
Graduate position: TulaneU.EvolutionaryBiology

 ‘Plus One’ MS opportunities in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at
> Tulane University.
> The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in
> the School of Science and Engineering at Tulane University
> (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.tulane.edu%2Fsse%2Feebio%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637112330160963777&sdata=jcr83R%2F97rz%2Fen4LnIx3fL80BDf2OWc8ELT7IaNMrKM%3D&reserved=0) encourages applications to our
> ‘Plus One’ MS program, a one-year, non-thesis MS program.
> The Plus One degree program is designed for students who are interested
> in seeking employment with environmental agencies of federal, state,
> and municipal government; non-governmental organizations; and in private
> industry, including environmental consulting firms. The program also will
> be useful for students planning to enter more advanced professional degree
> programs (e.g., law, public health, medicine, veterinary medicine, natural
> resources management) and for students intent on pursuing additional
> academic training (e.g., Ph.D. degree programs). The program is also
> useful for students seeking to strengthen teaching skills and pedagogy
> for a future career in education.
> Students have freedom to design the program to meet their educational and
> professional needs, but typically elect to pursue one of three loosely
> defined tracks in the program:
> (1)     Research, in which students work closely with a tenured or tenure-
>        track faculty mentor, with the goal of strengthening research
>        capacity and potentially producing a peer-reviewed
>        publication; these students typically use this track as a
>        steppingstone to a Ph.D. program in Ecology and Evolutionary
>        Biology or a related field.
> (2)     Pedagogy, in which students work closely with one or more
>        teaching faculty mentors, with the goal of strengthening
>        teaching experience and skills, including the option to serve as
>        an Teaching Fellow in EBIO 1010, Diversity of Life; these
>        students typically go on to teach at the high school or
>        elementary school level or otherwise engage in educational
>        activities.
> (3)     Knowledge base, in which students work with the Graduate Studies
>        coordinator or other faculty member to identify courses required
>        to bolster transcripts and knowledge base; these students
>        typically go on to apply to professional degree programs such as
>        law, medical, or veterinary schools or join the workforce.
> We have established a strong track record of assisting Plus One students
> to meet their professional and educational goals. Recent graduates from
> the program are currently in highly regarded PhD programs, law schools,
> medical schools and vet schools; teaching in high schools; and working
> in industry and governmental and non-governmental agencies.
> Our department houses a strong team of outstanding researchers
> and educators, with established strengths in coastal and tropical
> systems. We are committed to promoting diversity in STEM, and particularly
> welcome applications from members of groups that are traditionally
> under-represented in the field of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.
> Students are encouraged to directly contact the faculty member or members
> they are interested in working with as advisors.
> Dr. Hank Bart (Email: hbartjr@tulane.edu; Website:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeople.tubri.org%2Fhank%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=A3BvbgB1h1iFPn7zC8I0AHDyEW%2F2uEQZoUeWWe9r7TY%3D&reserved=0), whose research interests focus on ecology
> and systematics of freshwater fishes and amphibians
> Dr. Dorothy Cheruiyot (Email: dcheruiyot@tulane.edu), a Professor of
> the Practice who can advise students interested in pedagogy, as well
> as students in research on plants and animal interactions, elemental
> defense, biointeraction between elements and organic defense chemicals,
> and the trophic transfer of elements.
> Dr. Keith Clay (Email: clay@tulane.edu), whose research interests focus
> on symbiotic interactions and their effect on larger scale ecological and
