
Funded M.S. positions in community ecology and population genetics

Two M.S. graduate positions available to study Michigan interdunal wetland community ecology and population genetics

The Labs of Drs. Tiffany Schriever and Devin Bloom at Western Michigan=20

University seek MS students to work on a NOAA Sea Grant-funded project=20

investigating community ecology and population genetics in interdunal wetlands along eastern Lake Michigan. There are two positions available.=20

The first position will focus on examining the spatiotemporal patterns=20

of macroinvertebrate assemblages. The second position will investigate=20

population structure and levels of gene flow in macroinvertebrates that=20

vary in dispersal ability. Together these projects will seek to understand how environmental variation affects species composition, trait diversity, and genetic structure in a unique and dynamic habitat.=20

Applicants should have a BS in biology, ecology, environmental science=20

or related field. Ideal applicants will be highly motivated, have field=20

experience and be comfortable in harsh conditions with a field crew (2-4=20

people) for 1-2 weeks at a time. The applicant must be able to carry up=20

to 25lbs of equipment for extended periods of time. Two paid research positions to conduct fieldwork will be available starting in March or April of 2018 and continue through August, before starting graduate work=20

in the fall of 2018. Both graduate positions are fully funded for at least two years through research and teaching assistantships with tuition remission.

The Biological Sciences department at WMU is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of researchers that lead competitive PhD and MS=20

programs. WMU is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a metropolitan area of=20

~125,000 people located in the southwestern portion of the state. Kalamazoo has 13 thriving craft breweries, numerous biking/running trails that connect parks and attractions throughout the city, a large=20

outdoor Farmers market, and vibrant art community. Kalamazoo is within=20

convenient driving or biking distance (via the KalHaven trail) to Lake=20

Michigan and sits equidistant from Detroit and Chicago.

Contact Dr. Tiffany Schriever tiffany.schriever@wmich.edu or Dr. Devin=20

Bloom devin.bloom@wmich.edu for more information.  Please include your=20

resume/CV, Cover letter addressing your interest in the project, background, and extent of qualifications, and the names of 3 referees along with =93MSc position=94 in the email subject line. The deadline to=20

apply is December 1st 2018.

Masters & Ph.D. Positions in Fisheries Oceanography

The East Carolina University (ECU) Fisheries Oceanography Lab run by Dr. Rebecca Asch is currently recruiting new Masters and Ph.D. students to join this research group for the 2018-2019 academic year.  We anticipate accepting one new Masters student and one Ph.D. to join our research team.=20 The Asch Lab=92s research program focuses on interactions between fisheries, plankton ecology, and climate change and climate variability.  Our research approach combines fieldwork, time series analysis, and ecosystem modeling, spanning local-to-global and subseasonal-to-centennial scales.=20 For more information about the Asch Lab, please see: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-


We seek students who are highly self-motivated, independent, and creative thinkers that are enthusiastic about pursuing a career in marine ecology, oceanography, and/or fisheries management.=20 A strong background in quantitative ecology, computer programming (e.g., MATLAB, R, Python), and/or multivariate statistics is desired, but not required.  There are several current and soon to be initiated projects that a prospective student could develop into a thesis or dissertation:

=95=09Modeling climate change effects on the distribution and phenology of spawning aggregations of reef fishes in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific regions. The goal of this project is to evaluate whether spawning aggregations may serve as a bottleneck constraining overall shifts in species distribution.=20 This project builds off an existing collaboration between Dr. Asch and Dr. Brad Erisman at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

=95=09Forecasting of the seasonal timing of spawning migrations of anadromous fishes.  A forecast model for striped bass residing in the Tar, Neuse, and Roanoke Rivers will be developed based on historical data on environmental variables and spawning activity.  Forecasts will then be validated and refined through fieldwork, with a final, operational forecast product to be delivered to fisheries managers and the fishing community.

=95=09Examining seasonal variations in predator-prey interactions among larval fishes and mesozooplankton.  This project will build off existing research in the Asch Lab examining how climate variability affects the seasonal timing of larval fish ingress into Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina.  The prospective student will use ZooScan to develop a machine learning algorithm to classify zooplankton taxa in an automated fashion.  The student will use these data to evaluate whether zooplankton phenology varies in phase with larval fish ingress and whether mismatches in phenology affect fisheries recruitment.

We also welcome applications from students who are interested in developing their own research ideas into a thesis or dissertation, as long as those ideas are closely connected with the research objectives of the Asch Lab.

