Graduate position: AMNH_NewYork.ComparativeBiology

American Museum of Natural History
Richard Gilder Graduate School
Comparative Biology Ph.D. Program  and Graduate Fellowships Program

The AMNH RGGS Ph.D. Program in Comparative Biology is training the
next generation of biologists through an integrative approach that
focuses on the history, evolutionary relationships, and interactions
among species. It utilizes the Museum’s strength and experience in
research and training to educate a new generation of scientists and
industry leaders. The AMNH provides exceptional support facilities for
student research, with collections of more than 33 million specimens
and artifacts. Training and research opportunities exist across a wide
array of disciplines in comparative biology, incorporating research
in systematic and evolutionary biology, paleontology, conservation
biology, comparative genomics, computational biology, Earth history,
anthropology, and biological and cultural diversity. Global fieldwork,
with AMNH faculty, student-led or in partnership with others, provides
exceptional research opportunities for students. RGGS students may
take advantage of RGGS course cross-enrollment agreements with partner
universities Columbia and the City University of New York. Armed with a
Gilder School education, graduates will not only understand the history
and diversity of life on Earth, but may contribute to advances in human
health, biodiversity conservation, and other related biological research
fields as well.

This is an accelerated program, designed for students to complete their
degrees in four years. Students will earn a minimum of 62 credits
through a combination of coursework, teaching assistantships, and
individual dissertation research. The Richard Gilder Graduate School
will typically provide full financial support to students matriculating
in the Comparative Biology Ph.D. Program.

We also offer Graduate Fellowships for students interested in earning
a Ph.D. at one of our partner institutions (Columbia University, CUNY,
NYU, Stony Brook and Cornell University), when they are advised by an
AMNH curator.

The AMNH Graduate Student Fellowship Program is an educational
partnership with selected universities, dedicated to the training
of Ph.D. candidates in those scientific disciplines practiced at
the Museum. Our current collaborations are with Columbia University,
City University of New York (CUNY), Cornell University, Stony Brook
University, and New York University (NYU). The host university in which
the student enrolls exercises educational jurisdiction over the students
and formally awards the degree. In these partnership programs, at least
one Museum curator must serve as a graduate advisor, co-major professor
or major professor, and adjunct university faculty member. Each student
benefits by having the staff and facilities of both the university and
the Museum to support his/her training and research. To be eligible
for the AMNH Graduate Fellowship, students must apply to both the host
University’s Ph.D. program and to the AMNH Graduate Student Fellowships
Program. Students already matriculated in a Ph.D. program are not eligible
to apply; only new, first-time Ph.D. applicants will be considered.

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science or equivalent degree, from an
accredited institution
Official transcripts from all undergraduate/graduate institutions attended
GRE (general) results (taken within the past five years–Institution
Code 2471 or 1760)
Three letters of support
Statement of Academic Purpose (Essay 1: past research experience [length
of up to 500 words] and Essay 2: proposed research interests [length of
up to 500 words])
Interview (Final candidates will be interviewed)
AMNH Faculty sponsor
Application fee of $50 (Comp Bio Only)
Proficiency in English (TOEFL [100 or higher] or IELTS scores [total 7.0
or higher] are required for non-native English speakers, taken within
the past 2 years)

Deadline: December 15, 2017

For more info, please visit: