
Plant Ecology PhD Student Opportunity – UT Austin, Farrior Lab

The Farrior Lab at the University of Texas at Austin is seeking applications for Ph.D. students for Fall 2018. Individuals who are motivated to drive their own research questions and use theory in their work are particularly encouraged to apply. Research in the Farrior Lab focuses broadly on plant ecology with an emphasis in understanding how competitive interactions at the individual level scale up to influence the distribution of plant strategies we see across the globe.

Ongoing projects with opportunities for students include: understanding physiological mechanisms of drought stress, understanding the determinants of forest size structure from the tropics to the temperate zone, and investigating the evolutionary stability of plant species coexistence. Yet research interests need not fit within these projects.

Interested applicants should contact Dr. Caroline Farrior by email (cfarrior@austin.utexas.edu) with a CV (including GPA and GRE scores) and a note describing their research interests and training, including mathematical background when applicable.

Formal applications will be submitted through the UT Austin, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (https://cns.utexas.edu/eeb-graduate-program) or Plant Biology (https://cns.utexas.edu/plantbio-graduate-program) graduate programs. Both programs provide excellent support and are the home to an impressive set of students. Applications are due December 1, 2017.

Graduate positions: evolutionary ecology

Graduate assistantships are available for Ph.D. positions in the Siepielski Lab https://asiepielski.wordpress.com in the Department of Biological Sciences and Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arkansas main campus in Fayetteville, AR (http://biology.uark.edu). Our lab focuses on questions at the intersection of ecology and evolutionary biology. Current projects include examining spatial variation in the mechanisms that maintain species diversity in aquatic food webs, the contribution of adaptive evolution in shaping the demographic processes regulating populations, how species evolve in response to multiple-species interactions, and determining the major features characterizing natural selection in the wild. To explore these topics we use a combination of observational, experimental, meta-analytical, and theoretical approaches.

I am looking for students interested in developing their own project on themes broadly related to those listed above. Ideal applicants would have prior research experience in ecology and/or evolutionary biology, previous coursework in statistics, and a genuine passion to conduct research. Graduate research fellowships are available for highly competitive candidates. Please see http://graduate-recruitment.uark.edu/funding-degree/fellowships.php for additional information on graduate funding opportunities.

Prospective students should check out our lab website https://asiepielski.wordpress.com for additional information. If interested in joining our lab group, please contact me via email (amsiepie@uark.edu<mailto:amsiepie@uark.edu>). In your email, please include the following: 1) a brief description of your research interests, career goals, and why you think our lab would be a good fit for you, and 2) your CV.

Please note that the deadline for Fall 2018 admission into our program is January 15, 2018. All materials should be submitted well before then.

The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, is a Tier I research university located in the Ozark Mountains. The faculty and graduate students at UARK are highly interactive and include an internationally known group of evolutionary biologists and ecologists. We are located in an ideal setting for field-based projects in aquatic systems (AR has more than 2,300 lakes and thousands of smaller ponds, and equally impressive numbers of rivers, streams and creeks). Fayetteville, located in northwest Arkansas, offers a high quality of living at a low cost, an excellent climate, and is a large enough city to offer diverse activities and amenities. Rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and mountain biking opportunities are in close proximity. Fayetteville is one of the top 5 places to live in the USA https://realestate.usnews.com/places/arkansas/fayetteville

Adam M. Siepielski

Assistant Professor

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Arkansas

Fayetteville AR, 72701

Ph: 1-479-575-6357

Web: https://asiepielski.wordpress.com

Graduate position: UIllinois.EvolutionaryBiology

The Department of Animal Biology at the University of Illinois
is accepting applications for graduate students for admission in
Fall 2018.  We accept applications for both the Master?s (M.S.) and
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.  We are an interactive group with
expertise in ecology, evolution, behavior, bioinformatics, conservation,
genetics & genomics, physiology, neuroscience, endocrinology, and
morphology. Students take many approaches to their studies including field
work on whole organisms, genomics/bioinformatics, lab experimentation,
and theory. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also
offers state-of-the-art research facilities in imaging, genomics, and
engineering.  Urbana-Champaign is a pleasant, affordable, university
town with good music and restaurants.  It has its own airport and is
close to three major U.S. cities (Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Louis).

Students for the Ph.D. are typically funded for 5-years with a
combination of fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching
assistantships.  The deadline for consideration for fellowship
support is December 15, 2017.  We will consider to consider students
for admission until January 1, 2018.  For further information, see

The following faculty are actively recruiting students:

Philip Anderson – Comparative evolutionary biomechanics in both
vertebrates and invertebrates. Current areas of specific interest
include: examining the evolution of biological cutting/puncture systems;
biomechanical and morphological diversification in deep-time; evolution
of multi-part biomechanical systems.

Alison Bell – Individual variation; animal personality and behavioral
syndromes; neurogenomics; transgenerational plasticity; evolution of
behavior. We primarily study threespined stickleback fish.

Carla Caceres – Population, community and evolutionary ecology;
life-history evolution; ecology of infectious disease; limnology.

Julian Catchen – Evolution of the genome; computational biology and
population genomics; identifying large structural variation in populations
of threespine stickleback; investigating the evolution of the notothenioid
(Antarctic fishes) genome by examining the adaptive radiation of five
notothenioid species. RADseq, assembly, and genetic mapping analytical
method development.

Chris Cheng –  Evolutionary genomic, transcriptomic, physiological and
biochemical changes accompanying cold adaptation and cold specialization
in Antarctic and Arctic fishes. Genetic origins and molecular mechanisms
of evolution of antifreeze proteins and other novel cold-adaptive genes
and functions. Marine biodiversity in polar regions. Field research in
Antarctica and the Arctic.

Becky Fuller – Evolutionary biology of fishes; evolution of color
patterns/color vision; speciation as a function of adaptation to salinity
and genomic rearrangements; speciation in darters and killifish

Mark Hauber – Ecology and evolution in birds; brood parasitism;
comparative chemistry of egg shell pigmentation, acoustic and visual
recognition systems in birds, neuro-ethology and -genomics, seabird

Ken Paige – Plant-animal interaction with an emphasis on understanding
the phenomenon of overcompensation from ecological, physiological, genetic
and evolutionary perspectives; conservation biology; evolutionary ecology.

Charles Roseman – Evolutionary quantitative genetics, evo-devo, evolution
of the g-matrix  with emphasis on how small changes in development alter
developmental trajectories and adult phenotypes; mammals


Graduate position: TexasTechU.PlantClimateAdaptation

PhD Graduate Student Positions Available Olson Lab, Texas Tech

The Olson lab at Texas Tech University is recruiting PhD Graduate
students interested in the field of plant ecological genetics to start
in the fall of 2018. Our lab studies a variety of questions including
local adaptation to latitude in relation to climate change, the
evolution of breeding systems, sex chromosome evolution, and the
evolution of gender dimorphism in plants. We use a variety of
experimental techniques including common garden studies, field ecology,
transmission genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. For the past decade
we have studied these processes in forest trees and expect that this
will continue to be the main taxonomic focus of our research.

Our current funding supports research to study the ecological and
genetic factors influencing the dynamic movement of sex determination
regions and sex chromosome evolution within the Salicaceae (poplars and
willows). The overall project focuses on mapping sex determination
regions from representatives throughout the family, understanding the
genetic basis of gender dimorphism in defense and pollinator attraction
chemistry, and the assessment of population genetic patterns across the
sex determination and pseudo-autosomal regions of the sex chromosomes.
Graduate students working on this project will have the opportunity to
choose from a variety of projects including, but not limited to,
mapping the locations of previously unknown sex determination regions,
development of phylogenies for important plant groups, and studying the
evolution of sexual dimorphism in plant defensive and pollinator
attraction compounds. Moreover, the grant provides for a unique
multi-institutional and international training environment, with
potential funding to visit labs at the University of West Virginia, the
University of Wisconsin, Cornell University, and Sichuan University and
Nanjing Forestry University in China for cross-disciplinary training.

The Olson lab is part of a dynamic Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
group at Texas Tech. Courses and focused training in ecology,
bioinformatics, and genomics are available from a highly interactive
faculty. Texas Tech boasts excellent laboratory and research resources
as well as easy access to some of the most beautiful and remote regions
of the lower 48 United States.

Please contact Matt Olson directly at matt.olson@ttu.edu for more
information regarding opportunities and application information.
Additional information about the Olson lab can be found at
www.faculty.biol.ttu.edu/olson/Research.html and general information
concerning the Department of Biological Sciences can be found at

“Olson, Matt” <matt.olson@ttu.edu>

Graduate position: SyracuseU.PlantEvolution

Graduate position in plant evolutionary genetics or evolutionary ecology

The Friedman lab at Syracuse University is looking for enthusiastic and
motivated Ph.D. students beginning in Fall 2018. Students will develop
dissertation projects in evolutionary genetics or evolutionary ecology
that complement work in the lab. Our lab uses a combination of ecological
and genomics approaches to address the evolution of reproductive
strategies in plants. Ongoing projects examine local adaptation,
quantitative genetics of life history differences in Mimulus guttatus,
sexual selection and mating in plants (http://friedmanlab.syr.edu/). Most
projects use a combination of field work, greenhouse or growth chamber
experiments, population genomics, and molecular ecology.

