Graduate position: NorthernArizonaU.EvolutionaryGenomics

 The Tollis Lab at Northern Arizona University (NAU;
> is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student to study
> vertebrate evolutionary genomics.
> Research in the lab encompasses phylogenomics, comparative genomics,
> transposable element evolution, and the evolution of cancer
> suppression. The basic unifying premise of our research is to combine
> molecular and computational methods to uncover the mechanisms underlying
> the evolution of phenotypes and genome structure, as well as outstanding
> questions in phylogenetics. The taxonomic focus of these questions
> vary widely, but current projects include: molecular evolutionary rates
> and the phylogenomics of squamate reptiles; rates of transposition in
> rapidly evolving versus slowly evolving clades; population genomics of
> elephants, bats and other vertebrates; and differential gene expression
> of DNA damage response in various vertebrate species. The successful
> Ph.D. student will have considerable flexibility in crafting a thesis
> with Dr. Tollis that incorporates all of these topics and more.
> The successful student will be admitted to the Ph.D. program
> in Informatics with a Health and Bioinformatics Emphasis
> in the School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems at NAU
> (
> Health and Biological data are being generated at a rapid pace. Both
> data types fall into the category of big data science that requires
> considerable computational skill and infrastructure if we are to gain new
> insights into human health, disease, and biodiversity. The scientists
> in the Health and Bioinformatics research group at NAU have met this
> challenge by incorporating molecular biology, genomics, bioinformatics,
> health informatics, epidemiology, statistics, and computer science. Our
> expertise spans metagenomics, pathogen detection, infectious disease,
> phylogenetics, comparative genomics, population genetics, molecular
> evolution, secondary data analysis, epidemiological modeling, and
> cancer. We collaborate with community partners and research institutions
> throughout the world as well as here at NAU and in Flagstaff, and are
> funded by agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the United
> States Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, Arizona
> Game & Fish Department, and the Arizona Department of Health Services.
> A student stipend will be provided through a combination of research
> and teaching assistantships.
> Flagstaff, AZ has been rated one of the happiest cities in America,
> with four seasons, year-round recreation, terrific college vibe, and
> a laid-back attitude. We are close to the Phoenix metropolitan area,
> but even closer to Sedona and the Grand Canyon, and are surrounded by
> mountainous national forest.
> Interested students should e-mail Marc Tollis (
> with the following:
> 1. A cover letter describing the student’s educational background,
>   research interests and experience, interest in the lab, and career
>   plans with a Ph.D.
> 2. A curriculum vitae including contact information and references.
> 3. A writing sample that could include a co-authored published
>   manuscript, preprint, undergraduate thesis.
> Marc Tollis, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems
> College of Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Sciences
> Northern Arizona University
Room 117 | 1295 S Knoles Drive | Flagstaff, AZ | 86011
> Phone: (928) 523-3406
> Marc Tollis <>