Physical Scientist GS-11/12
Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center.
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) is a nationally consistent multi-temporal land cover and land change database at 30-m resolution. As a member of the NLCD team this person will perform the following duties: (1) develop innovative land change monitoring methods that support studies of ecological and geographic processes, (2) apply new techniques and methodologies for processing and analyzing geospatial and remotely sensed data to document land cover change, and (3) effectively communicate results by publishing peer-reviewed scientific and technical papers and reports in the open literature, and participating in professional meetings, symposia and conferences. This position requires: knowledge of image processing systems and procedures to analyze digital satellite data and generate and interpret spatial models; ability to locate and format digital data; proficiency in scripting models with ESRI and ERDAS IMAGINE software; knowledge of general scripting languages such as Python, Javascript, and R; and the ability to plan work procedures, develop schedules, and lead a team.
Apply here:
Please contact Catherine Costello (