Graduate position: TexasTechU.EvolutionaryGenomics

The Manthey research group in the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University is recruiting 1-2 PhD students to work on funded genomics projects beginning Fall 2024.We currently have funded projects to investigate landscape genomics, population genomics, and genome evolution in carpenter ants and their microbial symbionts. Graduate students would be encouraged to develop their own projects under these broad themes. For more information about these lines of research and our lab more generally, please visit: individuals should email a CV/resume to Dr. Joseph Manthey ( or, as well as an informal statement of how your interests overlap with the research projects in the lab.The Department of Biological Sciences has a strong and dynamic group of scientists with a focus in ecology and evolutionary biology. The department has strengths in multiple areas of genomics, bioinformatics, and specialized disciplines of ecology and evolutionary biology. The departmental website can be found here: for applications~ Our department has a deadline of January 1 for applicants applying to start the following fall. Please find all application details here: qualified applicants are encouraged to contact me with their statement of interest. While academic scores have a role in admissions, motivation and enthusiasm for genomics and research experience are highly valued.