
Volunteer Research Assistant in Avian Seed Dispersal

Subject: Volunteer Research Assistant in Avian Seed Dispersal

SUMMARY: 1 volunteer research assistant is needed for approximately 4 months beginning December 15th 2018 to assist a PhD student investigating avian seed dispersal in the Dominican Republic.

ORGANIZATION: Avian Ecology Lab, Old Dominion University (Virginia, United States)

RESEARCH LOCATION: Jarabacoa, La Vega, Dominican Republic

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The volunteer field assistant will be trained to identify approximately 40 species of birds and 50 species of fruit- bearing plants in order to carry out avian biodiversity and plant phenology surveys. Other data collection protocols will include focal foraging observations on marked populations of plants, collecting samples from seed traps, collecting/identifying fruits and botanical samples, and data entry. The volunteer will be expected to assist with some manual labor activities such as plot fence repair and maintaining rustic trails along transects. The field crew will work 5-6 days per week with the sixth day typically devoted to service and conservation projects overseen by local partners. Such work may involve invasive species control, forest restoration project, and development of educational materials for local school groups.

For more information about the project, visit:

LOGISTICS & COMPENSATION: Accommodations will be provided at a rental house that operates as a field station. Meals, consisting of typical Dominican food, will be provided to the volunteer at no cost during their stay. Reimbursement will be provided for food expenses for daily field trips to distant sites. All costs for in-country transportation and lodging will be provided by the project (with the exception of recreational trips on off-days). Transportation to field sites (i.e.
rural farms) will be as a passenger in a 4×4 SUV or as a passenger on a motor-bike. No funds are available for air travel to/from the Dominican Republic, and volunteers are expected to cover these costs. The target start date for this position is December 17th, 2018 (flexible) and the assistant must be able to commit to a minimum of 16 weeks on the project.

FIELD STATION & AMENITIES: Assistants should expect to share a dormitory-style room with a male roommate. Potable water, (cold) showers, and wireless internet are available at the field station.

QUALIFICATIONS & EXPECTATIONS: Competitive candidates for this position will have a demonstrated interest in botanical or wildlife research in the field. The applicant must be in good physical condition with a willingness to tolerate difficult working conditions. We regularly hike
10 km each day off-trail, often carrying 20-30 lbs of equipment, going up and down steep slopes, frequently crossing barbed wire fences. Strong organizational skills are expected for this position to adequately manage data collection and entry as well as the ability to work independently at times. Intermediate verbal communication skills in Spanish is highly preferred, and applicants will be tested on this ability during the interview. These communication skills are essential, since the volunteer will spend most of the time working in a team setting with a Dominican field crew leader as well as communicating with private land owners and our conservation partners.

OTHER COMMENTS: This position is ideal for undergraduates or recent graduates looking for experience in field ecology, wildlife/plant sciences, and conservation biology for their careers. Undergraduates considering applying should communicate with their academic advisor to inquire about the possibility of using the experience to count for course credits.

Please send…
(1) A one-page cover letter detailing your interest in the position and summarizing your relevant background and professional goals. I especially want to know how you see this experience benefiting your career development.
(2) A resume or CV detailing your education and experiences relevant to the qualifications discussed above (2 page max).
(3) Information for 2-3 references who, preferably, know your work habits in a field or laboratory/office setting. Provide name, title, and email for each of these persons.

Materials must be received by October 15th 2018 to guarantee consideration, though interviews may begin sooner. Decisions will be made when a qualified candidate is found, following phone/Skype interviews and consulting references.

Email all materials as a single PDF file attachment using the subject header “Volunteer Research Assistant Application” to:

Spencer Schubert
Department of Biological Sciences
Old Dominion University
Email: sschu001@odu.edu

Graduate position: VirginiaTech.EvolutionaryGenetics

The McGlothlin lab at Virginia Tech is looking for enthusiastic and
motivated Ph.D. students beginning in fall 2019. Students will develop
independent dissertation projects in evolutionary genetics or evolutionary
ecology that complement work in the lab. Ongoing projects in the lab
examine molecular evolution of toxin resistance genes in snakes, lizards,
and birds, evolutionary quantitative genetics of Anolis lizards,
and social evolution theory (http://www.mcglothlin.biol.vt.edu/research/).

The McGlothlin lab is part of the growing Ecology, Evolution, and
Behavior and Integrative Organismal Biology groups in Virginia Tech’s
Department of Biological Sciences. Interested students should contact Joel
McGlothlin (joelmcg@vt.edu), providing a description of your research
interests and experience, a CV or resume, and contact information for
three references. Applicants interested in applying for a NSF GRFP
are encouraged to get in touch as soon as possible to discuss project
ideas. For full consideration, applications to the department should be
received by December 15, 2018.

Additional information:
McGlothlin lab: http://www.mcglothlin.biol.vt.edu/
Graduate program: https://www.biol.vt.edu/Graduates.html
Grad app: https://www.biol.vt.edu/Graduates/how_to_apply.html
Biological Sciences at VT: https://www.biol.vt.edu/
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior at VT:

Joel W. McGlothlin
Virginia Tech, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Derring Hall 2125, 926 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Email: joelmcg@vt.edu
Phone: (540) 231-0046
Office: Derring Hall 4038

Joel McGlothlin <joelmcg@vt.edu>

Job: Columbia_NYC.LabTech.EvolutionaryGenomics

Title: Lab Technician or Manager in Evolutionary Genomics
Start: 2018 Flexible
Location: Columbia University, New York City
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology (E3B).
Lab URL: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1QgBTR9HWtr_9N-TDTiwAdGF3PBiyvR3NjIYhqcUWkcESOfhsYsi_1ynwexZsp1Pmq4Z7WTvd4c4zr9RapWzr-aQ_6eACt_hER7j_YDPXDOWNNR3YQv2zReWj0f95280lXjhaIYq2pvtdj7ANZGBIPEoAk7kERXZt8DA5OdNKMopvTr71G5YN5sUvZKtVy2DymcowVdFNuUf38aNY7E93xtePcIX_PBVZn8EZoA82G_6iCW1vB1j8K73RmcydJIWlaycyst6nPHN6obSgUVxEBFAYC2AwRAa5Q6-tRQAv4qUvKc9cDZD_vHiTas5fDc_JCIhNxcmpdSh-ixGqj5Sl5S4vUc-kRnX_TQsHxbYxxCAy-5PZG5knYmtLR2kXtDbGWNMURkawMgXiB4imDXd0dYeirF3CimDdboP9hhJYP3ECL36UdlQsU-U6JGzbnJgj3AO2ZHiB8upks9URNJP9JCLfnuriqnu-zFWXSYMOMLc-ICJ-v8ciqBR_ZZIDAsFp/https%3A%2F%2Featon-lab.org
Job URL: https://jobs.columbia.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=171838

The Eaton lab in the department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental
Biology seeks to hire a full time lab technician/manager for molecular
laboratory work on plant evolutionary genomics.

The lab’s work investigates the consequences of hybridization for
phylogenetic inference, the evolution of reproductive characters,
speciation, and diversification. Several current projects are aimed at
optimizing genomic library preparation methods for investigating these
types of questions.

The ideal candidate will have experience with DNA extractions and
library preparations, will have a strong interest in evolutionary
genomics, and a meticulous attention to detail. Work in the lab will
involve learning and implementing a diverse array of methods including
DNA extractions, preparation of genomic libraries for Oxford Nanopore,
RAD, WGS, tagmentation, and transcriptomics sequencing; providing
support to or supervising and training students; maintaining lab
databases; and ordering and maintaining supplies. Many opportunities
will be available to contribute towards co-authorship in peer-reviewed

**This is a 12-month term appointment with the possibility of extension
contingent on successful performance and continued funding.**

Preferred Qualifications: Bachelors or Graduate degree in Biological

Salary Range: $35,000 – $40,000 depending on qualifications.

Please submit applications and your CV to the Columbia jobs link
Interested applicants are also encouraged to contact Deren
(de2356@columbia.edu) by email to submit a short personal statement and
to discuss the position.


Deren Eaton, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology
Affiliate Member, Data Science Institute
Columbia University

Deren Eaton <de2356@columbia.edu>


Job: UPittsburgh.AnimalCareTechnician

The Stephenson Lab at the University of Pittsburgh, Dietrich School of

Arts & Sciences, is seeking a technician to manage animal (fish) care,
maintenance of laboratory equipment, purchase supplies, and help
supervise undergraduate lab assistants. This position will also be
responsible for generating and analyzing data for ongoing projects on
host-parasite ecology and evolution (guppy-Gyrodactylus) and providing
technical assistance to other personnel involved in these projects who
are using similar techniques. Excellent communication skills,
experience with fish maintenance (particularly in recirculating systems
such as Aquaneering) and basic molecular techniques are preferred. The
incumbent will help train new personnel who are recruited to the
project and help supervise the efforts of undergraduates. The Dietrich
School of Arts & Sciences is committed to building a culturally diverse
staff. The role requires excellent interpersonal and
relationship-building skills and the ability to work effectively with a
wide range of individuals and constituencies in support of a diverse
community. Research in the Stephenson Lab focusses on disease
evolutionary ecology. We are interested in the factors that influence
infectious disease transmission in natural populations. For directly
transmitted parasites, transmission between conspecific hosts is
largely determined by host social behaviour. Our research focusses on
how biotic and abiotic conditions modify this social behaviour. Work in
the lab mostly uses the guppy and its gyrodactylid parasites to
investigate how changes in these ecological conditions, and hence
transmission, may drive evolutionary change in both the host and
parasite. More information about the lab can be found at
jfstephenson.com, and about the position at
https://www.pittsource.com/postings/166587 For more information or to
make an informal inquiry about the position, please send a CV and a
cover letter to Jess Stephenson (jess.stephenson@pitt.edu). Review of
applications will begin immediately. The position will remain open
until the right candidate is found.

“Stephenson, Jessica F” <jess.stephenson@pitt.edu>


Graduate position: UAlabama.MusselCommunityGenomics

A PhD position in comparative population genomics of
southeastern freshwater mussels is available in the Lozier lab
(http://lozierlab.ua.edu/) at the University of Alabama Department of
Biological Sciences (https://bsc.ua.edu/) as part of a recently funded
NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity project. We are looking to recruit a
highly motivated PhD student to examine comparative population genetics of
freshwater mussel communities in streams of the Mobile and Tennessee River
basins, which is a major biodiversity hotspot for mussels and several
other freshwater taxa.  The project will involve extensive high throughput
sequencing of numerous populations and species (including whole genome
and reduced representation sequencing), with the goal of understanding how
population and species level processes relate to broader eco-evolutionary
processes. More details relating to the study objectives can been found
at the project website (http://mussels.ua.edu/). The student will be
expected to develop specific research questions relating to population,
conservation, and landscape genetics within the context of these broader
project objectives.

Applicants must have a strong academic record (GPA > 3.0), strong written
and verbal communication skills, and a desire to build strong quantitative
and data management skills. Experience in laboratory and computational
analysis of modern genetic data is preferred. The student will work
closely with a postdoc and another PhD student being simultaneously
recruited by Carla Atkinsons lab (http://atkinsonlab.ua.edu/) at UA
and with collaborators at the University of Mississippi, so an interest
in working as part of a collaborative team is a must.

Interested applicants should send a (1) cover letter describing research
experience and goals, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) unofficial transcripts
and GRE scores, (4) a writing example, and (5) contact information of 2-3
individuals familiar with research/academic performance to Jeff Lozier
(jlozier@ua.edu). Start date is negotiable for Spring, Summer, or Fall
2019 semesters. Review of materials will start immediately.

