Research Experience for Undergraduates in Stream Ecology Michigan Tech, Summer 2017

The Marcarelli Aquatic Ecosystem Ecology Lab is searching for a motivated

student in Ecology, Biology, or Environmental Science for a NSF Research

Experience for Undergraduates (REU) position. The student will work closely

with Dr. Marcarelli and her graduate students to study the balance between

nitrogen fixation and denitrification in streams and rivers.  The REU

student will design a research project, conduct field work, analyze samples

and data, and synthesize findings related to the core questions of this


1. How do nitrogen cycle processes co-exist in small streams, large rivers,

and adjacent wetlands?

2. How does nutrient enrichment shift the balance among nitrogen cycle


3. How does community composition of algae and microbes relate to rates of

nitrogen cycle processes?

There will be opportunities to conduct field work in the Upper Peninsula

of Michigan, participate in undergraduate research workshops, and present

research results to the Michigan Tech community and possibly at a national


The candidate must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States

and enrolled as an undergraduate student in Fall 2017.  The REU is expected

to last 10 weeks (start/end date negotiable but should occur between June 1

and August 31 2017) with a total stipend of $5,000 and an additional $1,000

to offset the cost of summer lodging, which is available on campus at

Michigan Tech.

To apply, please submit a cover letter (include a statement of interest,

future plans, confirmation of eligibility, and preferred start/end dates),

an up-to-date CV or resume, a recent transcript (unofficial is fine), and

names and contact information for two references to Dr. Amy Marcarelli (

Application review will begin immediately and continue until position is


*Visit our lab webpage for a more in-depth view of our research and to meet

the members of our team. ***


— Amy Marcarelli

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Michigan Technological University

1400 Townsend Dr., Dow 740

Houghton, MI 49931

Phone: 906-487-2867