Graduate position: IndianaStateU.EvolutionaryGenomics

Graduate position opportunities in Ecological Genomics

We are looking for motivated students interested in behavioral
evolutionary, and ecological genomics to join our laboratory at Indiana
State University (ISU). These graduate positions are part of a new
interdisciplinary initiative at ISU, The Center for Genomic Advocacy
(TCGA), which is focused on the application of genomic technology to
the betterment of society. TCGA is developing a state-of-the-art next
generation sequencing facility, which is being used to provide hands-on
experience for students as well as string infrastructure for modern
genomic studies.

Graduate research will be expected to combine traditional behavioral
ecology studies with next-generation sequencing technology to examine
the evolution of polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow. Student will
conduct extensive laboratory work as well as participate in field based
data collection during the breeding season.  This species exhibits a clear
link between phenotype and genotype, making it an ideal system in which
to pinpoint the determinants of complex sexual and parental behavior. We
have amassed 29 years of detailed data on this species making it possible
to identify the genetic, epigenetic, and environmental bases of behavior.
Morphs of the white-throated sparrow provide a unique opportunity to study
intraspecific genomic differences, which have resulted from two separate,
yet linked evolutionary trajectories. Such results can transform our
understanding of the evolution of genomes.

To apply, please send a letter of intent and curriculum by January 15,
2018. The subject of the email should mention: WTSP project Graduate

For more information about the positions, please feel free to contact
Dr. Rusty A. Gonser (, at the Center for
Genomics Advocacy (TCGA), Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809.

For more information about the lab, TCGA, the department, and the
university, see:

Dr. Rusty A. Gonser
Professor, Department of biology
Director of the Center for Genomic Advocacy (TCGA)
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Phone: 812.234.9220
Email :

Zoe Delefortrie <>