

National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF
REU) Position in Livebearing Fish Evolution & Reproductive Behavior Research

Overview: A 10-week NSF REU position is available in David Reznick’s lab at
the University of California, Riverside for June-August 2019 (June 17
preferred start date). The REU Student will participate in research on the
evolution of placentation in livebearing fishes (poeciliids). Poeciliids
have the unique attribute of having evolved the functional equivalent of a
mammalian placenta at least nine times. There are at least three clusters
of species that contain close relatives with and without placentas. This
raw material gives us the opportunity to address questions about why and
how placentas evolved that cannot be addressed in mammals because all
placental mammals trace their common ancestry to a single origin of the
placenta that happened 100-200 million years ago. We are studying aspects
of reproductive behavior, development, and genomics with experiments
involving crosses between females from different populations of several
placental and non-placental species. These crosses are performed to assay
female and offspring fitness based on the genetic distance between the
female and male’s populations. Furthermore, we, in collaboration with
another lab, use genetic techniques to determine the paternity of offspring
produced in experimental crosses in which females are artificially
inseminated with sperm from multiple males. The goal is to determine if
there is differential success among males siring offspring and differential
provisioning of offspring during development.

Duties: The REU Student will be working with a PhD student to choose a
project and collect/analyze data. Duties will include helping to maintain
experimental fish (e.g. feeding, water changes and tank cleaning) and
record data throughout the duration of the experiment. Additional duties
(i.e. genetics benchwork or specific experimental methods) will depend on
the applicant’s skills and interests.

Eligibility: All animal care and laboratory training will be provided, and
no experience is required. Applicants should be highly motivated,
responsible, and have a strong desire to learn about and conduct
evolutionary biology research. It is essential that applicants be able to
work in a collaborative environment and be able to perform occasionally
repetitive, meticulous tasks. NSF requires that applicants be US citizens
or permanent residents of the USA or its possessions. Furthermore, students
must be current undergraduate students enrolled through Fall 2019. We
especially encourage students from under-represented groups and
institutions with relatively limited research opportunities (e.g.,
community colleges and undergraduate-only institutions) to apply.

Travel, Stipend, & Research Expenses: Travel to and from Riverside, CA will
be provided (up to $800) as well as a stipend of $500/week ($5000 total)
for approx. 40 hours per week. Housing will not be provided.

Application Details: Send a cover letter and CV (see below for contents) in
an email with the subject “Reznick REU Position” to Samantha Levell (
sleve004@ucr.edu) by April 20th, 2019 at 5pm PST. All applications will be
reviewed after the deadline, and top applicants will be contacted for Skype
interviews shortly after. All applicants will be notified by May 6th
whether they have received the position or not.

Your cover letter: should be 1-2 pages (single-spaced) and describe why you
want this position and how it fits into your career goals. Indicate any
experience you have working with fish/live animals. You may also suggest
potential independent research projects, which we may be able to
accommodate during the REU period.

Your CV must include: relevant coursework and current GPA, any
work/volunteer/research positions held, current/past research project
descriptions or publications, awards/honors, and contact information for
three references.