The Friedman lab is part of the dynamic and integrative Center for
Reproductive Evolution (http://cre.syr.edu/) and the Ecology & Plant
Biology, and Evolution, Genetics & Genomics research groups in Syracuse
Universityขs Department of Biology. Funding is guaranteed through
teaching assistantships for 5 years, and there is potential for Research
Assistantships. Syracuse University offers excellent benefits, a full
tuition waiver, and a generous stipend (~$25K for 2016). The close
proximity to SUNY-Environmental Science & Forestry campus and Cornell
makes this a strong and vibrant community.

Interested students should first contact Jannice Friedman
(friedman@syr.edu) with a description of your research interests and
experience and a CV or resume. For full consideration, full applications
to the department should be received by December 15, 2017.

Additional information:
Friedman lab: http://friedmanlab.syr.edu/
Grad Apply: http://biology.syr.edu/graduate/apply.html
Grad Studies in Biology: http://biology.syr.edu/graduate/programs.html
Biology Department: http://biology.syr.edu/
Center for Reproductive Evolution: http://cre.syr.edu/

Graduate position: GeorgeWashingtonU.EvolutionEcol

PhD position in ecology/evolution/physiology of plants/microbes/termites –
We are looking for a graduate student to join our research group beginning
in fall semester 2018. The student would develop an independent research
focus in line with ongoing lab projects. We are exploring how plant traits
relate to community structure and function of plant-associated microbes
and termites using culturing and next generation sequencing techniques and
the consequences of these interactions for the forest carbon cycle in the
USA, France and Australia as climate changes. Additionally, we are looking
at the evolution, ecology and physiology of plants across environmental
gradients in various locations around the globe. The student would join
an interactive lab group (http://secure-web.cisco.com/1A5JAXTAigapcapshTP09iNkZT3hPSKIRNO9xReIr1fRHR8ALBLE3pHys8wMjjbJqXnT6u-j0DleRKf4Yfyz7Apnf6UiIwVwacUdhA-Q1zk664t33xCZfFBeEEEx_wRHxoY8L8qXVqblms_0CeQk7qV6OfjRv5W0sY2Olj19SCnJRzHIFboMbaahKXsOCt1twqvIH71FFCYJ82_35BeGv0g7Eyhxu3fm0OzqZWjrSWH11ItwN7Sbd5vhrwrHGUALAeUvkqX36pL4XFaDytsDpTSLUD4DDUMHclB4XMdRbG2lmdJ5EYA9b9pDHAZDyGs59979WzdSTi7yeHqYMnoFQz2XWHibFGXCWkTd1BI838bogGGyugiotmgC6TsP3E5p0xTgkV9NwqXSfIHspch42qF_yHW1WeucvuRl-xdGq2jr1E_3ZqcM7I7-z6X5DDf3IvhEIPL-PYFU4S-cscQqGxQ/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.phylodiversity.net%2Fazanne%2F%29 that
broadly focuses on plant, microbe and termite structure and function
(anatomy and physiological ecology), community ecology, and evolutionary
ecology, both in the temperate and tropical systems. The graduate
work will be completed at George Washington University. Washington,
DC is a dynamic city with a wealth of ecologists and evolutionary
biologists. We have strong links to area institutions, including the
Smithsonian. George Washington University is located in the heart of DC,
with easy access to numerous science, conservation, and policy based
institutions. If you are interested in working with us, please send
an email to me (Amy Zanne: aezanne@gmail.com) with brief details about
your GPA, GRE, research interests, experience, and why you want to go to
graduate school. For information about applying to the program, go to the
George Washington University, Department of Biological Sciences website
(https://biology.columbian.gwu.edu/apply-now). The application deadline
is 1 December 2017. I am also happy to answer any further questions you
might have.

PhD Opportunity in Biogechemistry / Boston Univ.

I=92d like to announce two opportunities for PhD-level research in the Finzi

lab of Terrestrial Biogeochemistry at Boston University. The first

opportunity is in the area of coupled biogeochemical cycles in global

ecosystems with an emphasis on nutrient-use efficiency, allocation and

retranslocation. There is broad latitude for graduate student development of

ideas within this context. The student will most likely engage in

meta-analysis, field studies and modeling. The second opportunity is in the

area of agricultural ecology, focusing specifically on root traits, soil

carbon cycling and fertilizer-use efficiency in bioenergy crop systems

[study sites in Florida & Illinois]. This opportunity is part of a much

larger, DOE-funded Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation

(CABBI) at the University of Illinois. The student will be trained at Boston

University but will have significant opportunities for interaction with the

highly multidisciplinary team that makes up the Center.

