
Graduate position: MississippiStateU.2.ButterflyEvo

The Counterman lab at Mississippi State University is looking to recruit two highly motivated Ph.D. students interested in (1) evolutionary development, or (2) evolutionary genomics.

Currently funded research projects in the lab are focused on the genetic basis of adaptive variation and developmental plasticity in butterfly wing color patterns. We are particularly recruiting students interested in studying (1) the developmental pathways involved in structural coloration, or (2) the molecular evolution of gene families and networks across Lepidoptera. Current work on color pattern development focuses on Heliconius and several other butterfly species in collaboration with Ryan Range at Auburn University. Current work on the evolution of gene families involved in adaptive divergence of butterflies is in collaboration with Federico Hoffmann at Mississippi State University. Students will also have opportunities to work closely with collaborators at the University of Puerto Rico (Riccardo Papa), George Washington University (Arnaud Martin), and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama (Owen McMillan).

Mississippi State University is home to a strong group of faculty researching evolution and genomics. The Department of Biological Sciences hosts an excellent graduate program in biology, and a new interdisciplinary, cross-college graduate program in computational biology is currently being established. MSU is located in Starkville, a quaint southern college town with a historic downtown district that celebrates the local music and cuisine. For more information on the Counterman lab please visit the lab website: (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.countermanlab.org&data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C286afb6bb9ae4e729a8f08d693ed64d8%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636859045140951473&sdata=1r3aJiYER7SqRb6ZUcmUFJHEYXAA%2BHevEuUD8YUjzK8%3D&reserved=0). Interested students are encouraged to email Brian  Counterman (bcounterman@biology.msstate.edu). Please include a brief description of your research interests and a CV in your email. The target date for applications for Fall 2019 admission to is March 31, 2019.

Graduate position: UIdaho.NativeTroutAdaptiveCapacity


We seek a highly motivated student for a Ph.D. position at the
University of Idaho in the recently funded NSF-EPSCoR GEM3 program
(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.idahogem3.org&data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7Cb196b281cf9743c495c908d68d997e47%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636852087726909116&sdata=aV06Uep0hXl8YXzLu2nmCEgGWF4ffPlP0acu%2Bo7%2BFFI%3D&reserved=0).  The program seeks to understand how
genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity affect species response
to environmental change, shaping both population response and adaptive
capacity.  The program is focused primarily on two taxa: redband trout,
a subspecies of rainbow trout, and sagebrush.  These taxa are integral
to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems across the American West and
are central to land-use management decisions that drive the economy of
the region.

The Ph.D. student will join an interdisciplinary cohort of postdoctoral
researchers and students working at scales from genomic characterization
of physiological traits in trout and sagebrush, to mapping and modeling
of complex ecological, evolutionary, and social-economic systems.

This advertised Ph.D. position is dedicated to redband trout. Research
will focus on the phenotypic and genetic diversity of native trout
populations in the Intermountain West. The student will be working as
part of a collaborative research team studying adaptive capacity in
native trout populations with a combination of physiology and genomics.

MS in biological sciences or related field. Preference for a student
with prior research experience in fish physiology, energetics,
cardiorespiratory and/or genotype-to-phenotype analyses of fishes.

Up to $28,000/yr plus tuition and fees

Start date:
May or September of 2019

Send letter of interest, curriculum vitae, GRE scores, unofficial
transcripts, and the contact information for three references to Dr. Brian
Small, bcsmall@uidaho.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately;
for full consideration please apply before March 15, 2019.

job openings at CFE/Save the Sound!

We’re hiring! Connecticut Fund for the Environment/Save the Sound currently has six job openings (plus an internship!) in our New Haven headquarters and our Mamaroneck office.

Does one of these sound like your perfect job? Apply and work every day to clean and heal our region’s land, air, and water.



Development Intern (New Haven)

Gain real world experience in nonprofit development, event management, and marketing/communications this winter and spring.


Learn more on our Jobs page


Addresses and deadlines for each position are noted in the detailed job descriptions. If you are applying for more than one position, please submit individual cover letters and résumés for each position, and note in the cover letters all the positions you have applied for. No phone calls or replies to this email, please.


CFE/Save the Sound is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from demographics underrepresented in the environmental and nonprofit sectors.


We’d welcome you to the team! Meet your future coworkers.


(Don’t see a job for you? You can still help by spreading the word so the right candidate finds us—thank you!)

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900 Chapel Street, Upper Mezzanine, New Haven, CT 06510
545 Tompkins Ave, 3rd Floor, Mamaroneck, NY 10543


U. North Dakota. Ancient paleoecology.

The Laboratory of Human and Forensic Genetics at the University of North
Dakota (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.und.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C4568be267e7d42231fb708d686907a10%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636844352425313607&sdata=8xTEdAD%2FUONUF2CDXCDxOAFukUY6PErPkvN3zUMHuNg%3D&reserved=0) is inviting applications from highly motivated
students who pursue a PhD degree.

A student will be engaged in a project on computational analysis of big
oral and environmental microbiome data collected from diverse organisms
across the American Midwest, Eastern Europe, and Madagascar. This
cross-disciplinary project represents an opportunity to get intensive
hands-on training in the methods of ancient DNA analyses including
next-generation sequencing, computational biology and statistical

Candidates should demonstrate motivation for hard laboratory work and
strong interest in genomics and computational biology. Preference will
be given to candidates with a proven record of computational analysis
and bioinformatics skills. Additional experience in high-throughput
sequencing technologies is a plus.  If you are interested, you need to
apply to the University of North Dakota Biology Graduate Program using
the regular procedure. Requirements and How to Apply procedure can be
found in the UND Biology Graduate School website:


The additional information can be also found in the Biology Department


The position starts in August 2019. To receive full consideration,
applications and required materials should be received by the Biology
Graduate Program by February 15, 2019.

Potential graduate students are strongly encouraged to make contact with
Dr. Igor Ovchinnikov.

Contact information:

Dr. Igor Ovchinnikov
Associate Professor
Lab. of Human and Forensic Genetics
Department of Biology
Forensic Science Program
University of North Dakota

Email: igor.ovtchinnikov@und.edu


We seek a highly motivated student for a Ph.D. position at the
University of Idaho in the recently funded NSF-EPSCoR GEM3 program
(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.idahogem3.org&data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C3701e0b3988a402a680608d6868c3dc0%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636844334227895689&sdata=A0o9y%2FXeQv1GWvLU32mQrGbr8t8ZJYeke%2Fs54EkSZwI%3D&reserved=0).  The program seeks to understand how
genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity affect species response
to environmental change, shaping both population response and adaptive
capacity.  The program is focused primarily on two taxa: redband trout,
a subspecies of rainbow trout, and sagebrush.  These taxa are integral
to aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems across the American West and
are central to land-use management decisions that drive the economy of
the region.  This advertised Ph.D. position is focused on redband trout.

The Ph.D. student will join an interdisciplinary cohort of postdoctoral
researchers and students working at scales from genomic characterization
of physiological traits in trout and sagebrush, to mapping and modeling
of complex ecological, evolutionary, and social-economic systems.
The Ph.D. student will have the opportunity to gain skills such
as molecular population genomics, landscape genetics analysis, and
agent-based and systems modeling.

The position is available to start in fall 2019 and will be co-advised by
Lisette Waits (Fish & Wildlife Sciences) and Paul Hohenlohe (Biological
Sciences).  Students in the GEM3 program may choose from several
degree programs at UI, including Natural Resources, Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology, Environmental Science or Biology.

To apply, please submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, GRE
scores, and contact information for three references to Paul Hohenlohe
(hohenlohe@uidaho.edu).  Review of applications will begin immediately;
for full consideration please apply before February 22, 2019

Graduate position: ecology and genetics of walleye at UW-Stevens Point

Subject: Graduate position: ecology and genetics of walleye at UW-Stevens Point

Master’s position in the Larson Lab using genetics to investigate the reproductive ecology of walleye in northern Wisconsin

Description and responsibilities: The USGS Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at UW-Stevens Point is looking for a MS student to conduct research on walleye populations in northern Wisconsin as part of a collaborative effort between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and UW-Stevens Point. Walleye populations have been declining in northern Wisconsin over the past decade, and previous studies have been unable to provide a mechanistic cause for these declines. This project will utilize genetics to construct pedigrees for two northern Wisconsin lakes with the goal of correlating various ecological metrics to individual fitness (i.e. reproductive success). The project will include both field and laboratory components. Laboratory work will consist of using a newly developed SNP panel to genotype thousands of walleye, and field work will consist of assisting WDNR with walleye sampling in the spring and fall. Data analysis will leverage a variety of statistical methods to investigate relationships between reproductive success and variables such as size, age, spawning location, and egg quality.

Qualifications: B.S. in biology, fisheries, or a related field, GPA of 3.0+, and GRE of 300+. Previous experience with fisheries ecology is desirable. A background in genetics is not required.

Salary: $16,000 per year (2 yr) plus health insurance and tuition waiver.

Closing date: May 1, 2019.

Starting date: Position will start in September 2019 but there may be an opportunity to work in the Larson Lab during summer 2019 before the position starts.

Contact: Please send CV, transcript copies, GRE scores, and names and contact information for 3 references to Wes Larson (Wes.Larson@uwsp.edu).

Web Links:

Allied Whale Research Internships

Subject: Allied Whale Research Internships

Allied Whale (AW), the marine mammal research lab of College of the Atlantic and Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co. (BHWW) seek 5 interns/research assistants for the 2019 field season. These are entry-level research positions designed to offer experience for individuals seeking to develop their professional careers in marine mammal research. Two summer positions (mid-May through August 31st) and three full season positions (mid-May through October 31st) are available. *College of the Atlantic students can receive flexibility in start and end dates.

Overview of position: This is a unique internship program in that the selected individuals will have the opportunity to participate and receive training in a wide range of marine mammal research activities while receiving income when working as a crew/scientist aboard commercial whale watching trips operating from Bar Harbor, Maine. Allied Whale currently supports field projects in the trophic ecology of humpback and fin whales, the ongoing housing and maintenance of the North Atlantic Humpback Whale Catalog and fin whale photo-ID catalog, an active marine mammal stranding response program, and a research/education partnership with Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co. In addition, Allied Whale maintains the facilities on and conducts research from the Mount Desert Rock Marine Research Station situated on a remote offshore island. The interns play a critical role in the success of the field season and serve as support to all aspects of summer activities within both Allied Whale and Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co.

Description of duties: Upon arrival in May, all interns will receive research, boat crew, and Gulf of Maine natural history training by both Allied Whale and the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company staff. As the Allied Whale field season does not begin until early June- the first several weeks will be focused on learning whale watch deckhand responsibilities and performing humpback whale photo-ID with the NAHWC in the office or stranding response. 

Once the season is in full swing, interns will rotate through shifts working as a Research Assistant/Deckhand (RA) for the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co., shifts working as dock attendant for the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co., shifts in the Allied Whale office, and time off. Every week, schedules will be different and weather dependent. A typical week in June-August may include two days scheduled as researchers on Whale Watch vessels, two days scheduled in the AW office, one day scheduled as dock attendant for the BHWW, and two days off. Weather may cause shifts to be canceled and some weeks may be lighter in load or responsibilities. Interns will also rotate through week-long shifts on Mount Desert Rock. 

Below are specific expectations for each designated shift:

Whale watch trips: Research responsibilities on the whale watch trips include searching for whales, photo-identification of whales and behavioral data collection. Deckhand responsibilities include line handling, vessel cleaning, helping seasick passengers and passenger safety. RAs are also responsible for assisting the naturalist in promoting education and conservation programs on each trip. Maintaining a positive, professional, friendly and outgoing demeanor while engaging whale watch passengers and fellow crew is compulsory. When whale watch trips cancel for weather, crew may be asked to report for duty to complete maintenance on the vessel. 

Dock attendant duties: Dock attendants are critical for the daily smooth operation of boat trips at the BHWW Co. Attendants assist in security screening, loading passengers onto boats, tying boats to docks as trips depart or return, delivering lunches to crew on boats, pumping gas for visiting vessels, and communicating trip schedule changes to the public. These shifts are not dependent on weather. 

Allied Whale office shifts: On scheduled office days, interns will be required to be available in the Allied Whale office from 9AM-5PM. During those hours, interns will compare individual whales to the NAHWC catalog, enter their whale watch data into the database, manage the Adopt-a-Whale program, and answer phone calls to the office. Allied Whale’s stranding program is responsible for responding to all dead or stranded marine mammals in northern Maine, primarily seal species. Interns will be on call to assist with field stranding response and to participate in necropsies (animal autopsies). Interns scheduled for office shifts will also be on call for boat research days. 

Allied Whale boat research days: When weather permits, interns will assist Allied Whale staff and graduate students on trips offshore to collect biopsy samples of humpback and fin whales. While on board one of the research vessels, interns will be responsible for collecting photo identification images of whales and recording data. Interns will be responsible for processing images from these trips. 

Mount Desert Rock: We hope for interns to complete several shifts (each at least a week in length) at our offshore research station Mount Desert Rock. While on the island, interns will participate in land-based whale monitoring from the lighthouse tower, seal counts, gull counts, and maintenance/construction projects at the station. Interns will collect weekly samples of seal scat to contribute to a collaborative microplastics project.  Interns will also receive experience working in a remote off-the-grid location. 

Pay/Housing: Those accepted to the program are able to earn income by their work on the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company. Deckhands are paid $50 per trip (at the height of summer, there are 2 trips running a day) plus considerable tips. Interns also receive a free First Aid Certification and TWIC card from the BHWW Co. Provided housing in downtown Bar Harbor is mandatory for a fee. Rent will be approximately $375 a month for a bed in a shared room. While at Mount Desert Rock, food is provided for free. The BHWW Co. also provides funding for RAs to attend the annual North Atlantic Right Whale Conference in New Bedford, Massachusetts in November. 

Qualifications: Applicants should have a college background in biology, ecology, and/or marine sciences. Previous data collection experience in a research setting and knowledge of marine mammals are great advantages. Prior experience offshore and skills in DSLR photography are also assets. Due to Coast Guard requirements, all crew onboard US commercial vessels and therefore all research assistant/interns, must be US citizens or have permanent resident alien status. Also, all interns will be drug screened prior to employment and will be enrolled in a random drug testing program. Applicants should be physically and mentally fit: able to lift and carry 50 pounds, comfortable around dead and decomposing animals, and able to hike up to 5 miles carrying gear for stranding response. Most importantly, applicants must be positive in attitude, flexible to quickly changing schedules, able to work independently, and be seaworthy/comfortable working on boats. Lastly, because of the community living situation both in Bar Harbor and on Mount Desert Rock, applicants must get along well with others and be able to handle working in a team setting.

To apply: Please send a cover letter detailing your reasons for applying, a resume, and two letters of recommendation to: Dr. Tanya Lubansky (tlubansky@coa.edu). *Letters may be sent either directly from the references or by the applicants.

Please specify which position you are interested in (summer or full-season). Deadline of application is February 22nd.

scholarship opportunity

 Over the Bar – AWSC Newsletter




Captain Chip Michalove of Outcast Sport Fishing tagged four white sharks in one day off South Carolina this month! Chip is assisting Dr. Greg Skomal, of the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, with his Atlantic White Shark Movement Study.

Download our free Sharktivity App to follow these white sharks and others! http://www.atlanticwhiteshark.org/sharktivity-map/



Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is pleased to offer a full-ride Gills Club scholarship (tuition, room & board, and the Shoal’s lab fee) for one female student to attend a course in Shark Biology & Conservation July 29 – August 12 2019.

Click HERE to learn more and apply. 



Win a 2-digit Massachusetts Great White Shark License Plate!
Click HERE to enter.



The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is currently scheduling in school shark education programs for all grade levels! If you live in the New England area and have interest in booking a program, please emailmarianne@atlanticwhiteshark.org.



Stop the Bleed Training
February 7, 2019
7 pm – 8:30 pm

Click HERE to register.



MARCH 22, 2019
7 pm – 10 pm

We are seeking sponsors for this event! Click HERE to learn more.

