Ph.D. Opportunity in Human-Environment Systems

Ph.D. Assistantship – Social-ecological dynamics of iconic systems in the American West

Human-Environment Systems, Boise State University, Idaho, USA


A position is available for a motivated Ph.D. student to join a transdisciplinary team as part of the Idaho-wide project “Genes to Environment: Modeling, Mechanisms, and Mapping” (GEM3).  Under the broad umbrella of the GEM3 project, the student will focus on the social-ecological dynamics of riverine (rainbow trout) and/or sagebrush ecosystems in southwestern Idaho and in and around the Bridger-Teton and Caribou-Targhee National Forests and Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.  Additional information about GEM3 can be found at:


The student’s project will include a variety of innovative and integrative aspects, including: (1) working with diverse stakeholders and collaborators to identify and assess social and ecological drivers of change and their consequences; and (2) using participatory modeling and scenario development to assess stakeholder decision-making and improve policy recommendations.  Other angles may include a focus on local ecological knowledge of these systems, working with community-based observation networks, and working collaboratively to incorporate social science data into ecological modeling frameworks.  The student will develop their own research projects within these or related themes. 


The student will be advised by Dr. Kelly Hopping (website).  The student will also work closely with colleagues at Boise State University, Idaho State University, and the University of Idaho, in addition to collaborating with others in the Human-Environment Systems community ( – a group of faculty and students committed to transdisciplinary, team-based, actionable research that addresses real-world environmental challenges.  The position will begin in Summer or Fall (August) 2019.


To Apply

Review of documents will begin December 7, 2018 and will continue until finalists are identified.


Additional details about the position and how to apply can be found here.