
George Myers Naturalist Intern at NJ Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory

Position Title:          George Myers Master Naturalist Intern

Department:            Education

Location:                  Cape May Bird Observatory and Nature Center of Cape May, New Jersey

Reports to:               Program Director, CMBO & Sanctuary Director, NCCM

Job Classification:   Seasonal Full Time (March 23 through December 22, 2020)

Job Description:  The GEORGE MYERS FIELD NATURALIST INTERN develops a full spectrum of skills through hands-on participation in various educational, research and conservation projects at New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory (CMBO) and Nature Center of Cape May (NCCM), Cape May, NJ.  Cape May is renowned as one of the world’s greatest hotspots for animal migration, as well as being a popular summertime vacation destination and beach resort. The combination of the two, offers great opportunities for wildlife research and education through public outreach.  New Jersey Audubon fosters the application of sound scientific principles and practices to address conservation issues related to vertebrate and invertebrate fauna, and the natural habitats with which they are associated.

Note:  This position is named in honor of the late George Myers, a talented CMBO Associate Naturalist who passed on much too soon. In the spirit of George, the position aims to bring the successful candidate through a full lifecycle of being a field naturalist: from learning how New Jersey Audubon translates research into outreach material and ultimately into conservation, to how we develop and execute programs for youth through adulthood.  The successful applicant will work with the Bird Observatory during the spring and fall migration periods, and for the Nature Center during the summer months, during which time they will go from an active learner to a skilled leader with a clear understanding of the needs of New Jersey’s resident and migratory wildlife, the ways in which we are working to protect them, and the ability to engage a diverse public audience to become stewards of the important resources


Educational Programming

•    Conduct short programs, field trips and workshops on bird id and migration phenomena.

•    Assist visitors with bird identification.

•    Assist migration research counters when needed.

•    Orient and assist visitors to the Cape May Migration Count Sites. Over 500 people may visit per day during peak times.

•    Conduct children’s programming at the Nature Center’s summer children’s nature camp.

•    Conduct interpretive outreach programs (emphasis on local aquatic marine animals) at various locations throughout Cape May County.

•    Assist in all daily operations of running the Nature Center during the busy summer season.  This may include program registration, retail operations, cleaning, gardening, animal care, aquarium and equipment maintenance, etc.

•    Organize and maintain lesson plans, educational supplies, equipment, teaching materials, files and records, and all other programming information.

•    Assist with the design and maintenance of interpretive exhibits, displays, and other center-based informational materials.


•    Strive to increase NJ Audubon/Cape May Bird Observatory membership base.

Community Relations

•    Represent NJ Audubon in the local community, expanding the organization’s presence to increase local awareness, support and participation.

•    Develop material for web/blog site and posting it.

•    Develop brochures, checklists, and displays as instructed by the Program Director.


•    Obtain satisfactory background check.

•    Attend center, department and NJ Audubon meetings and serve on committees as requested by supervisor.

•    Obtain and maintain certification for First Aid, CPR and other public safety certification as appropriate

•    Participates with other NJ Audubon staff to adopt a “team” approach towards daily operations at the assigned center.

•    Assume additional responsibilities as required.

Knowledge and Skills

•    Familiarity with bird migration, birding, marine species and coastal ecology is a plus, but learning on the job is expected and we will provide training and support.

•    Excellent interpersonal skills including the ability to accept direction and constructive feedback.

•    Motivated self-starter with capacity to work in a team setting.

•    Punctual with excellent organizational, time and project management skills with the ability to manage multiple projects, shifting priorities and meet deadlines.

•    Strong professionalism and work ethic.

•    Excellent oral and written skills required.

•    Ability to demonstrate initiative and a positive attitude.

•    Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office) to fulfill the job requirements.

•    Ability to relate to a diverse range of people and exercise cultural competence and inclusion.

•    Willingness to work irregular hours under sometimes difficult field conditions.


•    Bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology, ecology, environmental science or similar field preferred.

•    Flexibility to adjust hours to meet the special needs of the program and organization.

•    Must have his/her own vehicle, a valid driver’s license, and be able to operate vehicle in NJ.

•    Must have the physical capacity to walk over uneven terrain for long distances, able to move materials and to lift 25 lbs.