Jeff Lozier
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
The University of Alabama
jlozier@ua.edu | lozierlab.ua.edu

“Lozier, Jeffrey” <jlozier@ua.edu>


Graduate position: IndianaStateU.EvolutionaryGenomics

Graduate position opportunities in Ecological Genomics

We are looking for motivated students interested in behavioral
evolutionary, and ecological genomics to join our laboratory at Indiana
State University (ISU). These graduate positions are part of a new
interdisciplinary initiative at ISU, The Center for Genomic Advocacy
(TCGA), which is focused on the application of genomic technology to
the betterment of society. TCGA is developing a state-of-the-art next
generation sequencing facility, which is being used to provide hands-on
experience for students as well as string infrastructure for modern
genomic studies.

Graduate research will be expected to combine traditional behavioral
ecology studies with next-generation sequencing technology to examine
the evolution of polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow. Student will
conduct extensive laboratory work as well as participate in field based
data collection during the breeding season.  This species exhibits a clear
link between phenotype and genotype, making it an ideal system in which
to pinpoint the determinants of complex sexual and parental behavior. We
have amassed 30 years of detailed data on this species making it possible
to identify the genetic, epigenetic, and environmental bases of behavior.
Morphs of the white-throated sparrow provide a unique opportunity to study
intraspecific genomic differences, which have resulted from two separate,
yet linked evolutionary trajectories. Such results can transform our
understanding of the evolution of genomes.

To apply, please send a letter of intent and curriculum by October 31,
2018. The subject of the email should mention: WTSP project Graduate

For more information about the positions, please feel free to contact
Dr. Rusty A. Gonser (rusty.gonser@indstate.edu), at the Center for
Genomics Advocacy (TCGA), Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809.

For more information about the lab, TCGA, the department, and the
university, see:


Dr. Rusty A. Gonser
Professor, Department of biology
Director of the Center for Genomic Advocacy (TCGA)
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Phone: 812.234.9220
Email : rusty.gonser@indstate.edu

Zoe Delefortrie <zdelefortrie@sycamores.indstate.edu>


Funded Graduate Student Position at Utah State – Fire Ecology and Management

Recruiting 1 M.S. student – Fire Ecology and Management – Utah State University

We are recruiting 1 MS graduate student, starting January 2019. The student will work on a fully-funded project to use broad-scale spatial analysis, existing monitoring data, and fire behavior modeling to assess the effectiveness of fuel treatments in meeting land management objectives in Utah. Applicants should be comfortable working with large datasets, including spatial data. Familiarity with ArcGIS and R is preferred.

For more information, please contact Larissa Yocom at larissa.yocom@usu.edu. If you’d like to apply, please send me 1) a letter describing your research interests, 2) a resume or CV, 3) GRE scores, 4) unofficial transcripts, and 5) names and contact information for 3 references. Applications will be reviewed as they come in.

Graduate students may obtain degrees through the Department of Wildland Resources or the Ecology Center at Utah State. Utah State is located in Logan, which is 85 miles north of Salt Lake City and positioned in a scenic mountain basin with nearby wilderness areas, ski resorts, forests, lakes, rivers, and mountains. The cost of living in Logan is low, the community is very safe, and it is within a day’s drive of multiple national parks.


Field/Lab Research Specialist for CAP LTER (Arizona)

One week left in application period!

The Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) program, an affiliate of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, is seeking a full-time Research Specialist to assist with ecological field and laboratory research in support of an extensive, interdisciplinary, long-term project. CAP LTER has been funded by the National Science Foundation since 1997 to study the urban ecology of the greater Phoenix region and surrounding desert. Research Specialist will perform a wide variety of standard field and laboratory experimental procedures including, but not limited to, maintenance of field sites and collection of field data; maintenance and download of field sensors; collection and processing of water samples; operation of laboratory equipment used to process field samples; and collection and QA/QC of ecological data. Position will also assist with maintaining lab safety, ordering lab supplies, and making minor repairs of equipment.

