
seeking REU student for summer project at UCSB

Looking for an NSF-REU student to work on several laboratory projects at UC Santa Barbara for two months (July/August; exact dates negotiable) of 2017. A stipend will be provided for housing, food, and amenities. These projects will be focused on soil and litter samples imported from the Mpala Research Centre=92s Kenya Long-term Exclosure Experiment (KLEE), a 20-year herbivore experimental exclosure in Laikipia, Kenya; the projects themselves will enrich existing data sets being collected by several researchers both in the lab and in the field at the KLEE.

Project details: the student will work directly with a PhD candidate in the Young lab in the Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology department, on several projects.=20

-=09First: the student will learn to conduct and subsequently carry out microbial biomass extractions on soil samples from the KLEE; these soils came from a variety of soil =91types=92 within four experimental herbivore exclosures, each of which excludes a different combination of large-bodied native and domestic herbivores. The data from this project (extractable soil carbon, soil organic matter, and extractable soil microbial biomass) will join a dataset detailing the soils=92 potential microbial respiration rates, providing a rich combined dataset that will contribute to understanding why differences in soil microbial respiration occur in response to herbivore presence/absence on the landscape. -=09Second: the student will work with dried grass litter from the KLEE, which had been deployed in the field as a year-long litter decomposition experiment to explore the rate of carbon turnover in the field in response to herbivore presence/absence. These dried samples were deployed for between 1 and 12 months in 2015/2016, and have been stored in air-tight plastic bags at Mpala since. The student will grind, process and analyze the imported samples to determine their ratios of carbon to nitrogen, in order to illuminate the relative weight loss of each in response to herbivore treatment.

The undergraduate student who receives this job must be interested in community ecology, ecosystems ecology (e.g. nutrient cycling), and learning new laboratory techniques. This student must be amenable to spending a lot of time in the lab, but there is also opportunity for several days of field work in the lower Sierras! This would take place with several Young lab graduate students in a local herbivore presence/absence experiment; this opportunity will give the REU student the chance to experience field work in an herbivore experiment first-hand and couple it with their experience working on samples from the KLEE; having the ability to experience both will round out the student=92s overall experience researching the impacts of experimental herbivore =91loss=92 and land-use change on ecosystem carbon dynamics.

If interested, please send an updated resume and a 2-paragraph explanation of your interest in ecology and the project at hand, plus any relevant experience you may have had, to elizabeth.forbes@lifesci.ucsb.edu. Provide your contact information and your availability for the months requested. The REU student would be expected to find housing in Santa Barbara (with logistical aid from the graduate student advisor) and be able to commit to a period of 2 months of work on the project. The available time window for this project is July through August, with limited flexibility on dates for either end.

Job: Plant Ecology Seasonal Research Hourly, Newton, GA




The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center invites applications for a full-time, temporary Seasonal Research Hourly position. This 3-month position begins in June 2017 and has the potential of being extended. On-site housing is provided on a limited basis, but is optional. The employee=92s main duties will be (1) maintenance of a native seed production garden; (2) assisting with vegetation sampling of uplands within the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem; and (3) data entry. This position will report directly to the Plant Ecology Lead Technician.

The 28,000-acre Research Center is located approximately 30 miles south of Albany, Georgia. The Center=92s research, education, and conservation programs focus on ecology and natural resource management. The site includes 16,000 acres of longleaf pine forests, over 1,000 acres of wetlands, and 26 miles of stream and river ecosystems.

Job Requirements: Ability to independently follow instructions. Vegetation sampling requires moderate to strenuous physical activity in the field, under demanding field conditions (i.e., heat, high humidity, and insects).

Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in biology, botany, horticulture, plant ecology, or a related field. Experience with plant identification and the use of dichotomous keys is desired. Computer and laboratory-

related experience is also preferable.=20

Wages: $11.00 per hour (limited housing available)

$12.00 per hour (without housing)

Qualified applicants should send a cover letter, resume, list of relevant coursework, list of three references with contact information, and the date they are available to begin working as a single document by email to: jobs@jonesctr.org, Subject: Plant Ecology Hourly Position, or mail to Attn: Cindy Craft, Joseph Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive, Newton, GA 39870-9651 or FAX (229)734-4707.   Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position has been filled.

For specific questions or more information on this position, contact: Lisa Giencke, Plant Ecology Lead Technician by email: lgiencke@jonesctr.org or phone: (229)734-4706.

The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Ichauway, Inc. is an Equal Employment Opportunity/E-VERIFY/Affirmative Action Employer.

fall 2017 seasonal positions: Cape May Bird Observatory

INTERPRETIVE NATURALISTS (3) for fall migration monitoring project at

New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory, Cape May, NJ. August 24

– October 31, 2017. Cape May is renowned as one of the world’s great hot

spots for bird migration. Successful applicants will work at the Cape

May Hawkwatch, Avalon Seawatch, and Morning Flight Songbird Count.

Duties include teaching visitors bird identification and natural

history, offering general assistance, conducting workshops, and

assisting migration counter when needed. Applicants should have

experience interacting with the public and excellent interpersonal

skills. Familiarity with bird migration and experience identifying

passerines, raptors, and/or seabirds is preferred. All applicants must

have their own vehicle and a valid, clean driver’s license. Salary for

positions $900/month; housing and reimbursement for gas is provided.

Send cover letter indicating position of interest, resume outlining

relevant experience, and three references (including email addresses and

phone numbers) _as a single PDF document_ by email to

hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org <mailto:hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org>

_Please include in the Subject line the position for which you are

applying._ Application deadline June 20, 2017.

MONARCH FIELD NATURALIST INTERN (*2*) to assist with ongoing Monarch

butterfly migration project at New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird

Observatory, August 24 to November 7.  Duties include daily road

censuses of migrating Monarch butterflies, tagging, data entry,

educating the public about the project and Monarch biology, and

maintaining displays of monarch caterpillars and chrysalides. Successful

applicant will be expected to work irregular hours during peak Monarch

flights. Careful data collecting and entry skills, and excellent

interpersonal skills a must; familiarity with insect ecology and

migration a plus but not required. Must have own vehicle, and a valid,

clean driver’s license. Salary $1000/month; housing and reimbursement

for gas provided. Send cover letter indicating position of interest,

resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including

email addresses and phone numbers) _as a single PDF document_ by email

to hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org

<mailto:hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org>   Please indicate in the Subject

line the position for which you are applying. Application deadline June

20, 2017.

MIGRATION COUNTERS (3) for fall migration monitoring projects at New

Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory (CMBO), Cape May, NJ.  Cape

May is one of the premier fall migration hot spots in the country.

Specifically, we are hiring a counter for the Cape May Hawkwatch (24

August to 7  December), a counter for the Avalon Seawatch (22 Sept to 22

Dec), and a counter for the Cape May Morning Flight Project (16 August

to 7 November).  Applicants for counter positions should have a strong

background identifying raptors, seabirds, or songbirds in flight.

Careful data collecting and data entry skills, a willingness to work

long hours, and excellent interpersonal skills are a must.  Applicants

should have some experience with MS Excel. All counters will also be

required to write a summary report at the end of the season for NJ

Audubon publications.  All applicants must have their own vehicle, and a

valid, clean, driver’s license.  Salary for all positions

$1400-1800/month depending on experience. Housing and reimbursement for

gas is provided.  Send cover letter indicating position of interest,

resume outlining relevant experience, and three references (including

email addresses and phone numbers) _as a single PDF document_ by email

to hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org

<mailto:hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org>   Please list in the Subject line

the position for which you are applying. Application deadline June 20, 2017.

MIGRATION COUNT COORDINATOR for fall migration monitoring projects at

New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory (CMBO), Cape May, NJ 16

August 2017 to 31 January 2018.  Cape May is one of the premier fall

migration hot spots in the country.  Along with coordinating the

migration projects, successful candidate will also provide day-off

relief at each of the 3 migration sites (Cape May Hawkwatch, Avalon

Seawatch and Cape May Morning Flight Songbird Project), and enter data.

