Graduate position in the Ernakovich Lab (University of New Hampshire)

The Ernakovich lab ( in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of New Hampshire is seeking a graduate student at the M.S. level to research relationships between microbial communities and soil health in agricultural and natural systems in New England. The student will use genomics and functional analysis (such as nitrogen mineralization and substrate use efficiency), and possibly stable isotope probing depending on the interests of the student. The student will test the power of various ecological frameworks (e.g. biodiversity-ecosystem function, keystone species) in predicting the role of microbial communities in soil health.

This work is inherently interdisciplinary. The ideal candidate will be passionately curious and have a degree and research experience in ecology, microbiology, chemistry, soil science or related field.

The student will earn an education at a highly respected research institution equipped with state-of-
the-art facilities. The student will matriculate through the Department of Natural Resources and the
Environment (, which has multiple tracks to tailor student needs. The student
will live in beautiful Durham, New Hampshire for the duration of the degree. Two years of support is
currently available through a research assistantship.

The preferred starting date is Spring semester 2018, and no later than Fall semester 2018.

To discuss the opportunity, please email Jessica Ernakovich with a single pdf containing a statement of
interest and your CV. Please include “soil health microbiome” in the subject line.

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