> evolutionary processes, utilizing a variety of systems from vertebrates
> to bacteria, with an emphasis on plants and fungi.
> Dr. Emily Farrer (Email: efarrer@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Femilyfarrer.wordpress.com&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=%2FXAycCdU3rsF%2BoATnMFboHZlmbXaKuULPUzJz%2FEin%2Bk%3D&reserved=0), whose research interests include
> plant ecology, plant-microbe interactions, global change biology,
> invasive species, wetland ecology, population genetics, and botany
> Dr. Hannah Frank (Email: hannah.kim.frank@gmail.com; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hkfrank.com&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=A6nU9VGg1QpS5FE60uajdttQGvLjp9Z0sdv44yo3nnA%3D&reserved=0), whose research focuses on evolutionary ecology,
> molecular evolution and evolutionary immunology, particularly in bats.
> Dr. Kathleen Ferris (Email: kferris@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkathleengferristulane.wordpress.com&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=78x0LLVDF8%2Bx7zq7A0psZK1I4%2B6btFo83ytxppN0aI8%3D&reserved=0), whose research addresses
> quantitative and population genetics of natural plant populations,
> speciation, and plant ecology
> Dr. Alex Gunderson (Email: agunderson@tulane.edu;
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.physiologicalecology.com&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637112330160963777&sdata=wKEZVCxa%2Bh3MQvPYEyPjw8V0yFQMMDuw3Xc5lpNy4EY%3D&reserved=0), who works with physiological and
> evolutionary ecology, global change biology, and herpetology
> Dr. Donata Henry (Email: droome@tulane.edu; Web: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdonatahenry.com&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=LTOwe699dCcTp%2B92mh63RZSoRFZR%2BcuZea15TZZLfhU%3D&reserved=0),
> a Senior Professor of the Practice who advises students in pedagogy,
> as well as research on avian ecology, behavioral ecology, conservation
> and the natural history of Louisiana.
> Dr. Jordan Karubian (Email: jk@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fkarubian.tulane.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=iw9UGYENQ5wrgiepvgihzQ55PIDW674X7Ds0z2WEx3c%3D&reserved=0), who works in tropical ecology and
> conservation, animal behavior, and urban ecology
> Dr. Tim McLean (Email: tmclean1@tulane.edu), a Professor of the Practice
> who can advise students interested in pedagogy, as well as students in
> research on molecular ecology and marine biology.
> Dr. Renata Ribeiro (Email: rduraes@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fduraesribeiro.tulane.edu%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=mJGa4aZDvgRL2plNsmwLHzHfp0HYc2FDYz5%2BsHalfJ4%3D&reserved=0), a Professor of the Practice who can
> advise students interested in pedagogy, as well as students in research
> on avian ecology and behavior, and evolution, tropical ecology, and
> conservation.
> Dr. Thomas Sherry (Email: tsherry@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http:%2F%2Fwww.tulane.edu%2F~Sherry27%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637112330160963777&sdata=J8y%2F%2BphW8SuJ6Hd2ltJiMHfAVocldezXYMCiP1h2LY0%3D&reserved=0), whose research interests focus on
> avian population ecology and conservation biology
> Dr. Caz Taylor (Email: caz@tulane.edu; Web: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcaz.tulane.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160963777&sdata=Rhyzpnq0lwjuCB5rg4QOIdgj4sdjXwo2%2BWyjAQFT8TY%3D&reserved=0),
> whose research focuses on population biology of migratory species, urban,
> and wetlands ecology.
> Dr. Sunshine Van Bael (Email: svanbael@tulane.edu; Web:
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fvanbaellab.wp.tulane.edu&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C20a3a5c5f0c84f967b3b08d77a49e881%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112330160973776&sdata=aO%2FqO%2FK7d8eqlUgaQmOTRNYU70fvrpESx1wfwVkpHYw%3D&reserved=0), whose research addresses tropical
> ecology, plant-insect-fungal interactions, multi-trophic interactions,
> coastal and wetland ecology
> To find out more about the Plus One program, see:
> For any general inquiries or more information, please contact Graduate
> Studies Coordinator Dr. Jordan Karubian at jk@tulane.edu
> EEBIOL <eebiol@tulane.edu>