Starting Date:  March 23, 2020   End Date:  December 22, 2020

Salary:  Salary Commensurate with Experience. Housing provided.

Application Deadline:  January 15, 2020.

Please send cover letter of interest, resume, and three references as a single PDF document (including email and phone contact info) to hr.cmboseasonal@njaudubon.org

We are committed to building a diverse team and strongly encourage all qualified professionals to apply.  The New Jersey Audubon Society is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, national origin, ethnic background, disability or any other characteristic protected by law.

Graduate Position: Crop Domestication and Plant-Microbe Interactions

The Porter lab at Washington State University, Vancouver seeks a PhD
> student to join our research project investigating how crop
> domestication affects beneficial plant-microbe interactions. The
> student will have the opportunity to conduct research that integrates
> across our research in agricultural fields, the greenhouse, the wet
> lab, and via computational approaches. Prior experience in areas such
> as Evolutionary Ecology, Agronomy, Microbiology or Plant Science would
> be useful. The successful candidate will join a collaborative research
> team, so strong communication skills are a plus.
> Project Background
> Over thousands of years of domestication and crop improvement, humans
> have shaped wild plant species into the diverse crops we depend upon.
> While beneficial microbes that live on and inside of plants play key
> roles in plant health, little is known about how a plants’ ability to
> benefit from cooperative microbes changes during domestication. To
> investigate the evolution of plant benefits from wild plants to modern
> varieties, our project uses seed collections and genomic resources for
> legume crops ranging from soybeans to peas as model systems. The
> utility of legumes in agriculture lies in their unique symbiosis with
> rhizobial bacteria, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into useable
> forms, essentially fertilizing the plant. We compare crops’ ability to
> benefit from rhizobia to that of their wild relatives by integrating
> approaches from phylogenetics, molecular genetics, quantitative
> genetics, and genomics. Legumes account for a quarter of global crop
> production and a third of human dietary protein. Understanding how and
> why rhizobial symbiosis evolves during domestication will help
> identify ways to improve crop benefits from microbes to increase our
> ability to feed a growing human population.
> Lab Description
> The Porter lab (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flabs.wsu.edu%2Fstephanie-porter%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmiranda.l.davis%40uconn.edu%7C01a202a492284813827008d787a330e3%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C1%7C637127007280100314&sdata=1HXg92dra5ViSu5d6pnpuMQtmUctAW6AE83%2FaiRNeKU%3D&reserved=0) investigates
> diverse projects on the Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Microbe
> Interactions, ranging from how symbiotic plants and microbes adapt to
> environmental stresses to the ways in which plant-microbe cooperation
> shifts during biological invasions. We are housed in the School of
> Biological Sciences at Washington State University, Vancouver. Located
> on a beautiful 351-acre campus across the Columbia River from
> Portland, Oregon, WSU Vancouver offers an excellent quality of life.
> How to Apply
> If interested, please send an informal inquiry containing your CV with
> GPA and relevant coursework and a short statement explaining your
> interest in the position to stephanie.porter@wsu.edu. Please see
> instructions and information at
> Formal applications received by WSUV before January 10th, 2020 will be
> given full consideration, applications can still be considered after
> this date.

Woodpecker field assistants in Oregon

BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER FIELD ASSISTANTS (3) needed from April 27, 2020 through July 31, 2020 (14 weeks; start and end dates somewhat flexible) for large-scale project assessing how Black-backed Woodpecker vitals vary between unburned (green) and burned forests of southern Oregon. This work is being led by Dr. Jim Rivers (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeople.forestry.oregonstate.edu%2Fjim-rivers%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Caaf3b867c84d4b93351308d78535c258%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637124338257509481&sdata=bKCT9ZuOdvcH4THitvdXirxUgE3kzOttOeSKfM4QRtM%3D&reserved=0) in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University and will take place in the rugged and scenic Crater Lake area of southern Oregon, an area of exceptional woodpecker diversity.

