
Field assistant job – EcoEpidemiology lab at Columbia University

The eco-epidemiology lab at Columbia University (Diuk-Wasser lab: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fecoepidemiologylab.e3b.columbia.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C803909d387244fa49f7308d7aaed9a03%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637165809785298889&sdata=HwHErFDSBvTDNJQu%2BbG%2BtvIhG8MLfvHL0Ab1eSQke24%3D&reserved=0) has multiple paid research assistant positions for the 2020 summer field season to work on one of these projects:

(1) Host association of the Lyme disease agent on Block Island, RI

(2) New York City coupled natural-human system (human dimensions)

(3) New York City coupled natural-human system (the natural cycle)

Host association of the Lyme disease agent on Block Island, RI

This research will examine mammalian and avian host specialization by the spirochetal bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. We are recruiting motivated field technician(s) for field sampling from late May through the end of August on Block Island, RI. Primary duties will include handling and processing (collecting blood, tissue, and ticks) samples from small mammals, sampling for questing ticks, and mist netting, handling, and processing samples from birds. Other duties include bird surveys (depending on skills), maintaining field equipment and data entry. This position will provide strong field training in tick species and life-stage identification, data collection and management skills, tick collection methods, and mark-recapturing of small mammals. Preference will be given to individuals with experience collecting blood samples, having knowledge of the New England avian fauna, and having experience conducting bird point counts.

NYC coupled natural-human system (human dimensions)

This project examines the human dimensions of the coupled human natural system of Lyme disease on Staten Island, NY. Our research team will conduct household epidemiological surveys and tick dragging in residential properties to evaluate the human exposure to ticks and the risk of Lyme disease in urban areas. The responsibilities of the RA will include: conducting in-person recruitment and surveys to householders, conducting an ecological assessment of the property that includes tick sampling in the yard, and coordinating field logistics and data entry with a field crew of 3-4 students. The start date is negotiable; however, we aim to start the position May 25th, 2020. This position will provide strong training in conducting epidemiological surveys in the field, tick collection and identification, and data management skills.

NYC coupled natural-human system (the natural cycle)

This project examines the natural transmission cycle of the Lyme disease agent within the coupled human natural system on Staten Island, NY. Our mobile research team will collect samples from small mammals (blood, tissue, and ticks), sample questing ticks, and use camera traps in urban public parks to understand the ecological drivers of Lyme disease risk on Staten Island. Experience leading a field crew and small mammal trapping is preferred. The start date is negotiable; however, we aim to start the position May 18th, 2020. Early morning and late afternoon hours, as well as Sunday evenings, are required. This position will provide strong field training in tick species and life-stage identification, data collection and management skills, tick collection methods, and mark-recapturing of small mammals with opportunities to participate in mesomammal trapping.

Relevant information for all positions

Housing, field equipment, and transportation within the study area will be provided. Jobs are full time, 35-40 hours/week.  Wage is commensurate with education and experience. Applicants should have interest in disease ecology/environmental health/epidemiology/public health, have strong leadership skills, and be highly organized with clear handwriting. Technician(s) must be in good physical condition and capable of working in unfavorable environmental conditions (e.g. rain, heat, tick infested forest). A valid U.S. driver’s license and clean driving record is required. If interested, please fill the google form where you can provide a list of three professional references and attach a single pdf document (with your last name in the subject) including 1) a cover letter (noting which position you are applying to) and relevant field experience; and 2) a CV/resume by March 1st, 2020, for full consideration.

Link to the application: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2Fforms%2FR1pYMxHOmGZhyPb32&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C803909d387244fa49f7308d7aaed9a03%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637165809785298889&sdata=MNMLjzxFfvuKABEJjKenoOGkOa4kLo6%2BMsus5rmFcSY%3D&reserved=0

Please contact Maria Diuk-Wasser if you have any questions: mad2256@columbia.edu

Job announcement: Seeds of Success Technicians (2) in Buffalo, WY

The Chicago Botanic Garden is hiring two Seeds of Success technicians working in northeast Wyoming to make native seed collections as part of the Seeds of Success program with the Bureau of Land Management. Crews will be based out of the BLM office in Buffalo, Wyoming and will be starting May 14 with SOS Training and working 5 months to mid-September. The technicians will be part of a three-person crew, with one lead botanist.