The Reznick lab strives to maintain a positive environment for all its
members. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for this
position without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran
status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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<div dir=”ltr”><div dir=”ltr”><div class=”gmail_default”><span style=”font-family:tahoma,sans-serif”> </span><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) Position in Livebearing Fish Evolution &amp; Reproductive Behavior Research</font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Overview: A 10-week NSF REU position is available in David Reznick’s lab at the University of California, Riverside for June-August 2019 (June 17 preferred start date). The REU Student will participate in research on the evolution of placentation in livebearing fishes (poeciliids). Poeciliids have the unique attribute of having evolved the functional equivalent of a mammalian placenta at least nine times. There are at least three clusters of species that contain close relatives with and without placentas. This raw material gives us the oppo
rtunity to address questions about why and how placentas evolved that cannot be addressed in mammals because all placental mammals trace their common ancestry to a single origin of the placenta that happened 100-200 million years ago. We are studying aspects of reproductive behavior, development, and genomics with experiments involving crosses between females from different populations of several placental and non-placental species. These crosses are performed to assay female and offspring fitness based on the genetic distance between the female and male’s populations. Furthermore, we, in collaboration with another lab, use genetic techniques to determine the paternity of offspring produced in experimental crosses in which females are artificially inseminated with sperm from multiple males. The goal is to determine if there is differential success among males siring offspring and differential provisioning of offspring during development.</font></div><div class=”gmail_defau
lt”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Duties: The REU Student will be working with a PhD student to choose a project and collect/analyze data. Duties will include helping to maintain experimental fish (e.g. feeding, water changes and tank cleaning) and record data throughout the duration of the experiment. Additional duties (i.e. genetics benchwork or specific experimental methods) will depend on the applicant’s skills and interests.  </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Eligibility: All animal care and laboratory training will be provided, and no experience is required. Applicants should be highly motivated, responsible, and have a strong desire to learn about and conduct evolutionary biology research. It is essential that applicants be able to work in a collaborative environment and be a
ble to perform occasionally repetitive, meticulous tasks. NSF requires that applicants be US citizens or permanent residents of the USA or its possessions. Furthermore, students must be current undergraduate students enrolled through Fall 2019. We especially encourage students from under-represented groups and institutions with relatively limited research opportunities (e.g., community colleges and undergraduate-only institutions) to apply. </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Travel, Stipend, &amp; Research Expenses: Travel to and from Riverside, CA will be provided (up to $800) as well as a stipend of $500/week ($5000 total) for approx. 40 hours per week. Housing will not be provided. </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Application Details: Send a cove
r letter and CV (see below for contents) in an email with the subject “Reznick REU Position” to Samantha Levell (<a href=”mailto:sleve004@ucr.edu“>sleve004@ucr.edu</a>) by April 20th, 2019 at 5pm PST. All applications will be reviewed after the deadline, and top applicants will be contacted for Skype interviews shortly after. All applicants will be notified by May 6th whether they have received the position or not. </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Your cover letter: should be 1-2 pages (single-spaced) and describe why you want this position and how it fits into your career goals. Indicate any experience you have working with fish/live animals. You may also suggest potential independent research projects, which we may be able to accommodate during the REU period. </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div c
lass=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>Your CV must include: relevant coursework and current GPA, any work/volunteer/research positions held, current/past research project descriptions or publications, awards/honors, and contact information for three references. </font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”><br></font></div><div class=”gmail_default”><font face=”tahoma, sans-serif”>The Reznick lab strives to maintain a positive environment for all its members. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for this position without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.</font></div></div></div>


Graduate position: UIdaho.EcologicalGenomicsModeling


The Mower Lab in the Center for Plant Science Innovation at the University
of Nebraska-Lincoln is seeking a full-time lab technician position,
starting ASAP. This is a six-month temporary position with the option for
extension for up to 2.5 additional years, contingent on the availability
of grant funds and subject to satisfactory performance.

Duties: The tech will be expected to conduct research on the evolution
of gene function via the development and characterization of transgenic
plants. The research will include assembly of genetic constructs,
genetic transformation of plants, molecular characterization of derived
transformants, and maintenance of transgenic plants grown under greenhouse
conditions. The tech will also be expected to assist with other projects,
as needed, and will be responsible for maintaining the lab, including
ordering of supplies and ensuring EHS compliance.

Requirements: A BS degree in the plant sciences is required, a MS degree
is preferred. One to two years of lab research experience is required,
and prior experience in the area of plant genetic engineering and
molecular biology is desired.

Salary: Approximately $16-17/hour or $36,000-$39,000/year, depending
on qualifications.

Application: Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, a
CV/resume, unofficial transcripts and contact information for two to
three references in a single PDF to jpmower@unl.edu. Job applications
will be reviewed immediately and continuously until a suitable applicant
is identified.

Inquiries about the position should be sent to jpmower@unl.edu.

Jeffrey Mower <jpmower@unl.edu>

MS in Marine Biology with the Three Seas Program

Northeastern University Three Seas  Master of Science in Marine Biology Program is now accepting applications on a rolling basis for Fall 2019.

Three Seas provides graduate students the opportunity to study marine biology in three different marine environments:

1. New England at the Northeastern University Marine Science Center (Nahant, MA)

2. Caribbean at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Bocas del Toro, Panama)

3. Pacific Northwest at Friday Harbor Laboratories (San Juan Island, Washington)

The program culminates in mentored research projects that students can conduct anywhere, offering them flexibility in their research goals.

This is a unique opportunity for students to live and work in the environments that they are studying and explore three diverse ecosystems through field-intensive courses in marine biology and ocean science. The program is SCUBA intensive, and students complete an average of 70 dives over the course of 15 months!

Want to see what a typical day of a Three Seas student is like? Follow us on Instagram  and Twitter!

Interested in Three Seas? Email Andrea (Program Manager) at a.jerabek@northeastern.edu  and APPLY HERE .

Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates 2019

If you’re an undergraduate interested in studying ecology in the field this summer, check out our Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) Program, run by Columbia University’s Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability!

