Graduate Positions in Behavioral Ecology in the Tinghitella lab at the University of Denver.
The Tinghitella lab at the University of Denver ( is recruiting motivated new graduate students to begin in the fall of 2018. Work in the lab centers on the roles of ecology and behavior in (rapid) evolutionary change. We mix field and laboratory work to understand the forces that shape diversity in animal communication and mating systems.
Recently we’ve been thinking a lot about how human impacts alter the mating environment and the evolutionary implications of those perturbations. Graduate students will be supported through teaching assistantships (2 years MS and 5 years PhD). I am specifically recruiting students interested in working on Pacific field crickets. Students will be expected to develop their own projects within the scope of the lab, but topics are open. Recent work in the field cricket system has addressed rapid evolution of sexual signals, plasticity in mate choice, and effects of anthropogenic noise on acoustically communicating invertebrates, for instance.
Please contact Robin Tinghitella,, for more information. Additional information about our graduate program and our vibrant group of Organismal Biologists can be found at
and Deadline for applications for the graduate program in Biological Sciences is January 1, 2018.