
Graduate position in plant-microbe interactions

The Lankau research group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is seeking a highly qualified PhD student to start Fall 2018 as part of an NSF funded project investigating the role of rhizosphere microbial communities in mediating range dynamics in tree species and populations in response to changing climates. The student would join a team including post-doctoral scholars, research technicians, and undergraduates, but would have substantial room to develop his/her dissertation focus within the broader project goals.

Students could pursue studies through several programs on campus. Interested applicants should contact me directly to discuss the best fit to their particular interests and goals (lankau@wisc.edu). You can learn more about the breadth of ecological research across the UW-Madison campus through the Wisconsin Ecology website (https://ecology.wisc.edu/).

PhD position in the boreal forests of Alaska

*Fire and climate change in the Boreal Forests of Alaska*

The Global Environmental Change Laboratory at Portland State University (

https://sites.google.com/a/pdx.edu/gec_lab/) seeks a PhD student to work on

a NSF-funded project examining how increased fire frequency in Alaskan

boreal forests affects vegetation dynamics and carbon cycling. The

researcher will join a multidisciplinary team (remote sensing, modeling of

ecosystem processes and field vegetation and soil/permafrost dynamics),

with collaborators at multiple institutions, including University of

Alaska, U. Florida, U. Idaho and NC State. The PhD student will lead the

effort to understand how climate change will affect post-fire recovery of

species composition, carbon cycling, and depth to permafrost using

LANDIS-II, a widely-used forest simulation model (www.landis-ii.org).  The

student will be mentored by Dr. Melissa Lucash (

https://sites.google.com/a/pdx.edu/lucash/) but he/she will also work

closely with students, staff and faculty at the collaborating universities,

including Dr. Vladimir Romanovsky, Dr. Jason Vogel, Dr. Brian Buma, Dr. Tim

Link and Dr. Robert Scheller.

Applicants should have a BS or MS  in forestry, biology, environmental

science or geography.  Ideal applicants will have field experience and be

comfortable in remote locations with a large field crew (7-9 people) for up

to two weeks at a time.  This paid position will begin with fieldwork in

the summer of 2018, before progressing to graduate classes at PSU.  This

position is fully funded for at least three years with tuition remission.

Portland, Oregon is a wonderful, inclusive community with close proximity

to many beautiful outdoor opportunities.  Our lab group is large, diverse,

productive and supportive of one another (


Please contact Dr. Melissa S. Lucash (lucash@pdx.edu) for more

information.  Please include your resume/CV, along with =E2=80=9CPhD openin=

g at

PSU=E2=80=9D in your subject line.  Our project website is here:



*Dr. Melissa S. Lucash*

*Research Assistant Professor*

*Department of Geography*

*Portland State University*

*Portland, OR*

*lucash[a] pdx.edu <lucash@pdx.edu>*

*503-725-3894 (office)*



Graduate position: TexasTechU.AvianGenomics

The Manthey lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech
University is recruiting highly-motivated individuals for graduate studies
(PhD or MS) in genomics to begin in Summer or Fall 2018. We use
computational biology, fieldwork, and labwork to answer fundamental
questions in evolution, ecology, and conservation biology.

The major themes of our current research are: (1) evolutionary genomics and
transposable element evolution in woodpeckers, (2) population genomics in
North American birds, (3) bird diversification and landscape genomics in
sky islands. Graduate students would be expected to develop research
questions under these broad themes. We have financial support for multiple
students through research and teaching assistantships, including additional
summer support and research funds. For more information about the lab?s
research and opportunities, please check our site: https://secure-web.cisco.com/18VuVJhzCbd8zyzG0GhFdJevmlHImbUiWuwOGDAC3gXAcYSKKx2aCJV_1x0yD7TH8L54utuqV4K46h9DbIyF_nX8YQT8zfuLNMPKl00lFG_rS8H0Bzf0D7hBXGbjbazov-ql33VePvYau6A87RC8UwstgyjmB73w6bGQzJ1_ePoq6oO_wKfrOUVmDK_nT_fdjmIsUF6Kiyvzwqfa611P9HIGQ_OOAoa6d8m5G7j0s63ND0dAbb_6_gMdVRZBpK8gUvxQ-nbSpVBxQMGHhzxtZQK6nz-sneeSf8DxsDNu-8361NboyevODsIvwNvaSonsqURrwDrY7xPvIVUtwl9AJ5s-T6pI76A5FhiK3ZupDjoCYwe2ZyFX8Ez7LH7aqUCvCP-bdF3C6jvts6BciTEYlTSowEY-4PBMTKS5-UXa5_568q14OyzDfGwrf6aA8D3hLVniatedODgG20kQ5JAVCzQ/https%3A%2F%2Fmantheylab.org%2F

Interested individuals should email a CV/resume to Dr. Joseph Manthey (
jdmanthey@gmail.com), as well as a short description of how your interests
and the research topics of our research group complement each other.

The Department of Biological Sciences has a strong and dynamic group of
scientists with a focus in ecology and evolutionary biology. The department
has strengths in multiple areas of genomics, bioinformatics, and
specialized disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology. The
departmental website can be found here: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/biology/

~Deadline for applications~ Our department has year-long open admissions,
but has deadlines to be considered for scholarships and fellowships. For
Fall 2018, this deadline is January 15, 2018. Please find all application
details here: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/biology/Graduate/graduatestudies.php

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. While academic and GRE
scores have a role in admissions, motivation, passion for biology, and
research experience are highly valued. Texas Tech University is an Equal
Opportunity Employer, and we welcome applications from all qualified
persons and will ensure that all applicants are treated fairly, equally,
and respectfully.

Joseph D. Manthey, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Email: jdmanthey@gmail.com


Graduate position: UVermont.MethylationConservation

Highly motivated and enthusiastic students are invited to apply for an
MS or PhD position in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at
the University of Vermont.  The overarching goal of the laboratory is to
determine the extent to which epigenetic modifications affect phenotypic
variation in economically important traits in cattle.  To that end,
the successful applicant will be working on a project involving the
conservation of methylation between two breeds of beef cattle.

Qualifications:   Applicants should have an undergraduate degree
in genetics, genomics, animal science, biology or related field.
For admittance, GRE test scores should be above 300 (combined scores)
and a minimum of 100 for the TOEFL (if applicable).

Preferred skills include a working knowledge of epigenetics, ability to
construct libraries for Next Generation Sequencing and computational
skills necessary for Next Generation Sequencing data analysis.
Additionally, applicants should have good communication skills and
ability to work as part of a team.  Funding for this project is secured
and the qualified applicant will receive a stipend.  The student will
be required to perform Teaching Assistantship duties each semester. A
start date of January 2nd is preferable but can be negotiated.

Interested students should submit a CV, cover letter and
statement of research interest and goals to Dr. Stephanie McKay at
Stephanie.mckay@uvm.edu Founded in 1791, UVM is consistently ranked as
one of the top public universities in the United States. The University
is located in Burlington, Vermont, also rated as one of the best small
cities in America. The greater Burlington area has a population of about
125,000 and enjoys a panoramic setting on the shores of Lake Champlain,
between the Green Mountains of Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains of
New York. Burlington and the surrounding area provide an environment rich
in cultural and recreational activities for individuals and families,
with multiple opportunities for interactions with local industry and

Graduate position: UAlabama.AmphibianConservation

The Becker lab at the University of Alabama is seeking a highly motivated
PhD or MS student to begin in Spring, Summer or Fall 2018.

Research will focus on the integrative mechanisms that underlie
host-pathogen-microbiome interactions in amphibians. The student will
conduct fieldwork and/or laboratory experiments in tropical and/or
temperate systems to understand how environmental change and biotic forces
impact the risk of chytridiomycosis in amphibians with aquatic larvae and
direct development. Research involves fungal culturing, molecular analyses
of host skin microbiota, laboratory experiments, data management and
analysis, manuscript preparation and submission, and animal care.

