
MS or PhD Opportunity: Tick-Borne Disease Ecology, University of Maine

A position is open for a graduate student (Master’s or PhD level) to join Dr. Allie Gardner’s lab in the School of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine (Orono, ME) in January or June 2019. Our lab studies the ecology and dynamics of infectious diseases that are transmitted by arthropod vectors. Supported by a new USDA Resilient Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate grant, the research topic will address the impacts of forest management practices on wildlife communities, blacklegged tick abundance, and tick-borne disease transmission dynamics. The project will use an integrated lab/field research approach, providing opportunities to develop scientific skills that may include but are not limited to experimental design, GIS and spatial analysis, mathematical modeling, and molecular techniques. The student will interact closely with a diverse team of natural and social scientists in the UMaine College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture and the U.S. Forest Service, and students and faculty in a growing One Health and the Environment group at UMaine.
Members of the lab also regularly engage in scientific outreach and research partnerships with private landowners, citizen scientists, and conservation organizations.

The student will be supported by a combination of Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant positions, both of which include a 12-month stipend, tuition waiver, and 50% health insurance coverage. The student may be admitted through the program in 1) Ecology and Environmental Science, 2) Entomology, or 3) Zoology depending upon her/his interests and professional goals. Prior to submitting an application to the UMaine Graduate School, please send inquiries to Dr. Allie Gardner (allison.gardner@maine.edu) with a cover letter discussing your interest in graduate study in ecology and relevant coursework and research experience; a CV including GPA and GRE scores (if available); and names and email contacts for three references. I look forward to hearing from you!

Allison M. Gardner, PhD
School of Biology and Ecology
University of Maine
5722 Deering Hall
Orono, ME 04469

Graduate Position: UMaryland.EvolEcol.PollinationInteractions

Graduate Assistant Position at the University of Maryland, College Park

The EspíndoLab has an opening for a Graduate Assistant position, with a potential start date in the Fall semester 2019. The lab is interested in understanding the effect of the environment on inter-species interactions and communities. To do so, we combine geospatial, phylogenetic and phylogeographic, and ecological approaches. One of the current foci in our work is seeking to understand how changes in the biotic and abiotic environments affect and have affected through historical and geological times the gain, loss, and maintenance of specialized pollination interactions, and the structure of communities.
Work in our lab has spanned many taxa (from plants, to insects, to snails, and millipedes) and large spatial scales (with field sites in South America, Europe, and North America).

The Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland, College Park
(https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.entomology.umd.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cc85084c32b384c8ace2608d6024b5546%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636698919909746039&sdata=E7DPwnY8RWGkyXpCP60ZkppA7A7pHo8Q7Kv6mdiH6ZA%3D&reserved=0) is housed in the Colleges of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (CMNS) and Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR). The Department stands out for its state-of-the-art science, its collegiality, diversity, and inclusiveness. The Department is in suburban Maryland, in the Washington D.C. area, offering opportunities of collaborations with many of the research and teaching institutions present in the region. The location gives unique access to cultural and recreational activities available both in the city and the surrounding region. The University of Maryland, College Park is considered a “Public Ivy-League”, ranked among the 50 top Universities in the world, and offers an excellent educational, cultural, and recreational environment to work, study, and live.

We are seeking a motivated, independent, and creative Graduate Assistant to join our lab. The ideal candidate holds a Master’s degree (or equivalent), has experience in independent research, and is interested in joining a dynamic and collaborative working environment. Women and members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. If interested, email a motivation letter, your CV, and contact information of two references to Prof. Anahí Espíndola (anahiesp[at]umd.edu). Applications received before September 28th, 2018 will be fully considered, and the selected candidates will be invited to apply to the Department’s Graduate program. Application and acceptance by the University of Maryland Graduate program is required. For questions, email Prof. Espíndola (anahiesp[at]umd.edu).

The University of Maryland, College Park, an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action; all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment. The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, creed, marital status, political affiliation, personal appearance, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment, in all aspects of employment, educational programs and activities, and admissions.