To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to CBG HR at employment@chicagobotanic.org and Chris Woolridge at cwoolridge@chicagobotanic.org. Resumes should include relevant education and professional experience(s) and contact information for 3 references. Review of applications will begin as received and will continue until positions have been filled. Qualified applicants will be contacted within 1 week to schedule a phone interview.

For any questions regarding the positions, please contact Chris Woolridge at: cwoolridge@chicagobotanic.org.


Required Qualifications: B.S./B.A. or Ms. in Biology, Ecology, Botany, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Science, or a related field; Strong plant identification skills (to species), comfort with using dichotomous keys, and knowledge of plant taxonomy; Experience maintaining accurate and detailed data records (in field and in electronic databases such as Excel/Access); Capable of conducting daily field work in rough terrain in harsh environmental conditions (heat, rain, biting insects), and motivating a field crew through those tough conditions.

Desired Qualifications: Familiarity with plants and ecosystems of the western U.S.; Experience conducting field work related to plant research, identification, restoration, and/or seed collection (through SOS programs or other seed handling/collecting work); Experience driving large field vehicles with 4-wheel drive; driving on gravel and dirt roads; off-road driving; Experience hiking and backcountry camping, and the willingness to do so for this position; Experience working with agency, academic, private, or non-profit partners to coordinate, plan, and execute fieldwork on public or private lands; Familiarity with ArcGIS to display maps, visualize georeferenced data, and interface with GPS units; Wilderness First Aid or other field safety training

These are salaried positions (40-hour work week) at $17.53/hour. There is a per diem budget available to cover camping and field work expenses.

Job announcement: Seeds of Success Technicians (2) in Las Vegas, NV

The Chicago Botanic Garden is hiring two Seeds of Success technicians working in the Mojave Desert to make native seed collections as part of the Seeds of Success program with the Bureau of Land Management. Crews will be based out of the BLM office in Las Vegas and will be starting March 2nd and working 8 months to go through October. Each technician will be part of a three-person crew.

To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to CBG HR at employment@chicagobotanic.org and Chris Woolridge at cwoolridge@chicagobotanic.org. Resumes should include relevant education and professional experience(s) and contact information for 3 references. Review of applications will begin as received and will continue until positions have been filled. Qualified applicants will be contacted within 1 week to schedule a phone interview.

For any questions regarding the positions, please contact Chris Woolridge at: cwoolridge@chicagobotanic.org.


Required Qualifications: B.S./B.A. or Ms. in Biology, Ecology, Botany, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Science, or a related field; Strong plant identification skills (to species), comfort with using dichotomous keys, and knowledge of plant taxonomy; Experience maintaining accurate and detailed data records (in field and in electronic databases such as Excel/Access); Capable of conducting daily field work in rough terrain in harsh environmental conditions (heat, rain, biting insects), and motivating a field crew through those tough conditions.

Desired Qualifications: Familiarity with plants and ecosystems of the western U.S.; Experience conducting field work related to plant research, identification, restoration, and/or seed collection (through SOS programs or other seed handling/collecting work); Experience driving large field vehicles with 4-wheel drive; driving on gravel and dirt roads; off-road driving; Experience hiking and backcountry camping, and the willingness to do so for this position; Experience working with agency, academic, private, or non-profit partners to coordinate, plan, and execute fieldwork on public or private lands; Familiarity with ArcGIS to display maps, visualize georeferenced data, and interface with GPS units; Wilderness First Aid or other field safety training

These are salaried positions (40-hour work week) at $17.53/hour. There is a per diem budget available to cover camping and field work expenses.

seasonal amphibian/reptile tech on Florida panhandle

We are looking to hire 1-2 candidates this month and possibly another later this spring!

