Application to attend UN Climate Change Conference in Poland

UConn@COP24 Katowice Climate Change Conference Trip Description

COP 24 is the United Nations Climate Change Conference, and will be hosted this year by Poland from December 3rd to December 14th, 2018. The event will bring together diplomats, business executives, heads of government and other delegates to discuss action on climate change. The objective of COP24 is to work out and adopt decisions ensuring the full implementation of the Paris Agreement, in accordance with the decisions adopted in Paris during COP21 and Marrakech during COP22.

In the words of the Republic of Poland’s Minister of the Environment and President of COP24, Professor Jan Szyszko, “We count not only on the unfailing presence of all the Parties to the Convention and observers, but above all on their determination to adopt in the course of COP24 decisions which are necessary to fully implement the Paris Agreement.”

Image result for katowice poland

Katowice, Poland will provide an interesting venue. As a previous coal town, Katowice is looking forward to a coal-free future and offers an example of the transition from high-carbon to low-carbon futures. Katowice is known for its eclectic tourist sites and as a UNESCO city of music. The UN COP will transform it into a global hub for sustainability.

The University of Connecticut will be providing full funding, excluding meals other than breakfast, for a select group of undergraduate students to travel to COP24 in Katowice, Poland from December 1st – December 7th. Please click the link below if you are interested in applying!


This application must be completed and submitted to by 11:59pm EST on Friday, April 20th in order to be considered by the Selection Committee for the trip. Only complete applications will be considered. Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision via e-mail on Wednesday, August 1st.

For more information on past UConn@COPs, click

All the best,


Mark C. Urban

Director, Center of Biological Risk

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Connecticut

Biopharm Building, Room 200A

75 N. Eagleville Road, Unit 3043

Storrs, CT 06269-3043


Office: 860-486-6113

Lab: 860-486-6154