Applicants should have a strong background identifying raptors,

seabirds, and songbirds in flight.  Duties include providing training

for migration counters, acting as liaison to online count platform, and

supervise data uploading, and oversee creation of regular summaries,

highlights and notable bird sightings for web posting.  Careful data

collecting and data entry skills, a willingness to work long hours, and

excellent interpersonal skills are a must.  Applicants should have some

experience with MS Excel.  Coordinator will be responsible for providing

at least 1 lecture and/or field workshop at the Cape May Autumn

Festival, and oversee summary reports at the end of the season for NJ

Audubon publications.  All applicants must have their own vehicle, and a

valid, clean, driver’s license. Salary  $2100/month. Housing and

reimbursement for gas is provided.  Send cover letter indicating

position of interest, resume outlining relevant experience, and three

references (including email addresses and phone numbers) _as a single

PDF document_ by email to hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org

<mailto:hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org>   Application deadline June 20, 2017.

Field and lab research technician at Davidson College, NC, USA

Position Overview

The Davidson College Department of Biology (https://www.davidson.edu/academics/biology) has an immediate need for a temporary (3-6 month) field and laboratory research technician.  Although the position is temporary (3-6 months), this is a long term project with the possibility of future employment opportunities.  The technician will work on a new, 5-year, NSF-funded research project under the direction of PI Kevin Smith (https://www.davidson.edu/academics/biology/faculty-and-staff/kevin-smith).  The project focuses on experimentation in terrestrial and aquatic mesocosms with the goal of better understanding patterns and processes of local and regional species extinction.  The technician will be part of a research group of dynamic, dedicated, and engaged Davidson students and the PI.

Primary Duties

The technician will support the PI and Davidson students in their research on terrestrial arthropod communities.  The technician will 1) assist with arthropod collection and identification and curation of a reference collection; 2) assist with field data collection, experimental maintenance, and experimental treatment implementation; 3) assist with data curation and storage, analysis, and dissemination of research results; 4) establish new mesocosm and field experiments.

Minimum Qualifications

*       Bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental studies (with a focus on natural science), or a related field, preferably with coursework in ecology and conservation biology.

*       Experience with the identification of terrestrial arthropods, either in an academic or research setting.

*       Experience with statistical analysis and data management

*       Experience with field research

*       Immediate availability for the summer 2017 field season

Preferred qualifications

A combination of any of the following is likely to enhance a candidate’s prospects:

*       A Master’s degree in an ecological or environmental discipline

*       Familiarity with statistical analysis in the R programming environment, including experience coding

*       Direct research experience with terrestrial arthropods

Salary will be commensurate with education, skills, and experience.  Questions can be addressed to Kevin Smith at kgsmith@davidson.edu<mailto:kgsmith@davidson.edu> .

To apply, please visit http://www.davidson.edu/offices/human-resources/work-at-davidson and click on “Staff” under “Apply for Jobs”.

Davidson College is a highly selective, independent liberal arts college located in Davidson, North Carolina, that has graduated 23 Rhodes Scholars and is consistently ranked in the top ten liberal arts colleges in the country.  Davidson is strongly committed to achieving excellence and cultural diversity, and welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, and others who would bring additional dimensions to the college’s mission.

Kevin G. Smith

Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies

Acorn Woodpecker Field Assistant Position 15-Aug 2017 – 01-April 2018

Acorn Woodpecker Field Assistant


Employer: Walters Lab, Old Dominion University


Location: Carmel Valley, California


Description: Two (2) field assistants are needed for ongoing long-term

studies of the behavioral ecology of the cooperatively breeding Acorn

Woodpecker at the Hastings Reserve in upper Carmel Valley, California. We

have studied the behavioral ecology of color-banded Acorn Woodpeckers for

nearly 50 years at this site, making this one of the longest running

vertebrate studies in the world. The research focuses on both ecological and

evolutionary factors involved in the evolution of cooperative breeding, and

includes using automated radio-telemetry techniques to track cryptic movement.

Assistants will participate in monitoring group composition via color-band

resighting, documenting feeding (for any nests) and roosting behavior, and

assist in woodpecker capture and experimental manipulations. Some portions

of field work may require the ability to drive an off road vehicle or truck.

The experience is designed to be one of total immersion, six days per week,

and provides the necessary training needed for those interested in applying

to graduate school.


Compensation: $600/month and on-site shared housing.


Duration: 15 August 2017 to 01 April 2018.


Qualifications: This job requires frequent strenuous physical activity;

applicants must be avid hikers who are comfortable hiking up and down hills

with equipment such as spotting scopes and blinds. Prior experience with

birds (especially the ability to read color bands) is desirable but not

required. Self-motivation, enthusiasm for the research questions, a

willingness to sit in a blind for up to 3 hours per session (in hot weather

with lots of annoying face flies), and an ability to tackle the rigors of

field work are a must. We especially encourage those applicants that plan to

attend graduate school in the near future and who are interested in

conducting an independent study during their tenure at Hastings. The reserve

is remote (about an hour from the nearest town), and therefore a good

attitude towards shared field housing situations is necessary, and having a

vehicle is highly desirable.


Interested applicants should submit a CV with an appropriate cover letter

and the names/affiliations of three academic references

to=A0sahasbarve@gmail.com. Please use “ACWO Field Assistant position” as the

subject of your email. More information on the project can be found at


PLEASE NOTE: Field assistant positions are only available to citizens or

permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. No exceptions

can be made.


Contact: Sahas Barve, sahasbarve@gmail.com; Subject: ACWO Field Assistant


Master’s Assistantship – Forest Soil Ecology

An awesome opportunity exists for a student interested in a Master’s degree

in Forestry and Environmental Resources within the College of Natural

Resources at NC State University. The successful candidate would focus on a

project evaluating the effects of coarse woody debris and forest floor

removal on soil processes and aboveground productivity. The position is

fully funded with opportunities to work with a forest industry partner. For

more information about this position please contact Dr. Zakiya Leggett,

zakiya_leggett@ncsu.edu <mailto:zakiya_leggett@ncsu.edu>  and to apply

please email CV and transcripts (unofficial).

Minimum qualifications for this position include a B.S. degree in soil

science, forestry, environmental science, ecology, or a related discipline.

More information about NC State University can be found at www.ncsu.edu


Research technician position in plant community ecology

The Kraft Lab at UCLA seeks a full-time research technician in plant ecology to join our research group. The primary focus of this position will be assisting in ongoing field studies in annual plants aimed at linking functional trait variation to species coexistence at local and landscape scales. Much of this work is conducted at the Sedgwick Reserve near Santa Barbara, CA and the technician would be expected to spend multi-day stretches of time working at the reserve with members of the lab and staying in on-site researcher housing during busy times of the year. We seek someone who is detail oriented, reliable, and enthusiastic about working with a diverse group of annual plants in a beautiful but rustic field setting. This is an ideal position for a recent college graduate seeking to gain research experience before applying to graduate school. A background in plant ecology, field botany, or related fields is highly desirable. More details about the lab can be found here: http://sites.lifesci.ucla.edu/eeb-kraft/. The ideal start date is late summer 2017, though exact date is negotiable. Pay will be commensurate with experience, position provides health benefits.

To apply, please send a CV, a letter of interest, and the names and contact details of at least two references to Nathan Kraft (nkraft@ucla.edu) with the subject heading of =93research technician application=94. Review of applications will begin in early June and continue until the position is filled.


Nathan Kraft

Associate Professor and Vice Chair

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of California, Los Angeles

621 Charles E. Young Drive South

Los Angeles, CA 90095

tel: (310) 825-3593


Field/Lab Research Specialist position with Nancy Grimm’s urban and stream ecosystems lab

Full-Time Research Specialist position  – Arizona State University

Duties and Responsibilities The Urban and Stream Ecosystems Laboratory (Nancy Grimm=92s research group) with the School of Life Sciences will be hiring a Research Specialist/Lab Manager to assist with ecological and biogeochemical field and laboratory research. Dr. Grimm and her team are conducting research on aridland streams and urban aquatic systems. The Research Specialist/Lab Manager will work with researchers in stream ecology (with a long-term project on Sycamore Creek, AZ and a new collaborative project studying stream metabolism across the continent) and urban ecology (with the Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER and Urban Resilience to Extremes SRN). This position is funded by various grants for an initial appointment of one year, with an expectation of extension to the end of the funding period of the grants (December 2020). Continuation beyond the end of the grants is contingent on future grant funding. The start date is 1 July 2017, and the salary range is $38,000 – $45,000 per year (depending on experience).

The successful applicant will perform a variety of work including standard field and laboratory observational and experimental procedures; installation, maintenance, and trouble-shooting of field sensors; laboratory organization and maintenance; collection, evaluation, analysis, and management of ecological data; and assistance with preparation of graphical material and manuscripts. The Research Specialist also will supervise undergraduate field and laboratory assistants. Field and laboratory research includes measurements of physical properties and structure of stream/riparian systems; biotic standing crops of e.g., algae, invertebrates, and wetland vegetation; biogeochemical and hydrologic processes; and ecosystem metabolism.

Minimum Qualifications=96 Bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences or a related field AND two years related ecological or biogeochemical research experience; OR, any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved. =95=09Experience conducting ecological field and laboratory analyses, including troubleshooting equipment and methods. =95=09Driver=92s license and ability to drive an off-road vehicle

=95=09Willingness and ability to work outdoors in sometimes hot conditions, ability to carry equipment and field supplies up to 40 lb.

=95=09Basic office skills and proficiency with standard computer platforms and software. =95=09Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Desired Qualifications=96 Experience with: stream metabolism and nutrient spiraling measurements; standard techniques of water chemistry analysis; stream monitoring instrumentation, particularly hydrologic gauging instruments, automated water samplers (ISCO), field sensors (chloride, nitrate (SUNA), pressure transducers, micrometeorology instrumentation), data loggers, and sondes; statistical software such as R; GIS and other spatial mapping or analysis tools. Experience or knowledge of: stream ecology, hydrology, or biogeochemistry; taxonomy of benthic macroinvertebrates and/or benthic algae; using isotopes in ecological or hydrological research; using spreadsheets, databases and/or other data management software. Arizona State University is located in Tempe, Arizona, a vibrant college town in the Salt River valley of metro Phoenix in central Arizona, and close to countless outdoor recreational activities. ASU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. To apply for this position, please send a cover letter and resume/CV to Lindsey Pollard at Lindsey.Pollard@asu.edu. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt, and will be accepted until 1 June.

DOE Internship in Forest Ecology – Deadline May 31st

The TEST Group (www.bnl.gov/TESTgroup) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is looking for student to join us this fall for a Department of Energy Student Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI). Specifically we are looking for a student interested in establishing long-term forestry inventory plots on site at BNL.  These plots will include forests across disturbance gradients associated with fire and insect activity.  We will use these plots to establish a baseline for tracking forest dynamics, and=

to validate our satellite, airborne, and drone based remote sensing approaches.

Details on the application process: https://science.energy.gov/wdts/suli/how-to-apply/

Deadline for application: May 31st 2017

If you do apply please contact us directly so we are aware of your application: sserbin@bnl.gov, arogers@bnl.gov

We are seeking a highly motivated student to conduct research on Newfoundland and Labrador northern shrimp fisheries. The student will pursue a M.Sc. degree in Fisheries Science at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John=E2=80=99s, starting in Fall 2017. The student will be supervised by Dr. Arnault Le Bris (www.arnaultlebris.com) at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research (www.mi.mun.ca/cfer) and work on the spatiotemporal variability in northern shrimp life history traits. Student will collaborate with the researchers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and with the industry to collect and analyse data. The project involves field work aboard large fishing vessels, laboratory work, and computer programming. Strong statistical and programming skills, including knowledge of R programming language are required. At sea experienced is a plus. Interested applicants should send a brief cover letter, CV, copies of transcripts and contact information for 2 references to Dr. Arnault Le Bris (arnault.lebris@mi.mun.ca).

We are seeking a highly motivated student to conduct research on

Newfoundland and Labrador northern shrimp fisheries. The student will

pursue a M.Sc. degree in Fisheries Science at the Fisheries and Marine

Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John=E2=80=99s,

starting in Fall 2017.

The student will be supervised by Dr. Arnault Le Bris

(www.arnaultlebris.com) at the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems

Research (www.mi.mun.ca/cfer) and work on the spatiotemporal

variability in northern shrimp life history traits. Student will

collaborate with the researchers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and

with the industry to collect and analyse data. The project involves

field work aboard large fishing vessels, laboratory work, and computer

programming. Strong statistical and programming skills, including

knowledge of R programming language are required. At sea experienced

is a plus.

Interested applicants should send a brief cover letter, CV, copies of

transcripts and contact information for 2 references to Dr. Arnault Le

Bris (arnault.lebris@mi.mun.ca).