Position duties: Field work will consist of early mornings, hiking alone in difficult terrain, and working long days under challenging field conditions (cold, rain, intense sun, loose rock, hazard trees), including some weekends. Primary duties will consist of locating and monitoring of Black-backed Woodpecker nests, climbing nest trees to extract and mark chicks, using radio telemetry to assess survival and movement, measuring vegetation, undertaking regular data entry, and assisting with additional project-related duties as needed. Pay rate is based on prior experience with range of $500-$620/week; free housing (including utilities) for the full duration of the position, as well as free project-related transportation.

Qualifications: Successful applicants should have a B.S. degree in wildlife ecology or a related field plus a minimum of 2 years of field experience for research assistants (2 season-long field positions = 2 years of field experience) and 3 years of field experience for crew leader. They will also have demonstrated experience with (1) bird identification by sight and sound, (2) nest-searching, (3) bird handling, bleeding, and banding, (4) VHF tag attachment, and (5) radio telemetry to track individuals. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience working with woodpeckers. Successful applicants will also be self-motivated, have a strong work ethic, be able to carry heavy gear (30+ lbs) on steep slopes, work harmoniously in a group living situation, have a valid driver’s license and clean driving record, and be able to maintain a positive disposition under challenging and remote work conditions.

Application instructions: Email a single PDF that consists of (1) a cover letter outlining qualifications for the position, (2) a full-length CV or resume, and (3) the name, email, and phone number of 3 references to OregonWoodpeckerCrew@gmail.com “2020 Crew Application” in the subject line. Review of applications will begin as they are received, and these positions will remain open until suitable candidates have been selected.

JOB: Forest pollinator crew leader and field assistants

FOREST POLLINATOR CREW LEADER (1) AND FIELD ASSISTANTS (3) needed during summer 2020 for large-scale project that is quantifying native pollinator communities within managed forests of varying age. This work is being led by Dr. Jim Rivers (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpeople.forestry.oregonstate.edu%2Fjim-rivers%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Caaf3b867c84d4b93351308d78535c258%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637124338257509481&sdata=bKCT9ZuOdvcH4THitvdXirxUgE3kzOttOeSKfM4QRtM%3D&reserved=0) in the College of Forestry at Oregon State University and will take place in the rugged and scenic Coast Range Mountains of western Oregon.

Position duties: Field work will consist of physically demanding work in challenging conditions (heat, cold, rain, sun, steep slopes, loose rock, logging slash, stinging insects, hazardous plants); working long days, including some weekends; driving on logging roads; and navigating through difficult forest terrain. Primary duties of crew members will consist of collecting pollinators using a variety of techniques (netting, traps) in intensively managed forest stands, quantifying floral resources and nesting habitat, undertaking regular data entry, and assisting with additional project-related duties as needed.

Crew leader position runs approximately April 13-August 28, 2020; field assistant positions run approximately April 27-August 28, 2020; there is the potential for some flexibility on start and end dates. Pay rate is based on previous research experience with range of $650-$750/week for crew leader and $500-$620/week for field assistants. We will also provide free housing (including utilities) for the full duration of the position, as well as free project-related transportation.

Qualifications: Successful applicants should have a B.S. degree in entomology, animal ecology or a related field plus a minimum of 2 years of field experience for research assistants (2 season-long field positions = 2 years of field experience) and 3 years of field experience for crew leader. Preference will be given to candidates who are proficient with insect collection and identification, have previous experience sampling pollinators in field settings, and who are familiar with Oregon flora. Successful applicants will be self-motivated, have a strong work ethic, be able to carry heavy gear (30+ lbs) on steep slopes, be able to work harmoniously in a group living situation, have a valid driver’s license and clean driving record, be able to maintain a positive disposition under challenging field conditions, and have a proven track record of working in a safe, efficient, and cooperative manner in a team setting. Crew leader applicants should have these qualities as well as demonstrated leadership skills and experience making decisions and communicating effectively under challenging field conditions.

To apply: Email a single PDF that consists of (1) a cover letter outlining qualifications for the position, (2) a full-length CV or resume, and (3) the name, email, and phone number of 3 references to OregonBeeCrew@gmail.com with “2020 Crew Application” in the subject line. Positions will be filled as qualified applications are received.

