
Disney’s Animal Kingdom(R) Theme Park Animal Programs – Animal Endocrinology Inter

Job ID 677689BR

Location Lake Buena Vista, Florida, United States

Business Walt Disney World Resort

Date posted Aug. 19, 2019

Animal Endocrinology Internship – Spring 2020

Disney’s Animal Kingdom® Theme Park

Be a part of a transformative team and culture…

•Analyze hormones in a variety of exotic animal species to assess physiology such as pregnancy, effective contraception, and positive welfare as part of our animals’ comprehensive wellness program.

•Share animal hormone and behavior results to science, husbandry, and health partners to help with animal management decisions

•Highlight team projects and conservation stories with Disney’s Animal Kingdom® Theme Park Guests to inspire them to conserve species and their habitats

•Operate and maintain lab equipment

•No direct animal contact takes place in this role.

Basic Qualifications:

•Minimum three months of non-classroom research laboratory experience in established scientific research program

•Ability to think critically and interpret biological information

•Attention to detail and skilled at following laboratory protocols

•Eagerness to share passion with other individuals and group tours

•Enthusiasm for animal conservation and care in zoos and aquariums

•Must have a valid U.S. Driver’s License

•Operating a company vehicle is required for this role. Candidate must be willing and able to operate a company vehicle under inclement weather, including minimal lighting

Preferred Qualifications:

•Completed additional laboratory coursework (e.g., vertebrate biology, cell biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry)

•Technical research laboratory experience in endocrinology, reproductive biology, zoology, or animal physiology which may include performing enzyme immunoassays

•Demonstrated pipetting experience

•Sincere interest in zoo animal endocrinology with professional goals in conservation-related fields

•Previous experience in a zoological institution/conservation organization

Required Education

•Completed coursework (lecture/laboratory) in endocrinology, reproductive biology, chemistry and/or animal physiology

•Senior or recent college graduate, masters student, or recent master’s graduate

•Biology, Animal Science, Zoology, Wildlife Biology or related major

•Minimum grade point average of 3.0


•Résumé (outlining all of your required qualifications)

•College transcripts (official or unofficial)

•Please attach a cover letter to tell us a bit more about your passion for this field, and how you have cultivated this passion in your field to date to prepare for your future career

To upload these documents WITHIN 2 DAYS OF APPLICATION

•Log into your Dashboard

•Click the second tab “Attachments”

•Select “Submitted Applications”

•Click on the title of the position for which you would like to attach the transcript/cover letter/resume/etc

•Click the “Add Files” button

•Under what you want to add, select “Transcript”/or type of document you are attaching

•Be sure your document is titled appropriately with your name and type of document in this format: First Name_Last Name_Transcript

Internship Eligibility:

•Must be enrolled in an accredited college/university taking at least one class in the semester/quarter (spring/fall) prior to participation in the internship program OR must have graduated from a college/university within 6 months OR currently participating in a Disney College Program or Disney Professional Internship

•Must be at least 18 years of age

•Must not have completed one year of continual employment on a Disney internship or program.

•Must possess unrestricted work authorization

•Must provide full work availability

•Must provide own transportation to/from work

•Current Active Disney cast members must meet Professional Internship transfer guidelines (for Walt Disney World cast members this is no more than four points and one reprimand in the last six months; for Disneyland cast members this is six months of consecutive service and a performance record clear of any disciplinary issues (warnings, suspensions, etc.) for at least six months)

Program Length: The approximate dates of this internship are January 2020 – June 2020. Interns must be fully available for the duration of the internship.

Housing: A limited amount of company-sponsored housing is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

About Walt Disney World Resort:

Since opening in 1971, Walt Disney World Resort has played an important role in many childhood and family memories. Today, hundreds of millions of guests from around the globe visit this magical place to enjoy a Disney vacation. Through a combination of creativity, innovation and technology, the resort immerses guests in classic Disney tales and new kinds of family entertainment. Drawing from a rich heritage of storytelling, Walt Disney World Resort cast members bring Disney magic to life through unmatched attention to detail and superior guest service.

