
MS opportunity at the University of Florida: disease ecology and invasive freshwater crayfish

Subject: MS opportunity at the University of Florida: disease ecology and invasive freshwater crayfish

Lindsey Reisinger’s lab at the University of Florida is looking for a highly motivated MS student to start in summer 2019 and contribute to a project investigating diseases of native and invasive freshwater crayfish and how these diseases impact crayfish survival and behavior.

The project will involve crayfish trapping in Wisconsin lakes, dissection and screening of crayfish for disease, and laboratory experiments to test transmission of pathogens and how they affect crayfish survival, activity, and feeding behavior. Specifically, we are interested in whether native and invasive crayfish harbor different pathogens and whether native pathogens could be used to control populations of invasive crayfish. This position would be fully funded including tuition, a competitive stipend, and benefits for two years.

If interested, please contact Dr. Lindsey Reisinger at lreisinger1@ufl.edu and provide a short statement of research interests, goals and related experiences as well as a CV or resume.

Lindsey Reisinger’s lab is in the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program within the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida. Project collaborators include Don Behringer and Jamie Bojko at the University of Florida.

M.Sc. assistantship

M.Sc. assistantship available at Virginia Tech

The Holliday Lab in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental
Conservation at Virginia Tech is seeking an M.Sc. student for a funded
project aimed at understanding genetic diversity, population structure,
and hybridization in the endangered sumac Rhus michauxii.

R. michauxii occurs in the southeast United States, primarily in
Virginia and North Carolina. The species is federally listed as
endangered, and the goal with this project is to understand the degree
of local population diversity, population connectivity, and the degree
to which it hybridizes with a related, more widespread species (R.
glabra). The project will involve participating in sampling efforts
during summer of 2019 (i.e., prior to official enrollment, for which an
hourly wage will be provided) and subsequent genotyping-by-sequencing
library preparation and downstream analyses.

Candidates should have a background in biology, environmental science,
ecology, or a related field, and be interested in learning the necessary
computational and statistical tools to complete this project. Please
note that some foreign nationals may not be eligible for this project
due to the sensitive location of some of the field work.

Please send expressions of interest and CV to Dr. Jason Holliday (jah1@vt.edu).


Begich Boggs Visitor Center Visitor Information Assistant (2 positions)

Internship Description:

• Ability to communicate well with the public in both English and Spanish.

• Ability to attend a 2 week intensive training to learn and study about the Chugach National Forest.

• Ability to learn techniques to interpret information about the Chugach National Forest and Alaska to the public.

• Ability to put together interpretive programs to present to the public in a variety of venues.

• Ability to work with other visitor center staff in a fast paced, team oriented, visitor center environment.

• Ability to assist with special events and to assist with other duties as assigned.

· A Forest Service uniform will be provided for use during the summer for each intern.

· Interns should bring clothing for cool, wet conditions, as well as shorts and t-shirts for sunny weather.

· The closest large grocery store is in Anchorage which is 55 miles away by road.

· Defensive driving course is required for government vehicle use. Interns can use vehicles for trips once every two weeks for personal supplies


Begich, Boggs Visitor Center, Portage Valley, Chugach National Forest, Alaska


Length of Internship:

May 12th-August 3rd or August 18th



• Age 18 to 35, and in college (undergraduate or graduate) or recent graduate.

• US citizen or legal resident.

• Enthusiasm for interacting with the public and children.


Is there a Stipend?

$53.00 per day worked. Housing is available in the bunkhouse in Portage Valley near the visitor center.


Apply Here:



Internship Postings

USFS Chugach National Forest, Wildlife Research Assistant

Internship Description:

Travel to one of the most magnificent locations for Western Sandpiper migration and assist with and coordinate spring surveys of this amazing traveler. In April and May, work will focus on these surveys and on helping organize the Cordova Shorebird Festival. The intern will also work on other migratory/nesting bird projects, such as Dusky Goose nest sites, as well as citizen science and public outreach.The intern will create and deliver bilingual (English/Spanish) public presentations as needed, work onsite with educators as part of local environmental education and interpretative programs. Prior survey experience is not required, but a willingness to learn and an enthusiasm for interacting with the public and children is necessary. You will receive all necessary professional training and will gain real-life job experience working alongside our wildlife staff and environmental education specialists. This is a great opportunity for career shadowing and hands-on experience in the fields of wildlife biology and environmental education.



