Graduate student needed for research in Puerto Rico

Dr. Michael Martinez-Colon, assistant professor in the School of the

Environment at Florida A&M University (FAMU) in Tallahassee-FL, is

seeking a graduate student (preferably PhD) to begin in Spring 2018

(preferably) or Summer 2018.

Research will focus on the application of benthic foraminifera as

bioindicators of water quality in coral reefs from Puerto Rico. The main

purpose is to implement the FORAM Index as part of the coral reef

monitoring efforts at Jobos Bay (National Estuarine Research Reserve).

The student will conduct field work at one or more reefs in Jobos Bay.

In addition, the student will be engaged in the following activities:

– should be able to swim

– diving (if student is not certified, funding is available for Open

Water SCUBA certification)

– sediment sampling

– water column sampling

– TOC, TN, TP, NO3, NO2, PO3 analysis

– microscope work

– foraminiferal ecology

– statistics

Preferable, applicants should have a background in any of the following:

ecology, biology, environmental science, geology, marine science, and

field work. Applicants should be highly motivated and prepared to

conduct independent field and laboratory research.

Full applications to FAMU’s Graduate School are due on November 1 (begin

in Spring 2018) or March 1 (begin Summer 2018). However, interested

applicants should initially contact Dr. Martinez-Colon

( <>) in

advance of the deadline. Include the

following: CV, unofficial transcript, and a brief statement that

describes your interest in the position. Please include questions you

have about the research, etc. Applicants are strongly encouraged to

first peruse the lab website and publications prior to contact

( <>).

The position comes with a full tuition waiver, a competitive 12 month

stipend, and health insurance provided by FAMU. Funding for field work,

sample analysis, travel, lodging, etc. will be provided by Dr. Martinez-

Colon’s funded project. Funding for summer field work expenses and

conference attendance is available.

Michael Martínez-Colón, PhD

Assistant Professor

School of the Environment

Florida A&M University

FSH Science Research Center, RM306B

1515 South MLK Blvd, Tallahassee, FL, 32307

Main: (850)-561-2134 <tel:%28850%29%20561-2134> <> ; <>

*”Providing opportunities for students to achieve their goals in Science”*



google scholar:


research gate:

Research Advisory Committee- Jobos Bay Ntnl. Estuarine Research Reserve

in Puerto Rico

Reserva Nacional de Investigación Estuarina de Bahía de Jobos

Advisory Board Member- Savannah River Environmental Sciences Field Station

Board of Directors- Rock Detective Geoscience Education <>