For tickets and information, click HERE




JULY 25, 2019



Don’t be the only person at an aggregation without a white shark plate! You don’t need to go into the RMV, order online!




Cape Clasp is a purpose-driven brand with a mission to #makewaves for marine life causes. For each of their designs, they partner with a marine life organization and donate 15% of the profits. Over the past two years, their non-profit donations totaled over $35,000!

AWSC is proud to be one of Cape Clasp’s partners and we are truly grateful for their support!

Click HERE to learn more and shop Cape Clasp.




As a New England-based nonprofit, we can’t help but root for the home team and celebrate the Patriots advancing to the Super Bowl!

This throw-back photo from 2015 is white shark Brady tagged by Dr. Greg Skomal of the MA Division of Marine Fisheries, working with AWSC.



Help move AWSC’s commitments to scientific research, education and public safety forward.


Copyright © 2019 Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you support shark research and conservation.

Our mailing address is:

Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

PO Box 66

Chatham, MA 02633

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Header & footer images by
Wayne Davis of Ocean Aerials
Aggregations image by George Probst


The Geber lab at Cornell University seeks a highly motivated,
detail-oriented assistant for summer 2019 field research in the Southern
Sierra Nevada (May-July) and lab work in Ithaca, NY (July-August).  We are
studying four species of annual plants in the genus Clarkia and their
specialist bee pollinators. Our research focuses on how pollinators may
impact plant species evolution and coexistence. We also study the
population biology of one of the four species throughout its range and have
yearly population censuses to conduct.

Our research sites are located in the Kern River Canyon in Kern County,
California. The lab rents a house on a property where other labs working in
this system are also based in the summer. This field assistant would have a
private bedroom, access to a shared bathroom and a communal kitchen, and
wireless Internet access. Frequent trips are made into town (Lake Isabella
and Kernville) for groceries and other supplies.

Successful applicants are expected to assist in data collection, data
entry, and flower, seed, and bee collection in the field; work in Ithaca
will consist of sample processing and data analysis. The assistant will
work a 39-hour workweek. Weather conditions in the Sierras can be very hot
and dry (100+ degrees F) in the summer, so assistants should be prepared to
work in hot conditions. Applicants must be able to hike up and down steep
hills for up to 1 mile at a time, stoop or kneel for extended periods of
time, and work in proximity to bees and snakes. The work can be very
physically demanding and tiring, and the research team typically collects
data 7 days a week. A good sense of humor and a positive attitude are

1) Citizenship and availability: applicants must be US citizens and must be
available to begin working in California as of May 1, 2019. The exact end
date of the position in August is flexible.
2) Education: some undergraduate education in biology, ecology, or related
field, or equivalent experience.
3) Experience: experience with and enthusiasm about working outdoors,
and/or previous field research experience. Previous experience working with
plants, bees, or insects is preferable but not required.
4) Tasks: perform repetitive tasks with attention to detail, daily hiking.
5) Personality: interpersonal skills and willingness to live and work in
close quarters with other researchers in a house.

Compensation: transportation to and from California, a private room with
Internet access in the field house, and pay ($13-$15 an hour depending on
experience) will be provided. Applicants will be responsible for securing
their own housing in Ithaca for July and August.

The deadline for applications is March 1, 2019. Applicants should submit:
1) a short (1 page maximum) cover letter describing their qualifications as
well as future academic and professional goals; 2) a resume or CV outlining
previous work experience and relevant courses (completed or in progress),
extracurricular activities; and 3) two letters of reference. Letters of
reference may be included with the cover letter and resume/CV or emailed
directly by letter writers to the email address below with the applicants
name in the subject line of the email.

Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted.

Cornell University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Cornell University and we in the Geber lab have a commitment to support
equality of education and employment opportunity by affirming the value of
diversity. We welcome and encourage scientists of all backgrounds to apply
to work with us! *https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.cornell.edu%2Fgeberlab%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7C7d121b1e21784f9f64df08d68043c956%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636837425960679859&sdata=c0XjWMAjQKwxjJONoL8n1KLxnmjSq%2BnJo4TOJQpkeU0%3D&reserved=0

Email to: Monica Geber, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Kate Eisen <kee39@cornell.edu>