Learn about the lab: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fanahiespindola.github.io&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cc85084c32b384c8ace2608d6024b5546%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636698919909756047&sdata=5OdhRRoXikHZN6wt6CpIqdd2tfgF8Op%2Fy%2F9eGPcKvfA%3D&reserved=0

Contact: Prof. Anahí Espíndola, anahiesp[at]umd.edu

Graduate Research Assistantships in Wetland Revegetation, Predictive Modeling for Wetland Restoration, and Seed/Seedling Functional Traits

he Kettenring Wetland Ecology Lab in the Department of Watershed Sciences and the Ecology Center at Utah State University has openings for 1-2 M.S. graduate students starting fall 2018 or spring 2019.
Projects will focus on techniques for seed-based wetland restoration; variation in functional traits among seed sources; and predictive modeling for wetland revegetation.  All projects will focus on Great Salt Lake wetlands and will be under the guidance of Dr. Karin Kettenring (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fkarinkettenring.weebly.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C9ce4f39fa3774e7208df08d6024b5a0f%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636698919992077708&sdata=ormfyI9xWKt5BhgZsOlSKKcVjq94AbASxLb9pfa7AaY%3D&reserved=0), whose research focuses on plant ecology and genetics, wetland restoration, and invasive species ecology and management.  Students with a background and interest in seed ecology, plant propagation, climate change and wetlands, genetic diversity, or predictive modeling for restoration are particularly encouraged to apply.  Interested candidates should email Dr. Kettenring
(karin.kettenring@usu.edu) with their transcripts (unofficial okay), GRE scores, a statement of research interests, and a resume or CV.  Review of applicants will begin August 27, 2018, and continue until the position is filled.  Utah State University is located in picturesque Logan, UT, a community of 100,000 people situated 85 miles north of Salt Lake City.  Logan has a low cost of living and is located in a semi- rural mountain basin with nearby ski resorts, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and mountains that provide unparalleled recreational opportunities.

Graduate Assistantship in Forest Ecology, Univ. of Maine.

Graduate Assistantship (Forest Ecology) Available, University of Maine: The School of Forest Resources, University of Maine, is seeking highly motivated doctoral student to participate in research addressing one or more of the following: (1) Identify the factors ‒ including climate metrics ‒ that best explain temporal variability in stand-level productivity; (2) Examine forest stand dynamics using long-term permanent plots and dendrochronology methods; (3) Characterize carbon and nitrogen dynamics of decaying wood in field decomposition experiments; (4) Improve forest carbon accounting methods, particularly regarding CO2 fluxes from dead wood. Much of this work will take place at the Howland Research Forest in central Maine. Howland Forest has the second longest running eddy-flux tower in the U.S., and it provides long-term data and a well-established research infrastructure.                            
This assistantship provides funding at approximately $20,000/year, 50% of health insurance paid, and a tuition waiver for 19 credits/year. Operating support is also available.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate would have solid quantitative skills, strong field and laboratory skills, and a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research. High levels of intellectual curiosity and self-motivation are essential. Position open until filled; however, an ideal start date would be January, 2019. If interested, please send a CV attached to a message briefly explaining your background and research interests to shawn.fraver@maine.edu.

PhD student and post-doc positions in parasite ecology

Decomposing the effects of diversity on the abundance of marine parasites

As Earth’s ecosystems experience rapid biodiversity change, disease ecologists have turned to an urgent question: how might reductions in biodiversity affect the transmission of parasites? In other words, does biodiversity loss increase the abundance of parasites by eroding natural checks and balances on transmission? Or does it decrease parasite abundance by removing the free-living biodiversity on which parasites depend?