We hold classes in New York, Jordan, Brazil, and Costa Rica! You can find more information at eices.columbia.edu/see-u/ or by emailing eices@columbia.edu.

Apply soon – space is limited!


Brazil: Tropical Forest Ecosystems, June 3-5

New York City: Agroecosystems, July 1-August 9

Jordan: Marine and Desert Ecosystems, July 7-August 5

Costa Rica: Agroecology and Coffee, May 22-June 25

Summer internship available, studying Harmful Algal Blooms

The Erdner laboratory is seeking a Summer Research Intern to assist in studies of the toxic dinoflagellate that causes ciguatera fish poisoning. The position is primarily laboratory-based and will include algal culture and molecular biology tasks such as DNA extraction and PCR. Other studies are possible, depending on background. The position is at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, TX (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsites.utexas.edu%2Ferdnerlab%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7Cb2f3cc7c2867430ea8be08d6b428870c%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636894483509281304&amp;sdata=vg0KkM1OrvA3ofrlx61DlgJCBMTzIg9Wrz4cp%2BnTrX4%3D&amp;reserved=0). Questions about the position should be directed to derdner@utexas.edu.

Eligibility: We are looking for motivated and dedicated applicants with an interest in being an active part of our lab group. We encourage applicants from groups that are underrepresented in marine science. You should be an undergraduate student, i.e. expected to be enrolled during the Fall 2019 semester. Coursework in molecular biology and prior experience with basic techniques is desired, but not required. The pay range is $10-15 per hour, depending on experience, with a 40-hour workweek expected. Dormitory housing is available at the Institute, and it is included as part of the internship.

We will begin to review applications on April 15, 2019, and may continue to accept applications after that date if needed. To apply, please send the following to Dr. Deana Erdner at derdner@utexas.edu:

1)    Cover letter/email stating why you are interested in the internship

2)    Resume or CV

3)    List of coursework: either an official transcript, unofficial transcript, or list of courses taken and grades.

4)    The names and contact information of two references

If electronic submission is not possible, hardcopy applications can be mailed to:

Dr. Deana Erdner

University of Texas

Marine Science Institute

750 Channel View Dr.

Port Aransas, TX 78373


Deana Erdner

University of Texas at Austin

Marine Science Institute

750 Channel View Dr.

Port Aransas, TX 78373



summer full-time, paid fisheries technician

Hiring full-time, paid fisheries technician

IMG_E0230Description: The Schultz lab at UConn is seeking a summer field technician to assist on a graduate student project investigating juvenile Alewife migration. Alewife is a species of conservation concern along the northeast Atlantic coast, and this project is conducted in partnership with CT DEEP and USGS.

IMG_2981The successful applicant will assist with a swimming performance and metabolic rate study. Work will include, but is not limited to, the following: field sampling (purse seining & trapping fish), live fish transportation, fish dissection & tissue extraction, equipment maintenance, tank maintenance, experimentation (salinity trials & swimming performance), and lab work. The technician will gain useful skills in both the fisheries and broader STEM fields. There is some opportunity for the technician to help with outreach and broader impacts related to the study if interested. Hours will be irregular during sampling (and to some degree experimentation) and technician must have a flexible schedule. Work on some weekend days may be necessary. This is a full-time and paid position.

Duties/Responsibilities include:

•       Assisting with field sampling and lab work, including but not necessarily limited to travel to field sites, working at night in an open boat, dissecting fish specimens.

•       Maintaining field gear and experimental tanks.

•       Interacting with collaborators in a professional manner.

•       Communicating with other students and public in outreach efforts.

Minimum Skills/Qualifications:

•       A demonstrated interest in ecology, marine/aquatic biology, and/or fisheries science.

•       Strong academic background in biological sciences.

•       Willingness and ability to perform strenuous field work and to swim (safety precaution).

•       Ability to pass state background checks to access field sites.

•       Ability to communicate well in both the office and field environments.

•       Motivation and ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Preferred Skills/Qualifications:

•       Ability to maintain enthusiasm and positive attitude during late/early/long working hours

•       Strong attention to detail and creative problem solving

•       Ability to interact with collaborators in a professional and productive manner

•       Desire to pursue research/career in fisheries, ecology, or related field

If interested, please send CV, cover letter, and 1-3 references to Rebecca S. Colby (rebecca.colby@uconn.edu).