To review and apply to this position, please visit https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcfo.asu.edu%2Fapplicant&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C2c5ecfa8896847b1825408d61d52e8bc%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636728639263108087&amp;sdata=YGdre0%2F1NcGpd%2BxP1z2FO7R4BbT%2BCtqlgCbJ4c0iYTg%3D&amp;reserved=0 and search for job requisition number 45464BR.The application deadline is September 24, 2018, 3:00PM MST.
Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.

Graduate student opportunities in infectious disease ecology

Several infectious disease faculty within the College of Science at Virginia Tech are currently recruiting motivated and enthusiastic students with interest in disease ecology, epidemiology, and evolution. Infectious disease ecology is a rapidly expanding area of interest at Virginia Tech with multiple opportunities for cross-cutting interdisciplinary training. Recruiting faculty are members of multiple departments and interested students should contact specific advisors to discuss project and opportunities within those labs.
            Kate Langwig, Biological Sciences
            Dana Hawley, Biological Sciences
            Lisa Belden, Biological Sciences        
            Leah Johnson, Statistics & Biological Sciences
            Lauren Childs, Mathematics
            Stanca Ciupe, Mathematics
Virginia Tech combines world-class research opportunities with a high quality of life. The cost of living is relatively low in Blacksburg, VA, and there are ample opportunities for outdoor recreational activities (hiking, kayaking, mountain biking etc.).

Langwig Lab
The Langwig lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech is currently recruiting enthusiastic and motivated Ph.D. students beginning in fall 2019. Students are expected to develop independent projects in disease ecology and evolution that complement work in the lab. Ongoing projects include both theoretical and empirical work on both human and wildlife disease systems, and a primary system of focus is white-nose syndrome in bats. Potential research projects include heterogeneity in host-pathogen interactions, mechanisms of host-pathogen persistence, and wildlife disease ecology and conservation.
Interested applicants should have a strong interest in disease ecology and evolution, and a passion to positively influence science, conservation, and global health. Students are expected to obtain quantitative skills, and learn some programming. Students with previous experience in math, statistics, engineering, and computer science are especially encouraged to apply.
More details about work in the Langwig lab can be found here. Prospective students should include a statement of research interests in the email text, a CV, and list of at least three references to klangwig AT vt.edu with the subject “Prospective Graduate Student”.

Hawley Lab
The Hawley lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech (https://www.biol.vt.edu/faculty/hawley/) is looking for motivated individuals interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in vertebrate disease ecology. Research in the Hawley Lab takes an integrative approach to disease ecology and evolution, addressing topics such as the host microbiome and disease dynamics, bidirectional interactions between host behavior and disease, the ecology and evolution of host tolerance, and the evolution of pathogen virulence. Ph.D. students are generally expected to develop their own projects within the lab’s general focus. For Fall 2019, the Hawley lab is looking for a Ph.D. student interested in addressing the role of the host microbiome in disease dynamics, using house finches and the naturally-occurring bacterial pathogen Mycoplasma gallisepticum as a model system. Although candidates are encouraged to pursue extramural funding opportunities, accepted Ph.D. students are guaranteed 5 years of funding (including summers) through a combination of teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships.  Students in the Hawley Lab are also eligible to apply for the Interfaces of Global Change program (http://www.globalchange.vt.edu/igc/), an exciting interdisciplinary Ph.D. program only offered at Virginia Tech.
The Hawley lab seeks a diversity of graduate students and strives to be a safe space for all individuals. Interested students should contact me directly (hawleyd@vt.edu) and include a brief summary of your past research experience and interests, your CV, and a sample of scientific writing (this could be a manuscript in preparation, an undergraduate thesis, or simply a research paper from a class). Preference will be given to applicants who have prior experience with independent research, preferably in ecology or a related field. Formal applications are due to the graduate school by Dec 1st, but I will begin reviewing informal applications (those sent directly to me) on Oct 10th and I will notify students as to whether or not they should formally apply by Nov 10th.

