Graduate position: ecology and genetics of walleye at UW-Stevens Point

Subject: Graduate position: ecology and genetics of walleye at UW-Stevens Point

Master’s position in the Larson Lab using genetics to investigate the reproductive ecology of walleye in northern Wisconsin

Description and responsibilities: The USGS Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit at UW-Stevens Point is looking for a MS student to conduct research on walleye populations in northern Wisconsin as part of a collaborative effort between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and UW-Stevens Point. Walleye populations have been declining in northern Wisconsin over the past decade, and previous studies have been unable to provide a mechanistic cause for these declines. This project will utilize genetics to construct pedigrees for two northern Wisconsin lakes with the goal of correlating various ecological metrics to individual fitness (i.e. reproductive success). The project will include both field and laboratory components. Laboratory work will consist of using a newly developed SNP panel to genotype thousands of walleye, and field work will consist of assisting WDNR with walleye sampling in the spring and fall. Data analysis will leverage a variety of statistical methods to investigate relationships between reproductive success and variables such as size, age, spawning location, and egg quality.

Qualifications: B.S. in biology, fisheries, or a related field, GPA of 3.0+, and GRE of 300+. Previous experience with fisheries ecology is desirable. A background in genetics is not required.

Salary: $16,000 per year (2 yr) plus health insurance and tuition waiver.

Closing date: May 1, 2019.

Starting date: Position will start in September 2019 but there may be an opportunity to work in the Larson Lab during summer 2019 before the position starts.

Contact: Please send CV, transcript copies, GRE scores, and names and contact information for 3 references to Wes Larson (

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