Jim Rivers, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology

Dept. Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management

College of Forestry | Oregon State University

Phone: +1 541-737-6581

Forest Animal Ecology Lab

Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project

Internships (summer) – Holden Arboretum

Spend the summer conducting research at the Holden Arboretum, a part of Holden Forests & Gardens, located near Cleveland, OH. The Arboretum offers over 3,600 acres of forested land, extensive living plant collections, and high-tech laboratories. In addition to research, interns will be involved in professional development, such as: weekly journal clubs, scientific lectures, networking, and presenting a poster of their research at Holden’s SEARCH symposium.

Interns will conduct research under one of four broad themes:

–       Community ecology – How do global change drivers including climate change, non-native species, and land use change restructure our natural world?

–       Plant physiology – How does plant physiology vary across environments and over time, and how does this shape the distribution of plants on earth?

–       Soil ecology – How do microbes in the soil shape plant communities and their function in the ecosystem?

–       Evolutionary ecology – What are ecological and genomic bases of plant adaptation to abiotic and biotic stresses?

Skills learned over the summer may include: plant and insect identification, extracting, amplifying, and analyzing DNA, or measuring plant gas exchange. Regardless of the area of focus, interns will also learn about experimental design, reading and critiquing scientific literature, data analysis in R, and scientific communication.

Open to US citizens and permanent residents who are current undergraduates or recent graduates. Holden Arboretum is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to hiring a diverse and talented workforce. Interns are responsible for their own transportation.

May through August 2020, exact start and end dates flexible

$11 per hour, or about $5280 over the 12-week internship. Shared intern housing available on-site for $30 per week

Submit applications by February 1st, 2020. Include a resume, names of two references, and a letter of interest specifying research theme preference.  https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.holdenarb.org%2Fabout%2Fwork-with-us%2Finternships%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Caaf3b867c84d4b93351308d78535c258%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637124338257499485&sdata=MHO6Z%2F98n0gzobeKJbpu0RlcbdGK5nQwUnSmXZlC3So%3D&reserved=0

Multiple Paid Positions Open for Students and Beginning Professionals

Great Basin Institute’s Nevada Conservation Corps program is hiring!

Spend a season or more working and camping outside at some of Nevada’s

premier natural areas. Serve alongside volunteers from across the country

while making a lasting contribution to Nevada’s natural resources and

heritage. Gain valuable field experience while working on habitat

improvement, restoration, and recreation projects with the U.S. Forest

Service, Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and many

other federal and state agencies. Learn firsthand from federal employees

and specialists about natural resource and conservation careers. Projects

may include trail construction and maintenance, hazardous fuels reduction,

and habitat restoration.

Benefits include:

– Biweekly living allowance – Education award – Nightly per diem  – Housing

stipend – Health, dental, and vision insurance – Student loan forbearance

– Interest accrual repayment – SNAP eligibility  – College credit  –

Applicable trainings and education!

To learn more about the different timelines and positions, follow the links


Forestry or Trail Crew Member – Nevada Conservation Corps (Summer)

Forestry or Trail Crew Member – Nevada Conservation Corps (Summer/Fall)

Restoration Crew Member (Northern NV)

Crew Leader – Nevada Conservation Corps (Spring/Summer)

Disease Ecology Project Assistant Opportunities Available at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies is accepting applications for the

following position:

Disease Ecology Project Assistant, “The Tick Project” (up to 12)

Research:  The Tick Project  is a randomized,

placebo-controlled, double-blind research program to design and test a

tick-control strategy for preventing human cases of tick-borne disease.

The study is conducted at the scale of entire residential neighborhoods

within the Lyme-disease endemic zone of the northeastern United States.

The study emphasizes principles of disease ecology in the context of

disease prevention.

Job Description: Project Assistants are needed to study the effects of tick

management interventions on the abundance and distribution of blacklegged

ticks and risk of tick-borne disease in people. Location is the Cary

Institute of Ecosystem Studies in New York’s Hudson River Valley, with

travel to sites throughout Dutchess County, New York.  Duties include

sampling, collecting, and identifying ticks from residential neighborhoods,

live-trapping small mammals, along with gathering and entering data on tick

encounters with local residents.

Qualifications: Meticulous attention to detail and experience in field

ecology is required. Prior experience with tick sampling or handling small

mammals is highly desirable. The ability to work in small teams and to

withstand hot and humid field conditions is essential.