The City of Boston is a wonderful place to live and work. While modest in

size, Boston offers all of the benefits of the =91big city=92 experience and a

progressive work-life environment. At the same time there are ample mountain

activities in the White and Green Mountains of NH and VT, respectively, as

well as beaches on the north shore, south shore and Cape Cod. A very good

light rail system offers to opportunity to get around Boston without the

need for a vehicle. Boston has also gotten very bicycle friendly in recent

years. Field work can be accomplished via transport in a Finzi Lab vehicle.

The two PhD students will have the opportunity to participate in the PhD

program in Biogeoscience at Boston University. The program combines faculty

from the Department of Biology and Earth & Environment. There are upwards of

25 PhD students and postdocs in the program forming a =91critical mass=92 for

collaboration, friendship and scientific development.

Students interested in additional details can contact Dr. Adrien Finzi via

email [afinzi at bu dot edu] or by telephone [617.353.2453]. The application

deadline for the Department of Biology is December 7, 2017. Application

material can be found at: https://bu-grs.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/#/login

PhD Research Assistantships in Plant and Ecosystem Ecology

Two PhD assistantships are available in Michelle Mack=92s plant and ecosystem ecology lab, Center for Ecosystem Science and Society and Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ.

I am seeking students who are interested in either (1) linking ground-based measurements of tree rings and stand dynamics to satellite indices of greening and browning in Alaska and Western Canada; or (2) understanding the impacts of fire on forest carbon dynamics in the Russian Far East.  Both positions will require substantial fieldwork, strong oral and written communication skills, and a background in plant and/or ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, statistics, soil science, and/or forestry.

Competitive graduate research assistantship funding and tuition waivers are available. Academically exceptional applicants may also be considered for an NAU Presidential Fellowship. For further information, please email michelle.mack@nau.edu). To be considered, please send a statement of your interest in the position, a copy of your CV, and information on your GPA and GRE scores by December 15, 2018.

NEW DUAL MASTERS PROGRAM in Env Studies-Public Admin

The University of North Carolina Wilmington is currently recruiting for the spring 2018 cohort for our NEW DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM =96 Master of Science in Environmental Studies and Master of Public Administration program. This is the first Dual Degree Program at UNCW where successful candidates can earn two degrees in three years as opposed to four years if enrolled separately.

This degree option is specifically for students who want to bridge the communication gap between environmental science and public policy.  Potential post-graduation opportunities associated with the program include: career tracks in coastal planning and management and other environmental programs at the federal, state, or local level; careers in nonprofit organizations focused on environmental issues; and private sector jobs focused on consulting or regulatory compliance.  Our program is both challenging and rewarding, with a high degree of collegiality among students and faculty between both departments.

Students seeking admission to the dual M.S. EVS/M.P.A. degree program must complete an application for admission to both programs. Students must be successfully admitted to both degree programs, in accordance with their individual standards and requirements.

For more information, as well as a link to application materials: http://uncw.edu/evs/graduate_programs.html=20

For more information about UNCW please see: www.uncw.edu.

The deadline for spring 2018 application is November 15.  For other questions or additional information, please feel free to contact me via email below.

Best wishes.

Dr. James A. Rotenberg

Graduate Program Coordinator

email: rotenbergj@uncw.edu

MS in Environmental Studies program – UNCW

The University of North Carolina Wilmington is currently recruiting for the spring 2018 cohort in the MS in Environmental Studies program. The MS EVS is an exciting, interdisciplinary curriculum focusing on linking classroom experience with hands-on fieldwork, and culminating in a semester-

long internship with an environmentally-related organization (no thesis required). Our program is both challenging and rewarding, with a high degree of collegiality among students and faculty.

MS concentrations are available in Coastal Management, Environmental Conservation and Management, Marine and Coastal Education, and Environmental Education and Interpretation. An Individualized Concentration is also available for those who wish to design their own curriculum in conjunction with faculty.

For more information, as well as a link to application materials: http://uncw.edu/evs/graduate_programs.html=20

For more information about UNCW please see: www.uncw.edu.

The deadline for spring 2018 application is November 15.  For other questions or additional information, please feel free to contact me via email below.

Best wishes,

Dr. James A. Rotenberg

Graduate Program Coordinator

email: rotenbergj@uncw.edu