In a new project funded by NSF’s Biological Oceanography Program (NSF/GEO/OCE), the Wood Lab at the University of Washington is addressing this question by quantifying the relationship between fish biodiversity and parasite abundance across 18 replicate coral reef ecosystems of the central equatorial Pacific (Northern Line Islands, Southern Line Islands, French Polynesia). Not only will we explore whether reductions in fish biodiversity are associated with increases or decreases in parasite burdens, but we will also assess whether particular parasite and host traits and the spatial scale of the study influence the direction and strength of this relationship. The theories we propose to test are among the most important and controversial in the rapidly growing field of disease ecology and our lab is new and growing fast – read about this and other ongoing projects on our website and check out our recent publications for more details.

We seek to hire two creative, accomplished, driven parasite ecologists:

1. PhD Student – The PhD Student will join a vibrant community of aquatic scientists at the UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences in Seattle, WA, with a start date of September 2019The research goals of this position will include assessing the direction and shape of the relationship between biodiversity and parasite abundance across dozens of parasite taxa and assessing how spatial scale interacts with parasite dispersal capacity to moderate the effects of biodiversity on parasite abundance. The PhD Student will primarily work with fish specimens that will have already been collected, though there may be opportunities for field work. Applicants must have a background or demonstrated interest in disease ecology, parasite ecology, or host-parasite interactions. Prior experience identifying parasites of fishes is not required, but would be advantageous. To be considered for this position, prospective PhD students must apply to the graduate program of the UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Prospective students should make contact with Chelsea well ahead of the formal graduate program application deadline of 15 December 2018.  Please send an e-mail to chelwood@uw.edu summarizing your research experience and professional goals and attach a CV. 

2. Postdoctoral Scholar – The Postdoctoral Scholar will join a vibrant community of aquatic scientists at the UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences in Seattle, WA, with a negotiable start date between September 2019 and January 2020.The research goals of this position will include determining what factors (e.g., parasite traits like transmission strategy and host specificity, host traits like body size) influence the direction and shape of the relationship between biodiversity and parasite abundance. The Postdoctoral Scholar will primarily work with specimens that will have already been collected, though there may be opportunities for field work. Applicants must have a background in disease ecology, parasite ecology, or host-parasite interactions. Prior experience identifying parasites of fishes is not required, but would be advantageous. Applicants should expect to have a PhD in hand before the start date. This position is funded for one year, with possibility of extension to a second year given satisfactory progress. Interested applicants should send the following as a single pdf: (1) CV, (2) contact information for three references, and (3) a brief (< 2 pages) statement of research interests, as they relate to this position.

All applications will be evaluated based on past research productivity, alignment of applicant’s research interests with the objectives of the Wood Lab, and the individual’s potential to excel as an independent researcher. Questions about these positions may be addressed to Dr. Chelsea Wood (chelwood@uw.edu).

Chelsea L. Wood, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Washington
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Box 355020
Seattle, WA 98195-5020
cell: +1-831-324-3076

field/lab tech at Kellogg Biological Station, MI

Subject: field/lab tech at Kellogg Biological Station, MI

We are looking for a technician to help with field and laboratory work at Kellogg Biological Station (Hickory Corners, MI, https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.kbs.msu.edu&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7Cd643ca839a5d4da2e1a708d5fb01f0e3%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636690908111741378&amp;sdata=on9yHBjnpdgUUHK1QpfePiU5rC9p23cVPyYRNieDaeg%3D&amp;reserved=0). The position is in the Evans Lab, where research is focused on soil and plant microbial ecology. The position would start immediately and last through October, with a minimum of 15 hours/week and ideally 30. This position also could be extended to a full-time position for up to 9 months. Activities through October consist of about 1 day of the week sampling outside in agricultural plots, collecting plant and soil samples, and at least one other day helping weigh and process samples in a scientific laboratory. Pay is $11/hour, with opportunities for raises. The best candidate would have some experience doing field work or laboratory work (especially using soils, biogeochemistry, or molecular techniques), and a degree in a relevant field, but those with an interest in ecology or biology, hard work ethic, and solid references will be considered. If you are interested in this
position: please send an email to vande591@msu.edu (Subject: “KBS hourly tech”) with a brief paragraph about why you are interested in the position and a CV or resume with two listed references. If you are considered, we will follow up with a brief phone or in person interview, and start the position as soon as possible. We are reviewing applicants now, so please contact us as soon as possible.