Employment: Employment to begin between April 13 and May 15, with an end

date of approximately September 11, 2020 with the possibility of extension.

Position reports to Dr. Richard S. Ostfeld and is full time, 35 hours/week.

This is an hourly, non-exempt, non-benefited position. Wages are

commensurate with education and experience. The final candidate will be

required to complete a post-offer, pre-employment driving background check

successfully. Candidates must be authorized to work in the U.S. On-site or

nearby housing is available. Review of applications will begin January 6,

2020. Posting is open until April 1, 2020 or until filled.

To Apply: Please submit a job application using this link


clicking the “Apply Now” button at the bottom of the page. Under “Resume”,

click the “Upload Resume” link to upload a single PDF file consisting of a

letter of application, a resume, and the names, phone numbers, and email

addresses of three professional references. Please contact Patricia Jones (

jonesp@caryinstitute.org) with any questions about applying.

The Cary Institute is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative

Action (AA) employer. It is the policy of the Company to provide equal

employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to

race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national

origin, age, familial status, protected veteran or disabled status, or

genetic information.

Job Opportunity: Field Botany and Seed Collection in NM

Conservation Corps New Mexico is seeking to fill 1 crew lead and 2 crew member botany positions in partnership with the NM Bureau of Land Management. The crew will operate out of the BLM Carlsbad field office in Carlsbad, NM.

The crew will participate in the BLM Seeds of Success program by collecting seeds from priority species across New Mexico. While Seeds of Success is the primary focus, the crew will assist with other plant conservation program tasks, such as implementation of a rare plant monitoring protocol.

Find more information and apply here: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcorpsnm.org%2Fopen-positions&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C424e59958572462cf2c608d782da7b81%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637121747208525760&sdata=gt627J1LWYjH%2B8zNn6PYO7XXK1SBmjDaSLzYyxIV5jg%3D&reserved=0

9-Month AmeriCorps Position Starting January 6th

POSITION TITLE: AmeriCorps Restoration Team Member

STATUS: 1200-hour (9-month) term from January 6, 2020 to August 27, 2020 (Dates Flexible)


REPORTS TO: AmeriCorps Program Manager


LOCATION: Yerington, NV

BACKGROUND: Established in 2014, the Walker Basin Conservancy (WBC) is leading the effort to restore and maintain Walker Lake while protecting agricultural, environmental and recreational interests in the Walker Basin (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.walkerbasin.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb8d318b0d5b242375dde08d7807e8f55%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637119153379427150&sdata=JVe3wkXv0xvcj4ewhv97CEF3yPLuYvrPwSWc%2Fogyc%2Fk%3D&reserved=0). The growing and dynamic nature of the WBC and its diverse obligations provide unique opportunities to develop operations from the ground level up, working closely with staff who are passionate about their mission.

The WBC currently manages thousands of acres of land and assets on multiple properties in the Walker Basin, including the Walker River State Recreation Area (parks.nv.gov/parks/walker-river).  Land planning activities are underway and focus on assessing public use opportunities, conservation values, long term land ownership and stewardship, and revegetation and restoration activities.

JOB PURPOSE: The Restoration Team Members will serve alongside other AmeriCorps members and WBC Conservation Technicians conducting primarily invasive species removal and native plant re-vegetation within the Walker River Basin. Members may also work on recreational trail construction, sign installation, and fence construction. Members will work in conjunction with other WBC field staff, providing on the ground support to larger project operations.

A working knowledge of, or a desire to learn more about, desert plant ecology and ecological restoration, nursery or horticultural practices, or agricultural systems and irrigation equipment is essential. The Restoration Team Members should also have a sincere interest in expanding their knowledge of Great Basin Desert ecology, restoration practices, the flora and fauna of Nevada, and agricultural methods and equipment.