Graduate position: GeorgeMasonU.EvolutionCamouflage

A MSc student researchpositionis available to start Fall 2020 in the lab
> of Dr. Ylenia Chiari at George Mason University in Virginia (USA). We
> seek a highly motivated prospective graduate student with an interest
> in camouflage. The project involves field and computer work. The Chiari
> Lab (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.yleniachiari.it&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C55f095c5cf714d6f4e0208d77a49c8d2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112329629638439&amp;sdata=QSLrJu0jfmUYzdPNlLBj0cdwIp3b2ij2eQPhxafL2jg%3D&amp;reserved=0) uses integrative approaches from molecular
> biology to behavior to computational modeling to study the causes and
> consequences of morphological variation in reptiles and mechanisms of
> adaptation in fish.
> Successful candidates will have some previous research experience and a
> strong interest in evolutionary biology. Applications from traditionally
> underrepresented groups is encouraged.
> For full consideration for admission to the MScprogram the deadline
> is January 15 2020. Candidates can decide to apply to the MSc in
> Biologyhttps://catalog.gmu.edu/colleges-schools/science/systems-biology/biology-ms/or
> Environmental
> Scienceshttps://esp.gmu.edu/academic-programs/graduate/forms-and-policies/important-dates/depending
> on the coursework the student is most interested in.
> Full support will be provided through a teaching assistantship. However,
> the successful candidate will also be encouraged to apply for graduate
> fellowships during his/her MSc.
> George Mason is located in the exciting Washington D.C. area and is one
> of the fasted growing universities in the US. Students can take advantage
> of the strong inter-connectivity between George Mason and the Smithsonian
> and other Government and Non-Profit Institutions.
> Prospective students should send a short description of their research
> interests and past research experience along with a resume or CV
> (including the names of three people who could serve as a reference on
> your behalf) toychiari@gmu.edu.
> Selection of candidates will begin immediately.
> Dr. Ylenia Chiari
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Biology
> George Mason University
> Science and Technology Campus
10900 University Boulevard, MSN 4D4
> 407 Colgan Hall
> Manassas, 20110 VA
> Phone: (703) 993-4467
> Email ychiari@gmu.edu
> Lab Webpage https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yleniachiari.it&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C55f095c5cf714d6f4e0208d77a49c8d2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637112329629643438&amp;sdata=htF0hgdX39dMgq3ugWO3%2FhwblD0CY0%2BGEK2%2BqriL6CI%3D&amp;reserved=0
> Twitter https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fylenia_chiari&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C55f095c5cf714d6f4e0208d77a49c8d2%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637112329629643438&amp;sdata=ecC11FHpWWNbQEiEXVpnYsNbFUefnAIXhlS8%2FHnn%2BTk%3D&amp;reserved=0
> Ylenia Chiari <yle@yleniachiari.it>


Broadly interdisciplinary PhD fellowships NC State University, Raleigh,
> National Science Foundation-funded graduate research training
> program offering Ph.D. candidates across multidisciplinary
> fields of study the opportunity to examine the science, policy,
> and public engagement aspects and impacts of Agricultural
> Biotechnology on Food, Energy, and Water. Evolution of crops
> and their pests/weeds is one focus of the program. Fellowships
> are at $34K per year.
> Program Fellows receive a Ph.D. in a natural/social science,
> or humanities graduate program and a graduate minor in Genetic
> Engineering and Society, and will:
> Embark on their studies embedded with NC farms, with later
> opportunities for international internships • Collaborate
> on an interdisciplinary cohort project • Take advanced
> interdisciplinary graduate courses and develop at least one
> interdisciplinary chapter in the PhD thesis.
> For more information email Fred_Gould@ncsu.edu
> Fred Gould <fgould@ncsu.edu>