Subject: Other: LavalU.2.VolResAssist.MothBehaviour
Date: August 4, 2018 at 2:01:47 AM EDT


Two short-term volunteer research assistant opportunities (September
5-25, 2018) are available under the direction of Dr. Ilga Porth (Laval
University), representing the chance to work with regulated invasive
gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar spp.) in a USDA quarantine facility in
Connecticut (USA)*. The assistants will live in a dormitory at the
quarantine facility, and will perform moth maintenance and collection
of female flight behavior data under laboratory conditions. Following
data collection, they will have the option to participate in subsequent
data analyses geared towards gypsy moth behavior, morphometrics,
population genetics, or evolution. Travel to the quarantine facility
(from Canada or USA), living expenses, and a daily stipend will be

To apply, please email Gwylim Blackburn (gwylim.blackburn@gmail.com)
with a brief  message outlining your interest in the project and an
attached CV that lists 2 references. Review of applications will occur
as they arrive. The successful candidate for this position will require
a passport valid for travel in the USA.

Gypsy moths (Lymantria) are a group of plant defoliators adapted to a
wide variety of deciduous and coniferous hosts. During population
outbreaks, gypsy moth larvae can cause widespread forest damage. Adult
female flight capacity represents a key dispersal limitation and
therefore a crucial trait determining our ability to monitor and
regulate the spread of gypsy moth populations. Currently, a single
introduced species featuring limited female flight capacity (L. dispar
dispar) is established throughout eastern USA and Canada. The
persistent arrival of female-flight-capable gypsy moth species on ships
and cargo at North American trading ports represents an important
invasion threat, in terms of their potential for successful
establishment or hybridization with local moths. The present research
aims to develop genetic markers capable of identifying the species,
origin, and female flight capacity of gypsy moths, and to explore the
genetic architecture and evolution of flight in this group.

Gwylim Blackburn <gwylim.blackburn@gmail.com>

MS position (prairie restoration and environmental education) to start September 2018

Funded Masters Student position in prairie restoration and environmental education
Eastern Washington University, Biology Department
            We are recruiting a M.S. student to work on a funded project on prairie restoration at Eastern Washington University beginning in September 2018 (this fall). The position is to work on EWU’s Palouse Prairie Region Restoration, in which 150 acres of University land will be converted from wheat production to native Palouse prairie vegetation. The position is funded for one year through an environmental education grant. Duties of this position include assisting and coordinating environmental education and community outreach activities, including field trips to Palouse remnants and the restoration site, collecting background data on the restoration site, cultivating native plants for the restoration, and drafting interpretative signs about the project. Community participants will range in age from pre-school to seniors. Planting of the restoration will begin in fall 2019.
            Current funding for the position includes a stipend for one year, including summer, and tuition waiver for Washington State residents (out-of-state tuition would be about $5000 per quarter after the waiver). Health insurance and benefits are included. Students would be encouraged to apply for Graduate Service Appointments for a second year of funding.
            Eastern Washington University is located ~15 minutes from Spokane, WA in the beautiful Inland Northwest, with a diversity of nearby natural habitats and outdoor recreational opportunities, including the Selkirk Range of the Rocky Mountains. EWU’s Biology M.S. students have a broad range of interests, but many focus on ecology or natural resource management.  Many of our graduates work in natural resource management or continue to Ph.D. programs.
            Those interested in the position should send a letter of interest and CV or resume to Justin Bastow (jbastow@ewu.edu) or Robin O’Quinn (roquinn@ewu.edu) ASAP (no later than August 17, 2018).
            More information about the Biology M.S. program, including faculty, current students, curriculum, and application procedures can be found at:
More information about EWU Biology faculty, including research interests, can be found at:http://www.ewu.edu/cstem/programs/biology/biology-faculty-and-staff


