Graduate position: TexasCU.TreePopulationGenomics

*M.S. position*: A fully funded graduate research assistantship position
(funding provided by teaching assistance) is available in the lab of
Dr. Matt Hale in the Biology Department at Texas Christian University
starting in August 2018. The project will be based on the population
genetics of the American Chestnut. The applicant should have previous
lab experience including, but not limited to, DNA and RNA extraction,
PCR amplification, and DNA sequencing. Ideally, the candidate will
also have experience with computational analysis and bioinformatics,
although training in these areas will be provided. Interested applicants
should send a CV, a cover letter describing their research interests and
reasons for applying, and the names and contact details of THREE potential
referees to Dr. Matt Hale ( Review of applicants will
begin on January 22.  For more details on the Biology department at TCU
please see