Applicants should be highly motivated and prepared to conduct independent
field and laboratory research.

All application materials should be completed online via the University of
Alabama Graduate School application portal:

Deadline for spring admission: Dec-10

The position comes with a full tuition waiver, a competitive 12
month stipend and health insurance. Funding is available as a Graduate
Teaching Assistant through the Department of Biological Sciences. Highly
qualified applicants may be considered for Graduate School Fellowships,
which offer a Research Assistantship during the studentขs first year.
Funding for summer fieldwork expenses and conference attendance are

Additional information is available from the following links:

Gui Beckerขs profile page: https://bsc.ua.edu/profiles/gui-becker/

Department of Biological Sciences: *http://bsc.ua.edu/*

Graduate School: *http://graduate.ua.edu*

University of Alabama: *http://www.ua.edu*

Tuscaloosa: *http://www.tuscaloosa.com/visitor-services

Outdoor opportunities in Alabama: *http://www.outdooralabama.com


Graduate positions in Molecular Ecology & Conservation at UMass Amherst

The Molecular Ecology & Conservation Lab at the University of

Massachusetts Amherst is recruiting graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D.) to

begin summer or fall 2018. We conduct integrative studies in wildlife

genomics, physiology and ecology to understand animal performance,

distributions, population connectivity and adaptation. Much of our

research focuses on species of conservation concern and economic value

in marine and freshwater ecosystems (e.g., marine turtles and fishes),

and generally falls under one or multiple of three broad research

topics: 1) Global Change, 2) Conservation Management, 3) Ecological


UMass Amherst consistently ranks in the Top 30 US national public

universities and Amherst recently ranked #6 in small towns of the United

States. Research opportunities include field and laboratory projects the

Gloucester Marine Station and potential to collaborate with state and

federal agencies such as the MA Division of Marine Fisheries, USGS,

USFWS, US Forest Service, and NOAA. Interested candidates are encouraged

to visit the lab website to learn more about our research and lab

philosophy: https://lmkomoroske.com/opportunities/  Application

deadlines for graduate programs are Dec 1/Dec 15 (varies by program).

Lisa M. Komoroske, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Environmental Conservation

University of Massachusetts Amherst

NRC Research Fellow | NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center


Behavioral Ecology PhD/Masters position at Oklahoma State University

The Luttbeg lab (luttbegslab <http://luttbegslab.okstate.edu/Home.htm>) at

Oklahoma State University has an opening for a PhD or Master’s student. As

a lab we focus on questions of how information and other state variables

affect the behavior and morphology of individuals, and what consequences

that has for ecological systems. We combine using theoretical models to

clarify our thinking and propose hypotheses with empirical experiments to

test those ideas. Students can work in any mixture of theoretical and

empirical approaches. Much of our work focuses on predator-prey

interactions, plasticity, and transgenerational or maternal effects.

The Department of Integrative Biology (integrativebiology

<http://integrativebiology.okstate.edu/>) is composed of 24 faculty and 50+

graduate students working on questions of ecology, behavior, evolution, and

ecotoxicology. The department has available teaching assistant positions

and associated tuition waivers.

If you are interested contact me by email and we can discuss are related

research interests.

Graduate position: disease ecology

The Becker lab at the University of Alabama is seeking a highly motivated PhD or MS student to begin in Spring, Summer or Fall 2018.

Research will focus on the integrative mechanisms that underlie host-pathogen-microbiome interactions in amphibians. The student will conduct fieldwork and/or laboratory experiments in tropical and/or temperate systems to understand how environmental change and biotic forces impact the risk of chytridiomycosis in amphibians with aquatic larvae and direct development. Research involves fungal culturing, molecular analyses of host skin microbiota, laboratory experiments, data management and analysis, manuscript preparation and submission, and animal care.

Applicants should have a background in many of the following: evolutionary ecology, molecular techniques, statistics, GIS, and fieldwork. Applicants should be highly motivated and prepared to conduct independent field and laboratory research.

