
Research Technician Postions Open Now

RESEARCH TECHNICIANS (2 positions open)
AQUATIC ECOLOGY at Florida International University (FIU), North Miami

We seek two research technicians to assist in field and laboratory studies of the Florida Everglades.  Positions open to start immediately.  Successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to conduct field work under rigorous conditions, maintain detailed records of field work, and identify fish and macroinvertebrates to species. Experience with electrofishing, fish radio telemetry, and boat operations are desirable but not necessary.  A bachelors degree in an appropriate field is required; candidates with an MS degree in an appropriate field are encouraged to apply.  Salary will be competitive and based on education and experience.  The positions are open now to be filled promptly upon close of the search on December 20, 2017; please include date of availability to start work in application email and include a current resume.

For more information on the position please contact Joel Trexler (trexlerj@fiu.edu).  Visit our lab webpage athttps://trexlerlab.wordpress.com/


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The Graduate Program in the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University is recruiting doctoral and master’s level graduate students for Fall 2018. We have graduate assistantships available for both PhD and MS
students.   This post is specifically directed at students with research
interests that fit into our sequences in Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, & Systematics (BEES), Conservation, or Biomathematics.

The target date for applications is 1 February 2018, though we will continue to review applications until all openings are filled.

The following faculty are recruiting graduate students.  It is essential that you contact possible advisors before submitting your application.


Victoria Borowicz – Symbiosis, mycorrhizal fungi, plant-enemy relations, the role of parasitic plants in prairies.

Rachel Bowden – Maternal effects, steroid metabolism, effects of temperature on sex determination, immune function in reptiles.

Diane L. Byers – Plant-soil interactions, evolutionary ecology of plants in fragmented prairies, plant-pollinator interactions, sex ratio variation, bee diversity.  http://biology.illinoisstate.edu/dlbyer2/
Angelo P. Capparella – Avian systematics; Avian, amphibian, & reptile biogeography, and conservation; wind turbine mortality of bats.

Joseph M. Casto – Avian physiology of host-parasite interactions, maternal effects on development, neural mechanisms of social behavior.

Martha E. Cook – Evolution of plants and algae, structure and development at the cellular level, microscopy. http://biology.illinoisstate.edu/mecook1/

Rebekka Darner Gougis – Biology education; development of student ideas about evolution, ecology, & science; self-efficacy of pre-service elementary teachers. https://about.illinoisstate.edu/rldarne/Pages/default.aspx

Steven Juliano – Interspecific competition and predation in communities; ecology of mosquitoes; applied statistics & mathematics.

Ryan Paitz – Embryonic regulation of exposure to maternal steroids and
endocrine disruptors.

William L. Perry – Aquatic ecology and biogeochemistry, invasion ecology of crayfish. https://about.illinoisstate.edu/wlperry/pages/default.aspx

Ben Sadd – Evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions of bumblebees & other insects; Ecological & evolutionary insect immunology.

Scott K. Sakaluk – Animal behavior; evolution of animal mating systems; eco-immunology of birds; insect reproductive behavior.


Roger C. Anderson – Restoration ecology, invasive plants, ecology of prairies and savannas, deer browsing effects on vegetation.

Anne-Katrin Eggert – Reproductive cooperation and conflict in burying beetles, sperm competition, reproductive skew, recognition mechanisms.

Charles F. Thompson – Evolutionary, physiological, and behavioral ecology of birds. http://biology.illinoisstate.edu/wrens/

For more information applying to the Graduate Program in Biological Sciences, please seehttp://biology.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/howtoapply.shtml .  For information on financial support for MS and PhD students see:
http://biology.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/FinancialSupport.shtml and links therein.  For PhD and MS program policies see:
http://biology.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/phdPolicies.shtml andhttp://biology.illinoisstate.edu/graduate/programPolicies.shtml , respectively.  For any specific questions please email Steven Juliano, Assistant Director for Graduate Studies sajulian@ilstu.edu

5 PhD positions available at Penn State focused on microbiome manipulation

There are 5 PhD positions available at Penn State across multiple departments within the College of Agricultural Sciences with a focus on manipulating agricultural-associated microbiomes. These positions will provide students with broad and interdisciplinary training in microbial ecology, community sequencing analysis and related fields.
Application deadline is December 15, 2017. Seehttps://www.huck.psu.edu/content/research/microbiome-center/student-resources for more information.
Kevin L. Hockett
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
Lloyd Huck Early Career Professor
Huck Institute of Life Sciences
Pennsylvania State University
316 Buckhout Lab
Office phone: 814-865-4472

Graduate position: UIllinois.SymbiosisEvolution

The Heath lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
is looking for motivated graduate students interested in the
evolution and genetics of plant-microbe symbioses. The Heath lab
uses a variety of approaches (fieldwork, sequencing, quantitative
genetics) in a number of plant and microbial systems to answer
fundamental questions about how mutualisms evolve in nature,
the molecular basis of symbiosis evolution, and plant-microbiome
interactions. Find out more about what we do at our website
(http://www.life.illinois.edu/heath/Heath_Lab/HOME.html). Students can
apply through either the Program in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
(http://sib.illinois.edu/peec/) or the Department of Plant Biology grad
program (http://www.life.illinois.edu/plantbio/graduateAdmissions.htm).
Applications are due by December 15, 2017 for full consideration for
graduate college fellowships.