Belden Lab
In the Belden Lab (https://www.belden.biol.vt.edu/) at Virginia Tech we primarily study community ecology, with a focus on understanding how complex communities influence disease dynamics in natural systems.  Most of our work has focused on addressing these questions in the symbiotic microbial communities that reside on amphibian skin and in communities of freshwater trematode parasites.  However, our work has expanded in recent years to include some new and exciting systems, including song birds, honey bees and wheat.  I will be recruiting 1-2 students to join the lab in fall, 2019.  At least one of these positions will be to work on honey bees and their Nosema parasites.  Interested students can send me an email (belden@vt.edu), and attach a CV with GRE scores (the GRE scores are for the University to make sure you meet the minimum requirements) and a 1 page outline of a few project ideas that you would be interested in if you were to join the lab, a summary of your past research experience and a little bit about your career goals.  I use that to gauge where your specific interests and skills fit with both my interests and with other students already in the lab. 

Johnson (QED) Lab
The Quantitative Ecological Dynamics lab (QED Lab — http://leah.johnson-gramacy.com/QED/) we seek to answer biological questions using quantitative tools, including mathematical, statistical, and computational modeling. We work on a broad range of ecological and biological problems, with a current primary focus on the ecology of vector-borne infections (such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, blue tongue, and citrus greening). Other recent and current project include foraging and bioenergetics of albatrosses, the thermal ecology of chytridiomycosis, and statistical inference for ecosystem models.
Students in my lab may pursue PhDs in quantitative biology (through the biology department) or applied statistics (through the statistics department). Students in the PhD biology track may also purse a concurrent Masters of Arts in Statistics through the DAAS program (http://analytics.cs.vt.edu/edu-daas.php). Alternative individualized pathways are possible through Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs at Virginia Tech. Students in the QED Lab are also eligible to apply for the Interfaces of Global Change program (http://www.globalchange.vt.edu/igc/). Prospective students should have either a strong mathematical background (especially those interested in the Statistics PhD option) or be willing to develop quantitative (mathematical and statistical) skills as part of their PhD. Students typically design their own research projects within the broad interests of the lab and are funded over 5 years by a combination of teaching and research funding. The specific funding available depends on the program of  study.
Students interested in joining my lab should contact me directly via e-mail at lrjohn AT vt.edu and include a brief statement of research interests and experience, CV, and indicate which program you are most interested in (i.e., Biology or Statistics). I will begin reviewing informal applications in mid-October and notify students about making a formal application by mid-November.

Childs Lab
The Childs lab in the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech is looking for motivated individuals interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematical biology (through the Mathematics Department or the interdisciplinary graduate program GBCB: Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology). Research in the Childs Lab focuses on developing and analyzing mathematical and computational models of infectious disease dynamics within individual hosts and at a population level. Special attention is given to tropical infectious diseases including malaria, dengue, Zika and Ebola.
Interested applicants should have a strong quantitative background and an interest in addressing applied questions delving into biological applications. Students will be expected to design their own projects in line with research interests of the lab. Candidates are strongly encouraged to pursue extramural funding opportunities (e.g. NSF Graduate Fellowship).Accepted students to the Mathematics Ph.D. program (requires a masters’ degree) are guaranteed 4 years of funding through a combination of teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships. Accepted Ph.D. students to the GBCB program are funded primarily through graduate research assistantships. 
Prospective students should send an email to lchilds AT vt.edu with the subject “Prospective Graduate Student” including in the text a short statement of research interests; and in an attachment a CV, an unofficial transcript, and a list of references. Preference will be given to applicants who have prior experience with independent research. Formal applications are due to the graduate school (https://graduateschool.vt.edu/admissions/how-to-apply.html). Applications to the Mathematics Department and the GBCB program are due by Jan 1st.

