



If you’d like to volunteer on the 2018 Fall Bottom Trawl Survey aboard NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow, your help would be greatly appreciated!   Volunteers are a very important part of our program.

We need the help of every scientist and volunteer who sails.  You do not need to be a scientist to volunteer, but must have a keen interest in what we do and a willingness to work hard alongside our scientists. The information below explains how to sign up for a cruise. Please be aware that we work twelve-hour shifts, which means that you may be standing on your feet for twelve hours. Therefore, please only sign up for a cruise if you are serious about making the commitment.  If there is an emergency, or you anticipate that you will not be able to participate on a cruise that you are scheduled for, please contact me immediately.

The required forms may be downloaded from the Ecosystems Surveys Branch website in the forms link of the Cruise Volunteer Information section.  Helpful information for new participants on what to expect at sea and what to bring on the survey can be found in the Preparing for a Cruise tab of the website.

Three easy steps toward volunteering on a survey:

You must be at least 18 years of age.  Volunteers are responsible for all travel related expenses.  While at sea, all meals will be provided by the vessel.

1. Submit a volunteer questionnaire with the dates you are available to participate.  If space is available, you will receive confirmation to participate on a cruise.  The Volunteer Questionnaire must be sent to:

Katherine Sowers

National Marine Fisheries Service

166 Water Street                                      

Woods Hole, MA  02543


Fax:   508-495-2258

2. Wait to hear confirmation that you have been scheduled.  Confirmations are sent as early as possible and not later than three weeks prior to departure.  If we are not able to find berthing for you, you will have the option of being placed on standby status to fill in if there is a cancellation.

3. After you receive confirmation that you are scheduled for a cruise, submit a medical form that lists all medical conditions to the Health Services Office.   Please list NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow as your project ship.

As noted on the health form, you must have a negative TB test (taken within the last 12 months). Additionally, you must have a current Tetanus shot (received within the last 10 years).  If either is out of date, you will need to obtain them at your expense.  If you have a new TB test or Tetanus shot scheduled, please note the date on your medical form, rather than leaving it blank. Medical clearance must be completed and confirmed two weeks prior to the scheduled departure date.  Please contact the Health Services Office for the status of your medical clearance.

NOAA Health Services Office

Phone: 757-441-6320

FAX: 757-441-3760

E-mail:  moa.health.services@noaa.gov

2018 Fall Cruise Schedule – NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow

Please note that the identified regions are where we anticipate to sample: environmental or mechanical problems may force us to change the area of operation.

Leg 1:  September 4 to 21

(18 days at sea)

Ports:  (depart/arrive Newport, RI)

Planned Survey Area:  Mid-Atlantic


Leg 2:  September 25 to October 5

(11 days at sea)

Ports:  (depart/arrive Newport, RI)

Planned Survey Area:  Southern New England


Leg 3:  October 9 to 25

(17 days at sea)

Ports: (depart/arrive Newport, RI)

Planned Survey Area: Georges Bank


Leg 4: October 30 to November 12

(14 days at sea)

Ports: (depart/arrive Newport, RI)

Planned Survey Area: Gulf of Maine

MS Assistantship- Amphibian Conservation

M.S. Graduate Student Assistantship in Amphibian Conservation

Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA to start in late Nov. 2018 with the start of the Winter Quarter under supervision of Drs. Julia Earl and Don Shepard.

This is a State Wildlife Grant funded project to survey the state of Louisiana for any remaining Crawfish Frog populations, a species of conservation concern.  There is currently only one known population, but this will be the first systematic survey of Louisiana.  The project will primarily be based on frog call surveys (both in person and using automated recorders) and road cruising.
Student must have a good driving record, be comfortable driving and collecting data late at night, and be knowledgeable or interested in frog call identification.  Students should also have a good attitude, as detection of crawfish frogs is likely to be very rare.  There will be opportunities to ask additional ecological questions using data collected on other frog species that could be tailored to the student’s interests.  Other student responsibilities include entering and analyzing data, presenting results at scientific meetings, and writing scientific manuscripts.  Students need to have a B.S. in Biology, Wildlife, Environmental Science, or other related field by the start date.  The assistantship provides support of ~$20,000 per year but does not include an in-state tuition or fee waiver (all out of state students will be eligible for in-state tuition).