Graduate position: NorthernArizonaU.Bioinformatics

 Northern Arizona University: Recruitment is open for graduate student
> positions in the area of Health and Bioinformatics in the School of
> Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems (SICCS) at Northern Arizona
> University (NAU). Qualified students are eligible for research and
> teaching assistantships with highly-competitive stipends. SICCS¡¦s
> mission is to conduct high-impact, innovative research in informatics
> with an emphasis on producing solutions that lead to benefits in human
> and environmental health.
> Research opportunities are available in the following areas linked to
> specific SICCS faculty: Viacheslav ¡§Slava¡¨ Fofanov: High-throughput
> metagenomic sequencing, pathogen detection and transmission. Tara
> Furstenau: Bioinformatics, computational biology, metagenomic analysis,
> pathogen detection. Crystal Hepp: Phylogeography, arboviruses, molecular
> epidemiology. Joe Mihaljevic: Ecological informatics, multi-pathogen
> communities, infectious diseases. Marc Tollis:Phylogenetics, population
> genetics, phylogeography, comparative genomics, cancer evolution. Other
> research opportunities are available with our affiliated faculty: Gregory
> Caporaso: Bioinformatics, bioinformatics education, human microbiome.
> Flagstaff offers an ideal, scenic environment for living and
> learning. With a four-season climate, amazing landscapes, and ample
> sunshine, you¡¦ll discover outdoor adventures unlike anywhere else
> in the United States¡Xfind out more about NAU and Flagstaff at
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnau.edu%2Fabout%2Fliving-in-flagstaff%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C306d3f2ef3a14ef145b708d779f255d4%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637111954039565056&amp;sdata=mLLsy1yrlMh%2F8tVXvDojv1OPxPljdY62p0DPoqmKAVU%3D&amp;reserved=0 . Assistantship benefits
> include stipends, full tuition waiver, health insurance, and research
> support.
> Candidates should explore the SICCS website (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FbioSICCS&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C306d3f2ef3a14ef145b708d779f255d4%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637111954039565056&amp;sdata=lRWBeu9j5vQz9arig4jxAx716H5Yv0%2FgmLYxhF4U1lQ%3D&amp;reserved=0
> ) and contact the professor whose interests align most closely with
> information on their background, research interests, and qualifications,
> as well as a current resume.
> Formal applications to our programs can be submitted online at
https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fsiccsapply&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C306d3f2ef3a14ef145b708d779f255d4%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637111954039565056&amp;sdata=DERTkA37hjb%2BoO8RyPdw9eiRP8CypMgnz4CVUXDGhyQ%3D&amp;reserved=0. Applications for our PhD program are due
> on January 1. Applications received early may be considered for a
> prestigious NAU Presidential Fellowship, which provides an increased
> stipend and additional funding to support professional development.

Job: ColumbiaU.ResTech.EvolTickPathogens

 The Diuk-Wasser in the Dept of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental
> Biology is looking to hire a full time lab technician/manager for
> molecular and field work on tick-borne disease pathogens.
> The lab’s work focuses on studying the ecology of tick-borne pathogens
> by collecting field samples during the summer months, conducting
> quantitative PCR and tissue culture and animal-tick transmission
> experiments during the academic year. The technician would assist in
> all these activities, help order reagents for the lab as well as help
> coordinate and prepare for the field sampling season.
> The ideal candidate will have experience with DNA extractions and
> quantitative PCR, will have previous field experience (not necessarily
> collecting ticks) and have experience working with laboratory animals
> (optional).
> Minimum qualification:
> Bachelor’s Degree in the biological sciences
> Experience working in a molecular laboratory and some field experience.
> Essential Functions
> 1.      Strong organizational skills evidenced in recommendation
>        letters.
> 2.      Molecular experience: DNA extraction, quantitative PCR.
> 3.      Field experience
> 4.      Laboratory animal experience (optional)
> Candidates can apply here:
> Matthew Combs <matthewcombs2@gmail.com>

Job Announcement: US EPA Biologist/Ecologist, Gulf Breeze, FL


Application closing date: 12/09/2019


This position is located in Office of Research and Development, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Gulf Ecosystem Measurement and Modeling Division, Ecosystem Dynamics and Effects Branch, Gulf Breeze, Florida.