Masters Student: Mammal interactions with invasive pythons

I am looking for a dynamic and mature masters student to conduct research examining mammal interactions with invasive pythons in south Florida. The project will focus on determining if rabbits can be used to concentrate pythons for removal, and to understanding how rodent population dynamics change with the presences of pythons. It is important to note that this study will focus on the ecology of mammals and not on python ecology. The selected applicant will be enrolled in the University of Florida Department of wildlife Ecology and Conservation. In the Fall, they will take classes, TA , and prepare for field research. During the spring and summer they will conduct extensive field work and supervise technicians in south Florida.  The project will provide field housing in south Florida. The student will be paid a higher the normal $32,760 annually for 2 ½ years. This will include a tuition waiver for at least 1 year (possibly 2). However, the student will be required to pay tuition for they do not receive a waiver (approximately $11,000 annually). I am looking for a self-motivated, independent student with a previous record of academic achievement and extensive field experience. Applicants should have a minimum 3.0 GPA, greater than 310 on the GRE, and experience working with mammals. To apply, send a resume, GRE scores, transcripts, and a list of 3 references along with brief statements describing how you are prepared for graduate school and your career goals to Dr. Robert McCleery atramccleery@ufl.edu by April 19, 2019.

Research Natural Area Monitoring and Post-fire Seeding Technicians-Oregon

POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Institute for Applied Ecology will be hiring 2 seasonal technicians to work on a project to monitoring plant species/communities of Research Natural Areas in the Lakeview (OR) BLM District or monitoring Post-fire seeding of areas impacted by wildfire in the Twin Falls (ID) BLM District. Field work will involve botanical surveys, using Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring protocols. Technicians will work with the crew leader and program staff to prepare field equipment, conduct field work, and assist in data management. Position is based in Corvallis, Oregon, but 100% of the field work will be conducted in the Lakeview BLM District in southern Oregon, or in the Twin Falls District in southern Idaho. Out-of-town/overnight (accommodations include hotels and camping) is required, and field work will consist of an 8-day-on/6-day-off schedule (Wednesday-Wednesday). At the conclusion of field data collection, position will be continued in the IAE office in Corvallis, OR.

START DATE: mid-April to early-May (some flexibility) END DATE:  early- to mid-July (some flexibility) **NOTE—Dates are the best projections, but some flexibility is possible due to ensuring timing of sampling to appropriate plant phenology. Updated information will be provided as it becomes available, although we expect the actual dates to be very close to the stated ranges.

**If you previously applied for the position(s), and still would like to be considered, please send a confirmation email tomattab@appliedeco.org**

COMPENSATION: $13.00-14.00/hr depending on experience, plus travel expenses associated with overnight field work (food and lodging).  Housing in Corvallis is not provided.  This is a full-time temporary position with no benefits.

TO APPLY:  You must complete the online application form.  In addition, you need to include a letter of interest stating when you will be available to start work (this is a MUST), resume, transcripts (unofficial is fine) as a single PDF document emailed to mattab@appliedeco.org no later than Friday, March 29, 2019.

You will be required to include the names and contact information for three references in your online application form.  AT LEAST ONE reference must be from a supervisor from a work experience.

INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Non-U.S. residents must also include a copy of their work visa.  Applications will be considered upon receipt.  Please direct all inquiries to jobs@appliedeco.org.


•BS in a relevant field

•Mature, self-motivated, highly organized, and comfortable working in a 2-4 person field crew •Must have a valid driver’s license, be willing to travel, and be able to perform strenuous work in all weather conditions •Physical requirements include ability to hike 10+ miles in rugged terrain carrying a 30-lb load and work in a bent-over/kneeling/sitting position for long periods of time •Basic computer skills (word processing and spreadsheet applications) required; experience in GIS is a plus

•1 or more seasons of field research experience, with preference given to those with skills in plant identification and vegetation sampling (preference given to those with AIM experience).

IAE supports diversity and equity, and we encourage applications from all groups of people. We recognize that the strength of IAE is in our people, and we believe that every employee has the right to work in surroundings that are free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment. IAE does not and will not discriminate in employment and personnel practices, and our commitment to equal employment opportunity applies to every aspect of the employment relationship.


Matt Bahm



2020 Marine Biology Spring Semester: UGA Marine Institute

Study marine biology on the coast of Georgia!

The University of Georgia Marine Institute will be offering its Marine Biology Spring Semester in 2020.  This field study program will be based at UGAMI’s campus on Sapelo Island, a barrier island off of Georgia’s central coast.  Students can take up to 17 credit hours.  Classes follow a block schedule, each lasting roughly 4 weeks. This opportunity is open to undergraduate students from any college or university.

For more information and application materials, go to: UGA Marine Biology Spring Semester

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.


Damon Gannon