Information on graduate programs in the ECU Department of Biology is available at: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-cas/biology/BiologyGrad/index.cfm.  Doctoral students can apply to work in the Asch Lab either through the Coastal Resources Management (CRM) Program or the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biological Sciences (IDPBS).  Graduate students accepted to one of these programs will be funded through either a research or teaching assistantship.  The priority deadline to apply for graduate admissions is January 15, 2017.  However, prospective students should contact Rebecca Asch by email (aschr16@ecu.edu) well in advance of this deadline, preferably by November 15.  This email should include: (1) a brief statement describing your research interests and career goals; (2) A C.V. or resume, and; (3) an unofficial academic transcript.

Graduate position: UCentralFlorida.MarinePopulationGenomics_eDNA

Ph.D. and M.S. positions in marine population genomics or eDNA.

Fish Ecology and Evolution in the Gaither Lab at UCF The Gaither Lab
at the University of Central Florida (UCF) Department of Biology is
recruiting highly motivated and independent graduate students in marine
population genomics and evolution for Fall 2018.  My lab uses RADSeq,
whole genome re-sequencing, and targeted capture approaches to study coral
reef and deep-sea fishes. We have new projects coming online involving
eDNA techniques. Students will have access to a fully equipped genomics
lab and a high powered computing cluster.

Applicants should have completed a degree in a biological
science. Computational skills or a desire to learn bioinformatics is a
must. Ability to pursue independent research and excellent writing and
fluency in English is expected. Interested students are encouraged to
email Michelle Gaither at michellergaither@gmail.com with the subject
line UCF_Graduate_Positions. Please include a brief description of your
research interests and experience and a CV in your email. Note that the
deadline for applications to UCF Biology is January 15th.

To learn more about UCF Biology graduate programs go to

Or if you want to learn more about the
Genomics and Bioinformatics Cluster at UCF go to
https://www.ucf.edu/faculty/cluster/genomics-bioinformatics/. Michelle
R. Gaither Fish Ecology and EvolutionAssistant Professor
(Start date Dec. 1st 2017)University of Central
FloridaGenomics and Bioinformatics ClusterDepartment of

DIPnet Coordinator/Postdoctoral Researcher
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology
P.O. Box 1346
Coconut Island
Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
Webpage  <http://www.calacademy.org/scientists/ichthyology/mgaither>
Project webpage <http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Kd7WdTSmOJVdogDGysALpzVCL5vV5ZA9-GZ3elQFaEoUudSGkt9acHkoGkBtXXKwwk6HG3dlSJRzQLsmqjIyhuMwie-JhNny8Lt2h-kITC4Ikwr4Zk08ZjoiBZUNHM5E_7-yBvy2yhXfKiDrxUXtx6Z1Kbyn_OoIc_gB0P7Rfu5zD-HT9zIJt3agT6lig5kKsP4qeZqbvAWvsla18PUhN4dtZefFrC9UjVDZ7yaOR8gyDVKPOhhcDnWstWbVkKoJ8iWyZ1GBnKtdKuL3EkzHWefeQ5oexcTYDeblVgP7DOhxNOjT2qxZaJNOV8eqFxrpN3csg_CDSkqkD-o3XMhKRhXRzHB2aZVV8QbFC68lgS-LqeRTKHfQKeqdSqh3fV2GZjyySrYGek7uwCUobXdbbpiorjskNQy6ahAyHLQj4SWxG_UNO4i0JyNMz8NyNZGUeQy_i2fVW6oKZnff-e-lxA/http%3A%2F%2Fdeepseaevolution.com%2F>
Google Scholar

Michelle Gaither <michellergaither@gmail.com>

Graduate position: TexasAMU.EvolutionaryGenomics

The Blackmon lab at Texas A&M University is recruiting PhD graduate
students interested in evolutionary genomics and genetics. My lab studies a
variety of questions including genome structure, sex chromosomes, and trait
evolution. We use both theoretical and empirical approaches.  In our
empirical work, we often focus on beetles and other invertebrates.

While the Blackmon lab is in the Department of Biology, graduate students
can earn a PhD in Genetics, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, or Biology
through the labขs participation in two interdepartmental programs at Texas
A&M.  These programs allow students to take courses and interact with
faculty from over 19 other departments that share interests in Genetics and

With approximately 60,000 students Texas A&M is one of the largest
universities in the country.  It is located in Bryan/College Station which
has a population of about 250k.  It is within easy reach of Houston and
Austin.  This part of Southeast Texas is situated close to many distinct
biomes and provides excellent opportunities for fieldwork and outdoor
recreation.  Support for graduate students is provided for five years by a
combination of teaching and research assistantships.