USFS Chugach National Forest, Cordova, Alaska


Length of Internship:



● Age 18 to 35, and in college (undergraduate or graduate) or recent graduate.

● US citizen or legal resident.

● A strong interest – or relevant experience – in bird conservation and/or willingness to learn is required. Enthusiasm for interacting with the public and children is encouraged.

● Bilingual skills (Spanish/English) are helpful and preferred.

● Be social media savvy


Monthly stipend of $1200. Lodging and travel expenses provided


Apply Here:


Youth Education Internship Opportunity at The Marine Mammal Center

We are reposting this spring position with a quick turnaround, please apply now or spread the word! A full job description can be found here and a brief overview is below.



The Marine Mammal Center is hiring for a new Youth Education Internship position. The mission of The Marine Mammal Center is to advance global ocean conservation through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, scientific research, and education.


The School & Youth Programs team within the Education Department is looking to hire someone who is enthusiastic about engaging with marine science content for ages Pre-K to adults with a primary focus on youth ages 6-12. Interns will have opportunities to explore and support high quality youth programs in formal and informal education environments. This role focuses primarily on supporting the Seals & Slippers overnight program for organized groups of youth, such as scout groups and select offerings for families. The intern will also support on at least one weekday to observe and develop resources for school programs and to focus on additional projects to further their own professional development.


Internship Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

·        Co-lead the overnight program, Seals & Slippers, including tours, hands-on activities and guided hikes for a variety of audiences including families and scout groups.

·        Organize and assist with the set up and break down of programs and program supplies.

  • Answer program participant questions and help direct them during programs.
  • Interpret animal’s behaviors and animal care procedures to guests.
  • Work with education staff to develop resources supporting school programs.

This position is based at the Sausalito, CA facility. Visit this link to read a full description of the position and application information.

Applications will be accepted until January 24, or until the position is filled. This position is unpaid and reports to the School & Youth Programs Coordinator.

Please contact the School & Youth Programs Coordinator at 415-289-7367 or smiths@tmmc.org if you have any questions about this opportunity.


Thank you,


Gabriela “Bella” Reyes

Marine Science Educator | The Marine Mammal Center

415.754.4034 |  reyesg@tmmc.org


PhD Position in Forest Hydrology and Soils

I am seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join the Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab in the College of Forest Resources at Mississippi State University (Starkville, MS). The student will work on a 3-year funded project to quantify the role of tree mortality and wood decomposition on carbon mineralization in forest ecosystems as a function of climate AND biological activity, with specific attention given to the importance of tri-trophic interactions between southern pine beetle, bluestain fungi, and subterranean termites. This project includes both field work (with the possibility of international travel) and laboratory work in the Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab on campus. The prospective student should possess enthusiasm for field work, strong analytical and communication skills, and attention to detail. The anticipated start date is August 2019. Financial support is available for three years, including a stipend, tuition waiver, and health insurance. If interested, please contact Dr. Courtney Siegert at courtney.siegert@msstate.edu and provide (1) a cover letter discussing interest in the research and applicable background experience; (2) a CV; and (3) unofficial transcripts and/or GREs. Review of applications will begin February 1, 2019. Further information about the Forest Hydrology and Soils Lab can be found at http://www.siegert-hydrolab.com/join-our-lab. Details on the full application process can be found at http://www.grad.msstate.edu/future-students/. Courtney M. Siegert Assistant Professor of Forest Hydrology Department of Forestry College of Forest Resources Mississippi State University (662) 325-7481 Orcid ID 0000-0001-9804-3858 www.siegert-hydrolab.com

Seeking 2 masters students interested in river science

Hello everyone,
I am seeking two motivated students to complete a masters program with a thesis that examines the impact of public lands on stream water quality. Details about the project are below. The deadline to apply is Feb 1st.  

Title: Does a state park with a recreational reservoir provide meaningful water quality improvements within an agriculturally dominated watershed in SW Ohio?

Abstract: The proposed research will determine how stream and groundwater nutrient (TN, NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, TP, SRP, TN:TP) and sediment (TSS, NVSS, POM) concentrations, conductivity, and pH are influenced by undeveloped land and a small spillway reservoir in an agriculturally dominated watershed. Specifically, we will quantify how nutrient and sediment concentrations, conductivity, and pH change as water flows from agricultural tile drains, through streams draining agricultural land, then through Hueston Woods State Park, and lastly as water discharges from Acton Lake. We will also compare groundwater quality between agricultural and forested land cover. Utilizing mixed effects modeling and multiple regression, we will determine how observed changes in water quality parameters are influenced by vegetation cover (NDVI), stream discharge, and stream characteristics (e.g. geomorphology, flow length, landscape position). Findings will indicate potential impacts of protected lands on water quality and may also aid regional land use managers in identifying specific stream characteristics and watershed areas that may have the greatest water quality benefits if preserved.   

-This interdisciplinary project will be completed with close collaboration with the Miami Conservancy District and the Biology and Geology Departments at Miami University.

– Students will work within the newly renovated Water Resources Lab (overseen by Dr. Grudzinski) and Center for Aquatic and Watershed Science at Miami University.

-The Water Resources Lab has interdisciplinary collaboration established with various departments at Miami University including ~30 faculty and staff affiliated with the Center for Aquatic and Watershed Science. See: http://miamioh.edu/cas/academics/centers/caws/ for additional details.

-The Geography Department at Miami University (OH) provides competitive prospective graduate students with two years of funding in the form of teaching assistantships and summer scholarships. Student travel funding is also provided to present research at local, regional, and national conferences.

Degree: Master of Arts in Geography

Application Deadline: February 1st 2019


For additional information or to schedule a visit to the department please contact Dr. Bartosz Grudzinski at grudzibp@maimioh.edu. Dr. Grudzinski’s lab page can be found at Grudzinskilab.weebly.com 

Many thanks,

Summer Opportunities at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)

Come experience field-based science and Louisiana coastal culture all in one amazing summer!  Our diverse programs have something to offer to just about anybody.
Check out our 2019 opportunities below.
University Summer Credit Courses
Teacher Workshops
Summer Camps for High School Students
Skill-based, Non-credit Courses
  • *NEW* May 20-24: Social Media and Science Communication (details coming very soon)
  • June 17-21: Small Boat Operations  (details coming very soon)
  • *NEW* July 21– August 2: Scientific Diving Field Camp (details coming very soon)
Want to learn more? Check out our website at lumcon.edu or contact me at mconover@lumcon.edu.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Passerine Field Technician Positions (2) in Oregon Coast Range

Oregon Coast Range – Avian Point Count Technicians (2) needed to conduct bird point counts and collect habitat data for experimental study addressing the effects of forest management intensity on biodiversity. Duties include conducting early morning bird point counts, vegetation/habitat sampling, data recording, safe driving on logging roads, and care for equipment. Applicants should be comfortable navigating in remote backcountry settings and be able to work as a team member under difficult field conditions. Most days will involve challenging cross-country hiking through regenerating forest stands. Experience with point counts, and knowledge of regional bird ID is desired. Positions available May 13, 2019 through mid-late August 2019.Technicians will receive approximately $2,300-$2,500 per month (commensurate with experience) in addition to housing (McMinnville, OR vicinity). Full position announcement available at: http://www.ncasi.org/About-NCASI/Job-Openings/Index.aspx.  A Bachelor of science degree is required.  Please send cover letter, resume, and 3 references with phone numbers and e-mail addresses to: Laurie Clark, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc., 8769 Hwy 42, Tenmile, OR 97481, preferably delivered electronically to: lclark@ncasi.org.  Applicant review will begin January 31, 2019 and continue until the positions are filled. NCASI is an equal opportunity employer.

Three Seas: Master of Science in Marine Biology

Subject: Three Seas: Master of Science in Marine Biology

The Three Seas program in now accepting applications for its Fall 2019 cohort. Three Seas is a full immersion, experiential learning marine biology master’s program!

Three Seas provides the opportunity to study marine biology in three different marine environments: in New England at the Northeastern Marine Science Center (Nahant, MA) during the fall semester, in the Caribbean at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Bocas del Toro, Panama) and in the Pacific Northwest at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories (San Juan Island, Washington) throughout the next spring. The program culminates in mentored research projects that students can conduct anywhere, offering them flexibility in their research goals.

This is a unique opportunity for students to live and work in the environments that they are studying and explore three diverse ecosystems through field-intensive courses in marine biology and ocean science. The program is SCUBA intensive, and students complete an average of 70 dives over the course of 15 months!

Please pass along MS Marine Biology and Three Seas Program information to students you think would be a great fit for our program. Contact Andrea (Three Seas Program Manager) at a.jerabek@northeastern.edu with any questions and find more information here: https://cos.northeastern.edu/mes/academics/threeseas/