M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship on Florida bonneted bats: University of Florida

I am seeking a highly motivated M.S. student to join the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida, starting fall 2019 (August). This student will join a research team working with Dr. Holly Ober and Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission to learn about the enigmatic Florida bonneted bat, Eumops floridanus. This federally endangered species is endemic to south Florida, and believed to have the most limited geographic distribution of any bat in the US. Very little is currently known about its foraging and roosting ecology. The student will examine foraging and roosting habitat selection patterns of bonneted bats, examining effects of Everglades hydrological restoration efforts on the species. The candidate should have an interest in acoustical survey methods, and must be willing to work unusual hours in the field as the biology of the species demands.

Required credential include a B.S. in wildlife, ecology, natural resource conservation, environmental studies, or a related field; strong quantitative skills and demonstrated writing ability; competitive GPA and GRE scores. Applicants should be willing to work independently and as part of a team, have experience conducting acoustic surveys, experience with GIS, field experience handling bats and extracting them from mist nets, and the ability to withstand demanding south Florida field conditions.

If interested, send (1) a cover letter briefly describing your research interests, career goals, and why you would like to pursue a graduate degree; (2) a resume; (3) unofficial copies of GRE scores and academic transcripts; and (4) name, phone number and email address of 3 references. There is no need to pursue the official application process through the university until candidate selection is complete.

Benefits include tuition, stipend, health insurance, and field expenses for two years from the date of hire. Review of applications will begin immediately. For more information, contact Dr. Holly Ober, University of Florida; holly.ober@ufl.edu.