Please contact Heath Blackmon directly at coleoguy@gmail.com for more
information regarding opportunities and application information.
Additional information about the Blackmon lab can be found at

Heath Blackmon <coleoguy@gmail.com>

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Graduate Position: ClarkU.EvolutionaryMorphology

Dr. Philip Bergmann’s Evolutionary Functional Morphology Lab at Clark
University is recruiting a Ph.D. student to begin in Fall 2018. The
Bergmann lab studies form-function relationships in an evolutionary and
ecological context, primarily using reptile and amphibian locomotion as
a study system. The main research foci are (1) how form-function
relationships work and are affected by such as ontogeny and substrate,
and (2) the evolution of snake-like body shapes from phenotypic,
functional, and ecological perspectives. Tools used by the lab to
address these questions include high-speed video and X-ray video, force
plates, EMG, dissection, behavioral observations, field work, and
computational statistics.

Graduate students should be self-motivated and have prior research
experience. They will be encouraged to develop their own projects
within the context of the lab research. Interested students should
contact Dr. Bergmann (pbergmann@clarku.edu) prior to applying with any
questions they may have, a cover letter that includes their research
interests, CV, and names and e-mail addresses for two references. The
Biology Department at Clark University is small but vibrant, providing
students the opportunity to gain experience in research, teaching,
mentoring, and outreach. Support by way of Teaching Assistantship is
guaranteed for five years, and includes tuition waiver.  The
application deadline is January 15, 2018.

For more information, visit:

Bergmann Lab: http://www2.clarku.edu/faculty/pbergmann/

Biology Department: http://www2.clarku.edu/departments/biology/

Graduate Admissions:

Philip J. Bergmann

Associate Professor

Biology Department

Clark University

950 Main Street

Worcester, MA 01610

United States

Phone: 508-793-7553

E-mail: pbergmann@clarku.edu

Philip Bergmann <PBergmann@clarku.edu>

Graduate student position in plant-mycorrhizal interactions

The Cheeke Lab (www.tanyacheeke.com) at Washington State University is recruiting 1-2 graduate students to join our Soil Microbial Ecology lab on the WSU Tri-Cities campus for the Fall of 2018 (with possibility of starting as soon as January 2018). Our research is broadly focused on the ecology and evolution of plant-mycorrhizal interactions within the context of environmental change (e.g. disturbance, invasions, climate). Current projects integrate genomics with manipulative experiments to 1) understand the role of plant-soil feedbacks in improving, maintaining, or limiting plant community diversity in disturbed ecosystems; and 2) evaluate the efficacy of soil microbial transplants in facilitating the establishment of native plants in disturbed landscapes (e.g. invaded grasslands, former mining sites, agroecosystems). New lines of research are being developed to examine the role of microbiomes in maintaining the health and productivity of important crop plants in the Pacific Northwest, such as hops and grapes.

If interested in joining our lab, please send a CV with GPA and relevant coursework and a short statement explaining your interest in the position to Tanya Cheeke (tanya.cheeke@wsu.edu) by November 20th, 2017. Acceptance for this position is contingent upon acceptance to the graduate program in the School of Biological Sciences at Washington State University (deadline January 10, 2018; https://sbs.wsu.edu/graduate-studies/apply/)

PhD in community assembly, food web structure, and ecosystem metabolism in riverine rock pools

Dr. James Vonesh (Aquatic Community Ecology;https://wp.vcu.edu/voneshlab) and Dr. Paul Bukaveckas (Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology; http://wp.vcu.edu/pabukaveckas/) are interested in recruiting a PhD student through Virginia Commonwealth University=92s Integrative Life Science PhD Program (https://lifesciences.vcu.edu/academic-programs/phd in-integrative-life-sciences/) to collaborate on research aimed at understanding  processes that shape community assembly and food web structure and how these, in turn, influence ecosystem metabolism.  Our study system is a population (>500) of riverine rock pools along the James River which vary in community composition and their dependence on allochthonous and autochthonous inputs (http://www.jamesriverpark.org/science-in-the-park/rock-pools.php). This student will also participate in K12 educational outreach activities focused around the rock pools (https://vcu.exposure.co/natural-wonders). The ILS PhD program offers 5 years of support in total, including 2 years RA support. VCU is a premier urban, public research university located in Richmond, Virginia along the James River (https://www.vcu.edu/about/index.html). Richmond is a vibrant city with an excellent balance of urban and outdoor life (https://www.vcu.edu/about/richmond.html). Preference will be given to applicants that already have a Masters degree in a relevant field. For more information contact James Vonesh at jrvonesh@vcu.edu.