Job Description:

Candidate will work with Virginia Tech to assist with research, monitoring, and management of reticulated flatwoods salamander and other wildlife on Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.  Position will require working a combination of days/nights in potentially adverse conditions (high heat, cold rain, wind).  Responsibilities will include monitoring drift fences and conducting dipnet surveys for flatwoods salamanders, habitat restoration work in federally endangered reticulated flatwoods salamander breeding ponds, rearing flatwoods salamander larvae in cattle tanks, conducting gopher tortoise burrow surveys, and data entry/proofing.  Candidate must be able to walk several miles in inclement weather over uneven terrain while carrying up to 30 pounds of equipment, be able to work in standing water using hip waders, be able to haul large, awkward brush and cut woody debris weighing up to 50 lbs for short distances out of wetland basins for up to 8 hrs/day, be able to follow complex protocols while wet, cold, tired, and being bitten by mosquitos at night.  Work will begin in February and will continue for at least three months and possibly through May or early June 2020.  Hours are variable, including nights and weekends, but will total 36-40 hours week.  Shared housing is provided.  Successful applicants will be adaptable, detail-oriented, enthusiastic, comfortable working on an active military base, comfortable working alone and with others at night, and able to live and work harmoniously with others.

Please send a cover letter and resume to Mr. Timothy Calhoun (timjc16@vt.edu) with AMPHIBIAN/REPTILE TECH in the subject line of the email.  Please include names and contact info for up to three references if possible.  (For questions about the project, contact our field crew supervisor, Mr. Kelly Jones, kcjones7@vt.edu) Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but those received by 11 February are most likely to receive full consideration.  Virginia Tech is an EO/AA EMPLOYER COMMITTED TO DIVERSITY.


Required Qualifications

Bachelor’s degree in wildlife conservation or a related field; Previous natural resource field experience, valid driver’s license; excellent organization and communication skills, including attention to detail in data recording and entry; demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively

Preferred Qualifications

previous experience working with amphibians and reptiles, especially ambystomatid salamanders and tortoises, and/or experience handling federally threatened or endangered species; experience running drift fences; experience marking amphibians using VIE and/or PIT tags; chainsaw safety certification and/or Florida pesticide applicator certification; experience working on a military installation, and operating 4WD vehicles.

Hourly wage, commensurate with experience, starting at $11.

USGS Bumble bee field technician – Minnesota/Wisconsin

tudent Services Contract – Biological Science Technician


United States Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey

Duty Station Location (Field work occurs in Midwest, see below)

Fort Collins Science Center

2150 Centre Ave Bldg C

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Contract Dates Approx. 15 Apr 2020 through 15 Jun 2020

Submit resume and attachments in a single pdf to jmola@usgs.gov and ipearse@usgs.gov by February 25. Please title the email subject “RPBB Technician”


The USGS Fort Collins Science Center is conducting studies to aide in the recovery of the endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (RPBB) to better understand pollinator populations. Work on this topic includes field studies, data analysis, modeling, and genetics.

Types of Service Required

The student contractor(s) shall assist on projects related to bumble bee conservation including, identification of bees, mapping of nest sites, collection of samples for genetic analysis, and rapid habitat assessments. Additional tasks may include genetic analysis, design and implementation of targeted experimental studies on bees, writing reports, and analysis of data. The work schedule will vary from part-time to 40 hours per week. Flexible scheduling is possible.

Required Expertise/Skills

Progress on or completion of a Bachelor’s degree is required. Ability to conduct field work in both urban and rural habitats. Experience working with native bees, and ability to develop skills in making sight-IDs of bumble bees. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen. Proficiency in data collection and organization.

Desired (but not required): Progress toward a graduate degree in ecology, entomology, or related field. Experience programming in R.

Description of Working Conditions

Work will be performed at field sites near Minneapolis, MN and Madison, WI.


Compensation is commensurate with the level of education and experience and is based on federal pricing tables for student contractor services.

Application Requirements

Resume should include: legal name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, education – including description of relevant classes, work or volunteer experience in related field. Other documentation: Transcript listing courses taken and the student’s overall GPA. Transcript does not have to be the official version. Student must be enrolled at least part-time in school or have graduated within the last 12 months.

Special Terms

For all legal purposes, student is regarded as an independent contractor. Payments for services are reportable and taxable as earned income. No Federal, State, or Local income taxes will be deducted. No social security or Medicare taxes will be deducted. Student is responsible for payment of all taxes as a result of income received under this order.  The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will report the total amount paid under this order to the Internal Revenue Service on a Standard form 1099. The student is not considered an employee and will not receive a W-2 form. For payment, student must have a checking or savings account at a financial institution that will accept direct deposits.

Student will be required to complete computer security awareness training and comply with the USGS Computer and Network Security Handbook.

The USGS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Selection for this position will be based solely on merit, fitness, and qualifications without regard to race, sex, color, religion, age, marital status, national origin, non-disqualifying handicap conditions, sexual orientation, or any other non-merit factors. This agency provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities.

Contact Information

The work will be overseen by Ian Pearse and John Mola. For questions, contact John Mola at jmola@usgs.gov, 970-226-9134.

UREx SRN 2020 Research Experience for Undergrads (REU)

Applications for the Research Experience for Undergraduates are currently being accepted. The summer program runs June 17 – Aug 12th 2020. Application deadline is March 20, 2020. View Phoenix opportunities at: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsustainability.asu.edu%2Furbanresilience%2Fopportunities%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb5ee64c64a7a4f6ad9ee08d7aa24a65c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637164946707293362&sdata=MGY%2FLqbdRnV%2FvZzr10b3LPsN6WjEt4m8vkrWfsvJr88%3D&reserved=0.

Seeking applications for Scientific Assistant at Washington State University, Stable Isotope core laboratory

The Stable Isotope Core Laboratory at Washington State University is currently seeking applications for Scientific Assistant. For further information or to apply visit this link https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wsujobs.com%2Fpostings%2F50483&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb5ee64c64a7a4f6ad9ee08d7aa24a65c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637164946707283369&sdata=z7nOKKBzsinIZkj9WWymwPjeflv0gScxeBWrRIHwWYA%3D&reserved=0 or search for position 51720 at wsujobs.com.

Summary of duties:

The Scientific Assistant will assist the laboratory manager for the WSU stable isotope core facility; help develop innovative approaches and methodologies in stable isotope analyses; interact with Laboratory Information Management database; maintain facility web page; ensure satisfactory operation of specialized research equipment to serve needs of the facility; train personnel in preparation of samples and equipment usage; supervise student workers; and maintain lab inventory and make lab orders. The incumbent will also implement laboratory QA/QC and safety protocols. In addition, the incumbent performs routine maintenance on specialized research equipment; analyzes and interprets initial equipment output; and schedules lab resources to process tasks at hand. This position supervises and delegates responsibilities to student workers in the laboratory.

Required Qualifications

A Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate related scientific or engineering discipline and three (3) years of progressively responsible related professional research experience. Any combination of relevant education and experience may be substituted for the educational requirement on a year-for-year basis. A Master’s degree in an appropriate related scientific or engineering discipline may be substituted for up to one year of the required work experience.

Preferred Qualifications

Experience in operation of stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers.

Experience in interacting with professional users of the facility.

Computer skills.

Experience with other environmentally based equipment.

Demonstrated Experience with database management.

University Overview

Founded as the people’s university in 1890, Washington State University fulfills that commitment by transforming lives through education, research, and community outreach. In 2015, the University celebrated 125 years of delivering life-changing knowledge and discoveries to citizens across the state, region, nation, and around the world. The state’s only land-grant institution and one of two public research universities, WSU provides a world-class education to nearly 30,000 students through its multi-campus, statewide locations and online. The University strives to ensure that higher education is accessible at an affordable cost-a decades-long WSU commitment to the state’s citizens. The University offers more than 200 undergraduate fields of study and 127 graduate and professional degree programs. Many academic programs win recognition nationally for excellence. WSU is one of just 108 public and private universities in the United States-out of more than 4,500-singled out for its “very high research activity” by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The University’s research agenda is focused on addressing challenges in health, sustainability, smart systems, national security, and opportunity and equity. WSU is a major driver of Washington’s economy, partnering with many of the state’s leading industries, including agribusiness, aerospace, health care, software, and construction. The University is responsible for nearly 20,600 jobs statewide and generates an overall economic impact of more than $3.3 billion annually. The institution’s operating budget expenditures total nearly $2 billion annually.

The City

Pullman is a dynamic center of higher education, research, and culture located in a region called the Palouse. The region is home to two land grant universities, Washington State University and the University of Idaho located just eight miles to the east in Moscow, Idaho. Washington’s second-largest city, Spokane, is located 75 miles north of Pullman. Demographics Daily designated Pullman a “dream town,” reflecting the city’s exceptionally high quality of life. Bloomberg Businessweek named Pullman the “Best Places to Raise Your Kids” in Washington. The city also boasts one of the highest percentages of graduate degrees among U.S. micropolitan areas, and its public school system has been ranked among the top 100 in the country. Excellent outdoor recreation opportunities-including golfing, skiing, hiking, and boating-are just a short drive away.

To learn more about the Pullman community, visit pullmanchamber.com.

Benefits Package

Competitive benefits available, more details at hrs.wsu.edu/benefits

Xerces Society job opportunity in California – Pollinator Habitat Specialist (Food Industry Supply Chain)

JOB TITLE:  Pollinator Habitat Specialist (Food Industry Supply Chain)

LOCATION:  Xerces Office, Sacramento CA.

Will consider placement working from employee’s home office located in California’s Sacramento/Central valley, or central/eastern Washington State.

COMPENSATION: $20.70 – $24.10 per hour (starting, commensurate with experience).  Locations other than California may be paid a commensurate salary.

JOB START DATE:  May 1, 2020



All applications must be submitted via our application website at:  https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fxerces-jobs&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb5ee64c64a7a4f6ad9ee08d7aa24a65c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637164946707283369&sdata=6ycbhY40mmz%2FlVr%2B6Y8vOSnpTXV1GNuKxLM3S%2BcbB%2Fc%3D&reserved=0

Full-time Research Technician Opening – Florida

Archbold Biological Station’s Buck Island Ranch (BIR), and the Institute

for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at the University of

Illinois (UIUC), Urbana-Champaign seeks a full time technician. Archbold

operates a full scale working cattle ranch at BIR, which provides a

unique platform for long-term agro-ecology research. The successful

intern will be supervised by Drs. Evan H DeLucia (UIUC;

https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.life.illinois.edu%2Fdelucia%2Findex.htm&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb5ee64c64a7a4f6ad9ee08d7aa24a65c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637164946707283369&sdata=zrOUWj6WhtVda9kR8pbeRXlKWwCGGaa55V7jlcInbPM%3D&reserved=0) and Nuria

Gomez-Casanovas (UIUC;


) and

Dr. Elizabeth Boughton (BIR).

The overall goal of the project is to investigate the environmental

sustainability of sugarcane for biofuel production. Our objectives are

to: (1) Characterize the impact of sugarcane cultivation on the

regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs; CO2, CH4 and N2O) compared to

managed grazed pasture; (2) Quantify the efficiency at which sugarcane

and pastures use water; and, (3) explore the impact of sugarcane

cultivation on nitrogen and phosphorus losses versus pasture.

This is a non-tenured, full time, 12-month position, and can be renewed

annually for an additional two years, contingent on progress, and the

availability of funds.


The successful candidate will assist with the maintenance of eddy

covariance towers, and with sampling of field experiments at BIR in

Florida, U.S. The balance of the technician’s time will be spent in the

laboratory for the following: analyzing soil, water, gas, and plant

samples; preparing field supplies; maintaining field instrumentation

related to this project (including eddy covariance, canopy and soil

chambers); processing data. Depending on experience, there is also

opportunity to assist with data compilation and analysis.

*Required qualifications*: A bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental

science, chemistry, or related field; basic computer skills (MS Word,


*Preferred qualifications: *Research experience in the field and in the

laboratory related to biogeochemistry (e.g., trace gas flux

measurements, soil and water sampling, gas chromatography, eddy

covariance); experience working on farms and with farmers; experience

working in subtropical and tropical sugarcane plantations and rangeland.

Demonstrated knowledge of troubleshooting environmental monitoring

equipment is desired.

The position is located at BIR, a 10,500-acre cattle ranch near Lake

Placid, FL, with shared housing available on site.This is a full-time

position, although the duties of the jobs may change as contract or

grant turnover occurs.Competitive salary with full benefits.Applicants

should send 1) a letter of application, 2) a resume or CV with relevant

coursework and experience, and 3) names, phone numbers and e-mail

addresses for three references to Dr. Nuria Gomez-Casanovas at

ngomezca@igb.illinois.edu .Application

deadline is *Feb 15, 2020*, and the position will remain open until

filled.Contact Dr. Gomez-Casanovas via e-mail for more information.

Rare Plant Field Crew Member – New Mexico BLM

Conservation Corps New Mexico is hiring two botany crew members to monitor rare plants on BLM lands across the state of New Mexico. Applicants should be passionate about botany and field work.

Apply via Conservation Legacy using the following link: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsccorps-openhire.silkroad.com%2Fepostings%2Findex.cfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dapp.jobinfo%26jobid%3D2011%26source%3DONLINE%26JobOwner%3D992369%26company_id%3D16984%26version%3D1%26byBusinessUnit%3DNULL%26bycountry%3D0%26bystate%3D0%26byRegion%3DNULL%26bylocation%3DNULL%26keywords%3D%26byCat%3DNULL%26proximityCountry%3D%26postalCode%3D%26radiusDistance%3D%26isKilometers%3D%26tosearch%3Dyes%26city&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb5ee64c64a7a4f6ad9ee08d7aa24a65c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637164946707283369&sdata=UvqkuZFjXaJhYcwC4thoXp6ptebqtzltWI696dzrTpQ%3D&reserved=0=

Job Description

Position Title: Rare Plant Crew Member (Botany Emphasis)

Position Type: Full-time, temporary, 23-28 weeks

Location: Santa Fe, NM

Salary:  $500/week

Benefits: Paid training; Food budget while in the field; AmeriCorps Segal Education Award upon satisfactory completion of term; Employee Assistance Program.

Hiring Benefits: Pubic Land Corps hiring authority: eligible to use, for two years upon completion of term, a noncompetitive hiring status for consideration when applying to competitive service positions for a federal agency.

Program Dates: April 2020 – (range) September 18, 2020 – October 23, 2020

*Application must include Resume and Cover Letter to be considered*

Botany Crew Member’s Responsibilities

Two crew members will participate in the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management’s Rare Plant Monitoring Team by monitoring existing plots and establishing new long term demographic trend monitoring plots for imperiled plant species. Demonstrates strong botanical, statistical, and organizational skills, and maintains exceptional attention to detail in relation to monitoring efforts and data management. Effectively coordinates with the crew lead and supervisor to complete tasks properly. Exhibits familiarity and comfort with hiking and camping in rugged conditions, as well as perseverance in extreme weather conditions. Demonstrates passion for botany and eagerness to learn the local flora from the crew lead and local resources to build botanical knowledge throughout the position. Note: This position monitors species across the state. Crew members should be comfortable driving for as much as 75% of a work day.

Minimal Qualifications:

College Graduate (Bachelor’s, at minimum) with degree in ecology, botany, plant ecology, plant biology, plant systematics, conservation biology, natural resource management, or a related field

Eligible to accept a 900-hour service term with Americorps

Aged between 21 and 30 years upon hire

With U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Permanent Residence and associated identification, including, but not limited to:

A signed social security card

A Birth Certificate & government issued photo ID – OR – a valid US Passport.

Ability to produce identification as stipulated by I-9 upon hire

Valid US driver’s license and driving record in good standing

All offers are conditional upon completion of an acceptable check of the National Sex Offender Public Registry and Federal Criminal History Check

Experience with and knowledge of Microsoft Suite Software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access)

Self-motivated and able to work independently with limited supervision after initial training period; must be capable of performing well in an office setting, as well as the field

Physically capable of standing and walking (approximately 2 miles/day on rough, uneven terrain), bending, crouching and stooping for long periods of time, and lifting/carrying items that weigh up to 40 pounds in upwards of 100 degree (F) heat while maintaining a cheery to neutral attitude

Experience and willingness to spend multiple days (1-6 days at a time) car-camping in remote areas; familiarity or willingness to learn and adhere to best practices for field safety and Leave No Trace principles

Experience safely operating 4WD trucks on paved and unpaved roads, often in remote areas on unimproved roads and driving for extended periods of time (2-3 hours at a time)

Ability to work in and respond to adverse weather conditions including extreme heat and sun exposure, monsoonal rains, flash flooding, lightning, and hazardous wildlife (i.e. rattlesnakes, scorpions, bears)

Current or ability to obtain CPR, First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, and Defensive Driver Training certificates

Preferred Qualifications:

At least 1 to 2 years of experience using taxonomic keys to identify plants to species in the field, from photos, and from pressed specimens

Familiarity with New Mexico flora in general and Flora Neomexicana III is preferred

Experience with Floras from adjacent states to New Mexico

Experience working in regions with high floristic diversity

Experience working as part of a small team and able to work well with others

Excellent communication, organizational, and planning skills.

Experience with ArcGIS tablet applications and basic troubleshooting (Collector and Survey 123)

Experience with ArcGIS Online interface.

Knowledge of downloading, using, and syncing ArcGIS Online Maps

Experience collecting, managing and summarizing data for plant and/or animal monitoring programs.

Experience performing quality assurance, quality control, and data analysis using Microsoft Excel and R.

Program Overview:

Crew members will work with a crew lead for the New Mexico Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Rare Plant Monitoring Initiative, operated by Conservation Corps New Mexico. More information about New Mexico’s rare plants, can be found here. The 2020 crew will consist of three individuals: two crew members and one crew lead. Together, they will monitor rare plants in remote areas on BLM lands across NM, particularly in areas where multiple-use land management (i.e. energy extraction) impacts rare plants are expected. Due to the inevitable proximity of monitoring plots to well pads and industrial equipment, safety is a prerequisite and will guide how fieldwork is conducted. Crews will be required to drive to different areas throughout New Mexico, camp overnight, potentially hike several miles a day, and return to the office for equipment and data management.

100 plots currently exist for eight rare species across New Mexico. Two types of demographic monitoring plots are utilized including macroplots and belt transects which vary depending on population structure for different species of rare plants. Fecundity, herbivory, and vigor are measured at these plots in order to determine population status and assess population health into the future. Continued monitoring of existing plots, assessment of additional populations, and establishment of new plots is needed. In addition to fieldwork, crew members will be expected to uphold strong organizational skills for the sake of successful data management. All data will be georeferenced using a GPS unit and stored in an ArcGIS geodatabase through the utilization of the ArcGIS Online Collector Interface. Some previous experience collecting data, producing excel spreadsheets, and entering data is desirable.  The trend data collected by the rare plant monitoring crew will provide essential information for making determinations regarding the protection status of inventoried species, which then impact strategic management decisions.

While rare plant inventories are the focus, where possible, interns will assist with other plant conservation program projects in progress during the summer. Projects may include native seed collection, pollinator monitoring, floristic diversity surveys, and native plant restoration. When or if available, Interns may participate in local BLM sponsored training sessions, outside symposia, and coordination meetings.

Position Contact: Michelle Norris at mnorris@conservationlegacy.org