Ciupe Lab
The Ciupe lab in the Department of Mathematics at Virginia Tech is looking for motivated individuals interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematical biology (through the Mathematics Department or the interdisciplinary graduate program GBCB: Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology). Research in the Ciupe Lab focuses on developing and analyzing mathematical models with applications to biology and medicine. We focus on characterization of immune system onset and reaction against viral diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection, Hepatitis B and Dengue virus infections, on understanding the possible homeostatic mechanisms regulating lymphocyte population sizes and diversity, and on understanding the molecular pathways responsible for cellular decision making. The techniques we use derive from dynamical systems, information and model selection theory as well as sensitivity, perturbation and numerical analysis.
Interested applicants should have a strong quantitative background and an interest in biological applications. Accepted students to the Mathematics Ph.D. program (requires a masters’ degree) are guaranteed 4 years of funding through a combination of teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships. Accepted Ph.D. students to the GBCB program are funded primarily through graduate research assistantships. 
Prospective students should send an email to stanca AT vt.edu with the subject “Prospective Graduate Student” including in the text a short statement of research interests and passed experiences with research; and in an attachment a CV, an unofficial transcript, and a list of references. Formal applications are due to the graduate school (https://graduateschool.vt.edu/admissions/how-to-apply.html). Applications to the Mathematics Department and the GBCB program are due by Jan 1st.

PhD or MS positions in plant-insect interactions and quantitative/theoretical ecology

Subject: PhD or MS positions in plant-insect interactions and quantitative/theoretical ecology

The Underwood and Inouye labs in the Ecology and Evolution group at Florida State University are seeking graduate students for Fall 2019.  Research in our joint lab focuses on using plants, insects, and their interactions to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics and evolution of populations and communities. We work in both natural and agricultural systems, using experiments, natural history, and mathematical models to address a wide range of questions.

Students in the lab may develop independent dissertation research relating to one of our two currently funded projects: “Measuring and modeling the ecological consequences of associational effects (NSF)” and “The RMBL Phenology Project: Drivers and consequences of phenological change at high altitudes” (NSF), or can develop research entirely independent of our projects. We support all students in our group in developing their own research programs, and our students have worked on topics as diverse as the evolution of plasticity in plant defense, effects of herbivores on plant competition, demographic consequences of group size in insects, effects of nitrogen deposition on plant/insect mutualism and effects of prior experience on insect response to host plants at multiple spatial scales.
You can learn more about research in our group at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https:%2F%2Fwww.bio.fsu.edu%2F~nunderwood%2Fhomepage%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cb0a17c68e3514a2c073e08d61d529c2f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636728637983652489&amp;sdata=RVyx86Pf8J4pyNd2HDPmctNIYNOSBebR8Y0%2FWSMXAsY%3D&amp;reserved=0

Preferred qualifications include prior research experience, quantitative skills or interest in learning them, the ability to work independently and to mentor developing researchers, and strong written communication abilities. The position will be funded through teaching assistantships (guaranteed for 5 years assuming good progress) supplemented with research assistantships through our funded projects.  Students will be supported in all aspects of professional development in addition to research including learning to apply for funding, developing teaching and outreach skills and making contacts with additional mentors appropriate for their preferred career path inside or outside of academia.

For more about the EE Graduate Group at FSU see https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bio.fsu.edu%2Fee%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cb0a17c68e3514a2c073e08d61d529c2f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636728637983662497&amp;sdata=wUC3vQg0dPHlFZxg0FB%2FYGEudtEpAuuuBm%2FOIpQleMI%3D&amp;reserved=0.

We strongly encourage applications from students with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Interested applicants should email i) a cover letter describing research interests and goals for graduate school and ii) a CV including names and contact details of two references to Nora Underwood or Brian Inouye before submitting an official application. This will allow time to discuss your research interests and fit with the group before the priority application date of December 1st for applications to the FSU graduate program.  Feel free to also contact us with questions at any time.