Black Rail ecology graduate research assistantship (PhD) opportunity

We are looking for an enthusiastic, determined, and self-starting Ph.D.

student to work on a project involving Black Rails at St. Johns National

Wildlife Refuge in Florida. Field components of the project will involve

performing population surveys and radiotracking adults to assess survival

and productivity. Modeling components will include estimation of Black Rail

vital rates, population viability modeling, and assessment of adequacy of

current survey methods for estimating Black Rail abundance and occupancy.

The project will primarily be based at the St. Johns NWR near Titusville,

FL, but the student will be required to spend time in other Gulf Coast

refuges and in Athens for coursework and dissertation writing. The student

will be co-advised by Dr. Robert Cooper (Professor, Warnell School of

Forestry and Natural Resources) and Dr. Clint Moore (Assistant Leader,

Georgia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit) and possibly Dr. Adam

Smith (US Fish and Wildlife Service ecologist).Candidates should

possess a Master=E2=80=99s

degree conferred by January 1, 2018 in wildlife management, ecology, or a

related discipline. The candidate must be able to work under challenging

field conditions that include wet marshes, hot temperatures, humidity, etc.

Also, the candidate must have a working knowledge of the programming

language R, plus the capacity to learn quantitative techniques such as

survival analysis and movement models, and programming in formats such as

Python and Matlab. As this project will involve significant

hardware/software development, preference will be given to applicants with

a familiarity with electronics such as circuit board assembly and

customization. The student should also be personable and a team player. To

apply, send cover letter, CV, GRE scores, and unofficial transcripts

to Dr. Robert

Cooper (bcooper AT uga.edu; 706-542-6066). Please send a list of at least 3

references to contact as well.

Funded PhD positions in Ecology

I am looking for enthusiastic and talented students for up to 3 PhD positions to start in September 2018. The projects are flexible, with the students expected to help develop the conceptual background and the research methods, but will be roughly along these lines:

1) Plant-animal interactions in Gabon. Will use existing camera trap and plant phenology data, potentially combined with new field- and drone-

based data collection, to assess how primates, ungulates, and other mammals respond to shifting patterns of fruit production in a pristine tropical rainforest. Substantial experience in international field work required. French language skills highly desired.  2) Climate change in Alaska. High latitude regions are changing rapidly, and not always in predictable ways. The project will likely include some or all of the following factors: (i) experiments to assess the impacts of animal herbivores on tree- and shrub-line change, (ii) drone-based surveys of plant and animal community changes, (iii) modelling of large mammal responses to climate and habitat changes using existing data from federal collaborators, and (iv) resurveys of an old small mammal trapping study. Substantial field work and camping experience (ideally from Alaska or other northern sites) is required for this position.  3) Pan-tropical assessment of bushmeat hunting and forest carbon. A handful of new studies have suggested that widespread, unsustainable hunting in tropical forests could be inducing shifts in tree species composition that lead to lower overall forest biomass. This could, in turn, be a major (and hitherto unappreciated) source of human carbon emissions. This project will use large-scale meta-analysis, potentially combined with field work, to address the ecological mechanisms (species interactions), geographic scope, and climatic implications of this issue.  These positions will be based in the Division of Biological Sciences (DBS; http://hs.umt.edu/dbs/) and affiliated with the Wildlife Biology Program (http://www.cfc.umt.edu/wbio/). The positions include 5 years of guaranteed TA support. TA salaries in DBS are nationally competitive, while the cost of living in Missoula is relatively low.