You will:

– Conduct research on interactions between land-based nutrient pollution, natural environmental factors, and dynamics of harmful algal blooms in lakes and coastal ecosystems;

– Lead a team of researchers;

– Serve as a senior scientist and technical authority in innovative sensor technology development;

– Manage extramural research projects related to in-house research support contract(s).


In addition to the educational requirements, we are looking for at least one year of specialized experience related to this position as described below:

To qualify for the Research GS-12 level, you need to have at least one year of full-time experience equivalent to the GS-11 level defined as participating in team research (i.e., formulating hypotheses, developing research plans, adapting existing methods/techniques) to develop quantitative tools for coastal ecosystems; and analyzing or communicating research results – OR Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree in the academic discipline as described below – OR an equivalent combination of education and experience.

To qualify for the GS-13 level, you need to have at least one year of full-time experience equivalent to the GS-12 level defined as conducting independent research to develop quantitative tools for coastal ecosystems; managing technical progress of contracted research in the area of emphasis or communicating research results in peer-reviewed publications.

Your answers to the online assessment will be used to evaluate your competencies in the following areas: 1) Knowledge of quantitative sensor technology for coastal ecosystems; 2) Skill in interpreting scientific data; 3) Skill in written communication; 4) Ability to lead and train a team of researchers; 5) Skill in oral communication; 6) Ability to develop plans and program initiatives to support establishment of new scientific standards; 7) Ability to manage contracts including preparing procurement requests and monitoring technical performance.

Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional, philanthropic, religious, spiritual, community, student, social).  Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment.  You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience.


You need a degree or combination of education and experience as described below to qualify for this position.

Biologist: You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited or pre-accredited college or university in one of the following: biological sciences, agriculture, natural resource management, chemistry, or related disciplines appropriate to the position; OR a combination of education and experience with courses equivalent to a major, as listed.

Ecologist: You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited or pre-accredited college or university in biology or a related field of science underlying ecological research that included at least 30 semester hours in basic and applied biological sciences. These hours must have included at least 9 semester hours in ecology, and 12 semester hours in physical and mathematical sciences.

Environmental Engineer: All applicants must meet one of the following requirements to qualify for consideration for an engineering position:

Successful completion of a professional engineering degree at an accredited university or college OR

Have a combination of college level education or training AND technical experience that has furnished you with (1) a thorough knowledge of the physical and mathematical sciences underlying professional engineering, and (2) a good understanding, both theoretical and practical, of the engineering sciences and techniques and their applications to one of the branches of engineering.  The adequacy of such background must be demonstrated by one of the following:

1.Professional registration as an engineer.

2.Evidence of passing the Engineer-in-Training written test.

3.Successful documented completion of at least 60 semester hours of courses in the physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences as described by OPM.

4.Successful completion of a curriculum leading to a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology or in an appropriate professional field and at least 1 year of professional engineering experience acquired under professional engineering supervision and guidance.

Please review the OPM page on specifics about required curriculum and for more information on qualifications, please visit GS-800: All Professional Engineering Positions qualifications.

Physical Scientist: You must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited or pre-accredited college or university in one of the following: physical science, engineering, or mathematics that included 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science such as mechanics, dynamics, properties of materials, and electronics; OR a combination of education and experience with education equivalent to one of the majors listed that included at least 24 semester hours in physical science and/or related engineering science, plus appropriate experience or additional education.

Please read the announcement on USAJobs for more details and to apply.


