Weeds, Fuels, and Restoration Technician Needed

*To learn more and apply please follow the link below: *


The Great Basin Institute is working cooperatively with the Bureau of Land

Management to Southern Nevada District Office to bring on a Weeds, Fuels

and Restoration Technician. Invasive vegetation species encroachment in the

Mojave Desert has increased fire fuel loading and created negative

ecological impacts across the Southern Nevada District. The Weeds, Fuels

and Restoration Technician will work on behalf of the BLM Southern Nevada

District Office (SNDO) by assisting the SNDO Weeds, Fuels and Restoration

teams to locate, plan, and implement vegetation management projects. The

short-term goals are to reduce invasive species that contribute to habitat

loss and fire risk to the public and fire fighters, using the best

available science, mechanical, chemical means, and occasionally prescribed

fire. The long-term goal is to restore native vegetation to its natural

state when and where possible, reduce or eliminate invasive species and

associated fire risk to communities and wildlife habitat. The principle

purpose(s) will be to provide technical expertise and field support in

planning, managing and implementing vegetation and invasive species

treatments including fuels reduction and restoration projects in Mojave

Desert ecosystems.

*Specific tasks include, but are not limited to:*

– Standardization of field sampling methodology, including vegetation and

fuel load monitoring;

– Data collection utilizing GPS units and data quality assurance and

control (QA/QC);

– Transfer and storage of all monitoring information into agency GIS

including data development and management;

– Adequate analysis and reporting of data using common statistical and

graphical representation tools;

– Implementation planning and NEPA planning support;

– Complete and submit quarterly progress reports;

– Other duties related to invasive species management, including fire and


– Identifying invasive species

Project-related tasks are comprised of approximately 50% office tasks and

50% field tasks.

*To learn more and apply please follow the link below: *
