
Graduate position: UCalifornia_LA.MicrobiomeEvolution

Graduate student:UCLA.MicrobiomeEvolution
> Graduate student position atUCLAon the evolutionary dynamics of the
> microbiome.
> A PhD position starting in Fall 2020 is available in the lab of
> Dr. Nandita Garud in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
> at the University of California, Los Angeles. We are broadly interested
> in understanding the evolutionary dynamics of natural populations with
> a current focus on the microbiome. The lab develops statistical and
> computational methods to gain insight into evolutionary processes from
> population genomic data.
> Students will have substantial input in the specific nature of their
> research project. However, the project should broadly fit within the
> lab¢s goals of learning about adaptation in natural populations and
> evolutionary dynamics in the microbiome. As this is a computational lab,
> prior experience in in programming in R, Perl, or Python, and shell
> scripting is preferred.
> Additional information can be found at:http://garud.eeb.ucla.edu
> The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department atUCLAoffers
> a cutting-edge research environment with many opportunities for
> collaboration. The lab will have affiliations with the Microbiome Center
> atUCLAand the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biology atUCLA.
> Interested candidates should apply to the EEB program atUCLAby December
> 1 and specify Dr. Nandita Garud as a Prospective Faculty Advisor
> (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eeb.ucla.edu%2Fgrad_onlineappl.php&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Ce1ddf723938c4df3e43f08d77266602e%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637103656335754650&sdata=0lcjvZ1cWBylJcXSXttbAafcEYW%2B5IfQq3AoanP5iww%3D&reserved=0).  Direct inquiries are
> also welcome at ngarud@ucla.edu.
> Nandita Garud <nandita.garud@gmail.com>

Graduate Position: TexasAMU.DeNovoGenesEvolution

PhD Positions in Brassicaceae de novo gene evolution and function

The Casola and Pepper labs at Texas A&M University seek candidate PhD
students to work on de novo gene evolution. This project will combine
comparative genomics, machine learning approaches and reverse genetics
to study the evolutionary dynamics and biological impact of de novo
gene in Brassicaceae, with a special focus on Arabidopsis thaliana and
Brassica spp.

Prospective students should email a short description of research
interests and a CV to Claudio Casola (ccasola@tamu.edu) or Alan Pepper
(apepper@bio.tamu.edu). Students are encouraged to get in touch as
soon as possible in order to be eligible for funding opportunities
through the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology interdisciplinary program
https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Feeb.tamu.edu%2Fgraduate-program%2Fprospective-students-2%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cpamela.diggle%40uconn.edu%7Ca8931e6aebc045cb68df08d7724cc493%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637103546347456156&amp;sdata=PhN1BA%2BnrKDUUoP0%2FbaCxjqSqXl2Fy6fqPOqhB1RD20%3D&amp;reserved=0. For full
consideration, applications for Fall 2020 to the EEB program should be
received by December 9, 2019.

Individuals from underrepresented groups in STEM are particularly
encouraged to apply.


The BridgeUP: STEM program at the AMNH is excited to announce that the
>    application for the Helen Fellowship is open.  This fellowship is a
>    one-year residency for post-baccalaureate, self-identifying females,
>    to devote time immersed in computational scientific research and
>    educational outreach at the AMNH.  This fellowship is an initiative at
>    the AMNH dedicated to increasing the diversity of the talent pipeline
>    by providing underrepresented students access to the skills and tools
>    required for the 21st Century.
>    To learn more about the fellowship and the application process, visit
>    https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amnh.org%2Flearn-teach%2Fhigher-education%2Fhelen-fellowship&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C62b9fdc393eb4d5d36c608d772660197%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637103654747162962&amp;sdata=swP4KNPwxtSHBDlXICp2k3dMCKEHUuMkdK1Q5XVYjTU%3D&amp;reserved=0.
>    A colorful PDF flyer can be downloaded at this website.
>    Who is eligible to apply?
>    The fellowship is intended for recent college graduates with a conferred
>    bachelor¢s or master¢s degree in computer science, natural sciences,
>    applied mathematics, computational science, or other relevant majors
>    prior to the fellowship start date in September.
>    What are the benefits?
>    Fellows will receive an annual salary of $70,000 plus generous benefits.
>    Funding is also available for research, travel and equipment expenses.
>    How do I apply?
>    The online application is now open and is due by midnight of January
>   19, 2020.  To learn more about application requirements, visit
>    https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amnh.org%2Flearn-teach%2Fhigher-education%2Fhelen-fellowship&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C62b9fdc393eb4d5d36c608d772660197%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637103654747162962&amp;sdata=swP4KNPwxtSHBDlXICp2k3dMCKEHUuMkdK1Q5XVYjTU%3D&amp;reserved=0.

Graduate Position: UMemphis.Biodiversity

The Center for Biodiversity Research at the University of Memphis
> (Department of Biological Sciences) is recruiting graduate students for
> 2020. Our Biodiversity Scholars Program offers research and stipend
> awards for exceptionally qualified candidates. Apply by February 1,
> 2020 for full consideration. Please see our website for more information
> (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.umbiodiversity.org&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C8aec61f8de55413ee85508d77265ee33%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637103654421000713&amp;sdata=cIrSg52CH99wMJKzjiZuCjf939PGdeT6cnChAEvYk88%3D&amp;reserved=0).
> Duane McKenna PhD
> William Hill Professor of Biology
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Director, Center for Biodiversity Research
> Co-Director, Agriculture & Food Technologies
> Research Cluster, FedEx Institute of Technology
> University of Memphis
> Memphis, TN 38152
> “Duane McKenna (dmckenna)” <dmckenna@memphis.edu>

Botany positions in Mojave/Sonoran deserts, University of Nevada Las Vegas

The Applied Ecology Laboratory at the University of Nevada Las Vegas is hiring four full-time botanists/research assistants (salary position) for February 2020 through May 2020 (4 mo). The latest start date can be February 10 but preferred start date is February 3. Project sites will be in southern Nevada and southeastern California (Mojave Desert and Sonoran Desert). All applicants are encouraged to review climate and spring weather conditions for the southern Nevada and southern California regions before applying.

All applicants must be a United States citizen, have a current and valid state driver’s license, and have no personal at-fault accidents in the last five years. Applicants will be required to fill out an I-9 form and submit personal identification for review.

Qualified applicants should have at least a bachelor’s degree in biology or environmental science or a related degree, or equivalent years’ experience (3-4 years); experience using dichotomous keys; experience operating a 4WD truck or other 4WD vehicle; outdoor/field experience (e.g., camping, hiking); and experience with field navigation (compass, map, GPS).

To qualify for this position, field and botany experience are required.

A preference will be given to candidates that have professional or academic experience with plant identification in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts, are familiar with and have used regionally applicable dichotomous keys (e.g., Desert Jepson, Arizona Flora, the Flora of Utah), and have some field or laboratory project management experience.

However, this is a great opportunity for those looking for a career bridge out of a college undergraduate program or have little project management experience and want to gain this type of experience to become more competitive for future jobs and graduate programs. Botanists/research assistants will be responsible for aspects of field, laboratory, and greenhouse projects, including organizing a field/laboratory schedule with colleagues, data collection and entry, QA/QC, maintaining a digital photograph and plant database archive, data analysis preparation, and compiling literature.

All camping will be car camping. State vehicles will be provided for projects. Per diem applies to specific out-of-state projects only. No housing is provided.

To apply please send a statement of interest to introduce yourself, a CV or resume, and two-three references to Lindsay Chiquoine (lindsay.chiquoine@unlv.edu). Please include in the subject line the position (botanist/research assistant position).

To learn more about the Applied Ecology Laboratory at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, please visit https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fabellaappliedecologylab.wordpress.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cafae28f30cd84b46b3e708d76e6c014c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637099282474060936&amp;sdata=x%2B9Pbk1ccm1gjOCwPW5sIMrevjV3xeSQh1a5NHjw3Sk%3D&amp;reserved=0

cology Field Station Manager and Research Associate (Dec 1st deadline)

The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at Texas A&M University

is seeking applicants to fill a full-time position as an Ecology Field

Station Manager and Research Associate. Review of applications begins Dec 1

st, 2019. For the full position description, please see the ESSM job board:


To apply, please use the following link:


The successful applicant will serve primarily as the manager of the Ecology

and Natural Resources Teaching Area, a field station located in College

Station near the main Texas A&M campus. In that role, there will be

opportunities in post oak savanna restoration and ecological research,

environmental education and outreach, and facilities and equipment

maintenance. The research associate aspect of the position involves

occasional travel to field sites around the state to assist in technical

aspects of ongoing Texas A&M research.

For questions related to the online application process, please contact Ms.

Theresa Nemec (tnemec@tamu.edu).

For inquiries about aspects of the position that are not answered in the

above links, please contact Joe Veldman (veldman@tamu.edu)

USDA Full Time Temporary Lab Technician

The Brunet Lab (Brunet Site – https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Ftz5ukks&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cafae28f30cd84b46b3e708d76e6c014c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637099282474020962&amp;sdata=TdEAzPAGXj0qCeZgWU1T6ol5zeUkDfrchqKAV0Dm%2F74%3D&amp;reserved=0) in Madison, WI is seeking a full time temporary laboratory technician. This is a time-limited appointment with a maximum duration of 180 work days, available immediately. The successful candidate will provide laboratory support for research that examines how pollinator behavior affects gene flow in agricultural landscapes. This is a federal position (GS level 6/7) with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The laboratory is part of the Vegetable Crops Research Unit (VCRU) in Madison, WI. An American citizenship is required.

Major duties may include, but are not limited to: performing a variety of technical procedures in a laboratory, field and greenhouse environment; handling different bee species; statistically analyzing and summarizing experimental data; assisting with experiments on bee behavior and seed germination.

The candidate should have: a bachelor or more advanced degree in Biological/Agricultural Sciences or related areas with a GPA ≥ 3.0; fieldwork experience; willingness to learn. Previous experience working with bees and analyzing data in statistical software (such as R, SAS, etc.) is desirable. A master degree is preferred.

Apply via indeed link, be sure to include resume with brief statement of interest!


Job Types: Full-time, Temporary

Job Posting – Environmental Biologist – Water Quality Monitoring (closing 11/27)

The Kentucky Division of Water’s mission is to manage, protect, and enhance the quality and quantity of the Commonwealth’s water resources for present and future generations through voluntary, regulatory, and educational programs. Our organization presents an opportunity for you to make a difference in the waters of Kentucky through an exciting and collaborative environment.

This position is an excellent opportunity to gain water quality monitoring experience and in-depth knowledge of Kentucky streams through extensive travel and field work. Fieldwork will include the collection of macro invertebrate, diatom, fish, and water samples, primarily from March through September, with an emphasis on the collection of benthic macro invertebrates. During the fall and winter, this position will be focused on picking and identifying aquatic macro invertebrates in a laboratory setting. Additional responsibilities include entering and managing field and laboratory data.

Monitoring goals associated with this position include assessing and reporting on the health of the waters of the Commonwealth, evaluating the effectiveness of water quality improvement projects, and responding to incidents such as harmful algal blooms in recreational waters of the state.

Previous experience in collecting and/or identifying benthic macro invertebrates is preferred. Experience with aquatic ecology, fish or algae collection and identification, general taxonomy, water sampling, or field work is beneficial. Important skills include attention to detail and data management.

Responsibilities typically include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Collecting water and biological samples (macro invertebrates, pathogens, diatoms, and/or fish) in streams and rivers according to standard operating procedures.

– Sorting and identifying benthic macro invertebrate samples and analyzing E. coli samples.

– Entering and managing field and laboratory data.

– Assisting with data analysis, reporting, and water quality assessments.

– Assisting with the review and development of monitoring project study plans.

– Participating in workgroups and meetings that may involve developing or updating water quality monitoring policies and procedures.

The Division of Water offers flexibility in work schedules, time away from the desk, and a chance to network with a wide range of like-minded professionals.

If you are interested in a rewarding career with the Division of Water, we would love to review your application.


JOB TITLE:Environmental Biologist Specialist



EMPLOYMENT TYPE:Full Time, Eligible for Overtime Pay|18A|37.5hr/wk

HIRING AGENCY:Energy & Environment Cabinet – Dept for Environmental Protection

LOCATION:300 Sower Blvd

Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601

United States



EDUCATION: Graduate of a college or university with a bachelor’s degree in a biological, environmental or natural science, which includes at least thirty credit hours in the biological sciences.

EXPERIENCE, TRAINING, OR SKILLS: One year of professional experience in research, environmental impact assessment, or related environmental program areas.

Substitute EDUCATION for EXPERIENCE: Graduate work in the biological, environmental, or natural sciences will substitute for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.



For more information and to apply, please visit the following link:


Advertisement Closes 11/27/2019 7:00 PM EST

Seasonal Vegetation Monitoring in Alaska

Interested in field work in some of the wildest parks in the National Park

Service? Do you have botanical and backcountry skills? Take a look at these

positions monitoring vegetation in Southwest Alaska’s Parks:


But hurry! Recruitment closes on 11/22/19.

The Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network is hiring two

seasonal biotechs to work on long-term vegetation monitoring in Lake Clark

National Park and Preserve and Katmai National Park and Preserve.


Contact Michael Hannam with your questions: michael_hannam@nps.gov

Michael Hannam


Southwest Alaska Network

Inventory and Monitoring Program

National Park Service


(907) 644-3682

GBI Ecological Monitoring Program Now Hiring!

The Great Basin Institute is an interdisciplinary field studies

organization that promotes environmental research, education, and service

through the West. The Institute’s mission is to advance applied science and

ecological literacy through community engagement and agency partnerships,

supporting national parks, forests, open spaces, and public lands.

The Ecological Monitoring Program at GBI serves as an excellent

professional development opportunity for natural resource professionals

looking for experience in botanical, soil, rangeland, and aquatic

surveying. This Program is a component of our well-established Research

Associate Program, which focuses on the conservation and management of

natural, cultural, and recreation resources in the Intermountain West while

providing emerging professionals opportunities to begin or enhance their


GBI’s Ecological Monitoring Program is dedicated to providing hands-on

survey, inventory, monitoring, and reporting experience. Extensive training

and technical field skills development offers employees a unique

opportunity to obtain valuable experience in performing a variety of

monitoring protocols that will increase future success.

In one component of the Program, participants implement the Bureau of Land

Management (BLM) Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) strategy for

terrestrial systems, targeted at collecting standardized ecological

information and long-term vegetation data at multiple scales across western

BLM districts. In some instances participants may perform supplemental

protocols such as Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health (IIRH) and

Habitat Assessment Framework (HAF) (to inform conservation approaches for

sage-grouse). Supplemental sampling may also include collecting data on

forb diversity and pollinators, among other indicators. Select locations

will apply AIM sampling to post-wildfire Emergency Stabilization and

Rehabilitation (ESR) monitoring.

This video (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLciTBPG2-Ss%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Ca4d94098340245a0a90408d76da2b5f6%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637098417914291193&amp;sdata=LRtxJA4%2BRuqC1Ajcf3CUDvRBpkS2UX%2FFhkm13HAu8k8%3D&amp;reserved=0)

highlights the national BLM AIM strategy for landscape-scale data

collection across western states.

To learn more and apply, please visit our website

or the links below:

Ecological Monitoring Field Lead

Ecological Monitoring Field Technician

AmeriCorps Vegetation Habitat Assessment Technician

Vegetation Habitat Assessment Crew Lead

Soil Sampling Crew Lead

AmeriCorps Soil Sampling Technician