Waterfowl Management Lead Needed – Hourly Paid

*To learn more and apply, please follow the link below: *


In cooperation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service at Ruby Lake National

Wildlife Refuge, the Great Basin Institute is recruiting one Waterfowl

Management Lead Technician to join our Research Associate program. The

National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) is dedicated to maintaining the

biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health of fish,

wildlife, and plant resources. The Lead Technician will gather scientific

data to support population estimates in one of the most important waterfowl

areas in Northeast Nevada by providing waterfowl trapping and banding


The Lead Technician will also support NWRS priorities by the mapping of

invasive species occurrence and treatment of invasive species on the

refuge; thereby allowing us to maintain and restore critical waterfowl

habitat as well as more accurately track herbicide treatments and results

so appropriate measures can be taken to control infestations in subsequent

years. This work will familiarize the lead technician with current methods

of GIS data collection and all aspects of herbicide application.

*Primary Responsibilities:*

o Coordinate/Organize daily work plan with Deputy Refuge Manager;

o Act as subject matter expert on field SOPs after training;

o Responsible for resolving issues in the field or contacting Deputy Refuge

Manager for assistance;

o GIS mapping of invasive species location using ArcGIS Collector;

o Chemical and mechanical treatments of invasive species;

o Trapping and banding of waterfowl;

o Updating computer databases;

o Fence repair or removal;

o Wildlife habitat enhancement;

o Trail maintenance;

o Painting; and

o Other duties as assigned

The Lead Technician will follow all safety protocols while completing their

term of service.

Sage Bates

Recruitment and Compliance Coordinator

Great Basin Institute

16750 Mt. Rose Highway

Reno, NV 89511-8774

775-674-5489 (office)

The Great Basin Institute advances environmental research, education, and

service throughout the west. The institute promotes applied research and

ecological literacy through community engagement and agency partnerships to

support national parks, forests, open spaces and public lands.

@gbinstitute   |

@GreatBasinInstitute    |


JOB: Biological Sciences Technician (AIM)

The USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS) Northwest Watershed Research Center in Boise, Idaho is seeking to hire crews of Biological Sciences Technicians (Plants) or Biological Sciences Aides to collect vegetation data for rangeland research.  Pay grade for these Federal positions will range from GS-3 to GS-7 ($12.95/hr to $20.06/hr) depending on the applicant’s education and previous work experience. Three crew leads will be hired (GS-05 to G-07) and 3-5 crew members for each crew will be hired as well (GS-03 to GS-05). Term of the positions will not exceed 180 days. Start date is expected to be in late February although later start dates (e.g., April/May) may be negotiable. Some positions will end in late August and others will extend as late as October. The duty stations for these positions will either be located at the ARS office facility in Boise, Idaho, the BLM District Office in Elko, Nevada, or the field duty station in Frenchglen, OR.

Duties: Technical work will be conducted primarily in remote field locations but will also include some laboratory work. Each Biological Sciences Technician will work as part of a crew of 4-5 to assess and monitor vegetation on rangelands invaded by cheatgrass and other introduced annual grasses at sites in the Great Basin. Crews will establish monitoring transects and collect botanical data and samples in accordance with established guidelines and protocols.  Specifically, crews will identify grasses, herbs, shrubs and trees to species; label and catalog plant materials collected during the season; operate field instrumentation and equipment; enter field data into a personal computer; sort, process, and analyze vegetation materials in the laboratory; and compile data for reports. Crew leads will oversee these teams and have more responsibility in day to day planning, safety, and logistics.

Physical Demands: Work will be physically demanding with prolonged periods in the field, walking and bending often required. Heavy items (packs and equipment) must be lifted and carried on a routine basis over complex terrain in potentially dry, hot or cold, wet weather conditions. Operation of 4-wheel drive vehicles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) will be required.  Travel and camping at remote backcountry locations may be required.

Successful applicants will receive training in ecological field and laboratory techniques. Specific training in vegetation sampling, plant species identification, data recording, and operation and maintenance of field instrumentation and equipment will be provided. Laboratory training generally will include vegetation sample preparation, laboratory analysis, and data collection and entry into electronic databases. Training in safe operation of field vehicles will be provided.

Desired Skills and Experience (crew):

·   Rangeland Plant identification preferred.

·   Field sampling and plot layout experience preferred.