About The Walt Disney Company:

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with the following business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media. From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to its preeminent name in the entertainment industry today, Disney proudly continues its legacy of creating world-class stories and experiences for every member of the family. Disney’s stories, characters and experiences reach consumers and guests from every corner of the globe. With operations in more than 40 countries, our employees and cast members work together to create entertainment experiences that are both universally and locally cherished.

This position is with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc., which is part of a business segment we call Walt Disney World Resort.

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or protected veteran status. Disney fosters a business culture where ideas and decisions from all people help us grow, innovate, create the best stories and be relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Avian Ecology Field Crew Leader

We are hiring an avian ecology field crew leader to manage a four-person, Guam-based team with the Ecology of Bird Loss project and Iowa State University beginning in Fall 2019. This position will require leading the team in completing tasks including: nest monitoring, survival checks, tracking, resighting efforts and population censuses of the remnant population of SÃ¥li (Micronesian Starling) to understand how the invasive brown treesnake affects SÃ¥li population dynamics. The crew leader will be in charge of scheduling, supervising data collection and will have some data reporting duties.

The position will last 18 months with potential for extension. Pay will be $18/hour for 40 hours/week plus benefits. Travel to Guam from the mainland US and housing will be covered. Eligible candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or higher in biology or a related field and extensive experience in:

•    Bird banding

•    Mist-netting

•    Radio transmitter attachment and radio-telemetry

Leadership and team management experience are valuable assets. The candidate must be a U.S. citizen at least 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license.

To apply, please submit a cover letter describing your experience and interest in the position, a résumé or CV, and contact information for three references to ecologyofbirdloss@gmail.comwith “Avian Crew Leader Application” as the title of the email. Please note when you are available to start in your cover letter. Applications are due by September 1, 2019.

Please contact Martin Kastner and McKayla Spencer at ecologyofbirdloss@gmail.com if you have any questions related to the position.

Internship Opportunity at El Verde Field Station, El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico

*Internship Opportunity*

University of Puerto Rico- Río Piedras

Tropical Forest Research Experience for College Graduates

Complete applications must be submitted by August 24th, 2019

*RESEARCH DESCRIPTION*: The University of Puerto Rico will carry out fall

field work in El Verde Field Station in El Yunque National Forest, Puerto

Rico. Interns will work on different projects, Seedling Drought Experiment

(duties include: clean the rain-out shelters, censuring seedlings, watering

the seedlings after rains, measuring soil moisture and data entry). The

Stream Free Project (duties include: monthly sampling of different aspects

of the stream food chain, sorting leaf litter, general lab duties and some

manual labor). The Annual Course Woody Debris assessment (duties include:

complete the annual course woody debris protocol in the Luquillo Forest

Dynamics Plot, a 16 he plot). Take Canopy photos with a fish eye lent and

help our technicians to complete the tree census in the Canopy trimming

experiment plots. Following training in census protocol and database

management, the volunteers will work in the forest in teams or

individually, spending long hours in the field (8 am until 4 pm,

Monday-Friday, with weekends free), often in wet and muddy conditions and

on challenging topography. While in Puerto Rico volunteers will have the

opportunity to learn about diverse aspects of tropical ecology from

scientists involved in the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program.

*PERIOD:* September 9- through December 19, 2019

*STIPEND:* $600 per month to cover food and general living expenses.

*ACCOMMODATION:* Free accommodation at El Verde Field Station in Puerto

Rico. Housing is communal using shared resources. The field station works

with a generator since we don’t have power, is relatively isolated and

transportation is available on a limited basis.

*TRAVEL:* Refund of up to $750 towards a round-trip plane ticket from

mainland USA, if not already living in Puerto Rico.

*NOTE:* We are unable to provide any medical insurance.

*REQUIREMENTS:* College graduates with background in biology, ecology,

environmental science, or related field, preferably with field-work

experience, knowledge of plant identification, and excellent organizational

skills. Tropical experience useful but is not required. We are currently

only considering US citizens and permanent US residents for these


*APPLICATION PROCEDURE:* Interested applicants must fill out the online

Application Form (


The following additional materials must also be submitted via email to the

LFDP Research Manager, Jamarys Torres-Díaz, at lfdp@ites.upr.edu by August


1) A letter of interest indicating why you wish to work in a tropical

forest and describing your relevant experience. Include a statement that

you understand your application is for a volunteer position and let us know

which of the projects do you think you can fit better; 2) Full resume; 3)

University transcripts (scanned unofficial transcripts are fine); All email

attachments must include the name of the applicant as part of the file

name. Please include “Fall Field Work at El Verde” as part of your subject

line. Please email further inquiries to lfdp@ites.upr.edu. Following phone

interviews, we will inform successful applicants in August, 2019. For more

information, please see http://luq.lternet.edu/

PhD Assistantship – eDNA and aDNA Ecology of Clupeid Fishes

Location: Evolutionary Applications Lab (Kinnison Lab), University of Maine, Orono, ME, USA. (https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fumaine.edu%2Fevoappslab%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7C11f572ce9bb2463f155208d6ee4d4ad9%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636958413077574175&sdata=kTTV3O2pE96fiPPx5eSdpRuC%2BjUuxRPPu7rYQ2kgppc%3D&reserved=0)

Responsibilities: Conduct doctoral dissertation research applying environmental DNA (eDNA) and ancient DNA (aDNA) approaches to understand the current and historical population, community and ecosystem dynamics of river herring and Atlantic herring in Maine, USA.  eDNA approaches offer new capacity to study the dynamics of these ecologically, economically, and culturally important fishes at unprecedented spatial and temporal scales. The successful candidate will conduct research linking scales from lakes to the Gulf of Maine and from the present day to pre-European colonization.  Research will address current needs of modern fisheries and restoration monitoring efforts while advancing the science of eDNA-based ecological inference and our understanding of how historical and ongoing anthropogenic factors (dams, harvest, pollution and climate change) have shaped the role of these important species in larger food webs.  The successful candidate will be an engaged member of an active eDNA and evolutionary applications lab that places a high value on team science, interdisciplinary approaches, and impactful collaborations with diverse partner institutions (research institutes, state, federal and tribal agencies, NGOs, industry).

Qualifications: MS degree, or extensive B.S. research experience, in biology, ecology and evolution, fisheries, or related discipline. Experience with molecular genetic techniques is strongly preferred. Must have excellent communication and quantitative skills (as demonstrated by GPA, GREs, TOEFL, writing samples, or other sources).  Must be legally employable in the United States.

Compensation: Graduate student stipend via combination of research and teaching assistantships, tuition, health insurance contribution.

Closing date:  Applications will be considered until a suitable candidate is hired

Anticipated start date: 1 Sept 2019 or 1 Jan 2020

Apply: Submit a pdf document including: 1) a cover letter outlining your qualifications, including team research interests and experiences; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3) transcripts (unofficial are fine for initial reviews), 4) test scores or other documentation of communication and quantitative skills, and 5) email/phone contacts for three professional references.   Please attach your pdf application to an e-mail to Dr. Michael Kinnison at: mkinnison@maine.edu

The University of Maine is an EEO/AA employer, and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Amie Parker, Interim Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME  04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System).

MS opportunity: forest structure and tree physiology

Research Assistantship for MS student at Clemson University, through the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science (BICEFS), Georgetown, SC:

We are seeking a Master of Science student to conduct research related to forest ecology within the upper Savannah River estuary. Forest structure will be compared along a gradient of salt-impacted, fresh tidal, seasonally tidal, and non-tidal forested wetlands. A similar tidal forest complex exists near Georgetown, SC; this system will also be measured and included in the comparison. There will be also a tree physiology component to the program, using thermal dissipation probes to measure differences in within-tree rates of sap flow as related to azimuth of aspect. Likely target species would include baldcypress, tupelos, ash, and elm.

