
Research Assistant in Rocky Mountain Insect Ecology (3-5 month position)

Job Description:  The USDA, Agriculture Research Service, Northern Plains Agriculture Research Laboratory in Sidney, MT is seeking an enthusiastic and hard-working individual to serve as a biological science aide.  Our research focuses on grassland insect and rangeland ecology; specifically how interactions between grasshoppers and Mormon crickets affect Mormon cricket and grasshopper diets, insect immunity to pathogens, and grassland health. Work may include sampling grasshoppers, Mormon crickets, and other rangeland insects in large scale experiments, sampling rangeland plants, setting up and conducting manipulative experiments in the field and lab.  Most field work will be conducted in subalpine meadows at 9000 feet elevation in the Bighorn Mountains in northern Wyoming. A willingness to drive on overnight travel to sites in Wyoming will be required.

Salary: $11.68 – 12.74 per hour (GS-2 – GS-3) dependent on experience and education.  Dorm-style, shared housing is available on location for approximately $150 per month, including utilities, internet and basic cable TV.

Dates: Starting May 12 – June 9 and continuing through the end of August to the end of October, depending on a candidate’s availability.

Qualifications: The candidate must be a US citizen.  Additionally, the candidate should be physically fit, able to walk rapidly over rangeland, and comfortable spending long hours outside at high elevation. The candidate will need a driver’s license.  Willingness to work long days, and some weekends when necessary is also a must.  Undergraduate course work in ecology, entomology, range or environmental sciences, and previous field work experience is preferred, but not required.

Application process: Please send cover letter, resume, and names and contact information of two references (electronically) to Robert Srygley (robert.srygley@ars.usda.gov).  Be sure to include available start and end dates. In your cover letter and please describe any experience or coursework you have in relevant areas such as field ecology, entomology, or plant identification In your cover letter or resume.

Evaluation of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. For more information on the grasshopper and Mormon cricket research program visit: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.ars.usda.gov%2Fpa%2Fnparl%2Frsrygley&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Ca8945301eab54c7fdff408d69ef913ea%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636871190030243179&sdata=aBa8TTM7tj6eZBOIHGqM5WET7T7GSjEDBFYHFDfcIos%3D&reserved=0 or contact us directly.

REU Opportunity: Anti-Predator Behavior of Mammals in Conservation Corridors

We have one REU position available for a student to conduct a research project within a large-scale, replicated experiment on conservation corridors in South Carolina throughout the summer of 2019.  The REU will be mentored by Dr. John Orrock (Associate Professor at UW-Madison) and Savannah Bartel (PhD student at UW-Madison, Orrock Lab member).

We will work with the student to develop a project centered around the general question: “How does patch geometry modify predator-prey interactions and the foraging decisions of mammalian prey?” Within this general framework, the REU will have the opportunity to select specific questions and hypotheses to test.

The REU will conduct fieldwork over the summer of 2019 (~May-August). The student will receive a stipend ($6000), along with an offset to living expenses ($600). All research expenses will be covered. The student will live close to our field station (USFS Savannah River), near Aiken, SC.

Interested undergraduates should contact Savannah Bartel (bartel2@wisc.edu) with a copy of their CV or resume, a brief statement of interest (~1 paragraph), and the contact information of one reference.

Applications due by March 18th.

MS opportunity: mangrove C cycling

MS opportunity: Clemson University’s Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, based in Georgetown, South Carolina, is seeking a highly motivated BS graduate to study mangrove ecosystem ecology at Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge in south Florida (Sanibel Island). This experimental research will assist scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in linking nutrient amendment (N and P) as a physiological stress to water use in the refuge’s 3 mangrove species.  This research will contribute to larger questions related to soil CO2 flux, net ecosystem exchange of carbon, and forest growth as part of how the capacity for carbon sequestration changes as nutrients are added to the Caloosahatchee River upstream of the refuge into the future. Methodology will involve and require that the successful candidate have instrumentation skills and can utilize Dynamax sap flow equipment (heat dissipation technique), Li-6800 (transpiration, net photosynthesis, and stomatal conductance), Li-8100 (soil gas flux), and atmospheric data from a nearby weather station after an appropriate training period. Federal DOI boating certification will be provided and required. A $17k annual stipend will be provided for up to 2.5 years but studies could progress into new hypothesis tests and ideas leading to the potential for a Ph.D. if additional funding can be found. Housing in south Florida for this project is provided (~1/3 of the time), but housing is the responsibility of the student while on campus when in residence at Clemson University in South Carolina (~2/3 of the time). If interested, email a short summary of your research interests, unofficial transcript(s), and your current CV to Dr. Jamie A. Duberstein (jdubers@clemson.edu).