LOCATION: Yerington, Nevada is a beautiful rural farming community located approximately 95 miles south of Reno, NV in the foothills of the eastern Sierra mountains. Yerington is small but growing with about 3,100 residents. Established in 1907, the city has heritage and deep roots in agriculture, mining, railroads, and gaming. Some of the nearby attractions, activities and recreational opportunities include:

*             Camping, biking, hiking, backpacking and paddling

*             Fishing, hunting, boating and OHV trails

*             Flat and white-water boating (1 hour away)

*             Rock hounding and climbing

*             Ghost Town Exploration

*             Ski Resorts (1.5-2 hours away)

*             Lake Tahoe (1.5 hours away)

*             Lahontan Reservoir (30 minutes away)

*             Walker Lake (45 minutes away)

*             Topaz Reservoir (45 minutes away)

*             Yosemite (via Tioga pass, 2.5 hours away)

Essential Functions

*             Under the guidance of a WBC Crew Leader:

o             Utilizing hand tools and backpack sprayers to conduct invasive plant removal and control.

o             Utilizing hand and power tools to conduct native plant re-vegetation and restoration.

o             Utilizing hand and power tools to conduct road decommissioning, recreation trail construction, and sign/fence installation.

o             Installing, maintaining, and operating a variety of irrigation systems for re-vegetation purposes.

o             Identify and harvest native plant seeds for use in native plant propagation and re-vegetation.

*             Communicating effectively and professionally with other members, WBC staff, agency partners, and the public.

Secondary Functions:

*             Assisting with the management and supervision of community volunteers on WBC conservation projects.

*             Assisting with the inventory, maintenance, and repair of WBC tools and equipment.

*             Uploading field data into databases and compiling reports to inform future management plans.


*             Willingness and ability to:

o             Work outside in unpredictable weather conditions, including extreme temperatures, independently or as part of a team.

o             Work irregular hours, such as starting early or working more days with shorter hours, in accordance with project specific requirements and conditions.

o             Bend and crouch for long periods of time and occasionally lift heavy loads or equipment.

o             The ability to hike to remote locations over uneven ground, tall shrubs, and wetlands.

o             Use hand and power tools, operate motor vehicles, and work long days on labor intensive projects.

o             Use chemical herbicides in the treatment and control of invasive weeds while following strict application protocols.

*             Effective written and oral communication skills.

*             Meet AmeriCorps Eligibility Requirements, including:

o             Be at least 17 years of age at the commencement of service;

o             Have a high school diploma or its equivalent;

o             Be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident alien of the United States;

o             Pass a National Sex Offender Public Website check and National Service Criminal History Check; and

o             Be eligible to receive and AmeriCorps Education award, with a limit of four total terms in a lifetime and the equivalent of two full-time terms (3400 hours).

Member Training: Members will receive a variety of technical and professional training related to their service activities as well as personal and professional development. Available trainings may include:

*             First aid and CPR;

*             Leave no Trace principals;

*             Native plant identification and revegetation;

*             Invasive species identification and treatment;

*             Irrigation system installation and maintenance;

*             Recreational trail construction;

*             Resume building, USA Jobs, and government application workshop; and

*             Guest speakers on environmental, natural resource, and professional development topics.

Physical and Mental Requirements

Strength, dexterity, coordination, and vision to use tools and equipment for prolonged periods.  Strength and stamina to bend, stoop, sit, and stand for long periods of time.  Strength and dexterity to operate small, medium, and heavy equipment.  Strength and stamina to endure standing and working for long periods of time and in extreme weather conditions.  Strength and stamina to walk to remote locations over uneven ground.  Dexterity and vision to observe oncoming traffic hazards and react quickly to emergency situations.  Some heavy lifting (over 75 pounds) is occasionally required.

In compliance with applicable disability laws, reasonable accommodations may be provided to qualified individuals with a disability who require and request such accommodations.  Applicants and incumbents are encouraged to discuss potential accommodations with the employer.

Working Conditions

Members work in an outdoor setting with varying weather conditions, including, but not limited to, extreme heat, dry conditions, rain, snow or hail, and extreme cold.  Members may sometimes be required to camp in the field for the duration of the tour. Camping and worksites will generally be in areas with at least primitive road access for crew vehicles, but the spike camping sites will usually be at undeveloped backcountry sites. Both camp and project sites will generally not have access to potable water, restroom facilities, or cellphone signals, and members will be expected to follow Leave No Trace principals in camp and on project. Project work will frequently require hiking over rough terrain while carrying tools and equipment.

Position may occasionally be required to work around heavy machinery in hazardous environments. Environment is generally dirty, with prolonged exposure to conditions such as dust, fumes, noise, or odors. Frequent interruptions to planned work activities occur.

Compensation & Benefits:

*             Living allowance of $11,560;

*             Education award of $4,266.50;

*             Childcare and federal student loan forbearance are available for eligible members at no additional cost;

*             Uniform reimbursement;

*             Per diem when on spike (while camping);

*             Paid personal and sick leave;

*             Paid holidays;

*             Opportunities for extension upon good service; and

*             Opportunities for advancement within the organization.

Housing in Yerington can be difficult to find. WBC has limited and optional housing available for a low monthly rate. Housing accommodations are dorm or bunk style housing with shared bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen areas and common spaces.

Positions will remain open until filled. Only top candidates will be contacted.

Local applicants are STRONGLY encouraged to apply.

To Apply, please send cover letter and resume to:

Amy Gladding


Subject Line: 9-Month Restoration Team Member

All applicants must also submit an Employment Application Acknowledgement form that can be found on our website at: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walkerbasin.org%2Fjoin-our-team&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7Cb8d318b0d5b242375dde08d7807e8f55%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637119153379427150&sdata=ftYKbsYW2NPb2LGtVHwypGEA2DQY1wbot30AtLyluIs%3D&reserved=0

Please call or email Miguel Gonzales, AmeriCorps Program Manager, at (775) 463-9887 ext. 110 or Miguel.Gonzales@WalkerBasin.org with questions.

Walker Basin Conservancy is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.  The above functions may be completed with or without reasonable accommodations.  This program prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation or disability.

Equal Opportunity Statement – Walker Basin Conservancy is an equal opportunity employer. WBC does not discriminate against any employee, applicant, director, officer, contractor, or any other person with whom it deals because of race, creed, color, disability, age, sex, veteran status, religion or political affiliation. WBC complies with all federal and local statutes prohibiting discrimination in employment.

Reasonable accommodations may be provided for qualified individuals with a disability.

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eMammal data management intern

Corrections to previous posting -> Please email SCBIecology@si.edu and start date is February 2020

Position: Data Management intern (6-month appointment with opportunity for extension)

Location: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), Front Royal, VA

Application deadline: 30th of December, 2019

Start date: February 2020 (flexible, but earlier is preferred)

Description: The Field Ecology Lab at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute is seeking candidates for a 6-month internship as a data management assistant in the eMammal team. eMammal (https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=www.emammal.org&data=02%7C01%7Cmadeline.hennessey%40uconn.edu%7C424e59958572462cf2c608d782da7b81%7C17f1a87e2a254eaab9df9d439034b080%7C0%7C0%7C637121747208525760&sdata=BrgAMKTMyfjVYL5Pq35R8iSU452V3BHP%2BtQgJOLjpSQ%3D&reserved=0) is a cloud-based data pipeline for researchers to manage camera trap data, with an emphasis on projects concerning conservation, ecology, and the use of citizen science to meet research objectives. Primary duties for this position will include processing previously completed camera trap data into eMammal, assist with data management at multiple parts of the pipeline and work closely/assist with volunteers assisting with eMammal. There will also be opportunities to coordinate camera trap projects and help project managers troubleshoot issues with eMammal. In addition, the candidate has the possibility to join field-based projects.

Required skills and experience:

–     A good knowledge of computers and programming.

–     Experience with programming software (R/MATLAB/Python/etc)

–     Experience in using these languages for data manipulation and management is desirable.

Duration, stipend and intern location:

The position has a monthly stipend of $1,200 and free dormitory-style housing. The internship location will be at SCBI in Front Royal, VA. SCBI’s mission is to advance conservation of biological diversity. In meeting the Smithsonian Institution’s mandate, SCBI increases knowledge through investigations of threatened species, habitats and communities, and disseminates knowledge through advance studies, professional training and public outreach.

Application procedure:

To apply, please send as one PDF document containing your resume or CV, a cover letter describing your interest, qualifications and career plans, and a copy of your unofficial college transcript to SCBIecology@si.edu. We will begin reviewing applications on Monday, Dec 30th.