To apply, please email an application as a single pdf including a cover letter explaining your interest in the project and long-term goals, a CV (including GPA, GRE scores, and relevant coursework), and the names and contact information for 3 references.  Submit applications by email by Sept. 1, 2018.

For more information, email Dr. Julia Earl (jearl@latech.edu) and/or Dr. Don Shepard (dshepard@latech.edu).

Graduate position: UNewOrleans.ComputationalModelingSimulations

Graduate positions (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are available in the Atallah Lab
(https://sites.google.com/view/atallahlab) in the Biological Sciences
Department at the University of New Orleans (UNO). We are currently
looking for students interested in simulating the role of transposable
elements in evolution and human disease.  In recent years, evidence
has accumulated that transposable elements (TEs) play important roles
in both evolutionary processes (such as changes in gene regulation) and
the progression of diseases such as cancer. We are developing computer
simulations of the activity of TEs in somatic cell populations and the
germline. Students interested in this project should be familiar with
shell scripting and computer programming.  Interested students should
send an email to jatallah@uno.edu. Please include a brief description
of your background (or a CV or resume), and mention why you’re excited
about this project. The University of New Orleans is a public research
university and part of the University of Louisiana system. New Orleans
is a diverse and historic city with a vibrant culture.

Joel Atallah, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
202 Biology Building
Department of Biological Sciences
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA 70148
(504) 280-7057

Joel Atallah <jatallah@uno.edu>

New MS Env Science at DePaul University

DePaul University is launching a new Masters of Science in Environmental Science (MSES) degree focused on urban ecological restoration and conservation land management! 
This graduate degree will prepare students for careers in ecological restoration, species and landscape conservation, biodiversity management, green infrastructure management and ecological consultancy. Our department’s expertise in applied environmental science and can bring exciting and useful training in the field of conservation land management.
Environmental Science & Studies Department faculty have disciplinary expertise in paleontology, plant-atmosphere interactions, restoration ecology, urban forestry, urban agriculture, ecological economics, soil ecology and science, urban ecology, and related fields. Students complete 13 course equivalents, with an expectation that full-time students can complete the program in two academic years. The program is housed in the McGowan South Building (LEED certified) in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago, which provides a modern research infrastructure that includes laboratories, analytical facilities, environmental growth chambers, a rooftop garden, and a greenhouse. 
The program is accepting applications on a rolling basis for ENROLLMENT THIS FALL QUARTER so interested prospective students should apply now!
Please contact the program director, Mark Potosnak at mark.potosnak@depaul.edu or 773-325-7867 if you have any questions. 
Additional information is available at: http://go.depaul.edu/envsciinfo.

ASBC Seeking Fall 2018 Interns

Subject: ASBC Seeking Fall 2018 Interns

The American Sustainable Business Council is currently accepting applications for fall 2018 interns.
Position descriptions and responsibilities are below. If you’re interested please email a resume to interns@asbcouncil.org.

ASBC Fall 2018 Policy Team Internships.

Do you have a passion for sustainability? Do you want to work with forward thinking businesses? We are
looking for policy interns for the 2018 fall semester. The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC)
is a business organization based in Washington, DC with organizational and business members from all
across the country ranging in size from national brands to local restaurants. We work on a range of
policy areas including: the high-road workplace, climate change, water quality, and safer chemicals.
We’re looking for interns to assist with research, Capitol Hill and government agency meetings, business
events, and more!

Candidates should have an interest in policy making, government relations, and business. The internship
is located at our headquarters in Washington, DC.


* Support policy team on research projects including white pages & talking points

* Attend Capitol Hill meetings & briefings

* Research and track legislation

* Engage business leaders for campaign involvement

* Draft campaign language for website & business leader education

* Track state & federal campaigns on assigned policy issues

* Support senior staff on special projects

ASBC Fall 2018 Communications Internships.

The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) is a business organization based in Washington, DC
with members from all across the country ranging in size from national brands to local restaurants. We
are looking for passionate, energetic, and talented communications interns to help us engage the media
and our online community around our policy priorities and activities. Your role will involve supporting our
media relations efforts, doing research for published articles and reports, and engaging with our
members and others via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and more. Candidates should have a major in
marketing, communications, creative writing, public relations, or similar fields. The internship is located
at our headquarters in Washington, D.C


* Create social media content to support research, campaigns, and policy developments

* Analyze social media posts to assess their effectiveness and refine our strategy

* Research journalists to engage for future cultivation

* Help research and develop stories to place as features about ASBC

* Work with the ASBC policy team to bring policy depth to social media

* Help develop new strategies to engage the media and the public

* Assist with review of our current campaigns and make updates

* Support public relations at DC press events to build awareness of ASBC

If you’re interested please email a resume to interns@asbcouncil.org.

Science Communication Intern Position

Subject: Science Communication Intern Position

Hi everyone,

Please see the position announcement for an intern: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fian.umces.edu%2Fvacancies%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C84e24950a2e9498e530608d5e77140be%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636669395958031473&amp;sdata=plZ2C%2BVgBA22jnx36vdqyd6hjTVWpZd8PNdZ3l0Zcc0%3D&amp;reserved=0

The Integration and Application Network (IAN; ian.umces.edu) seeks a science communication intern to join a dynamic group of Science Integrators and Science Communicators at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.umces.edu&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C84e24950a2e9498e530608d5e77140be%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636669395958041481&amp;sdata=XXDwNxnKig200DkBab6ia%2FH7%2Fj9d1tlKPTx%2BUXcMXJQ%3D&amp;reserved=0) and assist in the creation of effective science communication products. This position will support IAN’s goal of not just studying but solving environmental problems through data synthesis and science communication. Previous interns have gone on to graduate schools like Yale, Oxford University (U.K.), and American University, and to other careers including at the National Aquarium, University of Maryland, planning offices, etc.

Expected qualifications and skills:
This internship is targeted to graduate or advanced undergraduate students with backgrounds in science and communication. Sound editing skills and a background in biology or environmental science are required. Interns are expected to work with a variety of software packages including Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office, and GIS applications. Training will be provided, but familiarity with these products is preferable.

Responsibilities and duties:
The science communication intern will have multiple duties depending on their qualifications and interests. Tasks may include:
editing text, photos, and videos,
working with media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., creating new vector images and conceptual diagrams, plotting spatial data and preparing maps, and creating print-ready InDesign documents.
Included in internship:

This is a contractual, hourly appointment. The chosen candidate will receive a competitive hourly wage and subsidized healthcare benefits may be available depending on number of hours worked.
Additionally, interns will gain valuable skills in science communication, including desktop publishing, spatial analysis, environmental assessment, and effective communication. The team provides a dynamic, fun, and exciting atmosphere, as well as a chance to work on some of the most pressing local, national, and global environmental problems.

This position will be located in Cambridge, Maryland or Annapolis, Maryland, based on the needs of the team. Send applications to afries@umces.edu by July 25th, 2018.

Applications should include the following items:
A letter of interest including a clear statement of why you would like to participate in this internship A Curriculum Vitae including two references (with email and phone contact information) A writing sample

UMCES is an AA/EOE. Individuals with disabilities, veterans, minorities and women are encouraged to apply.



Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University is recruiting doctoral and master’s level graduate students for Fall 2019.  
The department has a long and distinguished history, being one of the first of its kind.  It currently has a productive and diverse faculty working on broad array of questions involving microbes, plants, vertebrate and invertebrate animals and whole ecosystems. Field locales span the globe from the old and new world tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions, as well as the uplands, wetlands and coastal areas of Long Island and nearby New York City.
Upon admission, PhD students are guaranteed teaching assistants upon acceptance, with additional support available through fellowships and research assistantships, as they become available. The deadlines for applications are Dec. 1, 2018 for the PhD program. Admissions to the MA program are rolling until April 15, 2019.  
Below is a listing of current local program faculty to whom questions can be directed. It is highly recommended that PhD applicants contact potential advisors before submitting your application.  For questions or assistance with the application process please e-mail our Graduate Program coordinator, Melissa Cohen melissa.j.cohen@stonybrook.edu.