PhD position: Biodiversity and community ecology of coastal marine ecosystems (Univ. of Virginia)

PhD opportunity: Biodiversity and community ecology of coastal marine ecosystems (University of Virginia)
The Castorani Lab at the University of Virginia is recruiting 
 student to study 
the biodiversity and community ecology of shallow marine ecosystems in coastal Virginia. The s
tudent will be advised by 
, and
 join UVA’s highly interdisciplinary Department of Environmental Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/)
and collaborative 
Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research program (https://www.vcrlter.virginia.edu/)
The student will undertake observational and experimental field studies of benthic invertebrate and fish assemblages in temperate coastal ecosystems
, as well as analyze existing long-term community data
. Focal study habitats include 
seagrass meadows, oyster reefs,
salt marshes
 within the 
oastal lagoon
–barrier island system of Virginia’s Eastern Shore. The student will have opportunities to contribute to highly collaborative long-term studies in the Virginia Coast Reserve and Santa Barbara Coastal (http://sbc.lternet.edu/) LTER programs
Although research in the Castorani Lab is primarily motivated by fundamental ecological questions, there are opportunities for applied research related to coastal habitat restoration (seagrass
, kelp, oysters
) and commercial aquaculture (oysters
At the time of enrollment, highly-qualified applicants will have an undergraduate or master’s degree in biology, ecology, fisheries, or a related field.
 will have
xperience in
 field ecology, ideally 
having carried out experiments with
 marine or aquatic 
; knowledge of the biology of marine organisms; strong quantitative 
; and data
 analysis experience
UVA has a highly interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences (http://www.evsc.virginia.edu/academics/graduate/), offering training and conducting research in ecology, geosciences, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences. Graduate students accepted into the program are typically supported through a mixture of teaching assistantships and research assistantships that 
a competitive
 health insurance

Those interested should send
 the following items, as a single PDF, to 
Max Castorani (castorani@virginia.edu): 
) a brief description of their background, career goals, motivations for pursuing a graduate degree, research ideas, and why they are specifically interested in joining the Castorani Lab; (
) a CV with academic and professional experience (including GPA
) contact information for 2–3 references; and (4) a writing sample.

application deadline is January 15, 201
 for enrollment in Fall 201
, however 
applicants should express their interest as soon as possible.

Fall internship with the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders of Wildlife

Subject: Fall internship with the Center for Conservation Innovation at Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife welcomes applicants to intern with the Center for Conservation Innovation this fall! Applicants are encouraged to apply by August 15 (extended deadline) for best consideration. The internship is unpaid, but we encourage students to seek funding or course credit opportunities through their schools or outside sources.


The internship is an opportunity for an advanced college, graduate, or post-graduate student to work with CCI and other Defenders staff at the interface of science and national conservation policy. In this position, the intern may help collect and analyze large spatial and non-spatial datasets, create published reports, scientific articles, web applications, and maps related to the conservation of species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Skill development will vary with the specific project, but the intern will generally have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of how the ESA is implemented in practice and experience in programming, conservation data and policy science, statistical analyses, GIS, remote sensing, scientific writing and creating interactive data visualizations.

Two internship tracks are available:

Policy and species conservation status – This track will involve projects that focus on ESA regulations and their effectiveness in recovering threatened and endangered species. The intern will learn to assess and analyze ESA documents (e.g., species listings, species status assessments, species 5-year reviews, biological opinions), evaluate species biological needs and conservation status, conduct statistical analyses and create online tools for visualizing data. Projects will aim to measure policy effectiveness and develop recommendations to improve species conservation.

Geospatial analysis and conservation tool development – This track will involve projects that focus on technical advances to creating, analyzing, and presenting spatial conservation data. The intern will learn and refine their geospatial and programming skills by assisting with the development of new approaches, algorithms and tools to quantify and map the status and distribution of species and their habitats.
Projects aim to measure and evaluate policy effectiveness and compliance in conserving species and their habitat on-the-ground.

For more details: