Opportunity for UConn Students
Opportunity for UConn Students
The Mansfield Downtown Partnership, Inc. seeks a University of Connecticut student to serve on its Board of Directors. The Board includes representatives of the University, the Town of Mansfield, and area residents. In 2009, the Partnership voted to include a University of Connecticut student on its Board of Directors to add a student’s perspective and increase diversity to the Board. This student will be enrolled full- or part- time at the Storrs campus as either an undergraduate or graduate student in good standing with the University.
For more information and the application, please visit mansfieldct.gov/mdp/news.
The deadline for students to apply is Friday, March 29.
Ecological Data Science REU
Junior Specialist for grackle behavior project in Tempe, AZ – UCSB
From: Corina Logan [mailto:itsme@CORINALOGAN.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:00 AM
Subject: Job: Junior Specialist for grackle behavior project in Tempe, AZ – UCSB
The Grackle Project is seeking a Junior Specialist to support long-term research on how behavioral flexibility relates to invasion success in great-tailed grackles. The position is based in Tempe, Arizona and the deadline to apply is 29 November 2017. Interested candidates can learn more and apply here:
https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/apply/JPF01136. For project information, see: http://corinalogan.com.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
My best,
Dr. Corina Logan
Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow Department of Zoology University of Cambridge Postdoctoral Bye Fellow, Murray Edwards College cl417@cam.ac.uk www.CorinaLogan.com http://bulliedintobadscience.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoganCorina
Please note: The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
To unsubscribe from the EEB_STUDENTJOBS-L list, click the following link:
Graduate position: SmithColl_UMassAmherst.EvolEukMicrobes
The Katz lab at Smith College/UMass-Amherst is seeking PhD students
to join projects that focus on biodiversity and genome evolution of eukaryotic
microbes. Work in the Katz lab aims to elucidate principles of the evolution
in eukaryotes through analyses of microbial lineages, and to assess how
these principles apply (or fail to apply) to other organisms. Currently we
focus on several interrelated projects including: (1) characterizing
evolutionary relationships among eukaryotes; (2) exploring the evolution of
germline/soma distinctions in eukaryotic genomes; and (3) describing the
forces driving the biodiversity of protists (mainly ciliates and amoebae) in
local environments (e.g. bogs and fens, coastal habitats). More details
can be found here: http://www.science.smith.edu/katz-lab/research/.
A graduate student joining the lab would have opportunities to improve skills
in field work, single-cell ¡omics, both light and fluorescence microscopy, and
bioinformatics. Interested students will be put in touch with current/past
graduate students who can share their perspectives on the Katz lab, the
UMass-OEB program, and Northampton.
Smith College is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst,
Hampshire, and Mount Holyoke Colleges and the University of Massachusetts
Amherst. Hence, Ph.D. students join the Katz lab through the Organismic
and Evolutionary Biology (OEB; http://gpls.cns.umass.edu/oeb) based at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Prospective students are invited to email their c.v. and a brief statement of
interest to Laura Katz (lkatz@smith.edu), and pursue the formal application
through the UMass OEB program (http://gpls.cns.umass.edu/oeb/admissions).
Stream Ecologist, King County, WA
The Water and Land Resources Division of King County (Seattle, WA) is looking for a stream ecologist for a Water Quality Planner I position. The person selected for this position will be expected to provide technical assistance and services for studies and projects in stream and river ecosystems generally focused on conducting macroinvertebrate, habitat and water quality investigations in King County. The person should have a broad ecological background and experience analyzing and interpreting water quality data. Knowledge and experience with stream ecology, macroinvertebrates, riparian habitat and water quality are necessary, but relevant skills in fisheries, wetlands and amphibians, in addition to aquatic toxicology are also desirable. The applicant will also provide technical support for a variety of water quality projects that range from stormwater quality to contaminant impacts. Applicants should have statistical and data analysis skills, in addition to experience using databases and GIS for spatial analysis and map development. King County and The Water and Land Resources Division value diverse perspectives and life experiences and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply, including people of color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, and veterans.
King County jobs page – search for Water Quality I position: