
Plant ecology summer internship

Position: Undergraduate summer research internship in plant ecology
Location: Moquah Barrens, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Employment period: Early June through early-mid August; temporary, full-time
Compensation: $4000, to be applied as an hourly salary over the 9-10 week internship

Job description:
We are seeking an undergraduate student interested in plant research to participate in a paid summer internship funded by the Lake States Fire Science Consortium (LSFSC). The intern will investigate how plant functional traits vary along gradients in soil and fire history and will be responsible for compiling a trait database for plants of the Moquah Barrens, collecting plant specimens in the field, and measuring plant traits in the field and laboratory. The intern will be mentored by Dr. Kathleen Quigley (Michigan State University), Dr. Sarah Johnson (Northland College), and Robert Liebermann (USDA Forest Service). The intern is expected to give a webinar presentation in spring of 2020.
We will provide on-site training in navigation skills (compass & GPS), plant identification, plant trait measurements, cartography & spatial analysis, and statistical data analysis. The intern will work alongside other field technicians, scientists, and land management professionals. Field housing is available in Ashland, Wisconsin for a modest rent contribution. Ashland is located on the shore of Lake Superior and offers excellent opportunities for summer recreation.

Desired qualifications:
-Currently enrolled as an undergraduate student. Sophomore-Junior students preferred
-Interest in pursuing a career in ecology, conservation, plant biology, or similar
-Basic plant identification skills (knowledge of local flora a plus)
-Excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently and as part of a team
-Positive attitude while working in a field setting, which may include long hours, exposure to ticks and biting insects, adverse weather conditions, and hiking through dense brush while carrying heavy equipment.

To apply:
Applicants should provide a brief cover letter and a resume/CV with contact information for 2 professional references. Review of applications will begin immediately.
Contact: Dr. Kathleen Quigley
e-mail: kathlquigl@gmail.com 
Deadline: 01 March 2019

Opportunity to Attend a Day at Evolution 2019 in Providence

Dear undergraduates excited about biology,


Are you interested in evolutionary biology or want to see what happens at a scientific conference? The Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) is sponsoring registration costs for ten local undergraduate students to attend one full day at the Evolution 2019 meeting in Providence, RI, on Saturday, June 22.


Evolution is an annual evolutionary biology conference that brings together over 2,000 scientists from around the world to discuss and present current research. The day at the conference will last from 8AM to ~7PM and will include hundreds of scientific talks, posters, and a networking event with other undergraduates attending the conference. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about scientific careers, receive helpful advice about how to get the most out of the event, and build new professional connections.

Undergraduates selected for this opportunity will be paired with graduate student mentors from around the country to help them navigate through this large, international meeting and answer any questions they may have both before and during the event. Accepted students will receive free registration for the event, but participants will be responsible for their own transportation to the Rhode Island Convention Center and any food they purchase.


Important links:

Conference Website


Society for the Study of Evolution


Applications are due by 5PM PST on March 29, 2019. Students will be notified of their acceptance by April 8 in order to officially register for the conference by April 15. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, and we hope to see you in Providence!



Melissa Plakke

SSE Graduate Student Advisory Council


[ESA News] seeking field ornithologists, Great Basin (Nevada and California)

The Fleishman lab at University of California, Davis invites applications for up to three ornithological field assistants from mid May through mid July of 2019. Screening of applicants is ongoing and will continue as needed, but the initial application deadline is 7 March 2019.

This position will participate in interdisciplinary studies focusing on ornithology and vegetation ecology of the spectacular Great Basin (eastern California and western and central Nevada). General responsibilities include conducting point counts of breeding birds and measuring vegetation structure and phenology with multiple protocols. The position will maintain detailed data records and interact with local resource managers and the public. The activities expected of the position will lead to analyses and interpretations suitable for inclusion in manuscripts that will be submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journals. The position will interact with multidisciplinary teams of ecologists and geographers and engage in professional discussions relevant to the work. The ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal, communication, and decision-making skills, and the ability to work well independently and as part of a team.


— BS in ecology, natural resources, or a related field with two or more years of experience in remote field settings.
— Experience and proficiency in identification of western birds by sound and sight. This existing skill is essential to the position.
— Experience performing point counts or similar surveys of breeding birds.
— Experience measuring vegetation structure and composition.
— Excellent organizational skills, including ability to collect and maintain accurate hard-copy data records.
— Good physical condition and the ability to work independently in remote field settings, including regular camping in the field.
— Valid driver’s license issued in the United States.