H. Resit Akcakaya – Population and conservation ecology


Stephen B. Baines – Aquatic ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry


Michael L. Bell – Contemporary evolution and biology of fishes
Liliana M. Dávalos – Vertebrate phylogenetics, biogeography and conservation
Walter F. Eanes – Evolutionary genetics of Drosophila
Jessica Gurevitch – Research synthesis, plant population and invasion ecology
Jesse D. Hollister – Plant evolutionary genomics and epigenetics

Jeffrey S. Levinton – Marine ecology and paleobiology
Heather J. Lynch – Quantitative ecology and conservation biology

Ross H. Nehm – Science education, evolution education, cognition
Dianna K. Padilla – Invertebrate aquatic ecology and conservation biology

Joshua Rest – Evolutionary genomics


Robert W. Thacker- Systematics, phylogenetics, and ecology


John R. True – Evolutionary developmental biology


Kishna M. Veeramah – Primate comparative genomics



Jackie Collier – Microbial ecology
Nolwenn M. Dheilly – Evolution of Host-Parasite Interactions

Andreas Koenig – Behavioral ecology of primates


David Q. Matus – Evolution of Cell Invasion


Catherine Markham – Behavioral ecology of primates
Janet Nye – Quantitative Fisheries Ecology

Alistair Rogers – Plant Physiology and Climate Change


Shawn P. Serbin – Plant Physiology and Remote Sensing


Jeroen B. Smaers – Brain Evolution, Phylogenetic Comparative Methodology,

Macroevolutionary Morphology


Leslie Thorne – Ecology and Behavior of Marine Birds and Mammals


Nils Volkenborn – Benthic Ecology and Sediment Biogeochemistry


Patricia Wright – Tropical Conservation and Primatology


PhD position – invasive birds and land use change – Colorado State University

Job Title: Ph.D. Position – Invasive songbirds and land use/land cover in the United States

Location: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

Closing date:  July 9, 2018

RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful applicant will evaluate 1) how the abundance of introduced birds varies over space and time in the United States, and 2) how spatial and temporal patterns of abundance relate to changes in land use/cover, such as habitat fragmentation and agricultural intensification. This is an exciting opportunity to use long-term datasets on breeding birds to ask novel questions at large scales in close collaboration with ecologists at Colorado State University and the USGS Fort Collins Science Center. There is scope for the successful candidate to help shape the project based on their interests and experience. For example, there is potential for this project to shed new light on the land sparing/sharing debate, advance the theory and practice of landscape ecology, and/or explore the relationship between patterns of introduced bird abundance and impacts on ecological processes, such as pest control, crop damage, and disease transmission. We also anticipate opportunities to contribute to related projects on trans-boundary species conservation.

The successful applicant will complete her/his Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. Liba Pejchar at Colorado State University. The preferred start date is August 21, 2018, but there is also flexibility to begin the position in January 2019.  The student will have the option of pursuing a PhD in the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE;
http://www.ecology.colostate.edu/) or in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology.

QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should have both B.S. (required) and M.S.
(preferred) degrees in ecology, conservation biology, wildlife biology, environmental studies or a closely related field. Strong communication and interpersonal skills and an ability to work in a team situation are required. We seek candidates with strong quantitative skills, including proficiency in R, familiarity with a variety of statistical approaches, experience interacting with large data sets, and the ability to work with spatial data layers in ArcGIS. Relevant field experience, such as surveying for and observing passerine birds is also desirable. A demonstrated ability to publish in the peer-reviewed literature is strongly preferred. Academic qualifications include a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Reflecting departmental and institutional values, applicants are expected to have the ability to advance the department’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

COMPENSATION: Salary and tuition for the duration of the project will be supported by graduate research and teaching assistantships. Funds are also available for supplies and travel.

TO APPLY: E-mail a single PDF document that includes: 1) a cover letter describing your interest in the position, 2) your curriculum vitae, 3) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (can be unofficial at this stage), and 4) the names and contact information for three references, by July 9, 2018. Please write “Ph.D. position – Introduced birds” in the subject line and e-mail to: liba.pejchar@colostate.edu.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Liba Pejchar
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
E-mail: liba.pejchar@colostate.edu
Website: https://sites.warnercnr.colostate.edu/liba/

PhD position – invasive birds and land use change – Colorado State University

Subject: PhD position – invasive birds and land use change – Colorado State University

Job Title: Ph.D. Position – Invasive songbirds and land use/land cover in the United States

Location: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

Closing date:  July 9, 2018

RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful applicant will evaluate 1) how the abundance of introduced birds varies over space and time in the United States, and 2) how spatial and temporal patterns of abundance relate to changes in land use/cover, such as habitat fragmentation and agricultural intensification. This is an exciting opportunity to use long-term datasets on breeding birds to ask novel questions at large scales in close collaboration with ecologists at Colorado State University and the USGS Fort Collins Science Center. There is scope for the successful candidate to help shape the project based on their interests and experience. For example, there is potential for this project to shed new light on the land sparing/sharing debate, advance the theory and practice of landscape ecology, and/or explore the relationship between patterns of introduced bird abundance and impacts on ecological processes, such as pest control, crop damage, and disease transmission. We also anticipate opportunities to contribute to related projects on trans-boundary species conservation.

The successful applicant will complete her/his Ph.D. under the guidance of Dr. Liba Pejchar at Colorado State University. The preferred start date is August 21, 2018, but there is also flexibility to begin the position in January 2019.  The student will have the option of pursuing a PhD in the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE;
http://www.ecology.colostate.edu/) or in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology.

QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should have both B.S. (required) and M.S.
(preferred) degrees in ecology, conservation biology, wildlife biology, environmental studies or a closely related field. Strong communication and interpersonal skills and an ability to work in a team situation are required. We seek candidates with strong quantitative skills, including proficiency in R, familiarity with a variety of statistical approaches, experience interacting with large data sets, and the ability to work with spatial data layers in ArcGIS. Relevant field experience, such as surveying for and observing passerine birds is also desirable. A demonstrated ability to publish in the peer-reviewed literature is strongly preferred. Academic qualifications include a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Reflecting departmental and institutional values, applicants are expected to have the ability to advance the department’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

COMPENSATION: Salary and tuition for the duration of the project will be supported by graduate research and teaching assistantships. Funds are also available for supplies and travel.

TO APPLY: E-mail a single PDF document that includes: 1) a cover letter describing your interest in the position, 2) your curriculum vitae, 3) copies of transcripts and GRE scores (can be unofficial at this stage), and 4) the names and contact information for three references, by July 9, 2018. Please write “Ph.D. position – Introduced birds” in the subject line and e-mail to: liba.pejchar@colostate.edu.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Liba Pejchar
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
E-mail: liba.pejchar@colostate.edu
Website: https://sites.warnercnr.colostate.edu/liba/

Laboratory Technician Position in Wildlife Population Genetics, Genomics, and Disease Ecology

Subject: Laboratory Technician Position in Wildlife Population Genetics, Genomics, and Disease Ecology

Laboratory Technician Position in Wildlife Population Genetics

Looking for candidate to start Sept 2018 or as soon as possible.

Information on position is below and here:

* Apply as soon as possible, applications will be reviewed as they are

A laboratory technician position is available to assist research in wildlife population genetics, genomics, and disease ecology. The position will be primarily lab-based within the Ernest Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology Laboratory in the Department of Veterinary Sciences which has affiliations with the University of Wyoming (UW) Graduate Program in Ecology.

The Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology (Ernest) Lab at University of Wyoming, Laramie, is focused on enhancing wildlife conservation, population health, and management through collaborative research, education, and public outreach in the disciplines of genomics, landscape & conservation genetics, and disease ecology.http://www.wildlifegenetichealth.org/

The technician will be responsible for lab work, including  assisting other lab members with research and responsibilities may include supervising and mentoring undergraduate students.  Lab work may involve genomic (next gen sequence data generation and analysis) and genetic (microsatellite) to examine landscape-level genetic diversity, population structure, and population health/disease of wildlife species in the Rocky Mountain West and California. Projects will involve species of current focus in our lab (see our website). Work will involve processing samples, entering data into electronic data bases, maintaining lab safety procedures, equipment and reagents, and more. This position will contribute to graduate students’ and lab’s research on genomics and population health of pronghorn, mule deer, hummingbird, sea otter, black bear, and/or other species, as well as aspects of wildlife population health and/or disease ecology. Responsibilities may also include contributing to data analysis, manuscript writing for peer-reviewed publication, grant-writing, and development of oral and poster presentations of research. Desire to assist in lab management is a plus.

pdf with details about Postdoc Fall 2018 opening and instructions for application –http://www.wildlifegenetichealth.org/ernestlabtech-wildlifegenomics21june2018/

Apply online at the University of Wyoming Jobs Site: https://goo.gl/RygmSu

or click “academic job listings” here,
http://www.uwyo.edu/hr/prospective/index.html then click on the position ID 9850.