Champaign-Urbana is a great micro-urban community located midway between
three major cities (Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis), with great food
and drink, abundant culture, and affordable cost of living.

University of Illinois and the Heath lab are committed to a diverse
workplace, and prospective students of all races, genders, and sexual
orientations are encouraged to apply.

Email Katy Heath (kheath@life.illinois.edu) for more information.

Katy Heath <kheath@life.illinois.edu>

Graduate Positions in Speciation and Sexual Selection at the University of Denver

Graduate Positions in Speciation and Sexual Selection in the Larson Lab at the University of Denver

The Larson Lab at the University of Denver is recruiting graduate students (PhD or MS) interested in evolutionary genomics, speciation and sexual selection. Research in the Larson lab focuses on how sexual selection and genomic conflict shape the evolution of reproduction and how divergence in key reproductive traits contribute to speciation.

Graduate students can earn degrees in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Ecology and Evolution or Cell and Molecular Biology. Graduate students will be supported through graduate teaching assistantships for up to 2 (MS) to 5 years (PhD).

Denver is a vibrant city just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. The University of Denver is nestled in a residential neighborhood 8 miles southeast of downtown Denver. The campus is connected via light rail to downtown and the broader Front Range region.

Please contact Erica Larson, erica.larson@du.edu, for more information. Additional information can be found at https://secure-web.cisco.com/1PzxrL32PVJ6kWUyFEjuH4muDlEaS4EqBVLqz9xcXX8JDVkAKINOJWyQH19qpZ2N8ypLNh9tdTKp50j6u_wLrYSkzEu_ecXt9E2qRdSMa4QpyfAUFgULFu2FVGEon-5GZjK-5d8EshKJrrpO1x0vdezzKVCbHs4a1FJwuACBlT9093hi1aZD2OHD8qouctWKFlla3-DgnMQdprBoIw8UrJ7zcgUX1cx7XwQDRLjtx5ECybA2MRcORAHlAd5TVbq_GOTo8mSjy59gMvd5LbXjx85L5FllAJGJ_1ueThU4uGzgjry9lbDYY-ZZDbKqZGjmk57Ha2klj5tLP7imH4hKTZjwrVK2ztKVssb0PRsOGLPT0vChyLVQB0FkvhmKXJP8cArCMrjSCKvyff8iurKdp9RMXc7rVxeITBN3dPN1t9B98YPIm7WpKA5nwA6uYMDvU/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.larsonlab.space.

Biological Science Technician (Fisheries)

Biological Science Technician (Fisheries)
U.S. Geological Survey; Klamath Falls, Oregon
Closing Date: November 29, 2017
This is a temporary appointment not to exceed 12 months that may be extended for 12 additional months without further competition. The initial period of employment is for the 2018 field season, beginning in February and ending in October or November. The incumbent will assist with a variety of field studies to collect fisheries data or specimens, working on boats and using various types of nets and electrofishing. PIT tag technology for marking fish and detecting tagged fish remotely will be an important part of the position.
Information on basic qualifications, which includes information on whether you may substitute education for specialized experience, is here: http://www.usgs.gov/humancapital/sw/quals/0404.html. Other requirements for the position are given in the web posting:
Contact: David Hewitt, dhewitt@usgs.gov
David A. Hewitt

Research Fish Biologist

USGS Western Fisheries Research Center

Klamath Falls Field Station, Oregon

(541) 273-8689 ext 215

Biological Science Technician, Gila Watershed Partnership

This is a great opportunity for recent graduates – please distribute broadly! 
The Gila Watershed Partnership is looking for a Biological Science Technician! Be part of a dynamic and passionate organization working with community partners to protect and restore the Upper Gila Watershed. The Biological Science Technician will assist on a wide variety of field projects including fish surveys and removal, water quality testing, invasive plant removal and restoration planting, as well as provide technical support for the Restoration Specialist. This is a great opportunity for an early career professional looking to get broad field experience and learn new skills in beautiful southeastern Arizona. Click here to download the job description and application instructions. Applications will be accepted until December 8th.

