Graduate Position: TexasStateU.ConservationGenomics

Applications are being sought from energetic and capable students who wish
to pursue a Masters degree in Population and Conservation Biology and are
interested in the application of next-generation DNA sequencing tools to
problems in conservation. The research focus is on plethodontid salamander
population genetics. Applicants with experience in population genetics and
computational biology are preferred. During the fall and spring semesters,
we can offer an Instructional Assistant (teaching labs) for the length of
your degree. Funding has been secured for research costs and 3 months of
summer pay for the first summer. See for
details about our lab, papers and our research interests.

The Department of Biology offers a strong environment for training students
in conservation and evolutionary ecology. The Masters program in Population
and Conservation Biology would be the best fit for such an applicant. For
program information see

Interested students should send an email with a statement of interest that
includes any additional topics you might be interested in working on in our
lab and your long term goals/interests. Please include a copy of your CV,
relevant coursework, GRE, and any other relevant experience to Chris Nice
by email (ccnice at Reference letters for top candidates will
be solicited at a later date. Applications will be reviewed as they come
in. Applications to our Masters program are evaluated on a rolling basis so
it is possible to start Fall 2018.