Undergraduate research and work opportunities
As part of a study funded by the National Science Foundation focused on the evolutionary
significance of whole genome duplication in plants (we use mosses as model systems) we seek
to fill TWO POSITIONS with BIO or EEB majors interested in evolutionary biology:
1. Maintain cultures of mosses: we establish and propagate cultures of mosses for genome
analysis, reproduction biology experiments and morphological study
2. Process DNA sample (extraction, amplification and sequencing) for phylogenetic analysis
Prerequisites: BIOL 1108 or BIOL 1110
Eligibility: Sophomores and juniors preferred, GPA > 3.0
Number of hours weekly: 6-8
Open for credit or compensation
Deadline for application: Sept 6, 2019
Contact bernard.goffinet@uconn.edu.
Subject line: bryology position
The Goffinet Lab (see http://bryology.uconn.edu):
We study the evolution and systematics of plants with a
focus on mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, and also of
fungi, namely those establishing permanent symbiotic
associations, called lichens. Past undergrads have done
projects addressing a variety of questions and acquiring
experience in DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing, estimating genome size via flow
cytometry, analysis of morphological traits, assessing phenotypic signatures following genome
duplication, sterile cultures techniques for moss propagation, and lichen barcoding.