Graduate Positions Available

MS in Biology: The Chabot, Doherty, Jolles, and Son labs at Plymouth State University are seeking graduate students to fill funded positions investigating horseshoe crab behavior and physiology, the genetics of atherosclerosis, plant ecology and evolution, and Vibrio cholera pathogenesis respectively. The positions include research assistantships and tuition waivers. Research and course work will take place in or near beautiful Plymouth, NH located in the White Mountains and Lakes Region of New Hampshire as well as at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, and Great Bay, NH. Expected outcomes include co-authorship in peer-reviewed scientific papers, presentations, and preparation of grant proposals.

If you are interested in applying for these positions, please see our research pages athttps://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.plymouth.edu%2Facademics%2Fundergraduate-academic-programs%2Fbiology%2Fbiology%2Ffaculty%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Ca8945301eab54c7fdff408d69ef913ea%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636871190030223169&sdata=jC%2F6nJtGtdvgFEXPIz7xncowxHqrZoW56juDu4cToFI%3D&reserved=0  and send (1) a short introductory email stating your research/career interests, (2) C.V.; (3) unofficial transcripts; and (4) a list of three references who are willing to write letters on your behalf as a single PDF file to Chris Chabot , Heather Doherty  Diana Jolles ddjolles@plymouth.edu, or Mike Son . Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology or related field. Preference will be given to those who can begin in May or June, 2019. Review of applicants will begin immediately. Official transcripts and application will be required for admittance into PSU.

Two MSc/PhD positions available at the University of New Hampshire, Natural Resources and the Environment

The Garnas lab (http://mypages.unh.edu/garnaslab ) seeks two highly motivated graduate students (MSc or PhD) to address basic and applied questions concerning the ecology, evolution, and functional role of insects and fungi in eastern North American forests. Both projects will be funded by teaching and/or research assistantships, or some combination therein. Details of each of the projects will be developed in accordance with project needs and student interests, but generally, one student with strong interests and experience in molecular ecology and another in forest/field ecology will be selected.

To apply for the PhD position you must have Masters degree or equivalent experience, or strong motivation.

The University of New Hampshire and the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment are home to a vibrant community of productive researchers with a strong commitment to student success. Located in the town of Durham, UNH is a beautiful campus surrounded by forest and natural landscapes. Only 30 minutes from the sea and less than 2 hours from the White Mountains, outdoor and other recreational activities abound, including right on campus.

Interested applicants, please send:
– a CV
– a brief summary of research interests and any relevant experience
– a brief statement regarding your motivation for pursuing post-graduate education in the field of ecology and evolution
– contact information for three references

as a single pdf file to jeff.garnas@unh.edu  . Positions are open until filled. Start date is negotiable but the ideal student would be able to begin in August or sooner.

In addition, we are also hiring several Summer field and lab technicians to work on various projects related to the Emerald ash borer, beech bark disease, and other forest health issues in New Hampshire and beyond.

North Dakota – REU in Avian Physiological Ecology

Ever wondered about how stress affects the body or why some individuals are more resilient than others?

If so, join our research team and learn more about it!

The Heidinger lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, ND, is seeking undergraduate students to participate in a project examining the long-term consequences of stress exposure in a local population of house sparrows. There is one full time National Science Foundation-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position and several volunteer positions. Duties will include manipulating stress exposure, monitoring parental behavior, checking nests, and measuring offspring growth. Successful applicants must be enthusiastic and motivated. They must work well independently and as part of a research team. If interested please email 1) a cover letter describing your interest in the project and previous research experience, 2) a resume, and 3) the names of two references to Rebecca Young (rebecca.c.young at ndsu.edu) by April 1, 2018. Positions will run May-August. Salary $500/week and housing will be provided.

Four Masters fellowships in Coastal Sustainability

Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) has four fellowship opportunities for Masters students in the Department of Integrated Environmental Science (IES). B-CU is a partner institution of the NOAA Center for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems (CCME), a partnership led by Florida A&M University and funded by NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions (Cooperative Agreement Award #NA16SEC4810009). The NOAA CCME mission is to educate and train a new generation of scientists, particularly from underrepresented minority communities, in the NOAA-relevant STEM disciplines and social sciences needed to utilize interdisciplinary approaches to address issues confronting marine and coastal communities, with a particular focus on Coastal Intelligence, Coastal Resilience, and Place-based Conservation. The MSIES program at B-CU teaches students to integrate social, economic, and political information to develop functional approaches to address ecological and societal issues.

To be eligible, a candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college/university in a NOAA-related discipline (e.g. biology, chemistry, environmental science, etc.), have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher, be admitted to the B-CU graduate studies program, and be a US citizen. Successful applicants receive tuition, a stipend, NOAA internships, and funds for conference travel and research expenses. To apply, a candidate must apply for the B-CU graduate studies program (https://www.cookman.edu/academics/schools/graduate/HowToApply.html) and be admitted by the application deadline (June 1, 2019 for Fall 2019 admission). For application procedures, materials and questions concerning the NOAA-CCME fellowship, please contact Dr. Hyun Jung (“J.”) Cho, Professor of Integrated Environmental Science, Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, FL 32114; choh@cookman.edu; 386-481-2793.



