2Fgeoenv%2Facademicprograms%2FGradute_Programs.html&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C43991e4b21cb46ad49e908d6547052d6%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238746031387&sdata=07J1dEJXfI0c9OYZyp6sZNxJpnfGbjzLGBvGw3Q02Pw%3D&reserved=0) program is accepting applications for Fall 2019. The program emphasizes integrated thinking and learning at the nexus of science, policy, and society. Our graduates see beyond linear and fragmented approaches to solving environmental problems and understand the complex interactions between people and the environment. Students may elect either a thesis or non-thesis (capstone or portfolio) option that can be completed full-time or part-time. We offer specialty tracks in Ecosystem Sciences, Resource Management, and Geospatial Sciences that prepare graduates to be competitive in multiple career paths. The MSES faculty includes professors with expertise in several academic disciplines and a range of scholarly interests that span geography, biology, chemistry, and geology. Research undertaken by faculty and MSES students spans these disciplines (seehttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.villanova.edu%2Fvillanova%2Fartsci%2Fgeoenv%2Facademicprograms%2FGradute_Programs%2FResearchAreas.html&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C43991e4b21cb46ad49e908d6547052d6%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238746041399&sdata=awUHBhflL8OigYkSoILoKB5WslvBiSKQ4Ajc7VaU%2Fyw%3D&reserved=0 for more information about ongoing research).  For more information about the MSES program, and to apply, see the program website (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.villanova.edu%2Fvillanova%2Fartsci%2Fgeoenv%2Facademicprograms%2FGradute_Programs.html&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C43991e4b21cb46ad49e908d6547052d6%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238746041399&sdata=votJbmO6atuamiEslKbbOQy9RbxKtPNh1QOVwmo9XRU%3D&reserved=0), or contact the Program Coordinator, Ms. Kathleen Cooper (kathleen.f.cooper@villanova.edu). Prospective students are also encourage to contact potential research mentors (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.villanova.edu%2Fvillanova%2Fartsci%2Fgeoenv%2Ffacultyandstaff.html&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C43991e4b21cb46ad49e908d6547052d6%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636789238746041399&sdata=8d6cuBYlewOcgwc94genAGF7yxKe41M9TswBfndXJeU%3D&reserved=0) directly. To be considered for graduate assistantships (including tuition and stipend), applications must be received by March 1, 2019.

Graduate Position: UIllinois_Chicago.EcoEvoDevo

Graduate opportunities focusing on eco-evo-devo are available in Alexander
Shingletonขs laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The Shingleton Lab uses Drosophila as a model to understand how the
environment regulates development to generate phenotypic plasticity
and how this regulation evolves. Research in the lab spans multiple
disciplines including developmental genetics, physiology, bioinformatics,
mathematical modeling, ecology and evolutionary biology, and the project
will incorporate many of these. The focus of the graduate research is
flexible, but possible projects include: the developmental regulation
of body size in response to temperature; the coordination of growth and
patterning in response to environmental perturbation; the evolution of
nutritional plasticity.

You should hold a bachelorขs degrees with a major in any natural
science, but must be comfortable exploring biological processes at
multiple levels of organization. The ideal candidate will have some
experience in Drosophila developmental genetics, but individuals
with research experience in any natural science are encouraged to
apply. Ideally, you should have a solid background in statistics and/or
coding and be comfortable with learning R. Candidates who are interested
in mathematical modeling of biological processes are particularly
encouraged to apply.  The position is funded through a combination of
TAships and RAships.

The Shingleton Lab offers a dynamic work environment with excellent
opportunities for independent and collaborative research. We have a
track record of mentoring undergraduate research, and graduates with
an interest in working with undergraduates will find a particularly
welcoming environment.

The Shingleton Lab moved to UIC in August 2018 and is within the
Ecology and Evolution Group in the Department of Biological Sciences.
The department is home to a diverse and dynamic set of research
groups who study a wide-variety of biological questions, utilizing a
correspondingly wide-variety of tools and techniques. The department is
located in the center of Chicago. More details of the lab, department
and university can be found here:




Interested candidate should contact ashingle@uic.edu for further
information, and include a CV.

“Shingleton, Alexander” <ashingle@uic.edu>

Graduate position: NorthernArizonaU.TreePhylogeography

PhD position available in Landscape Genomics, Phylogeography and Climate
adaptation of tree species @ NAU

The School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University (NAU) is seeking one
highly motivated PhD student to join Dr. De La Torreขs lab of Genomics
and Evolution of Forest Tree Species. The position includes a stipend,
tuition waiver, and full health benefits for 4 years. Outstanding
candidates may qualify for the NAU Presidential Fellowship Program
(http://nau.edu/GradCol/Financing/Presidential-Fellowship-Program/). The
student will use genomic tools to study phylogeography, migration rates,
and the potential to adaptation to climate change in southwestern conifer
species. The research will include molecular lab work, greenhouse work,
modelling and data analyses.


–       Master degree in Genetics, Evolutionary Biology,
Bioinformatics, Forest Sciences, Biology, Plant Sciences, or
related fields of study.

–     Proficiency in R, Perl or Phyton (familiarity with Linux is a plus)

–       Willingness to work with big data sets in a computer cluster.

–       Strong statistical skills

–       Experience with GIS

–       Availability to start by July 1st, 2019 .

–       Molecular lab experience is desirable.

–       Skills in modeling with R are desirable.