Other requirements for the positions

1) Exceptional self-motivation

2) Master=92s degree strongly desired

3) Familiarity with the concepts of ecology

4) Field work experience (for positions 1 & 2)

5) Quantitative skills (potentially including statistics, GIS, or computer modeling)

6) Excellent writing skills

How to apply

Send an email to jedediah [dot] brodie [at] mso [dot] umt [dot] edu, with =93PhD position application=94 (no quotes) in the subject line, by 10 November 2017. Include as attachments: (1) A 1-2 page cover letter stating which project you=92re interested in, explaining why you=92re interested in and prepared for that position, and listing the names & contact info for 3 references, (2) your GRE scores and GPA from your MSc or undergrad institution, and your TOEFL score if applicable, and (3) your CV. Do not send transcripts, reference letters, or other materials at this time.  About the program

The University of Montana (UM) is a top research university set amidst the wilderness and wildlife of the Northern Rocky Mountains. Both the Organismal Biolog, Ecology, and Evolution Program (within the Division of Biological Sciences) and the Wildlife Biology Program have been recognized as Programs of National Distinction. The Wildlife Biology Program was recently ranked the Number 1 wildlife program in North America by Academic Analytics. When normalized for faculty size, UM was ranked Number 1 in the field of Ecology out of 300 North American research universities last year. UM has an extremely collegial and collaborative research atmosphere. Students at UM are also exposed to collaborations with numerous federal and state resource agencies, NGOs, and other researchers across the region and around the world.


Jedediah Brodie

Science Outreach Intern

Ecological Society of America

1990 M Street NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20036

Title:=09=09=09Science Outreach Intern

Department:=09=09Office of Science Programs

Supervisor:=09=09Director, Office of Science Programs

Classification:=09=09Part-time, Temporary, Non-Exempt

About ESA:

The Ecological Society of America, founded in 1915, is the world=92s largest community of professional ecologists and a trusted source of ecological knowledge, committed to advancing the understanding of life on Earth. The 9,000 member Society publishes five journals and a membership bulletin and broadly shares ecological information through policy, media outreach, and education initiatives. The Society=92s Annual Meeting attracts 4,000 attendees and features the most recent advances in ecological science.

About ESA=92s Office of Science Programs:

The ESA Science Office envisions an ecological science that effectively meets the challenges of a changing world. We connect the research and management communities, support the use of science to inform decision making, and build capacity among scientists.

Purpose & Responsibilities:

ESA seeks an energetic recent graduate or graduate student with strong communication and organizational skills to 1) help enhance our communication and outreach endeavors, and 2) to help manage special ESA meetings, workshops, and training events. A basic background in and appreciation for ecology, biology, and/or environmental sciences is desired.=20

The science outreach intern will work with Cliff Duke, Science Programs Director, and Jill Parsons, Science Programs Manager, to create outreach materials and strategies that will enhance our existing programs (such as our Sustaining Biological Infrastructure Training Initiative). The intern will also assist with logistical arrangements and communications for events that will bring scientists together on a wide range of topics, such as the sustainability of scientific data repositories. Additional duties may include taking notes, webpage upkeep, and tracking budget information. There may be opportunities to network with important scientists in a wide range of disciplines and contribute to important workshop reports.

Specific Activities for the Science Outreach Intern:

Outreach and marketing: create and refine outreach materials for Science Office programs; this will include email campaigns, flyers, website updates, liaising with ESA=92s Public Affairs office regarding social media updates, and creating/editing videos.

Communications and writing: contribute to workshop and meeting reports and presentations; liaise with workshop and meeting participants as needed.

Organization and planning: manage onsite logistical details for events, including a/v, room setup, printed materials, timekeeping, and taking effective notes.

Data entry: act as the point of contact for travel reimbursements; monitor and report on travel budgets.


Graduate student or recent graduate with a strong background in communications and/or marketing

Experience and interest in ecological, biological, and/or environmental sciences and research

Strong organizational and prioritization skills

Familiar with WordPress; basic HTML skills a plus

Familiar with Microsoft Publisher a plus

Willing to perform data-entry and other basic tasks

Willing to learn as needed and follow directions

Must enjoy working effectively as part of a team

Ability to maintain confidentiality

Hours are flexible, but you must be available to work a regular schedule of 8-16 hours per week in ESA=92s downtown Washington, DC office during business hours (8am-6pm; M-F)

This is a paid, part-time internship based in ESA=92s downtown Washington, DC office, with occasional travel to events in the greater DC area. The position is funded from December 1 – May 31, 2018 and pays $15 per hour. Please email a cover letter, and resume to Jill Parsons, jill@esa.org. Please put =93Science Outreach Intern=94 in the subject line. Applications are due Friday, November 3rd. The position is open until filled.

ESA is an Equal Opportunity employer.