Michael A. Reiter, PhD

Professor and Chair
Department of Integrated Environmental Science

Bethune-Cookman University

640 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd.

Daytona Beach, FL  32114-3099


V: 386.481.2695

F: 386.481.2659

“Accuse not Nature, she hath done her part; Do thou but thine.”  John Milton, Paradise Lost

Alaska Research Experience for Undergraduates

Research Experience for Undergraduates opportunity
Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research Program
Nitrogen cycling in boreal watersheds
Summer 2019

A summer undergraduate researcher position is available with a team in Fairbanks, Alaska studying changes to the nitrogen cycle in response to permafrost thaw and intensifying fire regime. The undergraduate researcher will assist with field work including measuring greenhouse gas emissions from soils and using automated sensors to monitor stream biogeochemistry. Laboratory-based work will include opportunities to use instrumentation for analytical chemistry and learn data handling and analysis approaches using the R program. See harmslab.org for further information about the research.

Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in ecology and enthusiasm about both field and lab-based work, including long field days under wet and buggy conditions. Coursework in biology, ecology, chemistry and math or statistics is needed to successfully contribute to the research. Applications from students expressing interest in conducting an independent research project will receive priority.

To apply for the position, please send a single pdf document to Dr. Tamara Harms (tkharms@alaska.edu  ) by March 15, 2019 including: 1) cover letter summarizing research interests, experience collecting and analyzing data, and qualifications relevant to conducting ecological research with a collaborative team, 2) list of relevant coursework, and 3) CV. The student will be paid a stipend for the position, which runs May/June-Aug/Sept.

Lab/Field Tech: plant-soil-microbe dynamics, Kellogg Biol Station, Michigan

Lab/Field Research Technician Position announcement

Deadline for applications: March 18


We are looking to hire a lab/field technician to work on a collaborative research project investigating plant-soil-microbe interactions in managed lands. More information about this project, which is based at Michigan State University can be found at: rhizosphere.msu.edu. This is a great position for someone looking for experience in a research laboratory. 


The primary duties will consist of a) lab work (80%, including, but not limited to processing soil samples, nutrient analyses, DNA extractions, data entry and processing, and general lab maintenance) and b) field work (20%, plant and soil sampling) at both local sites and those located in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This position requires a small amount of travel (~1 day trip per month and 2-3 overnight trips over the entire field season). 


Ideal candidates will have relevant laboratory and field work experience. We are interested in candidates that are self-motivated, have high attention to detail and organizational skills, and can independently carryout field and laboratory protocols. Candidates should also be willing to work in adverse conditions in the field (e.g. hot and cold weather), and contribute to a team. Successful candidates must have a B.S. or commensurate experience in biogeochemistry or soil science, ecology or other closely related field. Experience in molecular biology is also desired, though not required. Applicants from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. 


This is a 40 hr/week non-benefited Technical Aide position under a 9-month hire with the potential for renewal for additional 9 month periods depending on performance. Successful applicants will be offered health care through the Affordable Care Act. Compensation will be $13-$16 per hour, depending on qualifications of the applicant. A start date in April 2019 is preferred, but start dates up to May 15 will be considered. 


The technician will join the Evans Lab (http://saraheevanslab.weebly.com/) at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, which is part of Michigan State University but located in Hickory Corners, MI, 15 miles NE of Kalamazoo, MI. KBS is a community of faculty, students, postdocs, staff, and technicians, and the successful candidate will have opportunities to develop professionally in this academic setting. Questions about the position and applications should be submitted to Holly Vander Stel (vande591@msu.edu). Please include “MMPRNT Tech App” in subject line). Applications will begin to be reviewed March 18, 2019 and accepted until the position is filled.


Applications, sent to as a single pdf file, should include:

1) Cover letter (1 page maximum) describing qualifications and interest in the position

2) CV or resume

3) Names, contact information, and brief synopsis of relationship for three references.

MSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

Courses and Internships at Shoals Marine Laboratory (Appledore Island, Maine)

Shoals Marine Lab (SML) is a summer institute and field station jointly run by Cornell and the University of New Hampshire on Appledore Island, Maine, offering summer courses and internships for undergraduates (https://http://www.shoalsmarinelaboratory.org/ ). Here are 3 things to know about SML:
1. SML offers a diversity credit courses each summer that provide field-based experiences you can’t find on campus. SML’s summer schedule is available now and pre-registration is open! View courses here: http://www.shoalsmarinelaboratory.org/courses/undergrad 
2. SML offers scholarships and student staff positions to offset the cost of tuition. Students enrolling in two or more courses also receive Multi-course Scholarships up to $3,000! View financial support and scholarship info here: http://www.shoalsmarinelaboratory.org/financial-support-scholarships. Merit scholarship applications are due March 1!
3. Research Apprenticeships and Research Internships at SML immerse students in the lab and field, with mentorship from faculty in SML’s research community. View research opportunities here: http://www.shoalsmarinelaboratory.org/student-research-internships. Internship applications are also due March 1!