How to apply:
Please send a 1-page statement of interest, CV, unofficial copy of
transcripts, GRE scores, and TOEFL scores (international students),
and the names and contact information of 3 references by December 15th,
2018. If found to be a good match for the position, you will be encouraged
to apply to the graduate program at NAU. Please note that NAU has the
following admission requirements: GPA higher than 3.0 and TOEFL = 213
(computer-based) or 80 (internet-based).

Contact Information:
Dr. De La Torre, Amanda.de-la-torre@nau.edu

Northern Arizona University is a 29,000 student-institution with its main
campus in Flagstaff, a four-season community of about 70,000 at the base
of the majestic San Francisco Peaks. Flagstaff has all-year easy access
to the Arizona snowbowl ski resort and is located at 1-hour drive from
the Grand Canyon. School of Forestry- http://nau.edu/forestry

Amanda De La Torre <Amanda.de-la-Torre@nau.edu>

Ph.D. Opportunity in Human-Environment Systems

Ph.D. Assistantship – Social-ecological dynamics of iconic systems in the American West

Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University, Idaho, USA


A position is available for a motivated Ph.D. student to join a transdisciplinary team as part of the Idaho-wide project “Genes to Environment: Modeling, Mechanisms, and Mapping” (GEM3).  Under the broad umbrella of the GEM3 project, the student will focus on the social-ecological dynamics of riverine (rainbow trout) and/or sagebrush ecosystems in southwestern Idaho and in and around the Bridger-Teton and Caribou-Targhee National Forests and Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.  Additional information about GEM3 can be found at: https://www.idahogem3.org/


The student’s project will include a variety of innovative and integrative aspects, including: (1) working with diverse stakeholders and collaborators to identify and assess social and ecological drivers of change and their consequences; and (2) using participatory modeling and scenario development to assess stakeholder decision-making and improve policy recommendations.  Other angles may include a focus on local ecological knowledge of these systems, working with community-based observation networks, and working collaboratively to incorporate social science data into ecological modeling frameworks.  The student will develop their own research projects within these or related themes. 


The student will be advised by Dr. Kelly Hopping (website).  The student will also work closely with colleagues at Boise State University, Idaho State University, and the University of Idaho, in addition to collaborating with others in the Human-Environment Systems community (cid.boisestate.edu/hes) – a group of faculty and students committed to transdisciplinary, team-based, actionable research that addresses real-world environmental challenges.  The position will begin in Summer or Fall (August) 2019.


To Apply

Review of documents will begin December 7, 2018 and will continue until finalists are identified.


Additional details about the position and how to apply can be found here.



FY 2019 Undergraduate Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Workshop

The Special Project Announcement for the FY 2019 Undergraduate Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Workshop Competition has been released. This competition is to host one or more workshops between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020.

The Special Project Announcement is posted at: https://seagrant.noaa.gov/insideseagrant/Funding-Opportunities.  Applications are due January 23, 2019.

The purpose of the proposed undergraduate workshop program is to introduce and recruit students into the field of Population and Ecosystem Dynamics.

Please distribute this announcement widely.

NOAA’s goal is to rotate the workshop cooperative agreement regionally, based on the states and territories covered by the NMFS’ Science Centers. The annual rotation of host programs ensures geographic balance and diversity of expertise for this as a workforce development training program. In FY 2018, Oregon Sea Grant, located in the region of the NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center (Northwest FSC), was awarded the FY 2019 Undergraduate PED Workshop. This FY 2019 Special Projects Announcement, to host the FY 2020 Undergraduate PED Workshop(s), is eligible for applicants from all regions, with the exception of Oregon and Washington Sea Grant, the region of the Northwest FSC.

For additional information, beyond what is posted on the Inside Sea Grant website, please contact oar.hq.sg.competitions@noaa.gov.  Please put “attention: PED workshop” in the email subject line.

Sustainable RIVER REU – now accepting applications

Subject: Sustainable RIVER REU – now accepting applications

The Sustainability Program at the University of South Dakota is offering a NSF REU program this summer titled “Sustainable RIVER (Remediating InVasives to Encourage Resilience).” Sustainable RIVER is a full-time, paid, undergraduate research opportunity. In the Sustainable RIVER project, the students will investigate different invasive elements and cultural and natural stressors affecting the Missouri River. The students will conduct an independent research project (see below), participate in field trips on and along the Missouri River, and produce a team project.

Research projects for the summer of 2019 are:

  • Effects of invasive trees on native floodplain forest vegetation and breeding birds
  • Effects of modified sediment loads on Missouri River and tributary hydrology
  • Effects of invasive fish on Missouri River food webs
  • Geological heritage sites along the Missouri River corridor
  • Examining the effects of pesticides on amphibian disease
  • A changed river’s effects of pesticides on amphibian disease
  • Ethnohistorical relationships among American Indian tribes and the Missouri River
  • Importance of aquatic insect-derived fatty acids to riparian birds along the Missouri River
  • Perceptions of multifunctional landscapes along the Missouri National Recreational River

The Sustainable RIVER project will run from 28 May to 2 August 2019. Students participating in the project will receive a $5,500 stipend plus additional funding for food, housing, and travel. This project is open to any undergraduate student, but students from community and tribal colleges and students studying sustainability are especially encouraged to apply. Applications for the project can be submitted now through 15 February 2019.

Please forward this e-mail onto students who may be interested in this opportunity.

If you would like more information about the Sustainable RIVER project, please visit www.SustainableRIVER.org.