Accepting Apps for MS Environmental Biology in Denver CO

We are now accepting applications for fall, 2018 admission to the MS in Environmental Biology program at Regis University in Denver, CO. The one year M.S. in Environmental Biology is a degree program that emphasizes skills crucial for success in the environmental and ecological workforce. Apply by 12/31/17 and use code ECWC to waive the $50 application fee!

TOP FEATURES of our program

-Focus on relevant skills demanded by environmental employers:
statistical computing (R), GIS, NEPA, grant writing & field work in the Rocky Mountains & elsewhere
– Earn a master’s degree in an intensive one-year program or up to 2 years as it fits with each student’s schedule/goals.
– Hands-on internship at local agencies or research experience with faculty members
– Small class sizes that allow students to build close relationships with faculty and other students
– Knowledgeable faculty focused on individual student goals and success

Go to: REGIS.EDU/ENVIRONMENT for more information and to apply

Apply by February 1, 2018 for priority admission consideration!

NSF-Funded Graduate positions in Aquatic Ecology/Biogeochemistry

I am recruiting new students to begin work on an NSF-EPSCOR funded project focused on understanding the microbiomes of linked aquatic, soil and plant ecosystems. This work is part of a large collaborative team (details below); my lab’s specific focus will be on how microbiology and biogeochemical cycling (N, P) change along Kansas’ precipitation gradient in streams and rivers, and how those changes might alter the propensity for the development of harmful algal blooms in reservoirs. Students with experience or interests in biogeochemistry, microbial ecology (especially cyanobacteria or cyanotoxin studies), and linked aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems are encouraged to contact me to discuss graduate positions available. 
More details about current lab projects can be found here: https://burginlab.wordpress.com/research-projects/
Prior to contacting me, students should read these letters to prospective students: 
Deadline for applications to the KU EEB program is 1 December; instructions on applying can be found here: https://eeb.ku.edu/how-apply
Details on admission requirements are here: https://eeb.ku.edu/admission-requirements
We are recruiting diverse, highly-qualified graduate students to assist with understanding the linkages between microbiomes of aquatic, plant and soil (MAPS) ecosystems across Kansas. The goal of MAPS is to understand 1) how microbiome structure and function among these systems change across the dry to wet precipitation gradient of Kansas and land use, then 2) how those changes in microbiomes affect broader community and ecosystem properties. The NSF funded project project is driven by >15 investigators across multiple institutions, listed below, all of whom will work collaboratively and train students in an interdisciplinary framework.
If you are interested in developing skills in collaborative, team-based science focused on deploying cutting-edge tools in environmental microbiology and informatics, please contact the relevant team member who might serve as your graduate advisor.  Students must discuss their interests with a potential advisor (by email or phone) prior to submitting an application for graduate studies to the relevant department. We especially encourage students with experience in bioinformatics, chemical analysis, field work and experimental design to apply. Experience working across multiple ecosystem types or across rainfall gradients within a given ecosystem will be preferred but not required.
The University of Kansas (Applications due by 1 December for Fall 2018 start)
James Bever (Plant and Fungal Ecology; https://eeb.ku.edu/james-bever)
Sharon Billings (Soil Biogeochemistry; https://eeb.ku.edu/sharon-billings)
Amy Burgin (Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology; https://eeb.ku.edu/amy-burgin)
Terry Loecke (Soil Biogeochemistry; https://esp.ku.edu/terry-loecke)
Ben Sikes (Microbial Ecology; https://eeb.ku.edu/ben-sikes)
Pam Sullivan (Ecohydrology; https://geog.ku.edu/sullivan-pamela)
Belinda Sturm (Environmental Engineering; http://www.people.ku.edu/~bmcswain/)
Folashade Agusto (Infectious disease; https://sites.google.com/site/agustofb/)
Kansas State University (applications due by 15 December for Fall or Summer 2018 start)
Walter Dodds (Aquatic Ecology; http://www.k-state.edu/doddslab/)
Wichita State University
Ft. Hays State University:
Mitch Greer (Grassland Ecology; https://www.fhsu.edu/biology/mgreer/)
Amy Burgin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

University of Kansas
Kansas Biological Survey
office: 785-864-2831

MS position in distribution of freshwater functional diversity under climate change

Interested in aquatic biodiversity, connectivity across isolated natural and anthropogenic habitats, and climate change? Northern Arizona University is an excellent place to study all of these! Come do your Masters in Environmental Science & Policy in the coolest (literally) part of Arizona, in the middle of climate-driven shifts in species distributions. NAU and Flagstaff, AZ offer excellent opportunities to network and collaborate across both academic and agency scientists working on ecosystem responses to climate change and the functional and genetic components of biodiversity underlying those responses. Support will be through a combination of TAships and summer research support. If interested, check out www.bestlabnau.com and send a CV and a brief description of your background and research interests to Rebecca Best (rebecca.best@nau.edu). Final applications due January 15, 2018.