— Experience driving four-wheel drive vehicles on county-maintained roads.
— Ability to operate manual-transmission vehicles.
— CPR and first aid certifications.

Salary commensurate with experience.


Please go to https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.employment.ucdavis.edu%2Fapplicants%2Fjsp%2Fshared%2Fsearch%2FSearch_css.jsp&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cc66a478b188a440f345408d69c1789ae%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636868022241173836&sdata=dJjahYP6j%2B01M8y2B%2FksxjD4TwBhUVW2cIEwxejm9QA%3D&reserved=0, and then search for requisition number 03023343. Applicants must submit a cover letter describing their qualifications, including but not limited to their ability to identify western birds by sound and sight and their previous experience with ornithological survey methods, experience with identification and measurement of the Great Basin flora, and backcountry experience. Applicants also must submit a curriculum vitae or resume. Documents or materials must be submitted as PDFs. Additionally, applicants must provide contact information (including email and telephone number) for three professional references.

QUESTIONS? Please direct questions to Erica Fleishman, efleishman@ucdavis.edu.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. The complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy is available at https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpolicy.ucop.edu%2Fdoc%2F4000376%2FNondiscrimAffirmAct&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cc66a478b188a440f345408d69c1789ae%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636868022241173836&sdata=pyGwRe1XyaS%2B8IxAPwwpCp%2BaTU4viTwmnYrpj%2F%2FMkY0%3D&reserved=0.

Job Posting at Mass. Division of Marine Fisheries

Hi Everyone,

We are looking to hire a seasonal technician (33 weeks; Mar-Oct) to support a recently funded BREP grant.  The project is focused on developing a bycatch avoidance system for cod in the Gulf of Maine recreational fishery.  The position includes a mix of field work, data analysis/writing and outreach.  The technician also be responsible for sea sampling during the cod Industry Based Survey in the Gulf of Maine.

The full job description is available here: https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=190000AV       

Please pass this opportunity along to anyone that you think may be a good fit.



Greg DeCelles

Aquatic Biologist III – Stock Assessment Specialist

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries

836 South Rodney French Blvd. – Office 304

New Bedford, MA 02740

Phone: 508-742-9741

Fax: 508-990-0449


Anticipated Seasonal Research Assistant

Based in New Haven, it is a great opportunity for local CT students to gain experience in both lab and field settings. I have already posted the position to Handshake, and the flyer with the full description is attached.


Thank you,

Summer Stebbins




Summer E. Stebbins

Research Technician I

Invasive Aquatic Plant Program

Environmental Sciences

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station


(203) 974 – 8545

Summer.Stebbins@ct.govSummer Assistant 2019 IAPP Soil


NSF funded Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
investigating morphological diversity of frogs and toads

The Moen Lab at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater is seeking
applications from highly motivated and diverse undergraduate students
to conduct independent research projects concerning the morphological
diversity of frogs and toads.

As part of the program, the successful applicants will be trained to
conduct scientific research and receive mentoring to advance their
careers as scientists. Successful projects may lead to future research
opportunities in the Moen lab and publication of a manuscript. Successful
applicants will also receive a $3200 stipend and housing through OK
State University.

Brief description of the program: The program runs for 8 weeks, from 27
May ¡V 19 July 2019 Students will work with a postdoctoral research
mentor to choose a project, collect and analyze data, and present the
results of the project at the end of the summer. Students will also travel
to the Biodiversity Institute at the University Kansas to see one of the
world¡Šs largest amphibian collections, select specimens for research,
and talk to curators and graduate students about collections-based
research and careers.

Research projects will focus on the evolution, morphology, and mechanics
of movement of anurans (frogs and toads). Potential subjects include:

(1) The relationship of body form and function
(2) Evolutionary biomechanics
(3) Macroevolution of ecology, morphology, and biogeography

Eligibility: Currently enrolled, non-graduating undergraduate students
majoring in biology, or biology-related discipline are eligible to
apply. Previous research experience is desired, but not strictly
necessary. Students from historically underrepresented groups in the
STEM-related fields are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply: The application will have four parts: a general form, an
essay, a transcript, and contact information for a reference. Applications
are due March 15, 2019. Successful applicants will be notified within
two weeks following the application deadline. For detailed instructions,
follow this link: moenlab.okstate.edu/reu

If you have questions or concerns, please contact either the principle
investigator Dr. Daniel Moen (daniel.moen@okstate.edu) or his postdoc
Dr. Gen Morinaga (gen.morinaga@okstate.edu).


Grad opportunity – thermal biology of disease

The Raffel Lab at Oakland University (Rochester, MI) is currently recruiting M.S. or Ph.D. students for Fall 2019, to assist with a project developing metabolic-theory based approaches to describe the thermal biology of infectious disease. Students interested in thermal acclimation, amphibian disease ecology, ecoimmunology, statistical modeling, or gene expression are encouraged to apply. Tuition & stipend support is available in the form of Teaching and Research Assistantships, supported in part by an NSF-CAREER grant to Tom Raffel (IOS-1651888). Interested students should contact Dr. Raffel directly via email (raffel@oakland.edu). More information is available at:

Summer Research Opportunities for CLAS Students

The deadline for applications has been extended to March 1 2019 so please post and share again with your undergraduate majors and masters students.


Summer Research Internships for CLAS students in UConn Biotech Companies  

Spend your summer doing cutting-edge research with some of the hottest biotech startups around – right here at UConn Health and UConn Storrs!  Drug discovery, diagnostics, devices, digital health and more.  Any CLAS major is eligible, undergrads and masters students welcome, including Dec 18/May 19 grads.  Summer stipend $4,000-$5,000.  Program includes seminars, workshops and events on Bio-innovation and Technology.  See the attached brochure and website for the TIP Innovation Fellows Program at  https://tip.uconn.edu/Fellows-Interns-Grads to Apply.  Final deadline is March 1 so apply now! 

Exciting News for Member Institutions from OTS Undergraduate Education!

Please look at these two exciting opportunities for undergraduates through OTS –


Tropical Biology on a Changing Planet in Costa Rica Fall 2019 Semester Program


Two-month-long summer courses: Tropical Biology in Costa Rica and Global Health Issues in South Africa.


South African semester program, African Ecology & Conservation in South Africa.


For more information: www.tropicalstudies.org, and please reach out to us at undergraduate@tropicalstudies.org.  We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.



*Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Plant Ecology and
Evolution *at the University of California, Santa Barbara, sponsored by the
National Science Foundation

Apply to join the Mazer lab in summer 2019 as we investigate the process of
natural selection in four populations of the widespread California native
wildflower, Baby Blue Eyes (*Nemophila menziesii*). We’re investigating
wild populations along the length of the state to gain insight into the
effects of rainfall and temperature regimes on the strength and direction
of natural selection on life history and reproductive traits. Participants
in this REU project will spend the summer at UCSB, conducting a combination
of greenhouse- and lab-based activities.

*Eligibility and Preferred Qualifications*

•       U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are currently enrolled as
undergraduates at any U.S. institution (In Fall 2019, you must be enrolled
at your home institution).

•       Students with a strong interest in ecology and evolution; previous
course work in Biology is preferred.

•       Students with a strong desire to obtain hands-on experience in
plant evolution and ecology.

•       We particularly welcome women and members of under-represented

•       *Start date:  *June 1, 2019 – July 1, 2019 (expected end date will
be 12 weeks later, and there is flexibility in the duration of each
student’s REU.

*What do REU participants receive?*

•       A $7000 summer stipend (for 12 weeks of full-time participation

•       Housing supplement of $400/month for 3 months

•       The opportunity to conduct an independent research project while
working on an ongoing collaborative project

Experience in a variety of skills, including: plant cultivation and
breeding, data management, image analysis, germination treatments,
hypothesis-testing, statistical analysis, and discussion of the scientific
literature in plant evolutionary ecology.

*To apply:*

Please send the following to Professor Susan Mazer (sjmazer@ucsb.edu) and
Postdoctoral Associate Amber Nashoba (amber.nashoba@ucsb.edu) before March
15, 2019.

•       *Statement of interest*: Please describe why this opportunity is a
good match for your personal, scholarly, and professional interests; why
you believe that you’re a great fit for this project; and how your
perspective and experiences may contribute to the diversity of the
scientific community.

•       *Transcript* (an unofficial transcript is acceptable)

•       *Reference*: The name, email address, and phone number of a faculty
member or mentor who knows you well.