All application materials should be completed online via the University of Alabama Graduate School application portal: https://graduate.ua.edu/prospective-students/

Deadline for spring admission: Dec-10

The position comes with a full tuition waiver, a competitive 12 month stipend and health insurance. Funding is available as a Graduate Teaching Assistant through the Department of Biological Sciences. Highly qualified applicants may be considered for Graduate School Fellowships, which offer a Research Assistantship during the student’s first year. Funding for summer fieldwork expenses and conference attendance are available.

Additional information is available from the following links:

Dr. Gui Becker’s profile page: https://bsc.ua.edu/profiles/gui-becker/

Department of Biological Sciences: http://bsc.ua.edu/

Graduate School: http://graduate.ua.edu

University of Alabama: http://www.ua.edu

Tuscaloosa: http://www.tuscaloosa.com/visitor-services

Outdoor opportunities in Alabama: http://www.outdooralabama.com

Gui Becker | Assistant Professor

[Divider line]

Biological Sciences

The University of Alabama<https://www.ua.edu/>

Tom Bevill Bldg, 1088

Box 870128

Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

Phone 205-348-1807<tel:205-348-9810><tel:205-348-1786>

guilherme.becker@ua.edu<mailto:jodonnel@ua.edu> | http://bsc.ua.edu<http://bsc.ua.edu/>

Graduate position: UAlabama.DiseaseEvolution

The Becker lab at the University of Alabama is seeking a highly motivated
PhD or MS student to begin in Spring, Summer or Fall 2018.

Research will focus on the integrative mechanisms that underlie
host-pathogen-microbiome interactions in amphibians. The student will
conduct fieldwork and/or laboratory experiments in tropical and/or
temperate systems to understand how environmental change and biotic forces
impact the risk of chytridiomycosis in amphibians with aquatic larvae and
direct development. Research involves fungal culturing, molecular analyses
of host skin microbiota, laboratory experiments, data management and
analysis, manuscript preparation and submission, and animal care.

Applicants should have a background in many of the following: evolutionary
ecology, molecular techniques, statistics, GIS, and fieldwork. Applicants
should be highly motivated and prepared to conduct independent field and
laboratory research.

All application materials should be completed online via the University of
Alabama Graduate School application portal: https://graduate.ua.edu/


Deadline for spring admission: Dec-10

The position comes with a full tuition waiver, a competitive 12
month stipend and health insurance. Funding is available as a Graduate
Teaching Assistant through the Department of Biological Sciences. Highly
qualified applicants may be considered for Graduate School Fellowships,
which offer a Research Assistantship during the studentขs first year.
Funding for summer fieldwork expenses and conference attendance are

Additional information is available from the following links:

Gui Beckerขs profile page: https://bsc.ua.edu/profiles/gui-becker/

Department of Biological Sciences: *http://bsc.ua.edu/*

Graduate School: *http://graduate.ua.edu*

University of Alabama: *http://www.ua.edu*

Tuscaloosa: *http://www.tuscaloosa.com/visitor-services

Outdoor opportunities in Alabama: *http://www.outdooralabama.com

Gui Becker <guibecker22@gmail.com>

Graduate position: UMontana.SpeciationAdaptation

The Good lab at the University of Montana in Missoula is looking to recruit
highly motivated Ph.D. students interested in evolutionary genomics.

Current major research projects in the lab are focused on (1) the genetic
basis of reproductive isolation and (2) adaptation to novel environments in
mammals. Our speciation research utilizes genomic analysis of hybrid rodent
model systems to understand the evolution of hybrid inviability and
sterility, with an emphasis on sex chromosome evolution and gene
expression. We are particularly interested in recruiting students
interested in the studying the evolution of genomic imprinting and the
disruption of embryonic growth pathways in hybrid mice and hamsters. Current
research on adaptation is focused on climate change and the evolution of
seasonal coat color camouflage in snowshoe hares and other mammals. Our
adaptation research is part of the newly established UNVEIL research and
training network and include the possibility of dedicated fellowship
support (http://secure-web.cisco.com/1oP9fAS7BihJ9Fg0DFW1NuheGScTAflnOs7gfh5VHfipfek3JC5t9qwsJ3y8vE1c4VyWvxULsXp0KjAche3RT4BW7gVBwa7Fto9oWdRbviAku3fbrVl_7ko6HZedB8e8hpjMmUm0JSo7k9iyDMYstlWXUbbMJFN90nsmI4wBWITMr6iZfKDacgoHNj6QPbF9bc1CkydpHlGL1GLgRC3Y3zgBNfslci19j8fK4n7TThfSTN1GFaS6unWJxxB3UiJiNusUy7SoRZc-169VJmfHUWoQBnB4EDHSGhMnKLoJ9KauJVVA3Tzdup-_qlqsVUdy1B_0ZwQsOCb06Yj_EafmuMnvMD7AMCpX-Bmjf_QtnTBQUz_GRND6owyeMFx-hRVleWl-WYzHONm2NQkJeKvE0AY81fR0GZiglAXL-2NFl7fFDgS1U4e5fxDaS0HT-MSo39KL9fBO_8uPnGIngLotT3w/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unveilnetwork.org%29.%0A%0AThe%20University%20of%20Montana%20is%20home%20to%20a%20strong%20collection%20of%20faculty%0Aresearching%20ecology%20and%20evolution.%20The%20Division%20of%20Biological%20Sciences%0Ahosts%20an%20excellent%20graduate%20program%20in%20Organismal%20Biology%2C%20Ecology%2C%20and%0AEvolution%20%28OBEE%29%20with%20an%20emphasis%20on%20interdisciplinary%20training%20in%0Aevolution%2C%20genomics%2C%20ecology%2C%20physiology%2C%20and%20behavior.%20Missoula%20is%20a%20great%0Acollege%20town%20in%20the%20Northern%20Rocky%20Mountains.%20For%20more%20information%20on%20the%0AGood%20lab%20please%20visit%20the%20lab%20website%3A%20%28www.thegoodlab.org%29.%20Interested%0Astudents%20are%20encouraged%20to%20email%20Jeff%20Good.%20Please%20include%20a%20brief%0Adescription%20of%20your%20research%20interests%20and%20a%20CV%20in%20your%20email.%20Note%20that%0Athe%20target%20date%20for%20applications%20for%20Fall%202018%20admission%20to%20the%20OBEE%0Aprogram%20is%20December%201%2C%202017.%0A%0Ajeffrey.good%40umontana.edu

Jeffrey M. Good, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Division of Biological Sciences
The University of Montana
32 Campus Drive, HS104
Missoula MT 59812
Phone: 406-243-5771
Fax: 406-243-4184
Website: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Ziwn3OXp7gN0XGO6PPRiDAEUhGHNw4x0goSe_c9j5vaK8CdC7A7L-bhW9bRdZlo709oVhrLA_z0GDWL3iErGf99tEqvWCweg5blaG1atm1Y4I2NpjD1DBhvlBHccMr0PeGQEejmhgZk8ED4WEkizsfUZUSPloXvvjDTEZGrecPwxtQ5PfcuEecCrg1hSY4FV6u4kSpw9o3XWOgV-V8kyy7UGC2isbMZOli3vOQpxNQ7C2Gdx0nXgDwm45XTp2AfnvT_H55uR46_x_wxo_8wPRqfnEou1MU02ti6I-yHcQdNtG4Qpm3oh57L5GgjwWaaInARJPAYmK2uNP9cYoNMFtS6_jcGieEbN8XlOdrTSv9XCQ1YbtF1G4PI6r_LQngRLT1FyD-vUvXIC0jLG-LCEFaghV30EGc0dvuHnziUnkY8DGXpvBsczxggU1QABScSYN5HVdZFw_V3yytVTvAa1TGGmcBpx5dpW-BXBya0dCpA/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegoodlab.org%2F

Jeffrey Good <jeffrey.good@mso.umt.edu>