·   Proficiency with common software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Word and Access).

·   Experience with AIM protocol and DIMA software preferred, but not required.

·   Experience with demanding physical work outdoors.

·   Familiarity with GPS instrumentation.

·   Experience driving on unimproved or primitive roads.

Desired Skills and Experience (Crew lead):

·   Leadership and team coordination.

·   B.S in ecology or related environmental field preferred.

·   Proficiency with common software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Word and Access).

·   Field vegetation sampling/ID skills (experience with AIM protocol and DIMA software preferred).

·   Experience with demanding physical work outdoors.

·   Experience driving on unimproved or primitive roads.

To learn more and apply please send resume and 2 references to Ben Porter — 208-422-0727 —  Benjamin.Porter2@usda.gov

Fire Policy Position with California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Exciting opportunity to work on the critically important issue of fire policy with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Forest management and fire resiliency are statewide priorities. Increases in the frequency and magnitude of fires is not only a concern for California’s people and property, but for our wildlands and natural resources as well. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has established a position to engage in statewide policy issues regarding the nexus of fire and natural resources.

We want you to join our small team within the Habitat Conservation Planning Branch located in West Sacramento. This new position will evolve as California’s response to fire evolves. However, from the start, this is what you are going to be doing:

  *   Fire policy lead in interactions with the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection

  *   Participating in working groups of the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force

  *   Policy coordination with California’s electrical utilities

  *   Analysis of new legislative bills

  *   Coordinating fuels reduction and other projects, including research on the interaction of fire and wildlife

An ideal candidate will have experience in the field of fire ecology, additionally, a successful candidate may also have a broad biological background, experience with stakeholder outreach, formulating and implementing policy goals, and familiarity with CDFW laws and regulations. Training and support to be successful in the position will be provided.

Eligible Candidates from both the Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) and Environmental Scientist lists are encouraged to apply.

If you have questions, please contact Elliot Chasin at elliot.chasin@wildlife.ca.gov.

You can find the job posting here:


The application period for this position closes Monday, December 16.

Elliot J Chasin

Senior Environmental Scientist Supervisor

Timberland Conservation and Fire Resiliency Program

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch – Sacramento

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

elliot.chasin@wildlife.ca.gov | 916-651-7879

Cristin Walters

Environmental Scientist

Timberland Conservation and Fire Resiliency Program

Habitat Conservation Planning Branch – Sacramento

California Department of Fish and Wildlife

cristin.walters@wildlife.ca.gov | 916-653-3868

Lab technician position in eco-epidemiology

The Diuk-Wasser in the Dept of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology is looking to hire a full time lab technician/manager for molecular and field work on tick-borne disease pathogens.

The lab’s work focuses on studying the ecology of tick-borne pathogens by collecting field samples during the summer months, conducting quantitative PCR and tissue culture and animal-tick transmission experiments during the academic year. The technician would assist in all these activities, help order reagents for the lab as well as help coordinate and prepare for the field sampling season.

The ideal candidate will have experience with DNA extractions and quantitative PCR, will have previous field experience (not necessarily collecting ticks) and have experience working with laboratory animals (optional).

Minimum qualification:

Bachelor’s Degree in the biological sciences

Experience working in a molecular laboratory and some field experience.

Essential Functions

1.      Strong organizational skills evidenced in recommendation letters.

2.      Molecular experience: DNA extraction, quantitative PCR.

3.      Field experience

4.      Laboratory animal experience (optional)

Candidates can apply here: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fopportunities.columbia.edu%2Fen-us%2Fsearch%2F%3Fjob-mail-subscribe-privacy%3Dagree%26search-keyword%3D504881%2520&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C5b9ecf5290c649f5644b08d7796d0645%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637111381480997452&amp;sdata=nGB2SPmhhtX%2Fm56N%2Fs%2Bs4aQVacaoySY6YO6bQIUvsH0%3D&amp;reserved=0