Graduate position: UWisconsin.FishReproductiveDemographics

The Molecular Conservation Genetics Lab at the University ofWisconsin-Stevens Point seeks an MS student to lead research that willdevelop and use genetic tools to characterize reproductive demographicpatterns of white sucker and longnose sucker in the Boardman/OttawayRiver in northwestern lower Michigan. The position will involve designof genotyping-in-thousands (GT-seq) panels for each species that willbe used to generate estimates of the number of successful spawners andeffective number of breeders. The position is stationed at the Universityof Wisconsin-Stevens Point in Stevens Point, WI and supports the FishPass( restoration project. The student willwork closely with fishery managers and biologists from state and tribalagencies. Limited opportunities for fieldwork will also be available.BS in Fisheries, Biology, Ecology, or related field. Experience ingenerating and/or analyzing genetic data is preferred, but not strictlyrequired.To apply, please email cover letter, CV/resume, unofficial transcripts,and contact information for three references to Jared Homola( Additional questions regarding the project shouldbe sent via email (