The student will be expected to develop a thesis proposal, collect field data, analyze data and interpret results, and defend their thesis to a committee. Coursework taken on the main Clemson campus is also inherent to the degree program, but the student will likely be stationed more at BICEFS in Georgetown, SC. Most operations are based out of Georgetown, and the Institute is located on Hobcaw Barony, which provides multiple natural wetlands to answer some questions, without long-term field excursions. Reasonably priced housing is available in the Georgetown area, and will be paid for by the student. As previously mentioned, time will be spent on campus to fulfill course requirements; here, again, housing will need to be arranged by the student. To fulfill the Research Assistantship obligations, the student will help as needed for lab mates and BICEFS technicians. Proficiency in the use of common computer programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel is expected, and a valid U.S. driver’s license is required. Because field duties will require extensive use of small (16 foot) outboard motorboats, the ability to swim is also required. Applicants should have a BS degree in natural resources or a related field from an accredited university and have completed the GRE by December 2018.

Fieldwork associated with the Research Assistantship is a very energy intensive endeavor, requiring a high level of physical fitness; this should not be underestimated or taken lightly. Conditions in the field are very hot and humid in summer months when the 2 “big samples” of marsh vegetation are collected, part of the required monitoring effort of our lab. Vegetation sampling involves traversing floatant and solid ground marshes on foot for extensive distances while carrying several 13 gallon garbage bags of marsh plants. Proper training will be provided for safe motorboat operation, marsh plant identification, and use of appropriate tools (e.g., handheld GPS, statistical techniques), but appropriate physical fitness will be expected at the time of hire.

The Graduate Research Assistantship stipend will be based on $20,000 annual. Two years of tuition and project travel will also be covered, though the student will be required to secure their housing in Clemson while taking courses, and near BICEFS (Georgetown, SC) area while not collecting field data or taking courses. The student should also anticipate the need to pay Clemson University fees imposed each semester and summer, and university parking fees while they are on the main campus.

Interested applicants should send a single pfd file containing a cover letter, CV with 3 professional references listed, and unofficial transcripts to Dr. Jamie Duberstein at JamieDuberstein@gmail.com.

Ph.D. position in Plant Evolutionary Ecology Department of Plant and Microbial Biology North Carolina State University

The Sheth evolutionary ecology lab invites applications for a Ph.D. position beginning in Fall 2020. We study the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying species climatic niches and geographic ranges, with the aim of understanding evolutionary and plastic responses to climatic changes. Primarily using monkeyflowers as a model system, we combine field, greenhouse, and growth chamber experiments, quantitative genetics, and comparative analyses to examine constraints to adaptation in plant populations, species, and clades.

NC State’s Department of Plant and Microbial Biology offers a highly-rated research environment and is situated in a collaborative and scientifically stimulating atmosphere in the Research Triangle, with both UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University nearby. There is a vibrant and growing community of ecologists and evolutionary biologists spread across multiple departments on campus, including Applied Ecology, Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Forestry and Environmental Resources, Soil and Crop Sciences, and Biochemistry, among others. Raleigh is a lively yet affordable city with a high standard of living, and its surroundings offer numerous recreational activities.

We are looking for a highly motivated student with a keen interest in plant evolutionary ecology. Thesis projects can be tied into ongoing research in the lab or developed according to mutual interests. Interested students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with our research and publications at https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.seemasheth.weebly.com&data=02%7C01%7Ceric.schultz%40uconn.edu%7C11f572ce9bb2463f155208d6ee4d4ad9%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C636958413077574175&sdata=anb3LWV7HxTpdDo%2Bm6SV4w8T0L%2FGS8ejMWJlqAJTSAU%3D&reserved=0.

TO APPLY: Graduate students have the option of applying to the Plant Biology Graduate Program or the Biology Graduate Program with a concentration in Ecology and Evolution, and are typically funded through a combination of teaching and research assistantships. Before submitting a formal application (due January 15), please send the following information to Dr. Sheth atSeema_Sheth@ncsu.edu no later than November 1: 1) CV; and 2) a statement of your academic background and previous research experience, current research interests, and why you want to join the lab.

Vegetation Restoration Technician

Working cooperatively with the National Park Service’s Death Valley National Park (DEVA), the Great Basin Institute (GBI) is recruiting a Vegetation Restoration Technician who will work cooperatively with National Park Service staff to accomplish vegetation management.  The project will include, but is not limited to, performing invasive plant monitoring and control using a variety of methods and inventorying and documenting specific locations within DEVA for botanical resources.

To learn more and apply please follow the link below:


Job: OccidentalCollege.LabTech.BirdDNA

The Moore Laboratory of Zoology at Occidental College, is seeking a 
full-time LABORATORY TECHNICIAN to join our team ASAP and carry out 
DNA-based projects in ornithology using modern and historical DNA 
specimens from the Moore Lab’s collection of 65,000 birds (see 
instagram.com/mlzbirds). Major projects include an NSF-funded project 
comparing DNA of modern and historical specimens to look for genomic 
change over the last 100 years and hybridization genomics of introduced 
Los Angeles parrots.

The successful applicant will have at least one year’s experience 
working in a molecular lab. Some experience with genomic techniques is 
preferred, but not required. Duties include ancient and modern DNA 
extraction, library preparation for next-generation sequencing, 
sequencing using an Illumina MiSeq, and training and coordinating the 
activities of undergraduates. The applicant should have good leadership, 
organizational, and interpersonal skills.

The position is renewable each year and includes a competitive benefits 
package with health, dental, and life insurance and eligibility for 
retirement benefits after 1 year. The position is paid at an hourly rate 
of $20/hour. The full job ad can be accessed here: 

Applications must include a one-page CV, a cover letter describing 
experience and interest in the job, and contact information for three 
references. Please send applications to Dr. John McCormack 
(mccormack@oxy.edu) with subject line indicating “Laboratory 
Technician”. Applications should arrive by July 1. The ideal start date 
for this position is August 1 or ASAP after that.

The Moore Laboratory of Zoology is a world-renowned natural history 
collection featuring the largest Mexican bird collection in the world 
and over 65,000 bird and mammal specimens. The MLZ has close ties to 
nearby institutions such as the Jet Propulsion Lab, UCLA, Huntington 
Library, and the L.A. County Natural History Museum. Occidental is a 
small liberal arts college located in the culturally-rich Los Angeles 
neighborhood of Eagle Rock near Pasadena. Occidental is well-situated 
close to many outdoor recreational activities: the ocean, mountains, and 
desert can all be reached in 45 minutes or less. The neighborhood 
surrounding Occidental College is family friendly, walkable, and home to 
a wealth of urban amenities.


The Goldberg lab at Duke University in Durham, NC is recruiting postdocs
and PhD students.

Students and postdocs may work on a range of projects in theoretical and
empirical population genetics, computational archaeology, and
human-environment interactions. Much of our work is in humans and other
primates, but study system is flexible.

Individuals with a background in genome assembly or primate disease ecology
are particularly encouraged to apply. We are starting new work in zoonotic
disease transmission and disease models that incorporate genetics.

The Goldberg lab combines theory and computational data analysis; interest
in biological applications of programming, statistics, and/or mathematics
is required. Postdoc candidates should contact Amy Goldberg with a CV and
brief statement of research interests. Candidates should be specific about
their interests in our work.

We strive to be an inclusive environment for all.

Graduate position: UIllinois.FishEvolutionGenomics